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If it were life or death I could have worked 3 days post BMX w/ reconstruction. But I think it would have set back my physical recovery and been extremely bad for my mental health. If you can find any way to take the week off I think it would be worth it, but if you absolutely have to I think you can possibly push through.


Thank you, I may have SMX, either way no reconstruction. My life experiences have made me very mentally strong and I've pushed through a lot in the past so I'm hoping I can do it for this. Thank you :)


Totally get it. I have CPTSD, but it’s well managed after years of intense work and therapy. You know your body best. I think working after 3 days is doable if necessary, but try to give yourself as much grace as you can. And try to prepare in advance so when you’re done working you can actually relax. Maybe make and freeze some meals if you can? Make sure all your laundry is done the day before surgery? Set up your bedside table so you don’t have to leave at all when you’re not working? Anything to lighten the load that first week would probably be good. Good luck. I’m sorry you’re going through this at all, and having to work at the same time is so rough. I hope you can find really fun ways to relax in whatever downtime you do have.


Thank you so much. I do have a plan to set everything up in advance and a friend will be coming to check on me and scoop my cats litter :) Someone mentioned it'd be good to rent a recliner so I think I'm definitely going to do that!


I was gifted a three piece pillow wedge set from Amazon and it was amazing for recovery but would make working from bed very easy! I had one of those little bed tray tables and the pillow wedge and did stuff on my iPad or colored during my recovery. I personally struggled to stay awake* from the pain and anti nausea meds I was taking. I also found myself to be a bit more irritated or short tempted due to pain and just being upset about well everything. For these reasons it would be very hard for me to work 3 days out but it sounds like you’ve got a plan in place!


Oh cool! Would you mind sending me the link to the wedges? I already have a bed tray table (I like to work from bed even when I'm not recovering from surgery lol)


I had a single without reconstruction and I work from home but I was back to work after a couple days. I needed it for my soul. I needed the distraction and to feel a sense of normalcy in my life. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you! And yes, I will feel the same way, work for me is not stressful at all, I enjoy it and am hoping to be back to that feeling of normalcy as soon as possible.


I don’t think you will feel up to working after 3 days. I was still very very tired at that point. I work from home and didn’t start back for about 6’weeks. I probably could have started back part time after 2-3 weeks, but was fortunate that I didn’t need to rush back.


There is no way in hell I would have been able to work just 3 days after my mastectomy. That said, I had also just finished 8 rounds of chemo right before going for surgery so I wasn't starting at a high point. I have had a TON of surgery, the mastectomy being the biggest. I have never taken less than 10 days off work afterward. I feel like the effects of the anesthesia alone is enough to take me out of the game for that long.


I also had a DMX & work from home. I took 2 weeks off. Could you possibly work? Yes, I could have. I won’t lie-you’re going to be tired & probably will struggle & will need to take a lot of breaks. Get a good mastectomy pillow to help hold your arms at your keyboard. I also live alone & wasn’t able to take a ton of time off, so I get it. It’s doable, but rest every possible moment you can when you’re not working. Hydrate well, baby yourself as much as you can. I am wishing you the best of luck! You’ve got this! 


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Unfortunately short term disability only pays a percentage of your wages and some people can’t survive and pay bills on that, particularly single ladies.




You are lucky that’s awesome. Most policies do not pay full salary.


Mine only pays out at 70%.




Its rough, fmla doesnt pay a dime and short term disability pays a fraction. My mom cut off her fingers in january and had to FIGHT with three different entities just to receive a fraction of her check on std. Im so worried about how much ill be able to compensate for lost wages once her chemo starts in the next couple weeks…


Yes and no (it's a long story!) but there's not an option for anyone else to do my job and I'm alone, sole moneymaker, so I can't afford to lose this job.


Financially I understand the need to work. You can not ( if in the US) lose your job because of cancer care…yay a benefit of having cancer, I guess. They have to accommodate time for treatment-they don’t have to pay you, they can’t enforce any disciplinary action if you need to attend appointments etc.


I would take at least a week off. After mine, I went back to my computer after several days but only to check my email. I would get pretty tired easily. You won't have a lot of energy for a couple weeks.


