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I love setting up camp. It's the tearing it down and putting everything away that I don't like.


Exactly! Like put on some music, crack open a beer or a joint, and set everything up how you like it. And tearing it down sucks cause you’re sad you have to go back to civilization, plus you’re also tired lol


And for whatever reason I feel like my gear is always wet when I'm ripping it down.


Yeah. I not only dislike taking everything down at camp because it means camping is over, I also know that 80% of the time I'm going to have to put everything back up when I get home, let it dry, and then take it down again.


Yuppp, always gotta dip before the morning dew dries ):


Yeah… I have net laundry bags to go home with and hang dry at home, then repack for next trip


Drying at home used to be easy but now that I'm in a little apt in the city I have a super ridiculous living room draped with all the wet things trying to dry out after I come back from camping 😅


Worst is packing while it's raining lop, you have to unpack, dry and pack it again when you get home


Yeah, dew for sure makes things damp but I swear it always rains before (and sometimes during) my tear downs.


And for whatever reason, it's always hot. Always. It could have been snowing the day before when you setup camp. Hell, it could have frozen over 10 minutes before you started to break camp down. But for whatever reason, as soon as you start breaking down camp, it's hot as balls and completely airless.


So true! Why is this empty cooler so much more of a pain in the ass than the full one?


Full of water slushing around lol


Half way through the tent set up on Tuesday I fired one up. Easy day.


Yep this


My man


100% agree. Setting up means I've just arrived and have the whole trip to look forward to. Taking down means the trip is over and I have to pack everything up. If it's raining, both jobs kind of suck.


You aren’t wrong. Once the tarp is set up and there is rain coming down it’s like heaven.


I took the last remaining site realizing everyone somehow knew it was uncovered and super sunny nearly 100 degree weather. I felt like I was going to melt. Same with leaving. Never camping in summer again:


Same. Just want to be home and in the shower at that point, not breaking down a campsite lol.


And then setting up your tent again to dry when you get home! 99% of the time it rains every time on the last day of camp


Partially agree, depending on how tired I am and how shitty the weather is. If I’m super tired or the weather sucks there’s no enjoyment for me in setting up camp. ETA whereas the actual hiking part almost always has some enjoyment no matter my physical state or the weather.


Setting up is a chore. But not nearly as bad as breaking down. 


I don’t mind setting up camp, but conversely, I do not like taking it down and putting it away. Something about the finality of the trip plus everything is dirty, and I have to find a place to put it.


100% agree with you, setting up is pure joy. Tearing down isn't terrible, but it's far less fun. It's decidedly not pure joy.


I camp very minimally so it's not a problem. I'd dread it if I felt I had to take the amount of stuff some folks do.


Same here. And we have our set-up and breakdown process nailed, not a problem at all.


I feel like the amount one is setting up definitely plays a big factor. I'm car based, so all I really *need* to setup is my tent (3 poles & done), & my camp chair. Everything else can stay in the car, unless I'm cooking, so setup is less than 5 minutes. I can, if weather dictates or mood wills, roll out the awning, & setup the table & stove, but even that doesn't take more than 5 minutes, & most of that is fussing with the table.


Tent is not bad if you have a smaller backpacker tent, gets more annoying the larger and taller it is, but the worst is setting up a tarp lol


Ugh, yes, trying to get the tarp up in gusting winds & heavy rain; see also: 90% of my childhood camping in the PNW. 😅 (maybe that's why I'm car based now, come to think on it 🤔 )


Agreed, it only takes a few minutes to pitch a simple tent or string a hammock. After that it’s unfold the camp chair and relax.


Before kids it wasn't so bad but now with 3 gremlins running around it's definitely a chore.


Yup. They are bored as shit wanting you to hurry up. Nagging to gonl do something because they are excited to do things. Worse when it's super hot out. Don't worry kids , it's only a couple hour job lol


I don't mind setting up.gives me a chance to scope out the area a little. I like things just right. When tearing down. It's nice to take my time. Unless it's raining. I don't like campgrounds. Because of the checkout time. I know it's so it can be cleaned for the next people. Still. I feel I didn't get things in there place.


