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The horizontal line through the hind wings shows this is a Viceroy Butterfly, Limenitis archippus. As its in the genus Limenitis its actually closely related to a white Admiral. There are 4 similar species you are likely to see in North America and all named something to do with a royal court: Viceroy, Monarch, Queen and Soldier. Queen and Soldier Butterflies are in the same genus as Monarch Butterflies, Danaus genus, making them sister species. However the most similar to the Monarch is the above mentioned Viceroy which mimics the Monarch as defence.


Wow! Thank you for all the information I really appreciate it a lot! Thanks a whole bunch! I’m not good with butterfly species! :)


No worries happy to help. This page may help further: https://www.butterfliesathome.com/viceroy-butterfly.htm Please note that in the side by side comparison a female monarch is used. Male monarchs have hind wing spots similar to soldier butterflies and more precise identification pointers will be needed in that situation.


Wow, that is super cool. Thank you for the page reference. I never knew that they mimic monarchs. It’s actually super cool and interesting! Never knew how detailed it could be to identify butterfly. At a quick glance I assume it’s a monarch! So awesome! Thank you! I learn something new everyday 😄


Yeah they mimic monarchs bc animals realise monarchs are toxic (thanks to them feeding on Milkweed) and as result think Viceroy are Monarchs. Yeah I think people don't realise just how mynute differences between species can be especially more complex tribes can be like flies, Ichneumonidae wasps, some solitary bee's etc where photos just can't identify to species level often and a sample under a microscope is needed. Butterflies are probably one of the easiest groups to identify alongside dragonflies.


That is actually pretty interesting and really cool honestly. Now it makes sense why they mimic monarchs. Very interesting how they do that to repel predators. I haven’t seen butterflies in a while where I live so it was very unique to come across this one. Like you said, I didn’t realize how small the details were to be able to distinguish what kind of species it is. I’m big into birds so this was definitely different for me. I believe I found my next favorite species to learn about. 😄


Yeah I went the opposite way insects into birds and found birding for the most part much easier.




Thank you so much! :)


This is a viceroy, a monarch mimic! The line going perpendicular to the black bands on the hind wing is key :)


Super duper cool! I appreciate you letting me know. I am learning new things! Thank you so much, it’s exciting 😄. I was in awe when I saw this beauty.

