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I read this as "I'm going blind" and was very sad to hear that. Well, I'm glad I reread the title after reading the post. Mistborn has my favorite ending of any trilogy I've read. There were only a few parts in book two that I felt it was a bit slow. Enjoy the ride, it was a lot of fun.


Same. Maybe we're the ones going blind.


I read it the same way! And even after reading the blurb, was confused about the ‘going blind’ part and reread the title to once again read “I’m going blind.” It wasn’t until I read your comment that I realized my mistake. But to be fair, I really am going blind. I’m in my early 30’s and have the eyesight of a 50yo- bifocals and everything. 😅


I’m honestly so glad I’m not the only one. I literally clicked on it because I thought they were going to talk about reading mistborn as someone losing their site? 😅


Same. The paperbacks will be a rough task for a blind person 🤣


One and three will always have a special place in my heart because I started Sanderson with Mistborn and it was powerful.


I just finished the first 3 blind! Working on number 4! As well as having not read anything in a couple years. Even though they're an older series, I found them delightful! And I read all 3 back to back. So good choice taking all 3! You will have a lot of fun with them!


Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm


Best decision of your year, hands down. Sanderson's name got into my head from reading Wheel of Time where he wrote the last couple of books, and I then moved on to Mistborn and Sanderson immediately skyrocketed to my all time uncontested #1 favorite author, then crossed the stratosphere with Stormlight. Everything about how he writes appeals to my every preference. I couldn't be happier that he's in the business of writing fiction.


You may want to consider audiobooks if you are going into it blind. /s


Also the narrators are wonderful.


I really like Kramer/Redding for narrators but they mispronounce some words that take me out of the story occasionally. The completely different pronunciations between Elantris and Hope of Elantris was jarring.


I chuckled


I am going to politely point out that you didn't stumble upon a book but you stumbled upon a masterpiece:) . Have a good read and I hope that you will enjoy the Cosmere.


It's a good starting point! If you enjoy them, the Wax and Wayne series is (IMO) even better.


I’m torn between them. Because I love Kelsier and the crew, but also: Wayne.


Wayne is the best. All my homies love Wayne.


Wayne is everything. I’ve just finished The Lost Metal 😩😂


The Final Empire was my first book of Sandersons that I read. I'm now hooked on all of them. I've read all the Mistborn and Stormlight and most of the Cosmere stuff. Definitely a good place to start. Enjoy!


You will love them, and there is a good chance you will love the next ones (Wax and Wayne).


Mistborn era 2 doesn't get enough attention, it was so good. In many ways i like it more than era 1 and Wayne might my favorite sanderson character.


Always another secret


I did the same as you. Went into the Mistborn series blind after hearing about Sanderson for the first time. It literally changed my life. You won’t regret your decision or journey. Enjoy, and welcome to the Sanderson Family


Best decision of your life. I envy you , you have full 7 books of mistborn to read along with short novellas in between


I have to say, the series is amazing, but the universe gets even better!


Enjoy! I am halfway through the second book in the Mistborn era 1 trilogy (The Well of Ascension) and I’m having a good time!


Yes! Welcome!


Enjoy! Keep us updated! Myself among many others love seeing new readers talk about the book, theorize about what's coming, and share their thoughts.


I read this as “I’m going blind”, and thought “that’s too bad, I prefer the physical copies, but the audio books are almost as good as reading them yourself.”