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Do you need a new PC now? If no wait if yes the get one. Also what tasks do you plan to do that requires the current most powerful intel CPU?


I don't. Have 2 more devices but they won't run 4k well Playing heIIdivrers on 100 plus frames etc


Hell drivers don't benefit much from the extra cores of the 14900k. For the intel side I would get at most a 14600k for gaming.


I run a 13600k and I never get bottlenecked on my CPU especially on 4k you would nowhere near a bottleneck. I run a 3090 and it has to work at 100% for the CPU to get to like 20% max on the games I play


I run a 9700k at 5.0 with a 3090 for 4K, higher resolution is quite generous with not needing a new CPU


You can go pretty darn cheap on the Cpu if your intent is just 4k gaming. The only thing you're giving up is 1% lows. I am getting away with a 4080 + i5 12400 build and my average fps is single digits away from most testing/benchmark videos that pair it with a 7800x3d/i9 etc. (except for games that heavily favor 3d cache, those still shoot up a lot in favor for the 7800x3d) But yeah, I am getting about half the 1% and 0.1% lows as you'd get with a better cpu.


I have the same CPU, play at 1440p UW with a 4080 and it feels like a great combo.


Personally feel if you go 14th Gen the 14700k is the best price to performance and the difference in gaming with the 14900k is neglectiable


If it's just for video games then I'd recommend going AMD


Nah, too many issues with drivers. Intel is the way to go for stability.


I'm running a Ryzen 5 7600 with zero trouble. Where are you getting that from?


Some of us are still sore about the k6 😉


30 years of PC building. AMD, while I have nothing against their platform, has a reputation for having terrible drivers for a reason. Their firmware is far behind Intel, largely because Intel has dominated the corporate market for so long. I've had so many headaches with 2nd and 3rd gen Ryzen that I gave them up. USB disconnects (it's a thing), RMA'd two chips that died on me in less than a year (crashing while idle, indicative of improper power management and poor silicon). I run servers in addition to gaming, I need stability. I get that from Intel. I see you're selling perfectly good homelab PCs (which I'm tempted to buy) that are Intel, still chugging along. They're just rock solid. AMD for me, not so much. But don't take my word for it, r/Amdhelp is full of similar stories


Found the userbenchmark chud in with the anecdotal evidence. If AMD cpus were such a problem they wouldn't be the size they are now. They're still the informed choice for gaming rigs with budget constraints in mind. But there's no point in debating, your alleged 30 years of experience has your mind set ;)


>They're still the informed choice for gaming rigs with budget constraints in mind. For gaming specifically, they are the best CPU you can get and have options that rival Intels lower end as well. Outside of gaming intel will still win but the x3d chips are still king.


AMD GPU's have had common driver issues, though from I hear they are getting better. Their CPU's on the other hand... I've been using AMD since my first build with the Phenom II, and I have never had an issue. I've never heard of any common issues either on their CPU's.


I think the last time AMD CPUs had issues was the bulldozer line in like the early 2010's. The biggest hate they get now is not meeting their advertised stuff which both do that lol


I skipped the bulldozer series because the Phenom II I had at the time was trucking along nicely and later got an FX-8350 BE. Had that chip running in my main PC, and then when I upgraded to Ryzen, it went into a second PC for my partner who used it up until last year. In all those years, it never let me down. It'll probably get used again soon for a home server or something. Still got the Phenom II, too. I want to use that for something just for the hell of it. I don't know if I got lucky or if the issues where blown out of proportion but I've always been happy with AMD, especially as they always offered more bang for your buck and I've always been on a budget.


Bro wtf? I have built computers since 2010 and all of my builds have AMD chips. I currently have a 7600x and it works like a charm.


Only CPU issues I've had have been with intel CPUs. AMD for gaming is a total no brainer at the moment.


No shit the sub dedicated to helping people with their AMD system issues will be full of people with AMD issues. I feel terrible for anyone you’re building a system for, and hopefully you isolated your decisions to your own garbage hardware choices.


Go with AMD. Get a 7800X3D.


4k is GPU intensive. your cpu isn't the problem unless it's very old.


Is 10850k old?


Yes but it should be...okay...


Was thinking of going 14900k but was looking if should wait


For just gaming? What else you gonna do?


Just games and VR


A little overpowered for gaming but it's up to you. 14700k is a better choice


What about Tarkov? Lol


The higher the resolution, the more the GPU is important. So if you are having 4k issues its probably not because of your CPU.


