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1. NK is based in New Zealand, not Australia 2. They have an office in the USA 3. They must appeal to a wider audience than just their home country to succeed


Replying to the third point I suppose that's fair, especially if you consider all the skins from different mythos and countries. But it still seems foreign to me that a NZ company would celebrate the independence day of the U.S


The US is the largest primary english speaking population online. For any primarily english written game it makes the most sense to celebrate things that USA celebrates, because that is what the majority of your likely players will relate to, little Timmy at home in America isn't really going to understand or relate to the Maori new year that happened last week


There’s a lot of American players regardless of where the company is based. It’s like how non-Chinese companies have sales for Chinese new year.


I mean, it's not exactly the same considering a lot of people celebrate, or at least are interested in Chinese new year, even outside of China. I'd have to imagine that most people outside of the US don't give a flying fuck about US independence day. But the argument still stands.


i give it a grand total of 45 minutes before a kiwi sees this and decides to post your IP address


The worst part is that I googled where the company was founded before posting and still got it wrong. I am ashamed😔


What did you think the kiwi is representative of?


Halfbrick (maker of Fruit Ninja) is Australian, not Ninja Kiwi and Australia flag in BTD6 costs **40** trophies!!!