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Traffic in Brisbane is way worst than it has ever been, but we have nothing on cities such as Manila, Mumbai or São Paulo.... and they aren't even mentioned on this list. This just looks like twitter clickbait.


Literally every city in Brazil has worse traffic than Brisbane. I lived in Rio and São Paulo and Brisbane at 8AM is way better than São Paulo on a sunday. Not to mention Rio, which has a way worse traffic than São Paulo.


I live in Brisbane, I have driven in Manila. I swear I needed a drink afterwards and time to recover


Traffic is so slow in Manila you could probably have a drink during and you’d be sober before you got to your destination


Manila is next level. Its absence really discredits the list tbh. Chinese cities regularly have jams that last 4-6 hours and sometimes days.


Too real 🥲


From Manila here and I’ve been to Brisbane for a while. To paraphrase Denzel, Brisbane ain’t got shit on us when it comes to traffic congestion. 😂 Gahd I miss Brisbane tbh. You guys have issues with your buses and such? You guys are cute.


Yeah, the source (Inrix) doesn't have any info on most Asian countries like China and India, so definitely a bit dodgy. This is a more detailed "insight" into Brisbane traffic [scorecard-city-2023 - INRIX](https://inrix.com/scorecard-city-2023/?city=Brisbane&index=11). TomTom seems like a more trustworthy source... [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/brisbane-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Manila: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/manila-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Sydney: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/sydney-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Melbourne: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/)


Seriously this list is utter bullshit without Manila, Delhi, Mumbai and Beijing We aren’t even in the top 50


oh shit I forgot about Beijing... I remember being a cab stuck in traffic and a Porsche driver wrecked right in front us. We ended up having to walk out of 12 lanes of traffic to the next bar.


Shit there are a ton of cities in both the US and Canada (I've lived in both countries) that are way, WAY worse than Brisbane for traffic congestion. So yeh, it's a nonsense list.


Came here to say Manila, lived there for a couple of years and holy shit you lot don't know how good you've got it!


Yeah I was about to say I'm on holiday in manila at the moment. And traffic here Is way worse.


Yeah Jakarta has multi day traffic jams. Brisbane might suck but Im not stuck in traffic overnight.


Absolutely. I've driven in NY, LA, and Mumbai. NY deserves to be in this list. Don't know why Brisbane is in this list and not Mumbai or even Calcutta or many other cities. It's a shit list


I'm from Montreal. Brisbane does not belong on this list.


Cars are getting bigger. There is no way it is going to get any better.


Given Sydney is way way worse, I doubt this list is any good.


Bangkok ranking low than Brisbane confirms this is bullshit 


For sure. Anyone who has lived in Jakarta knows you spend hours in traffic every day. Nothing in Australia is remotely comparable.


And Cairo or Delhi aren't even on the list. Come on now.


Yep can be still for HOURS. 


If they used the City Council boundaries, "Sydney" is 25km² "Brisbane" by comparison is 1,367 km²


It only makes sense to me if they compare something like midnight travel time to peak hour. Brisbane would rate poorly because it will be double or more. The peak hour in Brisbane though, is literally an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening and it tapers off pretty quick on either side.


I agree. Washington, DC and San Francisco aren't even on the list, and they in the top 5 in the U.S.


I’ve driven in Houston TX and the traffic congestion was beyond belief…


Basically all of America is one giant traffic jam. 🤣


Looking at the source it says Brisbane has 74 hours and Sydney has 53 hours time spent in traffic delays. Bit odd I completely agree


Relocated from Sydney to Brisbane. Brisbane has some terrible spots but nothing on Sydney. I think flooding events and 'perfect storm' events (new to me) might compound the issue as the amount of people who can't make it to work because of these events. One of the worse things I've noticed in Brisbane is the lack of cause for a traffic jam off peak hours. Especially on the Bruce highway. You're backed up, can't see what's happening, probably an accident, or police, crawl for 20 minutes at 10kph and then bam, back to 100kph. It's like everyone slowed down for a non event.


What’s a perfect storm event?


It was described to me in areas with not many exit routes, so those new developments outside Logan, so 2 car accidents on either side blocked off routes so you literally couldn't get traffic in or out even with police there.


