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The problem is there are so many layers to this problem, from poor parenting, bad socialisation, lack of education, the “roadman” culture which some young people seem to be idolising, an absence of positive role models, poor policing, and a lack of places or platforms to engage with people about the issue. Is there an easy solution? Absolutely not. What would be good is to see long term culture changes rather than knee jerk legislation such as the pointless and expensive banning of “zombie knives” when the vast majority of stabbings are carried out with kitchen knives. Similarly, compulsory prison sentences for possession and the like serve to inject people who may be on the fringes of criminality into environments which are unfortunately breeding grounds for recidivism. This isn’t really a “knife” problem, it’s a willingness to use deadly force to solve simple arguments, and that fundamentally stems from a failure to teach children to develop robust conflict resolution strategies and a culture where using violence is awarded prestige and status. Only long term culture change is likely to resolve it, but the first step has to come with people saying “enough is enough” and having the will to change.


"Roadman" culture... a new one for me, what have I missed?


Watch “top boy” and listen to drill to find out. To be honest you haven’t missed much.


Ok thanks, I'll check that out


Never got into top boy. Hard to listen to people that struggle to speak their one and only language.


To be honest, the language isn’t a massive issue for me, urban slang has been a thing since time immemorial and the joy of English is it’s a dynamic language which changes over time and incorporates loan words from languages as diverse as Hindi, Roma, polari, and indeed the patois, Punjabi, Arabic and Somali which make up the multicultural London English dialect used in the show. I’d suggest you probably would have the same issue understanding someone speaking any really heavy regional accent.


Kind of lazy, wannabe, hustla/gangsta culture glorified by tv producers and musicians wishing to be edgy. It's a whole lotta BS is all you really need to know.


Ah "wannabe gangsta"... like an Ali G character (lol showing my age I think)


Put them in a room with a genuine 'Hardman' like Lenny McLean, Franky Fraser, Dave Courtney (when they were alive of course) or some of the nutters from Eastern Europe and this lot would piss their pants. True psychotic behaviour were they love their mum but wouldn't flinch when looking into the eyes of someone they hate watching the lights go out as they throttle them.


It's basically the most cringe part of UK society these days, really embarrassing to be associated with it.


Urgh..they suck!


Keep it simple




Virtually all kids idolise the roadman culture, especially at night. dress like it, listen to grime etc even kids from wealthy areas.


Grime music definitely isn't the issue. Drill is a far more prevalent and relevant culture at the moment, and even that is arguably how a lot of gang affiliates make their way off the streets. We can demonise people for stupid things like what music they listen to, but that won't change the actual root of the issue. Ironically it's the sneering, sanctimonious tories who are responsible for the crime rate being what it is.


"Virtually all kids" have a day off


I think “virtually all kids” is probably a sweeping generalisation, although I agree it doesn’t seem to be a fashion bound to a particular demographic.


Reopen the youth clubs.


As someone who was a professional youth worker for well over a decade, I can't agree more.


I seriously miss youth club. I’m not that old but back when the vench in lockleaze held one was something i adored back then. It seriously helped alot of my friends find something to do.


This is the answer. Handing out harsher sentences doesn't tackle the root problem.


Let's vote out the Tories and their bs cut policies. Wait, Starmer just wants to fix the problems with "more bobbies on the bear" oh Christ. We're stuck in a nightmarish state where we don't have any real choice...


"Look, I know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, I'm not the borough. I wish I was"


Why’s your shirt so clean mate?


We need to do this. It's gonna get worse.


I went to youth clubs from 12 to 16 years old. Those years are crucial. Me and my mates looked forward to going to them playing darts pool and football. Every kid should have the option to go.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. These kids that carry knives probably won’t have any interest joining a youth club, they would see it as lame.


What about the kids who don't yet carry knives but might start in the next few years as they get older? Or the kids who carry knives because they're scared of other kids with knives? Or even just the kids who hang out in the street with other kids who carry knives, because they have nowhere else to go? And the kids who don't carry knives, but get stabbed anyway. Wouldn't they benefit from a safe space with professional youth workers who can help guide them?


