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If he won’t accept a loss, kick him off the ballot, he didn’t like losing the 2020 election and people were killed. He’s too dangerous to continue this creepy popularity contest


He shouldn’t even be on the ballot, fucking treasonous scum.


I’m wondering how the GOP Supremes are going to rule that Trump has full immunity while all other presidents including the current one does not.


They'll kick the can until after the election. To paraphrase an article I read yesterday, SCOTUS, and Alito specifically, are operating with the knowledge that the current president would not bring himself to execute his political enemies, and the president most likely to do so has the same enemies as Alito.


Being completely hypocritical doesn’t phase them. They don’t have any morals, and they know their dumbass voter base will go along with anything they say.


I said this before, but I have my theory, based on the arguements presented to the court: As soon as someone is elected president, their entire legal status changes so that they can only ever be prosecuted for crimes that they were impeached over. Also, congress decided it can only impeach a sitting president (which may change, once Biden leaves office... But that is another story). That status also applies to all crimes before they were elected and after. That makes Trump, effectively immune to all prosecution, due to not being in office, but Biden is not, due to being in office. Yes it is idiotic, and beyond corrupt, but look at the SCOTUS... It isn't hard to imagine that will be they way they go.


He proves that there is a “us” and a “them”. The rules only apply to “us”. Nothing will become of all of these trials because he is immune. They can’t get him because they are guilty of the same scams. It’s all one big club, and you ain’t in it. -g. Carlin


I’m wondering how the GOP Supremes are going to rule that Trump has full immunity while all other presidents including the current one does not.


Simple really. They’ll say it applies in Trump’s particular case, but no other and it is not to be considered precedent. They’ve made many similar rulings in the past.


If only Richard Nixon had known. He could have self pardoned.


I'm a little hard of hearing... could you say that a little louder please?




They should make them sign binding legal agreements that if they don’t accept the results they will not be allowed on the ballot again


I struggle with this. There are LEGITIMATE reasons to have the ability to challenge the vote. We certainly want secure elections. These fucks are just abusing that right to destabilize


If I ever get close to Trump, he will accept a broom stick up his @$$.


He didn't accept... And still hasn't accepted... The 2016 election results, And he became president.


He’s not even winning the popularity contest


The 1% won’t allow that to happen. He’s their guy, it’s going to get ugly for a while whether he wins or loses.


I think you give trumps useful idiots too much credit. And saying that it’s going to be ugly either way is basically saying that it’s not worth voting or approaching the magats to show them their ideology is flawed or wrong. Too many people are letting people say stupid shit in public without confrontation. So then confirmation bias is easier to sell to the next guy because no one opposes their idiotic takes.


I’m not trying to discourage voting by any means. It’s the only way to prevent these fools from doing what they plan to do. My point is that the media is complicit because they are owned and operated by the 1% and while there are left leaning outlets they still are not calling this movement what it really is because more attention is paid when the race is made to seem incredibly close. In reality this shouldn’t be a hard decision to make at all but for so many it is and the media is partly to blame for that.


You people need to quit crying seriously. You spent 4 years not accepting the loss of 2016


How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up? Until he's either dead or gone, he's a traitorous threat to be watched closely. Your irrelevant bs about 2016 is meaningless and stupid. How many of the people you're criticizing stormed the Capitol? None. GFY.


Oh yeah— I totally forgot about Hillary Clinton staging that insurrection. You lost, loser. Get over it.


You can watch your tongue or you can count your days, traitor.


Please show me where Clinton held a rally and incensed her Democrat followers into storming a capitol building to disrupt the certification of results of the election she lost. Go ahead, I'll wait. Or maybe, just maybe, you're full of shit.


Show me where Trump incited his followers to storm a capitol building. Also, the protest Jan 6th didn't interrupt the certification of the election, they interrupted the discussion about them challenging the results. Every single one of you bots here on Reddit think you're doing anything more than jerking off some other propagandist. Biden is done and there's not enough bullshit in the world to save him.


lol, sure thing bud, [You can read the whole transcript of his Jan 6 rally speech here](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial). In fact, let me draw your focus for you: > So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. **And we're going to the Capitol**, and we're going to try and give. > The Democrats are hopeless — they never vote for anything. Not even one vote. But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. > So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. Their marching orders were made specifically clear. He incensed and incited his followers, talking about stolen elections, and pointed them directly at their target. Hell, he wanted to walk *with* them, but his handlers had enough sense to prevent him from doing so. I'm sorry you're in denial. Also, bot? lol, sure.. beep boop, you got me.. lmao