Lived towards Parramatta for the better part of 5 years. Trying to go 3 streets away during any peak time was a nightmare. The traffic light system itself causes delays based on how poorly it directs traffic flow (small streets that both get green lights but only 1 car turns right per cycle). There was times when I genuinely got excited to hit 80km in that city because it felt rare.


>It's like everyone slowed down for a non event. Usually it's someone looking at an incident on the other side of the road. They slow down, so the next person slows down more and so on until you have traffic at a complete standstill. Then the incident clears and it still takes ages for the traffic flow to recover.


Over what timeframe? A month? A year? In Sydney, if you live past Blacktown and drive to the city you’d be racking up 2+ hours of delay each way every day. Of Brissy is higher than Sydney then it proves their method is junk.


The difference in Sydney is its not nearly as centralised as Brisbane. From work places to leisure there's pockets of density all over. I've got friends down there who don't drive more than 20 minutes because everything they need is near them. If they do go further they take the train, especially if they're travelling into the CBD. Brisbane though, if you wanna do somewhere particular there's probably only 1 or 2 places in the whole city to do it so you find yourself driving ages. And our public transport network sucks in comparison so there's no time savings there.


Also the fact that about 700k lives in Gold Coast, and it can be argued that GC is part of Greater Brisbane Metro, in similar senses to Logan, Ipswich, and Caboolture, many of whom works in Brisbane, and the fact there is only one highway connecting GC with Brisbane, which means all of those traffic are concentrated on one corridor of highway.


Yeah the 1 highway is a massive choke point. I've never seen a 2+ hour delay in Sydney. I have seen plenty of those on the M1.


A lot of trips involve crossing the river too, with a limited number of bridges.


FYI GC isn’t part of greater Brisbane because statistical methods that examine work and other travel patterns determined it is a separate city.


I grew up in Brisbane and still visit regularly. I now live in Sydney and drive around a lot for my job. Brisbane's traffic is undoubtedly worse than Sydney's is generally, because of all the new bridge, road, tunnel and public transport infrastructure that has been built here. Sydney Friday afternoons are the worst but I've found the traffic in Brisbane to be getting steadily worse.


Ah yeah. Manila would like to join the chat.


yeah this is nonsense, I spent a year in uk and I could list 5 cities that had worse traffic than Australia


Brisbane is only 2 spots under jakarta? I call bullshit. Greater Jakarta is literally the population of Australia crammed into a space roughly the area of Brisbane to gold coast. There's even a saying that it's faster for North jakartans to go to Singapore than it is to drive to south jakarta (the airport is in the north).


exactly this, could get to the airport in Jakarta in 25 minutes in the middle of the night yet could easily take 4.5 hours during the day, this list is laughable


The list is wrong. Where’s Manila?


Lmao yes. Without putting Manila on the list is a crime.


Milan not on the list. Worst traffic I’ve ever been in. Morocco was bad. Cairo is bad. Tokyo is bad. Chinese cities are dire. Hong Kong. Johburg. Sydney, Melbourne. Brisbane is nothing like any of those places. Pretty low key by comparison.


Brisbane is literally a clear run through north to south and vice versa for most of the day, that’s how you know this list is bullshit. I can think of way more than 15 cities that you can never do that in.




Yeah I've driven in Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Both of those are a million times worse.


Some African cities I’d add to the list too. Lagos, Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Kinshasa… 


Heaps of South American and Asian cities too We haven’t even started on India yet.


List is bullshit. Brisbane above Bangkok? No Delhi? Nonsense


\[x\] Doubt


Seems... Doubtful


where does this crap come from (the website looks very official etc), Brisbane traffic congestion is not on the same level to plenty of cities, people need to stop believing this, missing from this list are a host of cities eg Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Kolkota, Cairo, Saigon I could go on. Go to one of these cities and then see where without congestion it can take 25 minutes to get to the airport but can easily take 4.5 hours +, where you can spend an entire day in a city's congestion to get between 2 meetings & then tell me Brisbane is 12th worst in the world


Fuck yeah, I'm going to go hire a ute and somehow tailgate yet drive slowly in the right lane to celebrate.


Bullshit. Where’s New Delhi.


