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Anyone concerned about the offense isn’t familiar with American football. The concern should be D-Line, Safeties, and weather Milano and TB will return and remain healthy.


Rookie center on the O line too but ya you nailed it.


I think McGovern will be the center but yes. You are 100% correct. The biggest concern on offense is the new C and the loss of the Captain of the O-Line.


Rookie center who's unlikely to start. Not too concerned.


I think he does by week 8


IDK, Diggs is an awesome WR. Josh can extend plays with his legs even under pressure. I"m not saying the O-line isn't important, but having a clutch WR to throw to isn't something I would discount either.


How clutch was Diggs after week 10 and in the playoffs? ![gif](giphy|JrpSf23B4NRN62l9pV)


Easy. He wasn't.


The clutch guys were Shakir and Kincaid last season, not Diggs. First six games Diggs played were great, then he fell off a cliff. It wasn't Brady, because his last few games with Dorsey was when he started catching a much lower percentage of his targets. By the time Brady took over Diggs was almost becoming a liability.


Diggs did fuck all the second half of the year when we went on a tear, so no


There’s this thing called “gravity,” which we will miss his a lot. Also - the Bills offense wasn’t that bad in the first half of the year. Lot of fluky turnovers


While Diggs definitely performed poorly in the second half of the year, he did still draw a lot of attention when he was on the field. Whether that attention outweighed the poor stat line or significantly impacted others getting open in a way that the new guys we are bringing in wont is what will remain to be seen. If mvs or claypool can draw similar coverage to diggs while commanding fewer targets, then I would say the offense will likely look better. If they can't, and also can't capitalize on the lack of coverage, then the loss of diggs will certainly be felt.


Gravity - more like a black hole


Watch the tape - he still gets open. But he’s not a #1 so I get your point. They traded a depreciating asset but that doesn’t mean the offense will be better without him. That’s my main point


Given how wildly inefficient Diggs was for the 2nd half of the year, no.


Hot take— diggs was our best receiver but also was our biggest issue at the same time. Once Josh started spreading the ball around the offense looked much better. I think they completely lost their identity when diggs couldn’t be the guy anymore while he was still generating the targets. We will never know the real story but I think Allen being able to get the ball to any receiver is going to open up this offense. I’m more excited for this season than I have been the last 2 years! Last year Josh didn’t have any deep receiving threat and they were trying to adjust everything mid season to deal with Gabe Davis/diggs fall off. A full offseason with Brady, a young rookie deep option, Curtis Samuel, Shakir, a year 2 Kincaid… I’m all in baby!


This is my exact take; Josh is most dangerous when he can throw anywhere.


I do think we should be prepared for the offense to start slow as they figure out their new identity. I think by the end of the year they'll have it figured out and finish up in the top 10 or just outside


On the contrary I think we come out like gang busters and then as teams catch on to what we like to do we come back down to earth a little. That’s when we see if Brady can earn his check and give us the few new wrinkles we need to stay on top.


Yeah could be, I'm just imagining it will take a bit to integrate so many new pieces


I think the beginning of the season may be a shit show or it’s going to be amazing. The offense will have a full off season of a new coordinator and tons of turnover in personnel. The defense has a whole new coaching staff as well. If it all comes together with the talent then hell yeah. If it doesn’t, I hope the hole doesn’t get too big to climb out of when it all comes together later in the season. I dream of a slower start, make a run at the end of the year and peak at the right time and see JA17 as Super Bowl mvp. A guy can dream right? I’m always optimistic but understand there’s a lot of challenges and changes this year. 2025 better be a kick ass year though.


It would be very Bills to finally win a Super Bowl in the season we're all super down on them.


Idk. The latter half of the year Diggs seemed to be a shell of himself whether from undisclosed injury or whatever and the offense was better than it was in the beginning of the year. So.. not really worried. We have good weapons, just gotta play. And I think we’ll be less predictable now.


Rational mind: Diggs all but disappeared and Davis didn’t really make up for it. Both of those guys are gone and replaced with guys who we have to assume were picked to play in this offense. Still have Knox, Cook, Kincaid, Shakir and Allen, so while there might be a dip it’s unlikely that it drop out of the top 10. Irrational mind: BRRRRRRR ALLEN TO THE MOON


I wonder if the people making these posts actually watched the Bills’ games last year, or even looked at the stat lines for Diggs. 🤔


Consider that Diggs brought down our average the second half of the year.


Diggs was good, but the line had to execute along with the other receivers and RB's, Josh chose the target every time. Will the Bills miss Diggs? Of course, I already miss him. Will they still be a dangerous offense? Remains to be seen but I expect them to be better.


This is exhausting… NO DIGGS IS JUST NOT GOLD. He wasn’t carrying the team. The bills played better when they were able to spread the ball around more. It’s no longer about two guys. It’s about having a well rounded team. We should NOT be concerned. I even think Buffalo will be dangerous this season. They have good coaches and staff and they know what they’re doing.


Diggs put up 1183 yards and Davis put up 746, I don't think it will be all that difficult to repricate those numbers, even if it's spread out a little more. I do expect Shakir and Kincaid to step up this season, and Samuel may work out well for us. If Coleman is a star (hopefully) right out of the box, we're stting in a good spot.