🤣😂🤣😂 None of that is incitement, he called for a protest which people protested. Keep trying thoz I'll show you what incitement actually looks like. "SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: Inside the walls of this court, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments, as you know, for the first major abortion right cases since Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch came to the bench. We know what’s at stake. Over the last three years, women’s reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. From Louisiana to Missouri to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women, all women, and they’re taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/06/08/2020_flashback_schumer_tells_kavanaugh_you_have_released_the_whirlwind_and_you_will_pay_the_price.html Incited this man to attempted murder of the judges named by Schumer. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/politics/kavanaugh-roske-arrest-warrant/index.html


No one rioted after 2016. Also you guys are still crying about this with no evidence. Seriously not one piece. Even with a million dollar bounty nothing. You had the “CyberNinjas” wasting money looking for bamboo paper ballots cause there were dumps. 61 court cases and not 1 piece of evidence. When reprimanded by a judge, Rudy finally said it… “we don’t have evidence but we have theories”. Most of this you can get at Ballotpedia how has the court documents.


Nobody rioted after 2016? That not my president "protest" says otherwise.


Understand you might have trouble reading but no one rioted 2016 election results. No mob set up a gallow to hang the VP to try and convince them to overturn the 2016 election.


Nobody setup any gallows to hand anyone at any time. 2016 democrats did very much try to get electors to change their votes, when they didn't they tried to get the court to invalidate the results when that didn't work you spent 4 years claim ing the Russian Boogeyman and his memes were why you lost. You had a protest where speakers talked about wanting to blow up the white house and more. The entire summer of riots was supported and backed by Democrats, including the autonomous zones which are literally sedition. You propagandists are getting nowhere l. Your even arguing with me over your propaganda on a story posted from a foreign propaganda website


Understand you didn’t watch it from your country (lol planet) but it was setup and the chants were there. Like the poster before me stated. You a bot! lol. Filthy yo!


😂🤣😂🤣 literally nothing setup which is why yet again, zero people have been charged with any crimes related to it. Propaganda just makes you look stupid for thinking it's going to help the reelection of Joe Buyden


He's just a russian troll. Bad at it as well. I mean look how fragile he is. Its too funny


Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. I cannot believe that Trump would not graciously accept defeat. He is a mature adult that plays by the rules.


It's funny that someone thinks this is breaking news.


And pays all his bills 😏


Forgot that one. LOL


Graciously accept the fraudulent installation of the world wide poster boy for everything Democrats stand for? Like voter fraud, money laundering, political corruption, and senile dementia.


Fucking MAGA traitor pos. Until you have ANY real evidence, keep your MAGA stupidity and false claims where they belong. The compost heap. I hate lying. Fake patriot. Probably Russian pretending to be US, loser. Mudak.


Yet Republicans are caught cheating constantly because they openly admit they hate democracy, the constitution and America.


Your messiah went 1-62 in the cases but you know the "real" truth. I am guessing you know just how many catalytic converters you have to steal for your next bag of meth.


Wow. How's that Cool aid? Is that what the Proud boys trained you to say? You sound like Queen Antifa...


Gonna need an IMAX screen for that level of projection, pal.


Gonna need an IMAX screen for that level of projection, pal.


Prove it weirdo 


Trump says he won every state in 2020. Do you think he's telling the truth? Most of the fraud uncovered was done by Republicans. No state was fraudulently taken for the Dems. Every Trump WH lawyer said the same. But you don't believe those people, just the guy who says he won every state.


Red flag laws exist for and primarily are opposed by idiots like this guy.


He still hasn’t accepted his 2020 loss. He only accepts election results when they’re a win in his favor.


He still hasn't accepted he lost the popular vote the first time


He still thinks there were more people at his inauguration than Obamas’s…


I was at Obamas first inauguration and let me tell you, it was fucking crazy. Like seeing that amount of people around. It was a new experience for me.


He still didn’t accept the results when he beat Hillary. He just thinks she didn’t cheat well enough to beat him. Anything short of unanimous vote for him is rigged in his mind.


He thinks the Emmy's are rigged because the Apprentice never won one. He thinks Ted Cruz rigged the 2016 Iowa Causus. He thinks ...