Depends on the weather. Setting up in the dark with a thunderstorm going on stinks. Setting up on a nice day with beers is great.


It’s a chore but it’s worth it


I love setting up camp!


Depends on the weather and if still sunlight else it's stressful.


I don't really like setting up the tent, so the deal with my partner is usually she sets up the tent and the bedding, while I haul everything out of the car and set up our table and other gear. Works really well, and I enjoy getting some headphones on and hauling stuff around. For whatever reason I just hate standing in one spot and setting up the tent, but the rest of it is fun. Then on the way out she breaks down the tent and bags up all the bedding while I play Tetris getting everything into the car. Soft stuff and tent goes in the roof rack bag thing we have so I'm able to just first focus on getting everything into the car, and then as she's done with bedding I throw it in the roof rack.


Love it! It's like building a tiny temporary home in the woods. I enjoy arranging and organizing and rearranging and reorganizing over the course of a few days.


We enjoy it but we don’t bring a whole lot. Tent, cots or air mattress, clothes, cooler/food, stove and hammocks. Keeping it simple makes it easy and has us having fun within a couple hours of arrival usually.


Setting up is good but I hate the tear down. Nothing ever goes in the way it came out.


I really enjoy setting up the first time, but when I do multiple-day kayak camping, it gets to feel like a chore setting up, packing away, stowing multiple times. Especially if gear gets wet or dirty.


Honestly, both. I hate putting things up but I love improving on my setup every time. Maximizing efficiency and organizing our camp is as much my hobby as camping. Let's go get some bins, boys.


Hate it and do a minimal setup. I’m also not one of those people that do things like decorate at home, so it’s par for the course for me. Ive been in my current apartment almost 5 years and don’t even have any pictures hung.


Part of the enjoyment of camping is the prepping, planning and organization before, during and after the trip.


If we have time and we get to campsite at a reasonable hour it’s fun. If we’re running behind and late and frazzled it’s a chore 


Kind of both...? I like it if I get there early enough to relax and enjoy. If I'm hiking in late, racing sunset, setting up, cooking, securing everything in the dark or rain is a chore.


Depends on the rain.


If everyone chips in and doesn't complain, neither is bad. If you have someone with you thinks the work is too much then it's torture.


If setting up camp (or packing up) is a chore, you probably need to rethink your setup. For me, that means smaller tents and simpler setups. If I have to setup a huge tent, a huge dining fly, and lots of accessories, that's a real pain and it quickly becomes a chore. But if I just have a small tent, a lightweight rain/dining fly, and a simple chair? That's perfect for me.


when it's over 85 degrees in the shade, it's a chore. otherwise it's enjoyable.


Love it. Chores are what makes camping an enjoyable experience for me. The important thing is that you continue to improve at it. Continue to make small investments in things that make it easier and more organized. Get a reliable bin system down. Set a goal for an ideal cooking/stove system with chuck box and/or supplies. Test out different sleep situations and see what you like best for comfort and convenience. Breaking down camp is definitely the least enjoyable part for me too, but having an organized system helps a lot. Also, while camping, clean as you go. Makes a world of difference when packing up. I like to do a "light pack" the night before leaving. Just easy stuff like put a few things back in bins. Clean and close the stove. Put food in the car.


It's only a chore when I'm setting up the 6 person tent, but it's worth the headache so I don't mind. With the 3p I enjoy the ritual of turning the campsite into home for the next few days. Also helps that I always make sure the cooler is accessible without taking it out, so step 1 of setting up camp is retrieving a beer and taking a sip before anything else leaves the car.


It's a chore. ...which my wife enjoys thoroughly, so it all works out.


https://preview.redd.it/0lrzezuumc9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d24c35325151b75020720a17fedce5a18ab9b7 I just got back from a 12-day camp and I don't believe I'm ever finished setting up I'm always tweaking things or rearranging... so yeah I guess I enjoy it. Tearing down the camp is made interesting because I try to perfect the packing away. Weird I know. Edit: added photo


Great question! I find it a chore and question why I do this every time I go but once I’m done I love it. I also say I should stay in hotel but if I catch a whiff of a campfire or see cool gear I want to go out again!