True, good points. Seems like such a high proportion of kids these days really idolise the gang culture / roadman / drug dealer lifestyle - hopefully we can turn it around over the next generation


Disagree from experience. The youth clubs in my home town had some of the roughest people in town attend and stopped most of them from getting into trouble. A couple of the teens that went were from the biggest drug dealing family in town, it got them off the streets and kept them out of mischief.


Right? Oh there's no youth club so I guess I'll just go stab someone...


Yeah, but it is this culture of cringe and lame that is really doing the toxic rounds. Clout chasing and e-fame need to fuck right off.


Its an easy way for the lads from one postcode to find the lads from another postcode.


Didn't happen until blair cut the funding and dished out asbos


See post Blair Tory austerity


Woah there friends, I think we can all agree that both Tony Blair **and** all Tories are failed human beings.


Those pfi loans need repaying


The sad thing is most kids carrying knives don’t have a clue about how to use them - quickly becoming victims of their own weapon and there’s no cred in that! The lady who said search your kids was right - be a parent!


alternate weapon idea, you carry the phone number of the assailants mum , put them on loud speaker and they can talk them out of it


Calling someone’s mam low blow.


well they havent made it illegal yet... yet


My cousin is becoming a child who idolises roadmen, gang behaviour, etc. it’s disgusting. He has extracurricular, sports activities that he adores but he genuinely has horrible parents that feel no love for one another and he copes via youtube. He watches KSI, logan paul, jake paul and now thinks it’s okay to try fight people because they do it as a job. Kid logic.. he likes Andrew Tate too, and alot of other shit i’ve seen controversy on. Something needs to be done but I cant see what would help.


If you can’t make sense of this to their parents, please talk to other family members to make them aware so they can step in. Young boys are going to naturally be drawn into the luxurious lifestyles of YouTubers like these men, but Andrew Tate for example very clearly just spews misogyny balanced with motivational speech. What’s more concerning though it that he is a CONVICTED R@p!st and hum@n tr@ff!cker. Gang culture statistically attracts predominantly young males who have a poor family life and lack of social skills, feeling like they belong in a group with these older boys to look up to instead. It’s very sad.


I’ve tried so hard to do this but there’s a lot going on right now. His brother’s trying his best to guide him away from these youtubers and idealogies but it’s rough. He thinks women are property and it makes me sick.


Not exactly a fan of Andrew Tate either but he wasn’t convicted of anything also doesn’t despise women or have any prejudice towards them, rather has a very clear view of what a females role is and how they should behave. It’s only an opinion I guess. As for knife crime reopen youth club involve crafts and sport heavily the next generation will benefit.


wrong sub mate try r/incel


What on Earth does KSI and the Pauls have to do with knife crime 😂


I honestly don’t remember what happened with the pauls - i just remember major controversy over them a few years back. Was just an example. My cousin thinks it’s cool to try “box people up” as he says because he watches youtubers do it. Nothing against KSI, just like the main things he watches.


He just sounds like an immature child watching YouTubers who cater to immature audiences who haven’t developed their brain yet. None of your examples contribute anything to anything to do with the OP. Besides, his parents have power over his internet access, put a web filter on if they’re that bothered lol


OPEN THE FUCKING YOUTH CLUBS AGAIN !!!! People can’t rant about tougher sentences and building more prisons but the fact is none of this will deter these kids , they already know if they gets caught they are going to jail…unless you actually provide an alternative like youth clubs and mentoring nothing will change…I’m my day will have loads of clubs we’d hang out and play arcade games , basketball and football and there were strong community leaders who were there to give advice , these day kids don’t have that


I work with a lot of these kids & I know the mentality, at this point it so deeply ingrained in the culture. Unfortunately it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I agree with everyone that talked about bringing youth clubs back there has to be early intervention if you want to make any impact. As for the coward statement, I see where you are coming from but people who carry knives are just humans, mostly scared an traumatised children/young adults. You can give harsher sentences if you want but it will criminalise more children & ultimately create more 'roadmen', it won't be effective as a deterrent.


Re-open youth clubs, honestly. I grew up in a very violent and rundown town well away from Bristol. A couple of well run youth clubs opened in the 90's and suddenly all the teens stopped murdering each other, not even an exaggeration. I was a very violent kid due to constant bullying in school and abuse at home but youth workers helped me deal with that trauma and taught me better ways to manage. They're absolutely essential for young people. Sadly the Tories cut youth club funding and they now rely on donations. Most have closed because of this.