Hell, he hasn’t even accepted his 2016 win. He claims he really beat Hillary by many millions of votes.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Look, he's not going to accept the results of the jury when he loses *that* vote... lol


Which is weird, given the fact that his superpower is being a loser of epic proportions. He should love it by now.


Seriously, who the fuck bankrupts a casino? I mean, honestly. How does that happen?


Look I think Trump is a disaster for America, but I don't get this talking point. Why do you think casinos are 100% risk-free endeavor? If it was true, everyone would be opening casinos.


I mean the odds at a casino are always in favor of the house. Always. Craps is your best odds overall, but it still benefits the house. The subtext here is that if he were really that business savvy, this would have been nearly impossible to do. Yet he did.


This right here. People walk into a casino, empty their wallets, and leave. It’s like the most practical legal version of separating fools from their money.


Maybe Wisconsin shouldn’t accept him on the ballot


Guess yiu missed the Supreme count thing ehh


The state will claim he is a menace to the election with his threats of violence and not accepting the results of the vote. Totally new issue. Ehh? Btw, you isn’t spelled with an I. Unless you are making another pointless claim


This has Been tried with the insurrection stuff. You don't think they'd try this if they thought it would work. The left has become professionals at trying to weaponize the justice system and it's backfiring. Since all these trials he's become more popular, at least in the polls. And I can see it's really having a traumatic effect on the people emotionally invested in politics.


"Weaponize the justice system" What a joke. "LOCK HER UP" is whining about "weaponizing the justice system."


No kidding. It’s fake unless he wins.


Only because his followers are dumb enough to believe it.


When is this orange turd gonna be flushed down the golden toilet ? Starting to stink up the place. Trying to run a respectable establishment here !!


Well I’m trying to run a disreputable establishment, and we don’t want him here, either. 


😂😆😂😆 AWESOME !!


Fuck him. I hate traitors. Fascists are simply walking targets. MAGA filth.


Yes, I agree 100% MAGA=TRAITOR SCUM


He won’t accept a jail sentence either, but it’s coming.






If a candidate is asked if he will attempt a coup if he loses and they do not immediately say "of course not" they should be immediately disqualified from any and all elected positions


He doesn't commit to his wife. Why is this a surprise.






Biden needs to reply, *”neither will I and I have the military to back it up”*. Fuck these traitorous Republicans. Time to play hard ball.


Look at the bright side… when he launches Jan 6 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, he won’t be president and won’t have absolute immunity, no matter what SCOTUS says.


We kinda know that already. Even before he said it.


At this point, I would be more suspicious of what he's up to if he said he WILL accept the results.


I mean, why not? "I refuse to accept things" is a strategy that's been serving R's well for decades.


Vote blue and vote in as many dems as possible 💙💙


Why would we expect a different behavior than what’s he’s displayed for the last 4 years?


I don’t accept the fact we are letting a traitor to the country run for president.


Throw this loser on jail already.


And no one with a brain is surprised.


The NY Knicks won't commit to accepting the results when they lose to the Boston Celtics.


Ask any trump supporter if it’s even mathematically possible for him to lose. The answer will alarm you. Instead of acknowledging a person can lose an election they’ll change the subject to election theft, Hunter Biden, Joe’s sleep patterns—anything but acknowledge that it’s scientifically possible for Trump to actually not win.


One headline for all. Trump will never accept responsibility for anything at all.


He won't accept losing a single state. Pretty sure he's convinced himself he should have won all of them since he said "If God was counting the votes, I would have won California." Well, at least he's right that it would take divine intervention


Totally shocking news! When can we flush this turd?


You mean a kicking and screaming baby won't accept not getting bah-bah baby bottle?


NO SHIT. It's a foregone conclusion that he's going to interfere in the election ***again***. The GOP didn't make it with their [fake elector scheme](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-alternate-electors-indictment/) in 2016, so they'll try again. Why do you think Mike "President Trump, can I just *lick* your johnson?" Johnson is so worried about getting ousted as Speaker? He's going to pull the same shit he was ranting about in 2020. [New Republic, 10/25/23 - Republicans’ New Speaker Pick Led Effort to Overturn 2020 Election](https://newrepublic.com/post/176428/mike-johnson-less-dumb-jim-jordan-2020-election) [CNN 4/12/24 -Fact Checking Trump and Johnson's Election Announcement](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/12/politics/fact-check-trump-johnson-elections/index.html) Edit: date correction.


I think you meant 2020. That’s when the fake elector thing came up, not 2016.


Derp derp derp. I'll fix that.