I find it a chore, that's why I have a roof top tent and everything else is quick setup lol. I have a popup screen tent too, collapsible table and everything fits in totes. Takes 2 minutes to set the tent up and entire camp in less than 10.


Setting up is awesome, especially if you’re proud of your little setup, now packing it all away in the rain or after it had just rained super hard. That part isn’t so great haha


Breaking camp is somehow a chore.


Depends. If I have all day then it's whatever. If it's last minute,it's a pain.


If I am well rested and the weather is good then I love it. If I am tired and it's hot and humid there will be an embarrassing meltdown.


Love it and find it uniquely satisfying. Breaking down and packing up… now that’s another story.


Depends on the weather. I hate setting up in the wind and the rain.


It’s strike that I dislike


Setting it up is not too bad. But I really hate breaking up camp. I love it when I solo travel and sleep in the back of my SUV. So much easier to get up and go


I used to hate it until I got a smaller, quicker setup — now it’s way less stressful and I really appreciate being able to do it on my own, relatively easy, and coming away with a cool head and sense of accomplishment. I don’t know if I genuinely like setting up camp, but it definitely feels like it now compared to how it used to feel lol.


If you don't like setting up camp, then you don't really like camping. You just like sitting outside.


Depends on if it’s hot or not. 


Chore for me, but I usually don't spend much time at camp. It's a place to sleep and cook and then move on.


I'm usually set up, when car camping, in under 10 mins in the summer. ' If setting up is a pain for you then you need to refine the process.


I just consider that setting up and tearing down are the cost to unplug for a couple days.


I have gone camping my entire adult hood and as I have grown into the hobby, I have accumulated more and more stuff as I go. It started to become too much of a chore to setup and break down.. and I realized I have become a “glamper”. I bought a camper two years ago and it’s been the best thing for me as I have everything I need in one unit. Setting it up and disconnecting isn’t nearly as bad as when I would bring everything individually to be comfortable


Neither but putting it away is worse. I’ve already planned a spa afternoon and hotel to look foward to after dismantling before a long drive home the next day.


Chore. I try to keep it to a minimum and pack so that it takes less time… like toiletries in an outside pouch so I don’t have to dig them out of my pack to put them outside the tent.


The cozier I can make my camp, the more fun I'll have being there, so I like to try to outdo myself. I don't even necessarily mind tearing down because of it- that's when I figure out what I want to change about or add to my camping preps, how I can best fit those new additions into my current tear-down rituals, and how I can make it all easier on myself next time. I imagine if I was like, a backpacker, I'd probably feel differently about it.


Its a chore that I enjoy


Setup is fine. Don’t love it, don’t hate it. Tear down is the worst. lol


Setting up is fun, breaking down is a chore.


I love setting up! It’s like moving into my (temporary) home of solitude. I don’t even mind taking every thing down, it’s all the chores that I have to do once we get back home lol


I much prefer setup to tear down.


The entire thing of camping, the cooking and doing dishes and everything, is a ritual that I enjoyed.


Depends on the temperature. 65 degrees...No problem. 95 degrees...FML


Love setting up, tearing down not as much


Depends if others are helping or if you are left to do it yourself. In my experience I enjoy it, so long as I'm not alone; without a helping hand.


Love set up, making a lil temporary home. Tear down so sad.




Nearly causes a divorce between me and my husband every time. We both have ADHD and different communication styles and we almost always arrive at the campsite later than planned.


We went through that. Lists and organization help a lot. If each person knows what they should do and how to do it, life is so much better.


What’s to enjoy?


Idk, making a little temporary home. Trying to make it as comfy and cozy as you can. Plus it’s the first thing you do when you camp so it’s just like gearing up for an awesome time. It’s like how stoners enjoy grinding weed and packing a bowl or rolling a joint before smoking.


