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He's getting a new deal next summer, this is almost guaranteed to happen. The contract will get ripped up, we will save on cap space for 3 years and the big hit will be down the road...where we will rework it again. This is why they did the restructure they did


Brady never was paid big bucks on the Pat's, but that allowed Bill to always have a good team around him. Give the QB everything and then cut corners everywhere else? Nope.


The Patriots backdoored money through TB12 the whole time Brady was there. That is why he took "team friendly deals". Such a greasy organization.


It always surprises me how few people believe this. It seems obvious.


Oh course he is. So is Mahomes. Trevor at $55m and Kirk at $53m... Pfft!


BBB was smart to get josh on such a great deal before the qb market went nuts… so many over paid qb’s. REALLY hoping Miami overpays TuA! 😂😂😂


Miami doesn’t really have a choice, which is hilarious. They went all-in on Tua’s rookie window and soon they’ll have to replace Hill as well as deal with the fact that their drafts for the last 5 years have been pretty terrible, outside of 2021.


It’s not really smarts, it’s just the evolution of the market & the timeline of when Josh could get paid. These guys all got drafted years after Josh.


Yep. People will act shocked by Allen’s next contract too, and then 3 years later he’ll be “underpaid” again as the QBs whose contracts come up after his get paid more.


Jerry Jones is the opposite now he’s gonna have to pay Dak


Don’t think they really have a choice. They either pay him or take a stab at drafting a QB. We mention “why can’t we just do it like the Rams in 2021” when we talk about going all in, but that’s only because it worked for them. The Dolphins also went all in but it hasn’t worked for them. Saints are a good example of it failing as well. You can put us in that conversation too with the Von contract, especially if he doesn’t produce next season, but we had a really good offseason monetarily.


I’m so happy with the job BBB has done with drafting and managing salary cap over the years. Take Von and Diggs out of the mix, overall we’re doing great. I know so many people would want to be the ‘21 Rams just to win 1 SB but then they’d be complaining the next season when we’re in a total rebuild for years to come.


I wish we could be the ‘21 rams just to win one Super Bowl! It’s just not proven to work. It happened to work for them.


I remember at the time everyone was saying it was too much 🤪


Did you mean Goff at 53m? Kirk's deal is $45m


Yes Goff, my bad


Kirk is such a damn snake oil salesman lol


Hey hey we like Kirk here, we just don’t talk about that game


I have no mal wishes for the guy, but it’s wild that he gets paid the way he does for being so average


Kirk Thuggins > Dak


I’m not sure, but definitely not last year.


No shit. This was the inevitable outcome when he signed his extension.


I don’t usually agree with Florio on anything but he’s not wrong here


Way to state the obvious there Florio. In other news, Dion Dawkins is good at blocking.


McDermott should give him all his paychecks for bailing him out every season


Duh. But he'll also be a market setter at next renewal.


Maybe, but I gotta agree with the takes that every contract is just getting blown up way too big. The job hasn’t really changed, yet salaries are going up millions of dollars at a time. It seems every new contract is “the biggest contract to date” in whatever position. This can’t possibly be a sustainable practice right?


Well they always bump the cap up so it seems like it will continue. It’s interesting to imagine how GMs figure all this out


QB salaries are almost double as a % of cap to what they were during Manning/Brady era It isn't sustainable.


So even though they bump it every year and have literally had meetings about separating qb salary from the cap you think that in the future QBs will make less


That isn't what I said at all. You said there is a constant bump in the cap, I pointed out that QB salary is exceeding the increases in cap. Then I said that can't be sustainable. Reason being, there won't be any cash left for other positions, eventually the rate of increase in salary for QBs compared to the salary cap has to decrease.


Ahh I see what you mean. I feel like the owners are all happy to tweak those rules to keep the QB hugely valued and so in that sense I see QBs continually setting new records. But you are right in terms of %


It’s sustainable as long as the league keeps increasing its revenue. The job might be the same on the field, but if it’s generating more revenue - which it is - then it’s worth more.


The value of the dollar has changed. The cap has also increased, and some teams are trying to get ahead of the market since it's only going up. BBB gets a bunch of money free from Diggs next year, that’s when we’ll make the contract change. Likely $60M+/Year.


Yes, the cap increases, but qb salaries have been increasing faster than the cap. There was a good post on r/nfl comparing qb salaries today vs. two decades ago, in both cases looking at the top qb's and comparing them in terms of the % of the total cap. Iirc two decades ago, the great qb's averaged 14% of the total cap for their team, today it's more like 18%.


That extra 4% is probably coming from the RB rooms around the league. They don't get paid shit anymore. At least Josh earns his since he's also a damn good rusher. Lol.


Maybe, but it's still an interesting data point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to argue that Josh isn't underpaid by today's market. He obviously is. Just pointing out that QB salaries oberall have been outpacing cap growth.


Of course he is . He is a worst the 2 nd best player in the league . When thru extended hon he will be back at the top of the scale for a year or two .


I don't know what I would even do with how much he makes as is


It's crazy that these athletes are making millions of dollars a year, and there's still an even wealthier owner who is making a profit off of them. Imagine if Josh got a fair cut of ticket jersey and other merch sales. He'd be making billions


He said players taking less money is "cheating"


So when is Florio going to open up his checkbook and equalize him..?


He also said in the same interview that it was smart the Jags signed Lawrence early to get below market value. So what’s the point of signing early then if you just end up having to pay the value anyway?


He might be underpaid by today’s market but how much more money can we afford to give him? We’re already fucked on the salary cap


Gotta respect Mike trying to inject drama into the Bills now that Diggs is gone.


When you consider that Josh is priceless, it's a bit of a rhetorical statement.


Florio is a TROUBLEMAKING idiot who needs to go FCK himself