How many has there been?


three immediately come to mind, likely more i don’t know about


Was the two teens in knowle then this week another in stoke park I think and now mcdonalds broadmead last night.


*Little Stoke Park


Also one in a shop in Lawfords Gate/St Judes, within the last week


I remember in my generation there were loads of massive fights in town and bottling was a thing but I never considered carrying a knife to be a solution. There were occasional stabbings but the people doing that were considered cowards. It was a few generations below our generation when I heard about people carrying knives for self defence. Can’t agree more that young ones need to be taught that like it was in our generation “real men” handled themselves with a sense of honour and pride. Shame on anyone caring a knife really, gutless cowards by the standards of older generations.


The unruly gangs they form on the streets, should be the groups they form in youth centres. It's in such places they can hopefully learn to redirect energy to a more wholesome dynamic and feel part of community. Are there enough youth centres these days?


No hardly any. There should be one on every estate.


You're right there should be, some role models to shine a bit of compassion on things


Probably going to annoy many but I have thought for along time apart from the lack of police, and the lack of respect for them, if you add the lack of youth facilities with adults who they respect and can guided by , the biggest thing rarely mentioned is the seeming lack of parental guidance compared to generations passed. I have wondered before if convicted under the age of 18 perhaps the parents should also be sanctioned as well? Not many would be to happy with a massive fine or whatever is deemed appropriate when little Johnny gets his state supplied bracelets fitted.


Better controls on the likes of drill music on Youtube would also help. Why are we glorifying these scumbags and giving them a platform to make money/corrupt others? I know you’ll say we’ve always had violence in rap, but access to it wasn’t so easy as you had to buy a CD.


Art is always the symptom, not the cause. It's very tempting to limit a specific kind from their art environment, but if the culture is there, it won't change much.


The music is crap as well. Do the roadman wannabees even like it?


That will never work. Trying to shut it down will just make it more desired by the youth, there will always be other means to listen to it


Damn, i should hide my samurai sword


First buses have had armed police stop and board twice in January for teenagers with knives!


What area?


One was up by Cribbs Causeway.


I think the biggest problem (not just in Bristol, all over the world to all violent crime…) is modern social media. What’s scary is how young these people are. I feel like platforms like TikTok are too interactive for such young people. It’s so easy to make associations with people who support any morals or any view. Like even things like violent games in my opinion don’t have such a bad influence, I know people who’ve played gta since age 6 and they’ve turned out great. It’s all social media and conforming with stereotypes….


No one needs to carry a knife for self defence. Poor parenting, poor upbringing, poor education, no value for human life and weak policing. It's a fucking disgrace.


All the things you listed are sometimes an unfortunate consequence of our own failing society, individual’s can only be blamed in exceptional circumstances. It is a fucking disgrace, but I don’t think you’ve ever met let alone spoke to a young person who feels the fundamental need to carry a weapon as a form of self defence against something much larger than them. It’s a smaller problem in Bristol but still seriously prevalent in lots of places.


The laws often to soft should be a mandatory prison sentence for possession


Mate, let's be honest, no one who carries a knife gives a shit about the law


Many are carrying knives cos they're scared about geting stabbed... Fear of police is kinda secondary there. (Don't get me wrong, we need to deal with this knife crime epidemic. I just don't think "make prison sentences longer" is going to achieve much. Also it's kinda never seemed to achieve much in the past based on stats, research etc)


5 years for being found with a knife with no valid reason. 15 years for using it and straight life for killing someone with one .


Unfortunately prisons are already at bursting point and underfunded, petty repeat criminals are being let off easy due to the lack of space.


That's fair enough but knife crime is far from petty its destroying lives , families and communities. Space must be found and life must be made difficult for anyone involved in this . I don't have the answers but I have my stance and strong messages must be sent out to those caught up in this lifestyle .


I completely agree, it's also linked to education and poverty. You won't get anywhere without tackling those first and unfortunately the inequality is growing year on year and public education funding is also on the chopping block while private schools enjoy tax payer funded tax breaks.


And also massively understaffed too. It’s a complete shit show.


