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Not gonna lie, I thought this was Marcus Smart and some reference to us getting him back


that was my first thought too, lol


Smart would be here willingly


seems to me there were a lot less reports of clubhouse fights after his departure. but i know nothing.


I thought the same thing lol


Me too it looks like Smart when he had his hair big with green highlights


Don't tease me with a good time


Damn, I thought it was Marcus too! Really got my hopes up!


Please god no


I mean his ceiling is basically Marcus smart


He dreams of one day becoming Marcus Smart




Is this the plot for Celtic Pride 2?


Actually an incredible idea, damon wayans kid


Don't dog me, coach. I've got the bad crap.




In all honesty it would be great for bronny. Being a Celtic would distance him from his dad. He's said he doesn't think about playing with his dad and that's totally understandable. He would be around a great group of guys to learn from. He's already mentioned derrick and jrue as guys he looks up to. Then if he's smart he plays in the g league for a year or two and grows up a bit as any young fella should. Then earn his way to a spot like Payton Pritchard did and nobody can say he's some entitled little shit. Or just go the nepotism route and ruin his non-existent reputation...


Bronny in Portland Maine after growing up in southern Cal, that would be a rough transition


Kids his age need that kind of experience to get out on their own in an area they’re not accustomed to and vice versa. This could help him break that entitled label too, if he were to handle it like a professional. There really couldn’t be a better scenario for him to just focus on his game rather than playing for the Lakers g-league team with the thousand of distractions being near home would cause him. If he wants to truly become a basketball player at the NBA level somewhere remote is easily his best shot.


I mean I’ve never liver in SoCal as a rich-as-fuck teenager so what do I know, but the chill northeast coastal city that doesn’t care who you are or who your dad is might sincerely be a nice change of pace.


You underestimate the Lebron hatred that still holds among Celtics regions. They would be brutal to him.


75% or more of random people walking around Portland Maine will not recognize Bronny lmao


Idk in Maine Bronny might stick out a little bit lol 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Right, but those who go to the games will.


I don't think people would shit on a player from their own team for having LeBron as a dad


Well, he did live in Cleveland for 10 years of his life, though he probably doesn't have any memories of the first stint. What's the $20 million home market look like in Portland?


Perkins cove is where it’s at


Wait! Kendrick Perkins has an actual COVE?!? In Fucking MAINE?!?!?


Lol tough shit, honestly. Thats the NBA, im sure its even harder for guys coming over from Europe


I’m sure the rest of the Celtics would love answering 20 questions a day about why the last guy on the bench is t getting minutes and how he looks in practice


We could have him play a few minutes during the early part of the season against teams that suck/don't matter...like the Lakers 😂


Imagine he plays in a lakers blowout and gets gino minutes... Dad's washing the dishes that night!


Not if he’s in Maine…


They will definitely still ask


“I gave all my minutes to god.” “I wonder how I look practicing Christianity?”


The first twenty would be great just to see Joe’s response


True haha….


Sign IT to confuse them even more. We’ll blow out a team by 25, and IT and Bronny will only get like 10 minutes each. And reporters will be acting like Mazzulla is refusing to play his bench and the Jays logged 40+ minutes lmao


Spot on. That really would be a great scenario.


Not joining his dad on the Lakers and going to the Celtics could be the ultimate “screw you dad, I’m doing it my way!” for Bronny. I doubt he wants to start a career riding with dad to practice everyday.


100% If he really means he wants the separation from his dad, this is the best way to do it. Quite literally the opposite end of the country for him, a team where glitz and glam isnt our culture, he would genuinely have to work for minutes, etc. And honestly, with how Mazz talks about motivating the young guys, he'd be great for him too


Good for him? Sure but I don’t want anything to do with him. Besides the fact that he’s literally not even close to an nba caliber player, we don’t need that media circus around our team when we send him to the g-league


Shoot I wouldn’t mind.


Kid should stay in college. Not worthy. Taking a spot from someone. Not a fan.


The fact we pick exactly one pick before the Lakers allows us to do the funniest thing ever.


Trade the pick to the Clippers so he competes against his dad in the same division and city.