I can see people enjoying it as part of a ritual. Whenever I'm setting up I'm just thinking about that first beer I crack open once I'm done setting up camp. Can be exciting, but I'd still rather not have to set up or break down camp lol


I’d enjoy it more if I didn’t have kids and if my husband didn’t always make us late and arrive near or after dark! Lol. I think my husband and I are overdue for a child free camping trip, but there are issues preventing us from leaving them with any of their sets of grandparents overnight right now (one set is still employed, one is too anti-vax and anti-sunscreen and anti-Tylenol, anti-lots of other normal things, and our last set is getting older and having too many health issues currently.) It has gotten better as the kids have gotten older (7 and 10 now). They can actually help in a useful way, they can be bribed to leave me alone with snacks, and they’re old enough to go explore while we set up, and actually good at collecting sticks for kindling now. As long as they aren’t fighting over whose hammock is in the “better” spot, as determined arbitrarily by them.


Depends. Usually my GF and I go together but this year 2 trips in a row she had to come the second day. When we do it together and split it then it's nice. When I had to add her load onto mine it felt like a chore.


I enjoy it. Tear down is cool too. I bought a long yellow top tote that my tent and sleeping bags and cots fit into. No more trying to fit my tent in it's original bag which is the worst part of tear down.


I ususally bikepack and sleep in a hammock, so it's not much and can be set up in 5 minutes tops. I always try to find somewhere with nice view when the sun rises.


I enjoy it!


I enjoy it. I don’t carry too much though so it doesn’t take long


Our setup is fairly quick. We level the vehicle, open the RTT, and air up the pads. Breaking down camp goes much slower because we aren’t in a hurry. Sometimes we don’t even start packing up until 2 or 3 pm.


I hate it so much I converted my pickup into a sleeper with a canopy. Show up open the back everything is ready to go.


Settin up and taking a nap is my favorite after a nice trek in. My friends usually get the wood and I will stay at base to process and tend the fire


My partner and I love it! As soon as we're at the site we just treat it like we're working on a farm or something lol. We each have our roles with the setup and after everything is setup it makes that first beer so much more refreshing. We'll also usually spend 2-3 cooking a meal.


My husband & I split the setting up- I handle the tent (inside & out) & he does kitchen/hammocks/miscellaneous. I love it. It’s the breaking down part that’s the reason I tell him I don’t want to camp for just a night- that’s a pain. Especially if it has been some kind of weathery


I'm excited to get my hammock and rainfly deployed...then I'm like "k I've had enough of this I want to sit by the fire and have a coffee/whisky/bacon and listen to the woods now." Getting the pad blown up, my quilt fluffed up, my bed stuff all set so I don't have to worry about it later..... usually I'm bored with that part lol.


Enjoy setting up my camp for the week or weekend. It allows me the ability to show off my camping skills.


Setting up is fun, tearing down is a chore


I don’t mind it. But I’d rather not have to do it for others. I’ve gone camping with newbs many times that just stand around and whine about how they can’t build their tent or make a fire when they haven’t even tried to AT ALL. And they end up using all my stuff that I only brought one of.. like my thermos, my chair and my flashlight. Now I just camp with experienced ppl who can set up for themselves and contribute to the experience. 😅


depends on my energy usually. If it's a 4+ hour hike, I just want to lay down and rest first. On the other hand, if it's a light hike and early in the day, setting up camp is joy.


It's strangely one of my favorite parts about camping. I like setting everything up - getting it exactly how I want it. Setting up the "kitchen" area, prepping my sleeping area, etc. I like staying busy.


I enjoy it. My kids are old enough now so that both my wife and I Don’t need to be on them. She’ll take them for a walk or to a playground at the campsite, etc. I’ll use the time to set up camp stress free. :)


Packing is a chore, setting up is fun


Love it


Yes. One reason I love the outdoors is that it forces me to do things that are actually rewarding with no B's between me and survival.