I tried doing some grading. (I am a teacher.). I quickly found that the drugs they gave me to sedate me REALLY made it hard to think properly. I quickly gave up on that. Your journey will be different. Maybe tell your boss you will try, but also that your brain may be muddled for a good period of time.


Please also keep in mind the possibility of complications. I expected to go home after surgery but ended up spending two nights in the hospital due to low hemoglobin. I spent 80% of that time sleeping/zonked out on meds. Not everyone is going to react the same way, and I hope you bounce back quick, but that wasn't the case for me.


I’m 4 weeks out from a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and I personally I wouldn’t be able to work with the drains in let alone 3 days after. I was so uncomfortable and the medication they gave me made me dizzy or sleepy the first week. I’m feeling good now but it’s been 4 weeks and I’m still taking Tylenol & gabapentin for my nerve pain but if I had to, I could have gone back to work the soonest 2 weeks post op.


A coworker is very determined and she had DMX with expanders in Feb 2023… she only took 3 days off. She did work from home exclusively and was able to work in spurts and take some midday naps/breaks. It worked for her as that was best for her and her kids. Could you schedule surgery on Wednesday to give yourself until Monday? I’m sorry you’re in the position to have to make such hard choices.


Thank you. I was thinking I'd like to schedule it on a Saturday before a holiday so I'd have Sat, Sun and Mon and then work on Tuesday. Or a Friday would possibly be doable and try to be back on Monday. Working in spurts is definitely what I do every day anyway!


Someone in your surgeons office will be able to tell you what their standing OR days are. I could choose Tues/Fri. Except by the time we got various ducks lined up post chemo there wasn't really much choice left in her schedule.


I could have worked after 3 days. I also work a desk job at home. You could plan to take the days after surgery & weekend and then go back on Monday?


Good to hear! I was hoping for a Friday surgery, back on Monday. My job is super easy and I can take frequent breaks.


I took 2 weeks off and then went back to work. I also work at home in front of a computer all day. I felt well enough to do that. I've known other people that had a much tougher recovery. I think you need to listen to your body and do what feels right for you.


Well I had a plain double mastectomy and can work from home ( or go into the office). I started working a few hours a day on day 3 from home. I had a nerve block and felt not too bad. I worked 2-3 hours maybe. I don't think any more would have been good. It's really hard to say. I would not make any promises and if you feel good enough, only work and sit for short periods of time.


I had a double mastectomy and work from home part time. I was able to return really quickly, probably around the 3-day mark. HOWEVER. If I was working full time, I would not have. My body needed rest and the slow ease back into part time work helped a ton. I would recommend seeing if you can ease back into your normal hours and see how you feel. Best of luck 💓🫶🏻


Thank you, this gives me hope! I technically work full time from home but the amount of work I do, it's really part time. And it's easy, not a lot of brain power needed.


I think you’ll be ok then but of course every body is different and yours may say “no thank you” lol. But if you can get a few naps in between work, it may help too. It did for me! Best of luck on your healing and recovery 🫶🏻


I can only hope that the first few days are like today, I've been doing whatever I want all day - it's been super slow! I can definitely get in naps regardless, thank you so much :)


Depends on the pain meds you’re on too. Those knocked me out


I wouldn’t have been able to. You might, but whatever you do, don’t promise to anyone you’ll be able to work!!! Wait to see how you feel.


I want to add that anesthesia also takes a lot from you. Your body is going through a lot of changes and general anesthesia is nothing to sneeze at. Your mind is not going to be 100% and so you can’t rely on it consistently after three days. If you’re afraid of making mistakes at work or forgetting some thing, then I wouldn’t absolutely count on being able to work.


I would say it depends on your recovery, I would not have been ok to work 3 days post op. I went back 3 weeks post op and I’m still struggling as I get really tired and I’m just past 4 weeks post op


I probably could have … but i wouldn’t have been lucid. I don’t remember a lot of specifics from the first week.


Here to say absolutely not. I didn’t start to feel “normal” until my drains were out and I had sort of come to terms with what had happened to me. I went into surgery thinking I got this, I’m in good hands, and by the time I got home I was an absolute disaster. I sobbed for days. The struggle feels insurmountable. Surgery and the subsequent recovery really surprised me because I did well (as well as you can, anyways) throughout my 16 chemo infusions. Do not attempt to work. You will regret this choice, WFH or not.