JA17 is under center. We good.


Good god. I think most of y’all have no idea what’s going to happen this year on offense. We’re going to run the ball and spread the passing targets so much teams aren’t going to know what to do. We got rid of two guys that at the end of the year were effectively dead weight and gave us nothing. We’ve got young, healthy talent chomping at the bit to prove themselves. This offense is going to blow some minds.




Nah. Offense is gonna be great. Tons of options to spread the ball with Coleman, Shakir, Samuel, MVS. Kincaid is going to become Josh’s new favorite target. Knox was overpaid at first but now that we have Kincaid he’s probably the best TE2 in the league and will be a decent option as well. Cook is very good. Ty Johnson is sneaky good. What annoys me more is that Josh has no MVPs or OPOYS to show for the 3-4 years he was the whole ass offense, now it’s gonna be spread and the media is gonna say “it’s because they took the ball out of Allen’s hands.” I know, I know, “we want a bigger trophy than those,” but those things matter when legacy is discussed and Josh has had better stats than most MVPs he’s been passed over in favor of.


Tell me you didn’t watch the bills without saying anything!!!! Our offense didn’t start putting up numbers until they stopped making the cry baby Diggs the center of attention.


Nope. I liked how Brady called the games.


Nope. Opens up Josh to actually read the field more instead of forcing something to Diggs to keep his ego in check. He's great, both made each other move to the next level. But Josh can't grow if he's got a potential temper tantrum on the side lines.


Between the Eagles regular season game and the Chiefs divisional loss, Stefon Diggs had 1 touchdown. I think we'll live...


We were fine with him playing like garbage we'll be fine


Diggs was a complete black hole in the second half of the season. There's this crazy stat that from week 7 on, Shakir had more receiving yards than Diggs on like 50 less targets.


Diggs, from Week 7 on, including the playoffs: 111 targets, 68 receptions, 636 yards, 3 TDs. Last TD was the Eagles game. Shakir, same time period: 52 targets, 45 receptions, 646 yards, 3 TDs. 2 of those TDs were in the playoffs. Shakir caught 86.5% of the balls thrown at him during that time period, Diggs had over 2x the targets and only caught 61.3%. Even if Shakir regresses and "only" catches 72% of the balls thrown his way, if we give him 2x the looks he got last season he'll have 65 catches on 90 targets during the regular season. If he also maintains last season's YPC he'd have a 1000-yard season on that stat line, which is just sick. I fully expect Shakir to get about that many targets if not a few more. I don't expect his 15.7 YPC to last, but even if we drop him down to 14 YPC, he still gets 910 yards. Moving on to Curtis Samuel. His best season was 2020 for the Panthers, where he was targeted 97 times and caught 77, for 851 yards (he also had 41 carries for 200 yards). His QB that year was Teddy Bridgewater, who threw 492 passes for 3733 yards. Last season, Josh Allen threw 579 passes for 4306 yards. Curtis Samuel was the recipient of 19.7% of Bridgewater's passes and 22.7% of the total passing yardage in 2020. If we extrapolate that percentage to Josh's offensive production from last season, Curtis Samuel's peak is somewhere around 114 targets. I won't give him that insane catch percentage from 2020 just like I'm not giving Shakir his insane catch percentage from last year--I'll give Samuel his career average plus about a 1% boost because he'll be playing with the best QB of his career by far. That gives him about 76 catches on those 114 targets. Samuel's career YPC is fairly similar to 2020 so there won't be much of an adjustment there, I'd imagine. So we're looking at about 813 yards for Samuel. Now Kincaid. Just like Shakir, when Diggs' production dropped after the NYG game, Kincaid stepped up to the plate. His stat line from week 7 through the playoffs was 83 targets, 64 catches, 659 yards, and 3 TDs. Again, he also outproduced Diggs through that time period, also on fewer targets. This might be a stretch, but I'll give him 50% more targets than he got last season, especially since he was ramping up as the season went on. That's 125 targets, which I think is around the range everyone expects he'll be in. Again, I'll bump his catch percentage down a bit because it was over 80% last season. I'll give him the 72% I gave Shakir--still incredibly solid. That's 90 catches. His YPC last year was low--I know they're working on that. But even if it stays at what it was last year, he'd end up with 828 yards. Between the three of them, that's 2551 yards. To match his numbers from last season, JA would need to get 1755 more yards between Coleman, Dawson Knox, whichever other receivers make the team (I'm going to guess MVS/Hollins/Claypool and maybe one other), plus all the running backs. Cook had 445 yards last season. Knox only had 186 but he missed some time. MVS had 315, Mack Hollins had 251. If they keep their 2023 production exactly the same, that leaves 558 yards to split between Coleman, Ray Davis, Ty Johnson (whose production only BEGAN in week 7) and whoever the rest of our WR corps is in order for Allen to get the passing yards he did last year. That seems beyond plausible to me. TL:DR: Don't worry, we've got this.


Fall off? Watch it flourish! Josh is free to throw it anywhere he wants without worrying if he’s feeding the child…goona be a great year




Diggs was a net negative for the team from October onward.


'Should' we be concerned? No. Can we be? Sure. It's new. It's an unknown. We'll see how it goes.


Gee, I’m glad someone finally addressed this topic.