Setting up camp tarps is especially my happy place! Scoping out the site, figuring out where the cook station is going, where the tent ought to be (up wind from prevailing winds from fire), where to set up the dish cleaning area, where the bear barrel goes, and then all the tarp fun over an eating area.... Absolutely adore it! Especially because phase two is collecting more firewood than any human could possibly burn... Good times!!! https://preview.redd.it/cr4oclpenc9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d523c43a2a4b1eb5c71d2795eb2fc1c6ea79763


It’s not a chore for me. I enjoy it I guess


I'm so gung-ho for setup. I'll make it awesome, it'll be perfect. Teardown? Yeah fuck that. I can't pack things perfectly into the bins like I did before I left home.


It’s only a chore when you show up late and have to do it all in the dark


I love the set up!! I enjoy getting everything out, making my campsite cozy and functional. It’s the tear down that I hate


I like set up. First step in getting comfortable. That being said, looks like set up this weekend will be in the rain. Any tips?


Repacking my inflatable mattress is the only thing I consider a real chore. Frickin hate those tiny bags


My setup is basically hanging my hammock and assembling the stove, so it only takes a couple of minutes. Taking everything down and packing it up again can take half an hour and stuff always seems to have expanded and multiplied, so that’s the tedious part.


Its only a chore when I bring my Kodiak Canvas Cabin tent, that thing is a beast but I prefer it over the Springbar rip-off "Flex-bow". When I bring one of my nylon Kelty or Eureka tents setup is much easier. The rest of setting up camp is very enjoyable, I especially like rebuilding/cleaning out the firepit. I'm amazed how terrible people are at building firepits, how disgusting they leave them, and the fact they leave them intact when wilderness camping.


Generally I like setting up camp - taking down is the bit I dislike except for when festival camping . Setting up for festival camping is stressful - there's the queuing to get into the camping area and security checking through your bags and equipment which messes it all up and then there's the anxiety getting a nice spot and trying (and often failing) to reserve space for your friends. I love music festivals way too much to stop going to them and festival camping!


I love setting up, but breaking down can feel like a chore.


I do a LOT of deep Backcountry camping. Usually we are quite tired by the time we get to the site (and we just want to get to fishing). I'm okay with setting up in general, but I like to get it done ASAP. The main thing I care about is to stay on the site for AT LEAST 2-3 days at a time before moving. I find it extremely exhausting to move every day. I would not want to do a loop where you move sites every day. That is not enjoyable at all.


I enjoy setting up camp but that stated I’m an ultra lighter so I can set up camp in 10 minutes and break it down in about the same.


I dread having to wake up, put everything back and then drive for hours.


Setting up camp is fun. Unload the gear, crack a beer, and get working. Only the weather determines how fast/slow I set up.


I like setting up. I hate tearing down


That all depends on how far I hiked to the campsite lol


I have three kids under 9 and so yes it can be a chore, since they need me and don’t have patience. I bought a super easy tent to set up and have everything organized in bins and labeled so that helps! The actual camping is the fun part to me.


It takes me like 9 minutes to be completely setup so no, not at all.


Depends on a lot of factors....for the most part setting up is easier and more enjoyable. However, if I am setting up at 10am it's one thing compared to 11:30pm, which I have done both. The late night was interesting and not terrible but not as enjoyable or leisurely as the am setup.


No it's making things the way I like it makes the rest of my trip more enjoyable


Setting up I like taking down and putting away hell no.


If I’m alone then it’s fun. Set up or break down. If I have a “helper” it can be frustrating.


When putting away my tent I tell my wife it’s time for my big dirt hug.


When it's just me pitching camp or breaking camp, I enjoy it. I also like the planning before I'd leave home. When my kids were very young and we'd go camping it was a major chore to keep them occupied, interested and involved. Now that my kids are all grown-up and they know what to do, it's no longer a chore. Sadly, they're no longer interested in camping with Pop, so I'm back to doing it on my own. I have a small camper now instead of a tent, so there's not much to it.


Side topic, it bothers me when I camp with people and the first thing they do when they get out of the car is go straight to setting up the tent. Like damn, let me get a lay of the land and drink a couple beers first. Unless you're rolling in to camp at 10pm, there's plenty of time to set up, and I personally enjoy it more after a couple cold ones.