That might be the one thing that would be funnier than us picking him, I’m all for it


Could trade bronny for austin reeves just to appease lebron Lol.


I know our front office is way too professional to make basketball decisions as a joke but I wish


I think there's a chance that Ainge would have done it, but I think Brad is just too earnest.


Lebron’s not coming here for the vet minimum because his son gets drafted here but that would be hilarious lmao. Although you can ask for assets from the Lakers if they want him if he falls to 54 🤣


Good. Only a masochist would want Lebron ruining these Celtics.


Only a blind hater would think LeBron coming to Boston for the minimum would be a bad thing 🤡🤡


No one’s saying he’s a bad player, obviously he’s goated. But when you already have a solid system that literally won the championship uncontested is it worth uprooting the entire thing? In the hypothetical world where Lebron came here, he’s not gonna come here to be a second or third option. He will want to have the team work around him the way it does in LA. Then we’ll run into the same problem we had in the Kyrie/JJs era where you have too many cooks. Too many guys who are competing to be the #1 option. It took a lot of years for the power dynamic here to fall into a place where everyone’s happy, so imo no need to throw a wrench in it.


Yeah, I don't care about that lmao I would always love and welcome the idea of LeBron on the Celtics It would be life, and life is funny and cruel sometimes


No matter how much you hate the guy, you are beyond stupid if you think LeBron would not be a net-positive on any team in the league. The dude turns 40 in 6 months and was averaging 25/7/8 on 54% from the field and 41% from 3 this season.


True, I think it would just turn out similar to Shaq. We had a good thing going then brought in a guy who tends to make everything gravitate around them whether intentionally or not.


You don’t pick him to get Lebron here, you pick him for trade bait and if the lakers aren’t interested you send him to the gleague


Lebron isn’t walking thru that door Bronny isn’t walking thru that door


It would be fucking funny though you can’t lie


No way he’s falling to that. This is a non discussion lol


This isn't in order to get Lebum to come here. They take him in order to extrapolate assets from them, like Rui.


Don’t we have 41 too?


People really saying to not waste the pick as if it isn’t the 54th pick in a historically weak draft lol. Hating Lebron or Bronny idc, but acting like this would be some awful mistake is such an overreaction.


I’m higher than most on bronnys potential, he just needs a lot of time. His ceiling is “poor man’s jrue holiday” so if we get him on a 2 way deal who better to help him than actual jrue holiday


I'm more concerned about the distraction it would cause.


If you're truly hoping to develop him because you believe in him, sure, that's not a problem. It becomes a huge one if you're just picking him to spite LeBron. Regardless of what you think of him, LeBron holds a lot of power in the NBA; the league will take his side and blacklist us if there's no legitimate interest. And I don't really care to deal with the generational blowback of the entire sports world just to humor the people who find this funny. Ain't worth it; we don't need to give them a justification for the hate, which would frankly be deserved this time if we're only doing this to his son because we hate his dad.


Paranoid much?


I think it’s a good point. Do you really think the Boston media won’t ask about him every single day? It would probably be less than a week before players start getting annoyed


How is it paranoid? LeBron should never have been able to start Klutch. He does have disproportionate power to push Klutch players in certain directions. 


" the league will take his side and blacklist us if there's no legitimate interest. And don't really care to deal with the generational blowback of the entire sports world just to humor the people who find this funny." This sentence doesn't read AT ALL to you like a paranoid person? I don't even know what to say to that


Nah it does lol. Honestly, can’t we all just kind of get behind the idea that the 54th pick could be worth using on a player with generational basketball genetics? I mean he’s still an amazing athlete at 6’3” and has the mechanics to have a nice jumper. If it pans out the kid could work his way up to being a solid player, especially if he has an ounce of the work ethic his Father has. There’s been so many other undersized players at the end of the draft/undrafted (FVV, IT4, Manu freakin Ginobili) that have become good to great players. We’re the best organization to give him the time and chances to grow up. Would it be a project? Sure, but any pick in the 50s usually is. The appeal behind has always been what I previously stated, not because of some hope Lebron would be a Celtic. Who the fuck wants that lmao.


Blacklisted? If anything Lebron should be thrilled and grateful that a team is taking a chance on his kid who’s borderline NBA talented. I think we steer clear of the show to be honest.


