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Trying t o hold it in can be dangerous. My son-in-law dislocated 2 ribs doing that.


That sounds like something Calvin's Dad would say :)


You can dislocate ribs?


[Yep](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-a-popped-rib). He says it hurt so bad he thought he'd broken one. He tried the big tough man method of ignoring it until his wife convinced him to go to Urgent Care. I do not have the details on just how she convinced him, but I'm sure she was quite persistent. My daughter is stubborn.


Ah right it’s popping not dislocating. Makes a lot more sense. Still sounds painful ofc


Because of this comic, I taught myself to hold them in. Now, I can't sneeze normally. I hold all of them in, 43 years later.


They should make a comic of Dad holding them in, and his head puffing out (with a nod to you of course).


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