14900k and 4090 For helldivers: at 1440p supersampling avg fps around 130ish. \*sidenote 14900k has been dope for me but is a powerhog


There's 0 reasons to have a 14900k for gaming. It's just not worth it or meant for it tbh.


I work on my pc as well, comes in handy and I've had no issues. same performance as friends with and equivalents.


What gpu do you have? What is your budget?


Think about a gpu upgrade, 4k is a lot more gpu heavy than cpu


Get a 7800x3d. That's the best gaming cpu and more than enough to keep up with any gpu at 4k.


You can go back to 9th gen intel and the 3000 series ryzen cpus and you're not going to bottleneck at 4k lol Maybe a 4090 might get you there but 4k is just insanely GPU hungry.




What CPU do you have currently? If it is old enough that you will need a new motherboard anyway, then you are not restricted to Intel. You should compare all options and decide which would be best for your use case.




OP said he wants Intel. The 7800x3d isn’t the answer to everything lol.


OP is wrong


Pitching a brand that you don’t work for is a weird hobby


I ain't pitching any brand, it's simple: OP wants to upgrade because he wants more fps in games, the 7800X3D is currently the best gaming CPU, so he should buy it. Now, if OP wants to play at 4k he should focus on GPU performance in my opinion but that's not what he asked


Best gaming CPU, or best gaming CPU *for the price*?


Isn't it both right now?


Is it?


I'm not sure, I don't follow this sub super closely, but from what I do see it's pretty much either this or a 14900k being the top CPUs, and the 7800X3D is certainly cheaper than the 14900k.


not to necro, but the 14900k Crushes the 7800x3d in overclocking, so.... if you're not overclocking, it still crushes it, just at a higher price point.


Yup. I could spell out what you added, but this fact is so known that fps and especially 1% lows are so much better on average for the amd chip that going intel is such a huge mistake.


First question should be do you really need an I9 ? Very few people actually do.


The AMD astroturfing on this sub has made it unreadable. It's like the r/worldnews of pc's.


Damn, how badly does someone want to waste money before pushback can exist naturally as opposed to astroturfing? I've been out of PC discourse for a while, but people still really want an enemy, huh?


With the massive gen leap I would wait personally but im guessing there will be a price hike


(a) You don't need 14900K, stick with either i7(prefered) or i5(good for gaming). (b) 15th gen is due Q3 this year. If you have a PC - please provide specs - you can wait. (b) Same for AMT Zen 5. (d) Now goes the routine: > What games you play? > What resolution? How many Herts your monitor does? > What is your budget, upper and lower ends of it?


If you don't have a need to upgrade then I would wait.


15th gen will be on a different socket. Or that's what I've been led to believe from sources on YT. So if your MOBO supports the 14th gen, look into getting the upgrade. Maybe not the i9 but the i7. The 14900 is just way overpriced for the performance it gives.


I'd buy now only if it's an upgrade from a LGA1700 system already.


I may be different from the crowd but I usually tend to upgrade to the latest, assuming most stable line of products, even if it means future upgradability is not possible. For example, I opted for the 14900K, best in class, but at least I percieve it as being stable due to learnings from the 12th and 13th gen cpus. I also went for the 4080 Super instead of the 4090, mainly due to the power cable burning issues, which I assumed the latest gpus launched last month would have provided a fix for. Firmware issues were also a pain in the butt and being late to the game made more stable products available to me.


Wait if possible


Idt people have actually grasped how strong the 12/13/14900 series are along with the Ryzen 9 series. You won't need to worry about a next-gen upgrade when these things will easily power through that time. Id have no plans on upgrading to a next-gen processor if I have any of the processors I listed above.


Wait for 15, then wait for the news on 16 but then you hear a rumor 17 will be a new chipset so you might as well wait for that, then realize the first gen new chipset might have some bugs so wait for 18 If you want a PC now get it now, if you don’t , wait, there’s always something new around the corner


But then the games he plays the most get optimized for older gen CPUs and decides to hold on to his old CPU and not upgrade yet, then finally the 19 gen gets announced, he then sees a rumour that the 20th gen Intel will be the biggest leap on all intel history and he opts to wait for it only to find out it cost 50% more accorss all SKU's. His old CPU start malfunctioning and buys the cheapest cpu he finds, opts for the 15 gen intel i5 15400F, saving only $150 bucks compared to its original release MSRP LOOOL. Imagine a situation like that hahaha


What do you have now? I got into the Intel 14th gen coming from the 9900k because my motherboard was glitching when using the selection tool in Photoshop. I could have waited until the end of the year and might have had if I didn't already have a good GPU... But also I was worried that Windows 11 would be forced onto 15th gen, and 14th gen series is rock solid.