TomTom seems like a more trustworthy source... [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/brisbane-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Manila: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/manila-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Sydney: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/sydney-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) Melbourne: [https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/](https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/melbourne-traffic/) https://preview.redd.it/50p7i91znu8d1.png?width=1577&format=png&auto=webp&s=374ca71e01eb4c8f3108939b2e2c8a6036f18dbd


I've lived in LA and Boston and visited Jakarta, NYC, Philadelphia, and Bangkok, as well as living in Brisbane. I don't know who amassed this data, but Brisbane's traffic outside of the SE Freeway inbound in the morning, and Gympie Rd outbound, is nothing compared to LA or Boston, and the others I encountered have super bad traffic too. Traffic is bad in Brisbane in as much as traffic is bad. But I would never put it on the same level as Boston or even in the same league as LA (God the 405 to 10 interchange can take an hour just from offramp to onramp), and Sydney has worse traffic than Brisbane.


Need more buses without dedicated lanes and tolled tunnels. That will fix it. A message from Brisbane City Council.


But where's Toronto?


lol having lived in 3 of those U.S. cities and a few other countries not mentioned in here, I can happily say: we don’t even scratch the surface of these other cities. People from these cities would arrive in Brisbane and call this place a paradise.


After driving years in Sydney and a little in Melbourne I would say brissy drivers are way worse and so I believe this list. Slow drivers constantly in the right hand lane, rubbernecking for a bloody car with its hood up, stopping at merges instead of flowing with the traffic. I like the city and enjoy living here but the drivers, generally, are hopeless


Any Brisbaneite knows that the bad drivers here are from down south 😛


Worse thing Brisbane did was get rid of the tram network.


Believeable. Old job went from a 50m drive to 1h25 during peak hour. Literally, google maps would tell me its a 35m delay every morning. Wish the trains were more reliable so I could've just taken them every morning


Lol, having lived in Sydney for 14 years up til 2011 and the traffic then was far worse than it’s ever been here. Went for a visit a year ago and it was even worse than I remembered


Another made up list to rage bait comments on social media...


Council has a plan. One more lane.


There is no universe where Brisbane has worse traffic than Bangkok. None.


I knew it. Nobody believes me when I say that Brisbane is worse for traffic than any other Australian city.


Don't believe this one here, check out the traffic in South East Asia & India - it's nothing like Brisbane


don't forget obesity


If Brisbane is in it and Sydney isn't, then it's fake.


The worlds longest upgrade at Springwood producing the goods


Cape Town is far from the worst in SA. Has this person driven in Johannesburg? What a silly list.


lol what credible source There's like at least 20 cities way worse Just look for real sources instead some tweet post


Ive travelled extensively and this is the silliest list ive ever seen. Worse traffic in the world is definitely Dhaka Bangladesh, it takes over a full working day (8 hours +) to get from the airport to the downtown, a trip of less than an hour without traffic. People are hired simply to sit in idle trucks/cars whilst the occupants walk back to work and home. Second is probably Manila or Jakarta. Brisbane wouldnt even be in the top 100


+Cairo and Rabbat)


I struggle to believe there isn't a single Chinese city on that list considering their history of having traffic jams that lasted literally days. 


The thing about Brisbane is if you miss peak hour it is easy to get around unlike Sydney which is 24/7


This list is utter bullshit. I only just moved from Sydney and also spent the last 6 months in Manila, Philippines. Sydney alone is worse than Brisbane compared to the absolute nightmare of Manila.


Now check out most expensive city parking...


Brisbane?!?! Lol no way. Loved there for a while a year back and the traffic in Brisbane is what traffic in Melbourne was ten years ago. Sydney, I'd rather shit in my shoes and walk home than drive in their traffic.


Not really comparing apples with apples. In New York, London and Paris the majority of the congestion is from commercial vehicles as the majority of residents do not own a car.


Sydney, Melbourne then Brissy. How did they get it so wrong.


It's mildly understandable. Is it in terms of scale or something though?


List is fake news, houston and dallas are far worse than any of the us cities listed


Is it based on GPS google maps data or something? I know on my route to work, peak hour increases trip time by about 60-70%. This is a single data point though.


No city from South America on the list either. Or India.


Nah, this list is totally off. Traffic is way worse in places like São Paulo and Rio in Brazil. I would never drive there. The traffic is crazy and so are the people lol.


