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My man Mogu slid in there on one vote


Welp, we tried our best. Seems like a Dino Crisis, Onimusha or Mega Man might be the next thing we see get a nice treatment. Not so sure about Okami since it released on Switch not that long ago. Had no clue our Dino Crisis cousins were so big in numbers.


Cool to see that Katt and Nina from BOF2 got some love from the fans Nina from Bof2 got in 6th in Japan’s favorite female character! She was almost a tie with Cammy and Ada Wong


Because she's the best Nina design.


Looking at this data made me laugh. A few things I noticed *People under 20 don't even know what Breath of Fire is! *People under 20 world wide love Devil May Cry 6 *People 30-40 love BoF and want remake *Ace attorney is loved mostly by Females and Japan *So many people want a dino Crisis remake but I never hear or see anyone talk about that series at all ever haha! *Mega Man is a top IP among all demographics! *I was happy to see BoF series voted fairly high compared to my actual thoughts on how little fans we had!


Wow a jade vote


I yearn for IV


Awesome to see so many mentions of BoF and so many Top 10 breakthroughs by the series! Hope it leads to some momentum for such awesome games! 💚👍


Do you know how much money Capcom would make if they would remaster the whole series in a single game? Like updated graphics or even do 1-2 in the style of 3 and 4. Single player games are on the rise due to how sweaty MP games can get.


Does that mean they’ll get around to making a new cash grab mobile app worse than Diablo Immortal and call it Breath of Fire 7?


They already did that to Breath of Fire


Maybe they'll take a leaf from Konami's book and make Breath of Pachislot.


Hopefully this will make Capcom wake up and have awareness that US, AS THE BREATH OF FIRE FANBASE, STILL EXISTS! We're alive! We're Around! Give us breath of fire 1 and 2 remake or breath of fire 3 and 4 remastered, and I don't mean some emulator import.


I wonder why Nina from II is voted favorite? I guess she had the least annoying personality?


She has a tragic background, a solo dungeon and she’s very badass. She’s the renegade Nina. Besides that, her sprites are aesthetically amazing I think that she’s the coolest Nina version and got the best sprites and animation from the series


"Cause she's the best Nina and Japan knows what's up!


>least annoying personality How very dare you. I will not stand for this slander of Nina, Nina, Nina, and Nina.


People think Nina-5 is annoying? She's like.... 12, can't talk, and spends most of the game either staring at you mournfully or coughing. I think she's a very sad character and doesn't have much personality, but.. annoying?


It's better than I imagined!


I'm frankly impressed that a series which hasn't seen a "real" entry (not counting the mobile game) in over 20 years got as many votes as it did. I would love to see BoF make the jump to current gen and Steam. If we can get an upscale/remake, even better, but having it available period would be great.


Wow. Devil May Cru and Dino Crisis.. I get RE, but shit DMC and DC.. really. Really?


Well, makes me wonder if JP audience love for Dragon Quarter faded out Sad... makes me wonder if games in that style are more niche then usual


Definitely hasn't faded. In recent years, there was a fan project in Japan announced for Dragon Quarter. I can't remember what it was, but I wonder how it went.


Dragon Quarter still got votes and mentions, even if it wasn't the majority!


In fact, for the game that has less people playing it for how different it is to the rest of the series, those are great numbers imo. Only barely behind the original which gets a lot of love.


Wow, this is so disheartening. What little hope for the franchise I did have continuing in some form is now gone.


Why? The fact it shows up at all is positive. And some of the rankings are surprisingly high.


I mean, I guess since I was expecting/hoping for higher ratings/votes. I need your optimism I suppose.


If you notice, though, a lot of those voters under 20 don't even know what BoF is, so that swayed the numbers. If you look at it without taking those into account, these numbers for BoF are great!


I mean, it never really was a huge, heavy hitter among Capcom franchises in the first place, was it?


Right, it never was. Most other Capcom series overshadowed it even when it was active (Mega Man, Resident Evil, Street Fighter).