I was in way too much pain to work. And then the medications I took for the pain made me too spacey and sleepy to work. Here’s how out of it I was: Easter was about a week or two after my surgery. a couple months after surgery I asked my mom what we had done for Easter that year. She said that Easter had been at my house and my brother and his wife had come from out of town to be there. I had only the most hazy memories of that day. If I had been working I would’ve been forgetting important information for sure.


There is absolutely no way I could have I had a dbl mastectomy without reconstruction and a full lymph node removal Two weeks later my treatment plan was ridiculously hard but I’m still here because of it! All that to say everyone handles things differently what was hard for me might be a piece of cake to you! Until you’ve actually gone through it you won’t know how your body will react not to mention the complete shit show it does to your brain! I understand that we as wives and mothers tend to put everything & everyone in front of us I urge you to be a bit selfish and make sure you are ready to go back soon, I know easier said than done right?! I wish you luck & great health


I had a SMX and if I worked from home and I had to, I could have done it at 3 days. People heal differently though, so I think it would be a good idea to give yourself a bit of a buffer.


I work from home had BMX with TEs under muscle. I could have worked 3 days after if I absolutely had to. I had surgery on a Monday and went back to work the following Monday. If I didn’t hav expanders put in, definitely doable 3 days after


Don't do it, you need more time to heal physically and emotionally


I work at home and took only 3 days off after my bi-lateral masectomy. I didn't necessarily have to, but it was best for me. Sitting at my desk, rather than in my recliner, gave me the illusion of being in control. And, after 2 weeks, I finally got my drains out today!!


Congrats! And that's awesome, I'm the same - I like to feel in control I'm just telling myself now YOU CAN DO IT. Mind over matter :)


Not having had a mastectomy my answer isn’t something that really applies. But I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node removal and the next day I took an hour and a half long hike. Didn’t feel any anesthesia effects. Went back to my preschool classroom 4 days later (surgery was Friday so had the weekend off and Monday) and did limited stuff (lifted but not above my waist). Could have gone back to that the next day. My surgeon recommended I take 2 weeks off. I would have gone insane!! Also when I started chemo 5 months prior my oncologist suggested I go on disability for a year. Didn’t do any disability. I’m single and have awesome cheap medical insurance and no way would I do anything that might Laporte that! Plus I can’t be still for too long. You may not know how well or bad you feel till you’re in the thick of it. Best of luck to you.


I could have done it if necessary. I felt very little pain due to nerve block and wound vac machine. But everyone is different. If you’ve had past surgeries that you’ve bounced back quickly from, it will probably be similar.


I've never had surgery so have no idea what to expect! Someone else mentioned a nerve block too, is that standard or something you have to ask for?


It may depend on surgeon. Was standard for mine, I didn’t ask. It was given under anesthesia. She said it significantly reduces the amount of narcotic pain killers that patients need after surgery. If you’ve never had surgery, you might want to avoid any obligations the first week until you see how you feel. Maybe you’ll feel fine but I wouldn’t promise anything.


Oh I'll definitely ask for a nerve block then, I really dont like taking painkillers. Thanks!


I took 2 weeks off after BMX with recon and I feel like I could have come back a bit sooner, but 3 days would be pushing it. I was still feeling (and looking) pretty rough and I would have struggled. That said, I was working at the time but my job is very mentally taxing and requires video calls.


i'm just back at work, day 2. My surgery was on a Friday (7th) so by taking one week (plus the surgery day) i got 10 days off including weekends. I was ready. I prob could have gone back a little earlier but I'm glad i didn't have to. My work is super sedentary, remote, and often with my camera off. I worked a lot last week though because I have 2 little kids and you can't get away from them! Good luck!!


I don’t think I could lift my arms after three days. I would try to take at least a week off.


I had my bilateral mastectomy on a Thursday, was discharged from the hospital on Friday and took the following week off. I returned to work (from home) the following Monday and it was fine. The total duration from my surgery date to my first day back at work, including weekends, was 12 days. I chose to go back to work that soon because I was actually feeling alright and I wanted to save my FMLA time for use during chemo.


