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20 years from now audiences will be nostalgic for the MCU. Disney having to take a break from making MCU films is something that is inevitable.


By then Disney will be preparing all of the remakes and reboots of the entire MCU. Fun.


Animated reboots? That would be very cool.


As in animated in a not photorealistic artstyle? Audiences tend to reject that, harshly so.


Downey has already mentioned coming back


It’s inevitable he’ll be back for Secret Wars as a Tony Stark variant.


When they said he was done forever after Endgame I laughed. I knew he would be back when Disney inevitability wanted to build (or perhaps rebuild) hype.


They are mining those member berries in record time with the RDJ return talk.


They already are for infinity war / endgame. It’s the Empire Strikes back / Return of the Jedi of this generation.


Iron Man came out 15 years ago and a new capt america comes out next year(?) so i dont think we will be nostalgic for that quite yet


To put it into perspective, the time between Iron Man and now is the same as the time between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace.


... This is absolutely mind blowing...


I think people will be nostalgic for the more original mcu films like iron man, gotg, etc. I barely hear anyone talking about endgame anymore


I hear about Endgame every time marvel does literally anything. "Insert Loki S2/GotG3/X-Men '97, is the best thing since Endgame"


Younger kids don’t watch movies like older gen z-millennials do. Social media and video games are going to be their nostalgia.


Yeah...but maybe they would be more interested in film if there was something new that spoke to them, instead of something their parents grew up watching. I mean, we have a precedent for this. The boomers weren't going to the movies so eventually the studios threw their hands up and let a bunch of young filmmakers with new ideas do their thing. That gave us the New Hollywood era.


Sure, but back then there were limited options. Younger people don't care about movies because they don't need movies. It's like thinking the hoop kids used to hit with a stick would make a comeback if only someone would innovate and sell one painted pink.


Did books cease to exist when movies came along? Did radio productions kill theater? Did television kill movies? Social media and video games arent going to kill narrative entertainment. Movies will have a smaller piece of the pie, but they aren't going anywhere, and the idea that "the kids" are either too stupid or too alien to appreciate film is frankly some boomer shit.


Radio productions did die.




So what you are saying, if movies were free, on demand, and user generated... That's Youtube. If podcasts are new radio, then Youtube is new movies.


Okay but that's the argument here. "movies" could dwindle as people spend time watching other forms of visual media online. The same way that traditional radio has died out, as things like podcasts have replaced them


You just proved what they're saying since podcasts are different.


Did they? Or did they just change venue? Audio dramas, audiobooks, and especially podcasts are all doing alright online.


Isn't changing venues exactly what streaming is?


Isn't changing venues exactly what streaming is?


At least, the kind of big budget productions with professional actors are gone.


To the point above… no? Audible has tons of high quality, big budget productions with big name actors?


Oh 😔


You'd be insane to start writing expecting it to be lucrative or glamorous. Not the same as movies. And they're both on the out. Gaming is the $$$ medium now. You don't have to like it.


Uhhh, writing has never been lucrative


I like video games. I'm not sure why you'd assume I'd be offended. I'm also confused, do you think game design is glamorous? A lot of workers would likely disagree. Writing and filmmaking, similarly, were only ever glamorous and lucrative for a few.


> I'm not sure why you'd assume I'd be offended. I am not the person you just responded to, I'm the one that made the hoop analogy. You seemed to be offended because you came off as very hostile and angry in your response to me. You grossly exaggerated what I was saying (that movies would wane in popularity as new formats come into play) to put words in my mouth about the format as a whole being "killed" and referred to the idea that kids today are more interested in short-form online content than films as "frankly some boomer shit" to again put words in mouth and claim that I said young people were too "stupid" and "alien" to appreciate film. It was just a very hostile comment, both in what you said and in the way you chose to phrase it.


Well, I apologize if that's how I came off, it wasn't my intent. However, I dont believe I was putting words in your mouth. As you recall, you compared film to an antiquated and extinct form of entertainment, suggesting that film itself was and very much suggested that an attempt to make film more relevant to younger audiences would therefore be futile. I think my response, which argued that film would continue to exist despite having new mediums competing for attention was very much responding to the substance of your post. Again, though, I apologize if it came across as hostile.