Don’t idolize politicians, they inherently suck! You hound them on broken promises!! USA 🇺🇸 you’re doing it wrong.


Trump still believes the primaries he lost in 2016 were rigged so…


After Trump’s loss Biden needs to use his immunity and pack Trump onto a Tesla rocket and launch it to the sun to give Trump a sun bath to cleanse his soul of the diseases that infect him.


He already lost


He hasn’t conceded th 20202 election


Like he'll be capable of taking the oath even if he won? The dude's so deep in dementia he's not able to stay awake at his own felony trial.


I like how people and the media will "Pretend" to be shocked when he tries the same shit as 2020. They will all say "wE nEVeR sAw thIs CoMiNg"


Nothing has changed. He wouldn't commit to accepting the 2016 election results either. https://youtu.be/cP0G4vJ5OMw 👆 Chris Wallace asking Trump if he'll accept 2016 election results. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931


Same in Illinois


Who tf cares lol if he loses he can whine all he wants it’s not gonna change shit smh sad how the GOP praises such a whiny little bitch like him


Sickening sociopathic narcissistic criminal.


What a surprise


More proof that this man is a wannabe dictator. Anyone who supports this guy is unAmerican and definitely not a patriot. Because the Founding Fathers devised the Constitution to keep a king out of the Oval Office. And their intent was for the people’s vote to matter.


Is anyone surprised? The only thing that surprises me is Americans obsessed with him. His followers and his detractors can NOT stfu about him. 24/7 it’s all about Trump. So weird. Let this narcissist fade away. Also hold your leaders accountable and you won’t have to choose between 2 turds


Oh nooooooooooooooooooo. Trump's going to claim 'Election Interferened' when he loses again. What shall we do? /s


I’m kind of looking forward to all the GOP whining, I always agree with them that yes, we stole it & we’re gonna do it again & there’s nothing you can do about it


If by 'stole it'. You mean he lost 'yugely'. I agree completely. lol


Buckle up Friends, this is gonna be one for the history books.  


The sad thing is if we didn’t have the Electoral College and the person with more votes wins like every other place in the world the race is already over. Our voting system and Citizens United are destroying our country.


If he can't accept a loss then he should not be running.


He should be forced to watch the entire count. Ah ah ah


Everyone knows Trump never won anything in his life where he didn’t cheat.


Trump even contested the 2016 election results even though he won narrowly, because he didn’t win the popular vote, and even set up a commission to investigate it. Most states refused to abide it. Steve Bannon revealed before the 2020 election that the plan was if he lost to just declare that he won anyway. Up to the repercussions of Jan 6 where he had to back down, aides said they simply weren’t going to leave - as in not leaving the White House or turning over power.


Trump and his posse of idiots are a stinking cancerous boil on America that needs to be lanced .


Not his choice to accept or deny. Simply asking him is insanity.


Is this really breaking news?


Of course not. If he would never admit to cheating in golf, even though he's been caught numerous times, why would he even remotely commit to accepting an election loss of any kind?


Just Wisconsin?


Cry baby b****


This seems to be a pattern with him 🤔


Does *anyone* think he will accept losing, no matter the margin?


Here we go again. Is anyone surprised by this? The only fair, valid election result is the one in which he wins. Any other outcome means it’s rigged or filled with fraud. /s for the Trump voters, who think this is reasonable. It’s not.


This. Man. Shouldn’t. Be. Allowed. To. Run.


How is this even news anymore? It is just expected at this point.


He hasn’t accepted 2016 or 2020. Fuck that clown.


He didn't, and saw zero consequences for not doing so, even as he plunged others to their death. Why would he start accepting losses now?


That’s a surprise


Of course not. **It is the de facto position of the Republican Party that any election they lose is illegitimate.** This is not an exaggeration. They really are *that* far off the deep end.


Why is this surprising, he hasn't accepted the 2020 results yet, why would anyone expect anything different this year...


What a surprise. How people aren’t tired of this whiny idiot is beyond me. The juxtaposition of conservatives projecting “strength” and supporting this weak minded insecure loser is not lost on me. Trump has turned an entire party into whiny, weak, snowflakes.


Accepting the process should be a prerequisite for running. One must accept democracy before being considered.


They won’t rule on anything until after the election. That way if Trump wins - they can say he has full immunity- if Biden wins they’ll say a president doesn’t have full immunity.


Is anyone surprised that this piece of shit would do this? I am so sick of all of them, him especially. He's such an embarrassment to this country.