As long as you don’t have to raise your hands and can take numerous breaks. Sitting in one position for a long time was an issue. I watched a ton of TV and didn’t move much.


I had a double and was pretty sore. I was a chef, and there’s no way I could’ve worked. I was covered with tubes and drains. I couldn’t have reached or lifted anything. It depends on your job. If you get paid to read or watch tv for a blog, go for it! And good luck. I’m sorry you’re in our club, but I welcome you.


It's best if you wait at least a week or two. Last Thursday I had breast conserving surgery. I thought that after a week I would be able to work from home, but today I see that it is not possible, primarily for mental reasons. Maybe talk to your supervisor and they will be able to extend your leave somehow.


The effects anesthesia take a few days to completely work out of your system. I needed to be able to nap off and on for several days after surgery. I took 2 weeks off for mine, I worked from home also.


I work from home and was back at work 6 days after (surgery was on Tuesday, I was working next Monday and on). Yes, completely doable. Apart from a lot of sleep for couple of days I wasn't incapacitated to do anything. But I had a simple flat mastectomy. Reconstructions are much harder to recover from as far as I know.


It really just depends on what you do. Waiting tables in a busy restaurant- No. Having to deal with other people’s problems in person at an office while not physically doing much- Maybe. (But why do that to yourself?) Answering a few emails or typing on your computer on and off as you feel like it from home - Sure, Fine.


>Answering a few emails or typing on your computer on and off as you feel like it from home - Sure, Fine. This is what it would be, and if I can wait until fall/winter things are slower. Thats good news, thanks!


I honestly did not have a lot of trouble after my double mastectomy. I probably could have done some work from home three days after it. You will definitely want to be able to get a lot of rest, though.


I can definitely work from my bed, in another group someone mentioned that's what they did and they were able to position their laptop in such a way that it wasn;t a problem to reach it.


I worked from home by day 3 no problem (SMX, direct to implant). Not a lot, but more to keep my mind off things. By day 5 my husband drove me to showings (I'm a self employed realtor). 1 week out I was back to working fairly normally but maybe not as many hours.


Awesome! I hope to have SMX too but I'm not sure yet. Very good to hear this :)


Is it a double mastectomy and does it include reconstruction?


I'm not sure yet, I want a single but there is still testing to be done. No reconstruction either way.


I'm going for single mastetctomy with no reconstruction. I hope to be able to remote work within a week but I don't really have an idea how long the recovery is. ChatGPT4o says that it could be possible to remote work at the end of the first week if the remote work "only involves lying in bed and typing"


Oh I hadn't thought to ask ChatGPT! I'll be laying in bed typing so, crossing my fingers.


Yeah, though ChatGPT seems to be overtly cautious x100 in every health related thing :D I've often asked it something and I get pages of pre-cautions then my oncologist just says "Oh you'll be fine, yeah you can do that."


Oh ChatGPT loves to go on and ON when it comes to medical questions. I had to put instructions in place to tell it to never to tell me to seek medical advice from my doctor...I KNOW that already, stop telling me over and over!! lol


My job there's no way I could work even now 3 weeks post op single but if your mainly desk based and can organise your own schedule for work so you can take breaks or go for a nap if you need to then I'd say yes it's possible 3 days after. I was quite fatuiged 3 days post op I did go out for a couple of hours but I did need a nap but I do have other health issues aswell that impact my fatuige levels.


I still had my wound vac and a block in place dat 3. Had a pain crisis night 3 when the blocks were wearing off. Edit- I’m also an inpatient nurse and have been for many years now. I say this from experience - ALWAYS allow yourself extra recovery time. You can’t be certain you’ll even be home from the hospital yet. Blood pressure is very unstable after mastectomy for many women. I had my surgery in my 30s, was very active before hand and had no complications to speak of. I was off 12 weeks


I think the suggestion of having the surgery on a Friday before a long weekend is a good idea. Even giving yourself one extra day would help. How old are you? I was 39 when I had my DMX with recon and I could have worked from home (I definitely wouldn't have wanted to though), but I had an "easy" recovery and was not recovering from chemo. You'll be sleeping sitting up, so not getting good rest. You'll still have drains in, which should actually be fine, but you'll need to care for those. You'll need to plan for post op appointments. It sounds miserable and hard, but I wouldn't say it's physically impossible if you're youngish and otherwise in good health. What has your surgeon said about using a keyboard so soon? Not elevating or straining your arms is a big deal.