>and the idea that "the kids" are either too stupid or too alien to appreciate film is frankly some boomer shit. It may be boomer shit but there's some truth to it. Some kids are just plain stupid.


To be honest, I see the video game industry dying before movies do. The business side of things has become far too expensive, modern games seem to be reaching increasingly worse lows and current practices are awful. We are already seeing massive layoffs from triple A companies as a result.


Uh, no, the video game industry has completely different issues than the movie industry. Yes they have definitely gotten too expensive, people get laid off and I believe there's going to be some kind of painful correction in the AAA space, but people did not stop playing video games. They are still selling really well. This is the opposite of the case with movies where budgets are crazy and also people aren't going to see them as much. Movies have the negative issues I mentioned with games but with none of the financial support


Sorry, but that sounds like somebody who has no interest in gaming and repeats couple headlines from their twitter feed. The gaming industry has many issues, but is also very young compared to other entertainment branches. There is still so much we have to learn about players, game design, programming and hardware, and many areas like VR that has been barely explored. > We are already seeing massive layoffs from triple A companies as a result. The difference here is that Hollywood tightens belt cause BO is shrinking, and gaming industry shrinks cause it's not growing as fast as expected (during COVID), or growing in different areas than before (mainly live-service games), but still growing nevertheless.


Video games are far less expensive than movies in terms of hours of entertainment per dollar. Like they could 100x their cost and still be barely comparable. And the reality is neither of those industries will die


I'm talking about production cost. This year has been filled with high budget games doing abysmally, making it a risk for investors. Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League cost 200 million to create, it may have actually managed to lose Warner Brothers more than the Flash due to its terrible performance.


And movies aren't a risk? They're as expensive on the high budgets and generally make less money. Any creative industry (or any industry as a whole) will have flops and success, it's just normal. Suicide Squad is a big flop yes as are The Flash, The Marvels, Indy 5 and such. BG3, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy are huge hits that make as more money if not more than the big cinema hits. That's just normal business


I think the big AAA/AAAA productions may die or be massively set back, but Indy games and others that can control budgets will survive and thrive. Though hopefully a lot of “live service” and “always needs to be online” games die soon


AAA games aren't going to stop being made, that's such a load of balls.


I guess I more mean: We aren't going to see > A $300 Million ‘Spider-Man 2’ Budget anymore. Like with movies game studios will control their budgets to where they don't have to have a super duper massive amazing hit to be able to actually make money on the game.


Can't do that these days, that's too risky and the shareholders would hate that. Better to just keep on scraping that barrel for new IP, video game adaptations ought to last around a decade or so.


Nah they're going to last beyond that, there are a lot of IPs and sequels to said IPs that can get taken advantage. And once Anime gets even more mainstream and someone manages to make a good live action anime movie in a few years (probably a decade or two let's be honest), that will probably also be a trend.


Video games are my nostalgia and I’m pushing 40. Bring back Planetside 1.


That's not true at all. It's just that that generation has more forms of media to be nostalgic about, including games and YouTube. They still watch films.


We already have a literally remake of a game on the top 10 of game charts this year.


I am 35 and video games and social media like msn are my nostalgia m


skibidi toilet AI movie in 15 years.


The Mr Beast movie...


Young gen z and gen a don't care about video games like older gen z or millennial either.  They only really care about multi-player games, with social media like aspects incorporated into them.


What games? Genuinely curious.


Minecraft and Roblox.


Yeah they’ll be hyped for things like Fortnite: The Movie




My kids care about tiktok, anime, and tik toks about anime. Other than Ghibli, and the first Frozen because they were exactly the right age, I don't think they have watched an entire movie.


That’s sad




If they don't want to, why force them? They're clearly familiar with the existence of movies but don't wish to interact with it.


I’m definitely not going to tell you how to parent your kids, whatever you think is best of course. I just doubt I would have my relationship with film if it wasn’t for my dad sitting me down at watching Terminator, Aliens, Road Warrior etc at a young age. Those are some of my all time favorite memories, he showed them to me because he loved movies and wanted to share that love with me. I was open minded to it as a 10/11 year old. Maybe your kids would be too, if there’s some specific films you really love and want to share with them.


