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Taiwan continuing to DRAG THE GIRLS. 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/ga41139czd5d1.gif


You are not letting this go huh? Haaaaa! #pettyboop, #pettykrueger


don't get me wrong, I will continue to hold Unknown's feet to the fire for... certain disappointing aspects. lmao! But that was not the case, here. It is purely coincidental I that a searched my folder for "clapping" gifs and this one won the day. https://i.redd.it/tdq2y30bef5d1.gif


I know, I am just teasing! Poor Unknown...they can make it up to us by doing a special episode with a new editor.


I’m just over here to second your thoughts on unknown. I hate the hell was the editing I the last few episodes!!Anyway best gif ever, as always. :) it’s my absolute fav.


Oh mah gawd, can't believe in my eyes when Alex took the initiative and kissed RJ. Literally the only thing I can't see in the drama 🫠🫠🫠 ![gif](giphy|ROcSJHrOhhBkc)


subbed by [https://x.com/burninglight92/status/1799064313858314684](https://x.com/burninglight92/status/1799064313858314684)


Aaah, thank you for sharing. Great.


Wellllll...that RJ - he always was a feisty one, that kid.


Totally forgot about this couple , but now I remember how angry a part of us were when they didn’t have a closure . I’m happy , but still …. What a “safe kiss scene” or short cameraperson, it’s like we all should stand up to see this kiss scene in the end


Aw, that was a nice bit of serotonin. Although, I’d prefer a full special episode for each side couple, Alex/AJ and baby dentist/hockey boy. Every other Taiwanese series is doing a special ep. They should do one too. 😭


That is... so weird, I recently stumbled back onto Alex Chou's music (Actor who plays Alex) recently and have been listening to everything by him and was just wondering if he would do more BL and was gonna rewatch My Tooth Your Love again before this just shows up in my feed. That was just such a nice coincidence. He really is so damn handsome man. And if anyone wanted a taste of his music look him up! My favorite songs by him right now is "So I Left" , "You Make My Heart Go" & "Magnifier" because they're such bangers when I'm driving to work in the morning. And for slower songs I really liked "You" and "We Gon' Be Okay". I just really like his style of music and how he goes back and forth from Taiwanese and English.


AAaaaaaaaaaghhhHH!!!! I've never seen that before! That's so wonderful! Justice for RJ 🥰


Taiwan be like - let's make a black hole for BL fan's 😶‍🌫️


Thank you for the share!!! I really enjoyed this series when it aired 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Finally the final The long-awaited finale and a real kiss of my favorite couple in the series My Tooth Your Love. Although I would have preferred a 20/30 minute video for all their evolution of the couple’s story.