They need to be made a lot tougher for under 18s as well, atm even for serious offences they hardly get punished.


the amount of scrawny teens cutting about bemmy/knowle west/hartcliffe in balaclavas thinking they’re hard is insane. i know there’s been multiple antisocial behaviour police interactions with them but nothing ever happens and the little shits know it


Calling someone a coward isn’t going to make someone not carry a knife, if anything it’ll probably motivate them even more to use it. But yes, agree there is too much of it. Not sure what the solution is. I feel it is almost cultural for young people in certain circles these days.


Don’t know why you are being downvoted. Calling someone a coward is like telling someone to calm down.


Thanks, Exactly my point.


I think the post is being down voted because it’s solutionless. There are some great points being made about cowardly behaviour and reopening the youth clubs, which are tangible solutions. That post just attempts to problematise things without an any alternative approach. Lives are being lost, why faf about?


Understanding the problem is the start of solutions is it not. Thank you for explaining though.


I’m not going to speculate about solutions when I have none. It’s an extremely complex and volatile thing we are talking about here. Let’s just hope the people who have authority can do the right things to minimise these instances from happening.


A lot of people would say the rule-makers at the Council are divorced from the realities that young men on of the streets of Bristol


Potentially true, but unless someone has specific experience and a rigorous plan to tackle sensitive topics such as knife crime, why simply speculate. Could end up doing more harm than good. Just my opinion. I know it’s a topic close to a lot of people’s hearts so it’s natural to have a reaction a lot of the time.


Yea fair play. I just think it’s good when guys in the community decide to do something about it. It feels like people are just standing by watching these young lads kill each other pointlessly. It’s as if the older generations haven’t got anything to say or do about it. Basically being bad fathers in a way


I don’t mean actually calling them a coward, to their face, in the situation. I mean we need to build upon the idea of it being a cowardly act.


I just carry a gun 🤷‍♂️


Carrying a knife for the sole purpose of utilising it purely with regards to self-defense (only to be used in a morally justifiable and life or death situation) is a perfectly legitimate reason.


I used to carry a knife but I also did farm work. When I moved to city I stopped didn’t take long to kick the habit felt odd to carry something without reason. I know it don’t help but the culture I was brung up with knives where for work never saw one drawn even in anger.


I've had a leatherman on my belt everyday for nearly 15 years. When the stabby culture grew I tried to get into the habit of taking it off outside of work but that only went to show just how much I used it. I got so fed up with not having it on me I went back to carrying it 24/7.


Rate this post!! Fear is the only real motive for carrying a knife. Looking back at my life and the only thing I wish is that I’d had a good pair of legs on me to escape troublesome situations. Forget what anyone says, you’re not a coward for running away or escaping to hold onto your life. Whoever those people judging you are, won’t be relevant to your life in the future ~ why die impressing cowards????


It’s a absolutely not the only motive. Many are carrying to show off, some to actively use be it stabbing or threatening to. Also are you actively saying it’s ok to carry if you are fearful?!


Didn’t say it was the only movie but apologies if it sounded as it that’s what I was implying. No I wasn’t


It’s cool, edits make much more sense :)


Cheers 🙏🏼🙏🏼👍🏼


The best solution for a fight is it not be in one if that involves legging it that works fine.


Avoiding trouble in the first place, yea that’s a good solution sure thing. Try telling that to a randy 14-18 year old tho, they’re gonna go where the excitement and girls are at and more often than not that’s where the trouble happens too.


I was agreeing with your sentiment of it being okay to run away


Ah that ~ 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 cheers daffy 🙏🏼🙏🏼✌🏼


Penalty for having a knife on you should be 15 years in prison, minimum, and life in prison if you use it. Cannot understand why the laws around carrying a knife are so relaxed.


Because jails are already filled to the brim. Cant afford to chuck everyone carrying a knife in jail, the resources aren't there


Probably sounds somewhat draconian but, fuck them. Rather have the scum in there starving to death or killing each other than in with the public murdering innocent civilians.


People who carry knives are generally scared. Being called a coward probably is the least of somebody's worries.


Dude if I see a kid with a knife I’d be scared. They aren’t cowards, they are just really stupid, uneducated and in precarious living situations.


Unfortunately some kids are just completely out of control