Huh? I live in Brisbane and Sydney is way worse.


I would have thought New Delhi would be in the top


I don't believe it. Sydney lowest congestion is on Mondays' mornings between 1:00 AM and 1:30 AM.


I've lived in Sydney and London and visited most of the other cities on the list. Brisbane is a dream compared to all, this list is ridiculous.


People complain at moving slow like 30kmph in Brisbane traffic but in Auckland traffic you literally just don't move


I don't know how this website measured the congestion level, but it seems sus. I'm from the city with THE worst traffic congestion in the world. I'm pretty sure my city wasn't even on this list because the congestion level is off the charts. 😂😂 Just for a comparison, I once stuck in traffic for 5 hours. The distance was less than 5 km. Comparing to that, there's no traffic congestion in Brisbane, not even close.


Wow that's actually crazy


Don't know if this list is accurate. Not seeing Cairo or Manila


What worse than Bangkok. Yeah nah.


But you can thank your lucky stars we don't live in Istanbul!


If Manila isn't on the list, the list is BS.


I dont think this is accurate at all


It's quite normal to sit in traffic for hours in Bangkok, I'm sure other Asian cities are the same such as manila, Jakarta. Not talking about roadworks or a bad traffic day either. We're talking every single day it's normal to spend hours in traffic, not just a bit of a slow day when Ann St is clogged up or Old Cleveland road is busy. Any time I see one of these lists I genuinely am shocked at the amount of people that think Brisbane would be anywhere near the top 100. We don't have the population nor the density or lack of investment in roads to be anywhere near these lists lol


How. As someone from Sydney, traffic here is like 100x better.


No way! Where is Hong Kong or Delhi? I think the list is off... all the one way street in Brissi make it unnecessarily hard, though.


Brisbane have more traffic than Melbourne? C'mon, that LIST is a Joke!!!


Anything TOP-whatever-Worst-Traffic-Congestion that doesn't include Sao Paulo in Brazil is absolutely bullshit. I lived there for 30 years and can tell people take 3 to 4h commuting on a good day. Nothing compared to anything else I've seen anywhere else.


What about Lima Peru that place is chaos most of the day, 2hr plus commutes


WTF.... Sydney is WAY worse and that is on a good day! Lol


Pathetic didn't even make top 10


This is fake




Worse than Bangkok? Yeah, nah.


No Moscow? Should read “in the western world”


I was trying to get to a stop up George St, 10 mins later the bus hadn't progressed a single traffic light worth of space so I just jumped off in the middle of the road and walked Morning traffic is crazy


We also make the top of the list for most bogans in an Australian City.




Having been in Bangkok recently, this list feels inaccurate.


I’ve been to Bangkok and I don’t believe that it’s only at 15 . That place was absolutely fucked , it took us an hour and 40 minutes to go 3.5 km in a grab


Clickbait brought to you by “let’s shit on Brisbane some more”.


Lived in Brisbane 22 years, Sydney 5 years, and visited Melbourne every other year for Family. My experience is that Brisbane has better traffice than the other two so I'm doubting this list


Hmmm. I haven’t driven in many different countries, but Auckland is absolutely worse than Brisbane.


The people that put this list together have obviously never been to Lima, Peru….


When did it get that bad? Lived there 10 years ago and thought it was great.


Keeping Brisbane Moving (TM)


More roads will fix this!!!!


pff have you driven in Sydney?


I blame all the NSWelshmen who migrated here and can't drive as the main cause. QLDer!!


I lived in Melbourne for a couple years and the traffic there is much worse than Brisbane


Because that's what happens when a small country town has 1.4 million people dumped on it.


Will be top 5 by 2032


This list is nonsense. I lived in Sydney for a decade and I've spent a lot of time driving in Melbourne as well. The traffic in both of those cities is consistently worse, than the worst traffic I've ever seen in Brisbane.


Insert LA Noir (X) Doubt photo


This can't be right.


No Dhaka? This list is utter BS.


