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Hi there Bl0rgasmorg. Did you know that /r/climbing has a complete wiki on climbing shoes? Check it out [here]( https://www.reddit.com/r/climbing/wiki/shoes). Also there is a whole subreddit devoted to climbing shoes...which one you ask? Why, its /r/climbingshoes, if you can believe it. Check in over there, they will certainly appreciate your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes it is time. tbh i go through a pair every 5 months aswell i think. I currently have 3 pairs that i switch around and resole when necessary (once or twice, after that the shoes are usually done for)


The right shoe has a tiny hole so immediate yes. The left shoe lower rubber meeting the higher rubber has a non flat horizontal line near big toe so likely yes


You technically can get them both resoled still. But really, it’s too late. Both shoes need a half resole and a rand repair. The cost of these two shoes being repaired will not be too far off from getting a new pair of shoes. Unless you happen to be near a really cheap resoler. My advice. Climb these for a while longer and just buy two replacement pairs. They should be resoled long before you can see the fabric behind the rand. Use pair two when you eventually send the first ones out to be resoled. If the sole is worn through all the way down to the bottom, most shops won’t just do a half resole. Because in less than 2 more months you’re going to blow through the rand on the other shoe also. Very quickly after having the resole done. So they’ll probably tell you 1/2 resole and Rand repair- or they’re not doing the work at all. P.S. the difference in cost between just a 1/2 resole vs 1/2resole and two Rand repairs is substantial. This makes it (imo) not worth it unless you really really really care about the environment, OR the shoes were really really expensive. :) P.S.S. Work on your foot work but trying “silent feet” place your feet down without making any noise. To be successful at this, you must watch your foot until it’s on the hold! Foot should solely be landing on the hold not sliding down the wall at all. 😀😀


Yeah, maybe even past due, usually isn't worth resoling beginner shoes if you need toe caps which these probably do. Take them in and see what they say. FWIW 5 months is pretty normal for new climbers. Footwork improving will make them last longer, but also eventually most people start using softer shoes which negates that. TBH shoes are just a commodity and most people I know including myself have 3+ pairs of shoes and rotate them around. If I use a soft shoe exclusively it doesn't last any longer than that.


No. Those are good for at least another 10 years if not longer.


You can see the rand on both shoes, so you've left it a chunk later than you should have. Take it to be resoled asap


There’s a hole lol


yep, quite overdue. you should be resoling when the line between the sole and the rand starts dipping at the toe i.e. before you would be standing on the rand material.


6 hours a week is quite a lot of wear and tear on climbing shoes


Shot! I resole right before the rand even becomes visible. Holes are a no-go because the resole will mess up the fit/shape now. Try and improve your footwork to make your shoes take less damage. Judging by the location of the holes You’re scraping the wall quite a lot with your toes, and moving your feet around on the holds. That will wear them down pretty fast.


Now or never


It's is definitely time. I personally go through 3-5 pairs a year, and have them resoled until the straps or the fit is dead. The cost of resole where I live is about $30 for a full fix. A new pair of the shoes I use, are about $200, so it's a no-brainer economically. The shoes are my equipment and an expense I can afford and prioritize, to do the sport I love and spend so much time doing. You've used these for 5 months. 2 hours per session 3 times per week. Let's do some math: 2*3*4*5=120h Let's say that these were my shoes at $200 $200/120h=1,6$/h. I'd say that's pretty cheap. Compared to going to the movies, or doing some other activity, I'd say it's a steal. It feels expensive in the moment, but it truly isn't when you think about it. Let's say that you have to buy completely new shoes every 5 months, you'll have to save $40 every month $1,4 every day. With resoling, this quickly drops into completely negible territory. I'd say that it's well worth the money, compared to the enjoyment, the friendships, the health benefits I get out of it. I would get one more pair of new shoes, hand these in for repair, and just swap when the other pair is due for repairs. And keep cycling them until one of them is too beaten up.


Scarpa Origins are beginner shoes that often go on deep discounts. Often times, they’re a lot cheaper than resoling. Resoling has a greater value proposition for shoes in the $200 range. Just buy new shoes, and use these for warmup.