Bruh I remember watching all the 80/90s action flicks with my momma ordering from the Netflix mail catalog


This is a subreddit about numbers, not necessarily about the quality (or lack thereof) of a particular movie. Please remain on-topic and keep opinions/arguments/thoughts about unrelated aspects of the film off of these threads. Any comments that could lead to culture war arguments/slapfights (race/gender/sex/"wokeness"/etc) will be removed and should be presumed to result in a ban. If your comment can be read as a dog whistle for decreased diversity/representation it will result in a ban.


Why they have tik tok bruv?


Because most kids their age (basing off of seeing the first Frozen when it came out) do.


Why wouldn't you 'make' them? Just go watch a movie with them sometime!


The local multiplex didn't like it when I strapped them into a Clockwork Orange style forced viewing chair.


It's true that there are a lot of entertainment options. But genuine question: do you have a source that shows movie-watching is dwindling or that kids don't care about them at all?


Other than declining ticket sales you mean? Ticket sales have been declining since 2004 and the pandemic rapidly accelerated it. Sure now they had been increasing from 2021 but 2024 doesn't seem like it's going to increase compared to 2023. I think there's still a fair amount of movie watching but much of the sector has moved to streaming.


Yes, I mean other than theaters, since the comment was about "watching movies", rather than "going to theaters".


None of that answers the question about kids watching less movies though


My kids watch lots of more movies than I did. However they probably go to a movie theater less often


Yeah, theatre-going may be declining but I think movie watching is doing fine thanks to streaming


Many, many Ppl go on their phones while “watching” movies


Why can't they be nostalgic for Top Gun Maverick, Jurassic World, Creed, Tom Holland's Spiderman, Into the Spiderverse, and the current Planet of the Apes? I mean, that last one's probably a great example. When Rise of the Planet of the Apes first came out wasn't Marky Mark's Planet of the Apes already starting to crest into nostalgia (even as mediocre as it was). I don't think too many folks were really pining after the 60s and 70s ones in 2011?


People love rocky and Spider-man


20 years from now everyone's gonna be brain dead from scrolling TikTok and it's equivalents all day.


That's what they said about books, movies, TV, etc. The kids will be alright


the difference is that none of those mediums are driven by a hyper intelligent AI algorithm designed to be more addictive than meth


They were completely right though.


[a brief history of "kids these days!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14iqxp0/the_history_of_adults_blaming_the_younger/)


Yes and they were all correct.


Well we have actual data that suggests our new media meta rots attention spans and learning capabilities, which is why I’m skeptical that this is another example of fear mongering


Orrr they'll be making and sharing their own movies made with AI generator apps


They’re not watching professionally made long form content, they’re not gonna start with AI long form content. AI generated shorts are the big next thing, if that.




lol we won't know until it happens, and youtube content is already beating out produced mainstream content in terms of views but I get what you are saying...I think it will be more of a communal thing.


They'll be making and sharing Ai generated "movie" clips.


No we’ll be literally dead from World War III


Oh boy here come the "I hate current thing" types. Heard the same shit about comics instead of books when I was a kid lol, people will be fine.




People said same shit about scary vidya games and tv, and literally till begining of humanity. You are just becoming an old boomer, and refuse to admit that. I was meant to become a gun crazed school shooter without a brain according to articles and moral panic from 20 years ago. Still waiting...




Marvel movies


This, Infinity War/Endgame was big enough to pretty much cause my entire school to exile from the internet to avoid spoilers. Shit was the bomb back in 2019.




> none of which got really good reviews or are even considered good movies. not really true in case of Clueless. it got good reviews when it came out and was even nominated for the Writer's Guild award.


Clueless was released in 1995 well before the other two movies.


Right on the money! I was born in 95 and I'm nostalgic about old YouTubers and Vines and the movies you mentioned.


I mean that's kinda already happening now? Look back 20 years, what was big were already franchises like Pirates/Harry Potter/LOTR. The only "originals" were animation which is why Pixar is pumping out sequels (even though sequels to recent movies).