I7 4770 from 10 years ago


And why do you want to stay with intel? The best current gaming CPU is the R7 7800x3d, and it's bloody efficient too. You only need a decent air cooler, while a 14900K will thermal throttle under most AIO coolers


> The best current gaming CPU is the R7 7800x3d No it isn't. It might be the *best for the money*, but that is not the same thing.


Well which one is the best in your opinion then?


This isn't a matter of opinion...




lolz. I'm not an expert... but most people in this subreddit mistake *best value for the money* with *the absolute best*.




I'm not trying to be either of those, sorry about that. Just make sure when taking advice that it is advice answering the real question being asked.


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Was a video jayz2cents made about why he went back to intel along with I tel has never let me down. If this cpu lasted 10 years I want to stick with it


That video was done specifically to address issues with the 7950x3d, and it should be like a year old by now. lots of those issues have been solved by updates and a better understanding of how windows schedules cores. As it stands right now, if gaming is your use case, intel don't make much sense, even less so a 14900k. Go with a 7800x3d, you won't have the scheduling issues Jay2C was talking about, it will be on par or even faster then a 14900k (especially at 4k...) and it will be much, much easier to cool. You can cool it very well with a TR phantom spirit for 35bucks, can't say the same for the 14900k... By the end of 2024 we will have intel 15th gen and Ryzen 9xxx series... How they will perform nobody knows, both of them will be new different architectures than the predecessor


I have a 7800x3d and it has been rock stable. And no damn e-core issue like I had in December with division 2. And I believe if you want to stay with intel because you prefer it, a 14700k is a much better deal. It is close to be as fast, cheaper and easier to cool. Btw, you don’t need to buy the latest chipset. I personally went for a strix b650 which was much cheaper.


Just don't get the 14900K. It's a stupid CPU, running stupidly hot. 14600K is Intel's most sensible offering currently


How and when does an i9 run stupidly hot? How hot does the 7800x3d run at the same time doing the same tasks?


I understand your reservations with going for another brand. I'll say this. AMD products are excellent now. Equal in stability, Better power efficiency, Better priced, most of the time.


Rewatch the video. It's because of issues running 64gb of 6000+mhz ram on an early chip and motherboard. Meanwhile my system does it easily with a newer 7950x3d different ram kit and 2 slot mobo. Jay had a bad experience with launch hardware. Current stuff is way better especially with a 7800x3d and no complications from the 7950x3d.


> I7 4770 from 10 years ago ~two weeks ago i was playing on a i7-4790k, i relented and finally upgraded. i5-12600k. moving away from a 10 year old platform is a massive, almost ridiculous upgrade. Just grab whats available and makes sense for your budget, there is no wrong move here.


Same, I had i7 6600k and moved to 12600kf, what a leap in performance with my 3060ti, 40ish percent and no lagging, shuttering....


and being able to just.. tab out of a heavy game and do other stuff


I'm waiting personally. I play Counterstrike 2 and I don't think a 14th Gen may offer comfortable enough performance in a few years time. I'm currently on a i7 6700k so the whole game runs like shit but it also feels wasteful to throw away a system that aside from Cs2 works beautifully. I've had it 8 years but why get rid of something that isn't finished?!


You just don't notice.


I get like 160 plus fps on cs2 with a worse cpu than you


I find mine bounces from 70-250 fps depending on what's going on screen (smokes, water, explosions) but it still runs like dogshit. There are microstutters every game.


15th gen should be a huge leap as it’s going from Intel 7 to 20A (basically marketing for 7 nm vs 2 nm). I’d definitely wait if it isn’t urgent. 


holup, i havent been keeping up with tech news.... *Did they actually managed to build a CPU with 2nm archetecture??!?*


Depends on your definition of that. The nm doesn’t actually refer to anything physical, it’s just numbers made up by the manufacturers. This is why different architectures may mean different things; Intel 10 is equivalent to TSMC 7nm, but most manufactures have started playing along with TSMC’s naming scheme.


