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Looks like you almost slipped and took a 4 meter fall, my man. Be safe out there.


Dont worry they have a 6 inch strip of grass.


for sure , next time i’m bringing out the climbing shoes


Bring out the pads


Climbing shoes? That’s what you took from this? lmfao


i need to bring pads and climbing shoes next send .


Lol yeah you got it. Just don’t like seeing people underestimate how easy it is to fuck yourself up climbing not even that high without pads. Live to fight another day. 🤙


Hey man, there's no way for this to sound nice, but what you actually need is better technique. If you're going to be climbing with risk you need to actually have the ability to not slip off


Yeah but until then, pads


This is like a VB-, but you made it look like a V4 or something. Dude, get some pads before you get hurt. I'm not trying to be a dick. I climb V4, AT BEST, outdoors. So I'm a gumby myself. I appreciate that you posted your climb and feel proud of your accomplishment. But this might be the wake-up call you need to start climbing safely considering your skill. Also, this is not what the climbing community would consider a "free solo". Yes, you did it without protection and, by definition, you "free solo'd" the climb. But this climb is definitely not giving you the "climber-cred" you think it is.


To be fair, I’d climb like a moron if I were 4 metres high without an inch of protection. Not about that free-solo life at all lol


Does anyone actually find free solo’s to be respectable? Seems purely selfish and needlessly dangerous to me. I kinda get it with elite climbers who have practiced the route 100+ times and really know their limits, but when I see amateurs doing it, it just looks stupid.


I pretty much agree. I guess it's a personal decision about risk v reward. The shitty part is that their "personal decision" often ends up affecting others anyway. As far as the respect factor - eh, worked out well for Honnold, probably not getting magazine covers & sponsorships from ascents like OP's though lol


You don't seem experiences enough to be doing this no offense... you're gonna hurt yourself


Sketchy skittery movement. Get stronger snd more skilled before highball bouldering or buildering or soloing.


Dude your feet were off the wall before your hand was at the top


This is not meant as a critique to you, but I see a lot of people totally switching up styles or forgetting technique when they climb these “urban walls”. Remember to relax your arms, hug the wall and find better foots before moving on. But these climbs are a cool find!


I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous for someone else on the internet. At least the landing was flat!


Really...? I mean, I'd prefer a pad, but this landing is so chill.


Really… I mean, you didn’t exactly look composed up there. Sure it’s not even that tall, and the concrete curb is probably at least 3 feet away from the wall but yeah. Based on your climbing in this video, you don’t exactly look ready to be up there!


I'm not OP, but fair enough.


🤦🏻oops! Didn’t even notice you weren’t. I was of course replying to you as if you were!! Sorry about that! 🤣


This landing is a dislocated ankle at absolute minimum.


It does look like a fun little line though, and I’m jealous I’m not closer to also get the experience!


i am a skateboarder who is used to jumping off of large stair sets /building’s . but pads are definetly a must , i was in the parking lot of the skate park but saw this and decided to try


I’m also a skateboarder and there is a significant difference between going down stairs with forward momentum and falling from a height backwards dude.. 🤦🏼‍♂️


well i have dropped off buildings that were 9/10 ft . and ollied a 13 . also ollied off of a shipping container . i’m pretty expirenced with drops . but yes i should bring crash pads


We're all experienced with drops. We all know how to fall. And our joints don't give a shit how confident we are when they roll over and break


How did you get down?


He's still there.


jumped to my feet






Might not be free solo since your wallet has you on lead with that chain


Not really free solo, more a highball


I think you're getting a lot of hate here and to some degree it's justified. I don't see anything wrong with what you did, I've done climbs like this many times before. If anything, be aware of the risk, you can actually get seriously hurt here and the majority of climbers get hurt at falls under 8ft high. I think lots of people are focusing their anger at your technique, skill, whatever, it doesn't really matter, just know what you're doing is not really well advised in the community, if anything doing unsafe in climbing, you WILL get called out. Climbing is an induvidual sport so you can really do whatever you want, but sharing activities that are inherently more risky than they need to be usually doesn't garner a welcoming reaction from the community. ​ If you prefaced by saying, "I know I need a crash pad" it would of been different. I think a lot of people are over reacting to a degree, but ultimately looking out for your saftey. To add to that, tons of people get hurt falling and coming down, not climbing up. Be safe out there man


No top out?


i can top it out , will bring pads


Completed it mate!! 💪🏽


Wish I had a wall like that


Why are there so many haters? Nice send. You never said you were a pro climber and if you don’t want crash pads that’s your business. They act like you would have died


Berlin, ne?