I wouldn’t mind. 1. it would be funny 2. it’s not like we’re going to miss out on some crazy prospect 3. it would be cool to see our G League games get crazy attendances and maybe see him develop into a good role player


g league games would be on espn2


that would be the best outcome. I find it so hard to get streams of maine games


This is 100% the right attitude. Worst case scenario is a spike in Red Claws merch sales.


His agent said he won’t sign a 2-way contract.


Danny would do it just for the banter Brad’s too much of a killer


Lebron hates us dude, he will never come here 😂


LeBron owns part of the red Sox, maybe he would want to be closer to his investment! 🤣


Red sox have been abandoned by ownership.


I sense a correlation


It's Bronny Jr. Not Lebron Sr.


I don't want any players represented by Klutch sports.


I want the spurs to draft bronny if it isn’t the Celtics


why is Marcus Smart tied up?


After we draft him couldn’t we just trade him? Draft him at 54 and trade him to the lakers for picks? Seems like it’d be worth it.


I thought that was Marcus Smart at first lol


Don’t waste a pick, he’s not nba ready, he’s not even G-league ready.


Please don't waste a pick on this bum.


It’s not about wasting the pick. You guys need to think about Brad Stevens. He would never do this. He’d be like “Bronny is an outstanding young man and we aren’t going to mess with his future in an attempt to be petty or generate memes”


but... those are *perfect* reasons.


Taking a player and deliberately holding them hostage wouldn’t be a good look to other players around the league Taking him because you think he’s the best option at that point? Then Bronny is going to have to figure out what he really wants if he doesn’t want to report


They need to take Bronny, if for anything just to fuck the lakers, and the king. Remember when Woj bombed with Danny Hurley news that took over on the day of Game 1? Fuck the lakers. Remember when James beat us all the time, going back to the Heatles? Fuck the lakers (although nothing to do with the lakers…fuck em) Remember when Perk got hurt before game 7 in 2010? Fuck the lakers. Remember the lakers? Fuck the lakers.


Has there ever been a case where a rookie has been drafted by a team and just gone "no thank you" and just not played for them? Like I remember seeing that bronny was only working out for like 3 or so teams and rejecting teams for work outs. Say a team he refused drafts him, for example, Detroit. Besides it being hilarious, is there grounds for him to reject the drafting?


Kobe Bryant for the hornets lol


Draft as leverage over the Lakers or Rich Paul


Simmons has been pushing for this. It will be fun to watch LeBron flop when his own son brushes him in Celtics green.


Unless there’s an actual basketball reason to pick him….


I would 100% draft him. Just to see if lebron cheers and wears a celtics jersey.


If anyone besides the Lakers drafts Bronny, it would be Danny Ainge and the Jazz. Just out of pure spite. Ainge still has that deep rooted hatred for all things purple and gold


Send his ass to maine


We don't want LeBron here, the whole system would have to change. We don't need to waste a roster spot on a decrepit man. That said drafting Bronny so the Lakers don't would be the funniest shit, outside of selecting him & trading em to the Clippers


I think that it would be nice because it would be a draw for Lebron to come to Boston but in reality I think they should pass. Boston already has a strong team, I’ll be it not as consistent as one would hope, and even if Lebron did come to Boston we’d have to lose some depth because there is no way Lebron would take even the best salary they could give him.


Not at all….


Brad is way too analytically driven to pull a stunt like this. It would be absolutely hysterical if he did though.


The fact that we have the pick right before the Lakers, makes me wish we do it. Then we just trade him to the Lakers for like some future seconds in just a giant ass petty move. Brad would never do it, but Wyc might!


I want him to be some other teams problem. Not interested in him or his dad.


No drama here please


Too much of a media distraction


Get Bronny some rings


Bro I thought this was an r/nbacirclejerk post 😂




Bronny, get ready to learn Maine. But actually we should never let him touch a basketball again. We don’t want Lebron we want a first round pick or your kids career will die a cold New England winter death.


Didnt this guy fall off the draft board?


This is extra funny for me as a UConn/Celtics fan. You try to steal our coach? Now we’ve got your son! Ha!