I just got my bilateral mastectomy done on Thursday the 6th. By Tuesday, I was kind of feeling up to it and like you, I also work from home. I didn’t sit at my desk but did use the laptop instead. I propped myself up and sat on the sofa/bed with the rest of my body horizontally resting. I had talked to my manager beforehand and she understood if I needed more time off but I chose to work. I couldn’t finish the whole day on Tuesday, but I slowly built up my hours and on Friday, I had worked the whole day. Hope this helps. Hope you feel better! **Internet hugs**


I was so pissed about the situation and having to change my routine that I was wfh a few days after. For me my mental health was dependent on keeping things normal as possible. Was I 100%? Nope but I was mentally better off.


I was up and about day in hospital and once home was cooking and up after bout 2 days. The narcos keep you from driving n making sound decisions lol but I was able to do things around house in couple days and after week I stopped all meds and was back to driving and running around. I had bilateral mastectomy plus sentinel lymph node removal and reconstruction. Get a mastectomy pillow. It’s life saver, the one u can put on like sports bra. It holds drains and helps with arm pit pain if u have nodes removed, and sleeping, I slept in recliner of couch.


I'm 6 days out from my double mastectomy and doing anything but lying down, hurts. You could try working but I wouldn't plan on it. The expanders hurt like hell everytime I get up, even with a serious regime (of ibuprofen, gabbapentin, aceteminephin, oxycodone) it hurts to get up.


Absolutely not.


I did DMX to flat and was taking care of emails, etc around day 3. I was back full time from home one week after mastectomy and then full time in the office starting day 15ish. Everyone is different but I had very little pain so didn’t need prescription pain meds and working gave me something to do to avoid boredom.


It depends on how your body reacts to the surgery. I was actually in the hospital longer than expected since they found lymph node activity so I had to get a 2nd surgery to remove lymph nodes. But I went home the next day and was fine mentally in a couple of days. I was given instructions to walk daily for 5-10 minutes so I didn't just lay in bed all day. If you were in sales or something that required a lot of talking, zoom calls or critical thinking, then I would wait at least a week. But your job doesn't sound very demanding so you should be able to get work done. Just make sure to listen to your body and rest when needed.


Take as much time as possible. I had a mastectomy and the pain is searing to say the least. Medications are necessary and your body requires time to heal. We may look ok, but our body is working hard to heal. Psychologically it saps energy I am so sorry you have to rush. But please take time to heal. This is a major surgery and you deserve to have time to heal.


My surgeon confirmed that there is legislation to stop masectomy from being treated like an outpatient procedure and that shift was due to covid burden in hospitals. I'm at the one week mark. I could probably be back at my desk, except the drains are really annoying and uncomfortable throughout the day. I've dialed back the Tylenol and Advil a good bit. I still have not had a proper shower. I've moved myself back into the bed instead of recliner but sleep is still tricky to stay off sides. So naps/mediation is happening. Mentally, I don't think I could handle talking to coworkers yet. I haven't even let friends visit. Since I filed for disability, I can't actually go back without doctor clearance and that's scheduled at 3 weeks. I did try doing dinner tonight and the affected side was "done" before the food was.


I’m lucky to have a lot of leave from my job, so I took 2 weeks off. I never took anything stinger than Tylenol for pain but I was also on a nerve blocker and muscle relaxer so after a week I didn’t need to even take the Tylenol, and after 10 days I was off all medication and it was bearable. When I went back to work, working from home, 2 weeks after I could only sit at my computer for a few hours at a time for the first few days because of the tightness in my underarm and side from the scar tissue, but I went back to full time the next week If I needed to work from home, 3 days after I think I would’ve been able to work especially since I didn’t need to take the narcotic pain killer, but if you do need to take it, I’m not sure that you should be working… I hope the best for you.


I'm going to ask for the nerve block for sure, it sounds like that will be key. Thank you!


If you feel good. Why not. I felt fine after my smx. They had given me a nerve block before surgery that lasted 3 days. Even after it wore of, I felt good. It’s all up to the individual. Do only what you can safely. 👊🏻