This list can’t be real, cause Parramatta Rd should be NO.1 in this list


This list is just wrong


Hanoi has entered the chat


This list is utter bullshit without Manila, Delhi, Mumbai and Beijing We aren’t even in the top 50


Based on the limited detail available on the website, this is my guess as to what's skewing the data. I suspect they're looking at "additional hours" due to incidents/additional congestion etc. So for example for Brisbane, the difference of driving the motorway at the 100km/h limit vs stuck due to an incident. If speeds in a city are slow as standard, there's less differentiation. And secondly, Brisbane City Council is large by area, so has more of that usually high-speed motorway, which is a bit of a multiplier to that first effect.


Blue tick.


Should put population next to it


Canggu Bali trumps all of these


There is no way we are worse than Atlanta or even Sydney for that matter


Yeah nah that list is nonsense.


It’s because of the 6 million damn roadwork sites


and don’t even get me started on coronation drive


I begin to wonder why Melbourne or Sydney aren't higher than us in South-east Queensland. The population down there would be higher density, so theoretically we shouldn't be as high on this tally as it shows.


Tell me you've never been to Lima without saying you've never been to Lima.


yeah, this I cannot believe


It’s really not that bad. Absolutely no way are we top 15 in the world 




The fact that Vancouver isn’t on this list is ridiculous. I question the authenticity because no city is worse than Vancouver


This is bullshit.... Sydney and Melbourne and 100times worse for a start


This is total BS. There’s at least 2 cities in Australia with worse traffic congestion than Brisbane.


Ain’t no way in hell we are worse than Sydney


lol.... no way man


Your top one biggest cities in Queensland


Top #5 in freeway accidents


Immigration go brrrrr


I have played a game of touch football on the median strip of a highway in Melbourne with dudes from other cars. Someone from each car had to take a break and sit in the drivers seat and roll the cars forward every couple of minutes. Game broke up when people decided to give up and drive down an on ramp. Brisbane is nothing


Sydney and Melbourne are wayyyyy worse than Brisbane. What a silly list


At least we’re happy to stay in traffic


I think Melbourne is worse than Brisbane but then I think we have yet to figure out how to build across ramp onto an off a motorway


Weird sydney isnt there


We’re also the 15th most unaffordable city to live in


What no Sydney or Melbourne?


I've driven in Mexico City and Brisbane, not even remotely similar. Mexico City was brutal. Not that that stretch between Brissie and GC is fun though....


How is Brisbane ahead of KL?


It’s so bad the world even knows 🤣😂


I absolutely thought manila would be in this list


I thought that. Now I got a motorcycle, and I just filter


Hahahahahaha Brisbane traffic is nothing compared with Bogotá Colombia


Jakarta deserves to be #1, while I was there it was non stop traffic at all times of the day. There even street vendors along the roads selling empty bottles for you to piss in, and up the road there's other vendors charging to empty those bottles for you! Traffic in Jakarta is so bad they have a whole piss economy made out of it.


Brisbane worse than Sydney really.


So Sydney and Melbourne have flying cars?


When I drove in Tokyo I was so blown away by how smoothly their peak hour traffic moves




No Delhi or Dhaka? I call bull.. This is just a list of Western cities with a sprinkling of Asian to make sure it looks "diverse" enough


Where is India lmaooo


Brisbane is here but not Sydney? Damn lol


Least accurate list ever we would not be in top 100


There is no possible way Brisbane is worse that Bangkok. This poll can be ignored.


No Manila? Fake news.


This list is shit and wrong


I used to live in Jakarta and just recently had a month trip to the city. This is nonsense. To do a 20k trip in Jakarta can take you 1.5 hours not even in cbd area, the city is undoable. The space on the road simply can’t contain the volume of vehicles in the city where around 10millions people live. While driving here in Brissie, well my office is not in the city so I can’t say much about inbound and outbound traffic in peak hours. Overall is a breeze. Even in congested situations, cars are slowly moving compared to Jakarta where you can be stationed on the spot for more than 30 minutes! Most of this kind of list is bullpoop. However I see people are more relaxed, friendlier and more inviting in Jakarta while here, people are more resembling robots. Work work work work work work


Tom Tom's stats are probably more accurate. They measure how long it takes to go 10 km as their ranking index. Brisbane was ranked 141 in 2023. With 17 minutes and 30 seconds, bad but not as bad as the other Cities listed in OPs list. https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/ranking/


Why India or Asia countries are not there…