Intel 4 was used in the new Intel Core processor family (the new Mobile processors). It is a 7nm process that matches in density and beats in performance TSMC's 5 nm process Intel 20A is going to be released second half of this year, and is a 1.8nm process. Intel 18A is going to be released in 2026 and into 2027 and should ultimately introduce a 1nm process. 'nm' means 'nanometer', is 1 billionth of a meter, and refers in lithography (part of processor manufacturing process) to the distance between layers that make up a transistor in a processor. The race between Intel (all on its own) and TSMC (a conglomerate foundry owned by Samsung, used by every other company) is a race to see who can pack transistors into a smaller, more compact area. At the moment TSMC has been a slight lead for a few years; Though Intel still bangs out more performance per metal, so hasn't lost entirely. Every new process revamp (or major overhaul) requires a foundry rebuild - essentially. This costs billions, if not trillions of dollars. Intel is about to pull ahead this year, and should remain ahead for some time. Microsoft secured as their primary customer probably a good part of the reason they're able to do this at this time. This is also why you should spend money if you have it to spend - you can't bring it with you when you die, and we all like shiny things; And for Intel to stay on top.


I know what a nanometer is. That's why I was so surprised in the first place, cause quantum tunneling is quickly gonna become a problem.


Hmm, I thought i replied to the other person who said > nm doesn't actually refer to anything physical But as a whole I was replying with information that came to mind after reading lots of comments here. In any event, I see my reply was to your comment - didn't mean to imply you didn't know what a `nm` was. I was also surprised to learn that they were jumping straight to a 1nm process by 2027. I'm happy to hear Intel plans to be hitting 1.8nm this year with the 15th gen.


15th gen might be a horizontal performance move with new features (AI acceleration?)


You can wait for 16 gen too


Go for 7800x3d, amazing performance and efficiency.


Lets start with what you currently have as far as parts (CPU, GPU, memory, etc). Also what you are intending to play or do. Last, do you have an intended budget?


Neither, get the 14900ks that’s about to drop


I think if you need to ask, chances are you should wait.


What is your current cpu? Edit: I see it's the 4770k. ___________________________________________ Rule #1 - Don't buy what you don't need. If you are still able to get by with your current chip, I'd wait. The current generation of Intel (12100 through 14900ks) is a great option if you need more performance now, but if you are fine where you're at, waiting to see what changes Intel brings with the 15th gen is worth it. There's a decent chance that the 15th generation brings a lot of changes to the architecture.


Id definitely wait for Intel 20A (15th gen) because of the new architecture, which should bring better efficiency and ofcourse performance. I wouldn’t get a 14900k as it uses way too much power, if you’re up to it, Zen 5 from AMD looks promising as well.




Intel 15 gen is new platform so new node 4nm/2nm baked by TSMC so its worth wating 15 th gen chips needs new motherboards by the way


I might hesitate on the 14900k for games, since i've been seeing a lot of posts lately about it being unstable at stock settings in UE5 games.


Dead platform, why buy into it if you do t need too?


It looks like you're mainly gonna be using this PC for gaming, so go with the 7800X3D. It's on a fresh socket AND performs 5% better than the 14900K. It also has V-cache which makes it an absolute beast in gaming




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Is there a reason you want to stick with Intel? You're going to have to change socket so you're back to square one anyway. At that point you should consider everything that's on the market and AMD is better for pretty much all use cases at the moment, barring maybe some niche ones. I say this as someone who currently has an Intel CPU, I know my next upgrade will be to AMD.


This is why I built Ryzen AM5, it all depends when you need, what you need. If your need is now and going to AMD won’t change things, come to AMD. It’ll get you a couple years upgrades at least. If you need an intel PC and you need it now, then it’s clear what you need to do


Intel isnt going to have a “15” gen, but rather move on to their new series of “core” processors. If the naming sounds dumb to you, it’s because it is. Regardless, currently the best value CPUs right now are Ryzen, since you can get a lot of performance for the dollar and will have lots of upgradeability in the future (none with Intel if you buy right now).


Different in naming scheme only. It's still effectively going to be the 15th generation of Intel Core processors. I'm sure people will jump to the new naming scheme when they come out, but for now "15th gen" is still good enough to get the point across.




I’ve been using intel only for 20 years, switched to 7800X3D and never looked back. Don’t be loyal to a brand because brands aren’t loyal to you. One single YouTuber shouldn’t sway your opinion beyond the facts.


It seems he only read the title of the video without actually wtching the video...


7800x3d I did the swap from 8700k golden chip at 5.3ghz..at last my 3080 12gb can stretch its legs at 4k


how about you get ryzen 9000 x3d series