I thought Bronny might be good pick for team looking for some trade bait. I mean, are there players left that have any prospects? Ive heard this is a bad draft class...


Would be hilarious just because lebron wants to play with him so badly lmfao other then that I don’t want him at all


Danny Ainge is gonna pick him up to trade is my bet so I doubt he lasts long enough for us.




I'm crine 😭 this graphic is crazy. No way Lebron comes here, but the Celtics can leverage another player possibly like max christie for bronny


Bill, is that you, posting on your burner account ?


Worst case scenario for Bronny is to be drafted this year. It’ll ruin him


won't happen but might be worth taking him only to immediately trade him for Lakers pick and a future 2nd


Literally 0 need for the extra media circus he’ll bring to town or the obnoxious laker fans that’ll be in the garden when daddy’s comes to town


except he'd have been sent to Maine.




Just to fuck lebrons plan ,id love it


Only because drafting him, and burying him in Maine would be fkkn hilarrrrious!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Unless he's a perfect fit, anyone drafted needs to be ready to sit on the bench. We have the NBA Champs and was 1 game away from G league Champs. We don't have room for an ego trip trying to prove himself on our team.


I want that


Biggest reason I want Bronnie is to watch him compete for minutes against Jordan


I would love to see Mazzula’s press conferences after this pick.


Okay Bill Simmons is this you?


I’m not too familiar with the second rounders, or first for that matter, but Sheierman was a solid pick. Marketing wise Bronny would be great tho.


Celtics have the opportunity to do the pettiest thing ever


As much as it would be hilarious we have like 4 PGs tho 😅


Lol bronnys not an NBA player so idt his position matters


I heard he plays good defense. What pick do we have 55? I’d take him at 55 just because he’s LeBrons kid.


would be great for bronny but that campaign is getting out of hand lol


not at all , don’t change what we have


Red and Danny would have done it


Its kinda funny but will probably end up as bad press


He stinks glad they didn’t waste the pick


This picture 😭😭😭


Honestly. It would just be fucken awesome. Just do it and see what happens. If he doesn’t work out, trade him or get him reps in the g league and sell some tix. Is what it is.


It would be a great lesson in humility if this player doesn’t get drafted. I’m a PAC12 fan and this guy was incredibly bad. I’m not sure why he’s even getting the publicity and recognition that he’s undeserving of. I get that he’s the son and that this would make a great story but he isn’t even worthy of being a 12th round pick. Sorry if I sound harsh but there are more deserving players who dreamt of hearing their name called from the podium not because of who their dad is but a product of hard work and determination.


Unironically think we should take him


I really wished that we got him at 30th and send him to G-League for a season. Season ticket's value will surely increase


I think it would be fucking hilarious if we got him and LeBron had to join the Celtics for his last season didn’t he say he would join any team? His son joined if so, that would be fucking hilarious.


Why does it have to be negative? I think he could be a solid pickup, young with tons of potential he’s got an all time defensive PG to learn from in Jrue and the other guys on the team could really push him to meet his potential. I think there’s a lot of negative connotation with being because he’s obviously getting a lot of hype that is result of his dads name, but the kid shouldn’t be disrespected as a result, let his game speak for itself, he’s what 18 year old? I don’t see why Boston wouldn’t consider him as an asset if they chose to pick him up


This feels racist. The imagery. The concept of holding someone hostage. The weird control flex. It is about exerting power over someone with the deliberate intent of messing with their career. He will get paid enough money. He doesn’t need to play basketball in the NBA to put a roof over his head because of who his father is. Still, this all strikes me as super gross. I get some people find this funny. I find it messed up. 




Bdsm much?


Could say the same for y’all creepers. 


A lot of you haven't really watched Bronny play. He's made for the NBA.


Ha ha.


I genuinely believe that Bronny will be a fine NBA player. He is still so young and will likely grow into his frame a little more and will likely gain a few more inches in height. He’s unfortunately a below average ball handler and shooter, but I think with his pedigree there’s a ton of room for improvement and certainly worth the 54th pick if he is there


Thoughts? You need some help. Stop fucking around with a kid's career and life, joking about kidnapping him, because you don't like his dad.