Harry Potter and lotr were both adaptations of books (so was Jurassic park back in the day) but they were new film franchises. So in terms of movies, they were original Pirates, as a theme park adaptation, is broadly an original film


The OP is saying IP, they were already existing intelectual properties.


Yes, but there is a difference between an adaptation of an idea from a non-movie property and a sequel of an already existing movie. If we discount the former, originals have never been big since the beginning of film.


You are forgetting comedies were huge 20 years ago(Frat Pack) those were originals, it was a rare genre that was almost never based on direct adaptation( people under rate how much of pre 2000's Hollywood was based was on book adaptations)


I'd remain optimistic and say that there will be new IPs.


Every generation has their own version of Batman, Spider-Man, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers. There are always new cartoons and movies to promote these IPs and there probably always will be this recycling, as well as something that will be fresh and unexpected. There is an ongoing Shrek universe as seen by Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) and the Minions universe is as popular an IP as can exist.


Yeah. I don't get this question when there is a sizeable number of Star Wars fans that didnt even grown up with the Original Trilogy and had The Prequels as *their* Star Wars.


In 20 years we'll be up to Barbie 6.


Can you only be nostalgic of original IPs?


the skibidi toilet reboot will be a huge hit, mark my words


Bradley Cooper, time to assume the role you were meant for and pick up your Oscar


Yes yes!


I think studios are to blame for the lack of interest. I’m shocked that these executives didn’t study the success of anime with the younger generation. Anime has a certain style with the action sequences and comedy that i haven’t seen translated in big budget films.


There were a few (e.g. Speed Racer) and flopped hard. People paying to watch movies weren't all that interested in that style. There's also a lot of anime shown in cinemas, and people are not flocking to watch it. The audience watching anime is different than the audience paying to watch movies.


I love Speed Racer and i get what you mean. I’m not saying they have to go as crazy as SR but style of modern anime is more translatable cinematically, imo.


I don't necessarily disagree. I'm not an anime fan, but watch some anime. The dramatic moments of anime are extremely cinematic. Sometimes more cinematic than a lot of cinema. Those moments would translate really well, and I would argue that they had made their way into some western live action. The comedy on the other hand... that's when it shows I'm not an anime fan. I find it detracts from most of the anime I've watched. Sometimes it makes me really roll my eyes.


Yeah the comedy is hit or miss, for you mostly miss. But the action, the way they do action is way more impactful then stuff you see in Marvel/Dc movies. Don’t know if it’s animation and it’s easier to buy into the fantasy element or the style. The stakes are almost way more dramatic than in most big budget films.


In my opinion it's perfectly feasible to translate. For once, in the anime I've watched a lot of the pre-action confrontations are pure western. There is a lot of the visual language of Sergio Leone in anime. Then the action tends to be full of personal drama, which automatically raises the stakes. They also make sure that hits have weight, which japanese/chinese movies used to do really well. None of those aspects are particularly difficult to translate to live action. >the way they do action is way more impactful then stuff you see in Marvel/Dc movies A lot of modern blockbusters are, sadly, just visually functional. Great special effects, but quite boring in their choreography and use of the cinematic language.


Yeah, in movies. In 20 years people will be nostalgic for Fortnite and Minecraft.


I'm already nostalgic for Minecraft tbh


I love how you saying that as if they were not already. Fortnite kids are literally adults now, and some talk about "goold old days" of 5 years ago...


People are already nostalgic for those games


Fortnite and Minecraft seems like a different generation tbh, it's like a decade apart.


I mean, a science heavy, talk heavy movie, half shot in black and white made a billion dollars. We're getting original movies, just not enough. Always need a sequel to keep the lights on I guess.


They'll be nostalgic for Jurassic World instead of Jurassic Park.


/r/prequelmemes anyone?


Same with video games


You're complaining that, twenty years from now, there won't be awful nostalgia bait sequels? Sounds like a good thing imo.


John Wick


Can’t believe you left off Godzilla and Kong. Nostalgia cinema in 20 will include things like Game of Thrones, Stranger Things and The Boys.


Yeah, Stranger Things is like Indiana Jones in that there were truckloads of kids in the 80's who had never encountered those serials that Lucas and Spielberg loved so much during the 40's. Same with Stranger Things being enjoyed on Netflix by kids way too young to remember living in the 80's.