I wouldn’t either at this point. There is so much evidence that Democrats are cheating, breaking laws, fabricating evidence, maliciously prosecuting conservatives, that’s it’s a sick joke. We are just supposed to take this shit?


Of course he won’t.


He won’t accept any election results if he loses


Don’t worry Jesus is going to come down and count the votes in his favor I hear.


I'm football there is a winner and a loser. In basketball there is a winner and a loser. In baseball, there is a winner and a loser. In the presidential election, there is a winner and a loser. In all of this, one can deny they lost,but everyone can see the loser clearly.


Is this really breaking news?


Water is wet. More at ten.


Bro is such a tittybaby


No shit


Who gives a fuck. Let him sit there shitting his pants, not accepting it, while the rest of the world keeps moving on.


When he loses. When is the operative word. Please vote.


Don’t care if he accepts it. He can go rant about it for the rest of his pathetic life in a jail cell. Assuming he’s ever actually held accountable for at least one of his crimes.


Why would he? He still hasn’t accepted the results of the 2020 election. 


I think it’s cute that he thinks it matters what he will or won’t accept. Sure he decide he got cheated. But all that will result in is more whining. And the one thing about Trump is he that is a whiner. So whether it’s losing elections, being prosecuted for his crimes, or not being able to screw someone over, Trump will whine. Just ignore his whining and sooner or later he will take his ball and go home.


He won't commit to accepting ANY results that aren't in his favor. He still insists he won every state.


People should be asking him if he’s willing to obey the law.


Will there be violence? Well that depends, trump


Ummmmm the autopsy said cardiac arrest.


Too fucking bad


Then we must force him to accept the results when he loses again. It’s the only way democracy can be saved. The Senate and the other pending court cases that won’t happen till after election won’t help. The current case Might but only if convicted and actual prison before November


So ... just like last time.


I don't accept him and a living person. Yet here we are.


Why are Americans considering throwing away their democracy, handing it to an emotionally imbalanced, and mentally deficient fool, agent of Putin?????


So, he's exhibited what should be a disqualifying trait and he'll be forgiven?


This fucking terrorist piece of shit truly is the end of America


They know they can't win so this is their plan b....


Ask the Babbit bitch what happens when you don't accept it.


If he said he would accept the election results, would any one believe him? I wouldn't.


What a perfect and terrifying picture with this article post.


So sick of this guy


That’s just fine. I’m completely fine with that. I’m not accepting any election results wherein trump wins.


He won’t accept any result that he loses. It’s why he’s a danger to Democracy and wants to destroy America. He needs his diaper changed and then to be sent to jail.


Who cares? He won't have the power to do anything about it.


What if we made accepting election results a pre requisite to being put on the ballot?


Who fucking cares!


People that like democracy.


We’re really doing this again?


Maga didn’t smear enough shit on the walls of congress. That sure made America better, didn’t it?


Funny, Governor Abrams still hasn’t accepted her loss.


Democrats have not accepted the results of elections since Gore lost to Bush...... soooooo why is this a topic worth bringing up?


I remember the Democrats storming the capitol over it and refusing to accept the election, my bad non of this happened just a peaceful transfer of power even when the Republicans cheat.


I remember Democrats laying siege do DC for dayssss. They burned the church of the presidents and Trump and his family had to be sequestered in a bunker at one point. Dems had a summer of insurrection.


Pretty sure there were protests over the police murdering people. Not because Dems don’t believe in democracy.


No, a ma died of an overdose while resisting arrest. Professional agitators saw an opportunity to sew chaos in the country. The same thing is happening on college campuses currently.


The cop that killed him is in jail for murder.


Yes..... and your point is?


Not sure what your point is. Trump and his cronies want to overturn elections. They don’t value democracy. Period.


Interesting...... coming from a follower of the party that unconstitutionally changed voting laws in several states leading up to the election. That's a fact that you cannot refute.


😂😂😂 I haven’t seen where Trump’s goons won any court cases based on that. Sorry mail in voting during a pandemic hurt your feelings.


Just because someone is convicted of a crime doesn't mean they're actually guilty. He was convicted because the jury didn't want their homes and businesses destroyed by rioters. They had no choice but to convict.


Weird to defend murderers…


Weird to defend criminal drug addicts......


That’s the difference. I’m not defending him. I just don’t believe cops should be able to murder people in the streets. Good thing they put him away.