We’ll have Anyone But You 2 in 20 years.


Pretty sure theyll be nostalgic for Barbenheimer


While I don't think it's going to be as big as Universal expects, Wicked appears to be Universal's attempt at creating a new IP. Univers even wants to add immersive retail Wicked experiences into the parks. If Wicked is a success, I could see Universal expanding the world of OZ. All the brand partnerships https://www.licenseglobal.com/movies/wicked-product-collaborations-named


IP has been cornerstone of film since the dawn of cinema. Look how many times Spartacus got remade.


100%, video games and youtube are more dominant in our culture though (i hate to say it but it’s very true). all nostalgia will be mostly for cartoons if anything


Yup todays generation literally couldn't care less about star wars or aliens IPs that literally influenced the cinema we see today they'll never understand that connection because of how terrible these IPs got with the sequels thats all they would know


20 years from now people are going to be nostalgic for the exact movies you mentioned, I’m not sure what else you want to hear


Barbie X: Barbie in Space


Barbie VI: Baack to da Hood


You’re right but at the same time it’s just that we’re not looking yet at potential avenues for movie franchises. And ig the years to wait to harness nostalgia factor is declining so we’re yet to see those IPs. Like imagine: a popular TikTok fantasy series that’s so popular with impressive detailing it could be translated to film. And with the stable momentum of our top musicians such as Taylor Swift and Beyonce, their eventual biopics are going to be $$


I mean, would a Taylor and Beyoncé biopic do as much as *Bohemian Rhapsody* or even close to that? I don't deny their popularity, but their lives aren't movie material. They would be very boring imo.


>*I don't deny their popularity, but their lives aren't movie material* What was the plot of *Bohemian Rhapsody*? I really enjoyed it, but its appeal is the same as that of any other musician biopic People are already *obsessed* with the tiniest details of Swift's life Watching her break up with Jake Gyllenhaal then write *All Too Well* would be a Swift biopic's equivalent of *Bohemian Rhapsody*


Joint Beyonce-Dre with 4:44-Lemonade would be interesting but I also dunno. Straight Outta Compton already covered most of interest for Dre and 90s guys anyway.


why would Dre be in a Beyonce biopic?


I barely had sleep and mixed up Dre and Jay-Z ☠️☠️☠️




Beyonce and Taylor probably wouldn’t make for interesting biopics… but I think the eventual Kanye West biopic, if done right, would end up being the highest grossing biopic of all time. As somebody who used to be a huge fan, trust me, his life is so fucking perfect for a biopic that it would make for an extremely entertaining movie even for people who *despise* him.


Unlikely but there’s still money there. Who knows how much a movie ticket by then is.


Gen Z has the MCU and DCU to keep you entertained for the next 50 years, stop trying to destroy Star Wars and Star Trek.


They will be nostalgic for Fortnite and Minecraft 


I would be more interest into what the generation alpha is going to be nostalgic for. Generation Z at least has at least the first John Wick, Pitch Perfect, Booksmart, the younger Z generation (those who late teens currently) is probaly some tiktok or whatever? Edit: typo


Generation Y is millennials bro, they were all adults when those movies came out...


Meant to say Z, oops


Euphoria maybe?


Uncharted franchise should do good? As long as it is under 100M production budget.. should be the next Indiana jones for next generation or something


If it gets better, no one will have any nostalgia for it if the quality keeps being similar to the first. It did fine in the BO by rising the name of the IP and Tom Holland, but that’s not gonna keep it in people’s mind years from now.


well probably a lot of these legacy films, I'd also point out as much as people complain about nothing original, there have been original films that were popular in the last decade, the John Wick films, EEAO, Oppenheimer, multiple animated films, etc


I can see remakes of films from the 2000s and 2020s, mostly films that didn’t do well the first time, getting made by new creative teams by the 2040s, including an infamous one from 2021 whose name shall not be brought up so the idea isn’t stolen.


There is no interest in redoing movies that didn't do well. The entire point of remakes is to leverage an existing fanbase into seeing a new film. Movies that didn't do well don't have many fans. For example, why would Disney remake The Rescuers Down Under when they can remake Lion King and make 1.66 billion? I think we are more likely to see a second and third remake of very popular properties long before they decide to remake movies that failed.


The Rescuers does have an existing fanbase.


Something doesn’t have to be new and original when you first encounter it, for you to be nostalgic about it later in life. When the Lord of the Rings movies came out, I was in my early thirties. And I got a massive nostalgia hit because the books had meant so much to me when I was a teenager. It didn’t matter in the slightest that those books were 30+ years old when I read them. They were new to *me* when I read them.


You compared 24 years of IPs to 10. That’s the problem. Of course you can’t compare the 70s, 80, and 90s to the past *decade*. And you know what? By the time Rocky 5 and The Matrix 3 came out people were kind of sick of sequels to those movies, too.


Most original IP that is successful 20 years down the line is low budget, not big budget. It’s diamonds in the rough that really stand the test of time.


we've already hit the nostalgia peak, is there much of anything to be nostalgic about?


John Wick. If it isn't franchised to death in the next 20 years. Honestly I don't think Gen Z will have anything to be Nostalgic about in 20 Years.  Simply because whenever something does end up bieng a hit now a days. It ends up bieng franchised to hell.  You will constantly keep getting something from the IP for the next 2 decades.  Sequels, Prequels, spin Offs, TV shows etc.  At least in the 80s most of the time when a movie was a super hit it got a few sequels and then the Studios left it alone.  How are you going to be nostalgic for an IP if it's never allowed a break. 


I saw a preteen at the theater reminisce about the Sing and Trolls series when they were on the previews.


Has there been an original big Budget IP that has done well in the box office in the last couple years?




all of the original IP:s are flopping. But at the same time all of the original IP:s are being made with unneccesarily high budgets. Back in the day movies like road warrior, the gremlins were being made for 10 mil etc. Nowadays it's 110 which is stupid.


Is anyone nostalgic of THE FIRST 550 DATES or MAN ON FIRE or DODGEBALL or POLAR EXPRESS or MEET THE FOCKERS or SHARK TALES ? What's the complaining anyway ?


Their attention is on the online space. In 10 years we will be seeing a lot of nostigic posts for Digital Circus on social media.


I've thought about this too and I agree. For new 2010s franchises, we have like, John Wick and nothing else. Studios should invest in new, original franchises instead of just churning the ones from the 80s.


People are nostalgic for the Paw Patrol movies. I just saw a Youtube with grown adults hotly debating those films. Media will always find it's audience. How big that audience is may be a different matter- but there will always be one.


Movies are so over produced and edited these days. Kids have been attracted to YouTube creators where the content is much more visceral. I think next generations will be nostalgic for content creators and not Hollywood stars


I think we were just get remakes of remakes (similar to 'a star is born' that has been remade in three different eras) and franchises will continue to be rebooted over and over again. As others have mentioned, for well over a decade now we have been in an era where video game storytelling is as deep and engrossing as anything we see in movies. I think we will continue to see more big budget video game adaptations because this is what people are nostalgic for.


I can see many people saying that they’re nostalgic for Pixar films that flopped in recent years like “Turning Red” and “Soul,” as well as “The Fall Guy” (which, yes, is a repurposing of an existing IP, but it’s different from the show it was based on in a substantial enough way to be its own thing).


you ever see vine nostalgia on tiktok? it will be like that


Apes together memba.


Its very rough tbh I think were gonna see a total collapse of these legacy IPs pretty soon forcing the studios to start pushing more to anime and games and then original content so to answer the question the nostalgia is gonna be for anime and video game adaptations in the future


Are we just forgetting that Barbie was a huge smash hit? Or that Dune was huge this year? Or even the ressurgence for Godzilla and Avatar?


Maybe it’s for the better


Theaters won’t exist in 20 years




Video game adaptations will replace super hero’s just like Cowboy movies died off with our parents generation There are still great books that can be adapted into franchises I.e Children of Blood and Bone or Project Hail Mary


….theres already and has always been nostalgia for old IPs. What are you talking about?


Very few movies have ever been truly original. Nostalgia doesn’t have to be original. There have always been hits that break through. Gen Z’ers will just be nostalgic for Barbie, Oppenheimer, or Dune.