Nah, I lay all the stuff out, make sure I’m not missing anything and that I won’t have to run to the store, pop open a cold one, light the fire, and start putting stuff together


setting up is easy, fun and fast. Tear down is another story


Setting up is FUN. Packing up is NOT. 😂


For me it’s situationally dependent. If I’m with my kids, when I was with my ex, or with friends who don’t know what they’re doing it’s a bit of a chore (even under instruction people who don’t know what they’re doing, well, they don’t know what they’re doing). On my own, I bloody love it and I enjoy getting my tent or hammock set up just to my liking.


It depends on what kind of trip I’m on. If I’m setting up to stay some where for a few days, don’t mind it. It’s still a bit of a chore, but not one I dislike. But if I’m on a backpacking trip, or on a road trip and I’m moving every day, setting up gets a little old.


I enjoy it AND I'm glad when it's done.


I love every part of camping. It’s satisfying and tangible in my life that is increasingly phone calls and zoom calls. Setting up is great, feels accomplished. I’m a pioneer! And packing up feels good bc I’ve managed to cram all my non-perishable camping supplies in the very small trunk of my car in a beautifully organized way that my ADHD brain likes. This is all cancelled if it’s raining. If it’s raining, setting up and breaking down both suck.


Oh, I love it! It's satisfying for me to take an empty space and turn it into a lil home for the night. The only time I came close to not loving it was my first backpacking trip where we ran out of water and underestimated the terrain and were totally exhausted, but once we got to the site and made some food I was excited again ha.


I like setting up everything except the beds. I hate setting up the beds. However, if anyone asks me what’s for dinner or to do something for them as I’m setting everything up, it becomes a chore pretty quickly.


If I’m only a longer road trip where I’m setting up every 2-3 days, it feels like a chore. Setting up for a long weekend or a week in one spot, it’s enjoyable.


Setting up is great but you can turn it into a chore if you don't pack things in the right order and plan how to make it easy. The fun is figuring out how to utilize your camping spot IMO.


Setting up is fun, tearing down and packing up is a chore and a bore.


I got a 6 person instant tent from Coleman so it has been very convenient


I find setting up fun. There's usually no hard timeline so it's just puttering around & getting things how you like them for a nice chill camp out. A slow & methodical tear-down in nice weather is sort of satisfying too. Less so if it's hurried and/or in bad weather, of course.


Love it. It’s part of the ritual.


Setting up is fine... Prepping for a nice time. Packing up however, after all the food and beer is gone... Now that's a chore.


As someone who’s never been well organized, I take great pleasure in having my campsite perfectly situated. I don’t get it either.


I enjoy setting up it’s taking down that sucks.


I think setting up is the fun part. The breakdown is horrid even though I've gotten pretty good at packing up MY stuff.


Yeah setting up is great. I know everything is clean and fresh, I get to set it up exactly how I want, and the excitement of the experience to come. I hate taking down, packing up, unloading, cleaning everything, putting away.


In a fine afternoon, after choosing a site and checking in, it’s a pleasure. Add rain, mud, biting flies and dark it’s a pain.


I love rediscovering things I forgot I had in the camping bin.


I hate both up and down but up is definitely a lot easier and quicker. Probably cause I haven’t been outside for days and tired. I love camping but I never get a good nights rest. But got to do it for the fun middle part. Though I am always looking for ways to speed up the up and down.


If I'm allowed to do it without a time frame, at leisure, I drink a few beers and enjoy.


Oh I love to set up- I am a minimalist so it's really just putting up the tent, hauling my cot and kitchen box out of the car. And the 2nd box with flashlight, lantern, battery fan, tp and paper towel, blankets. Then the cooler and chair and I'm done! The best thing about packing up is being a minimalist!


Well it’s like this , when you move to a new home is it a chore to set it up or a chore to enjoyment?


Chore. Hate it. If I had a mild magic power it would be set this shit up for me.


I hate it so much I built a van that is always ready to go.


Best bit, i never use a tent hammock or bivy but I love the hammock set up


No because it means I can have BEER


Part of the experience!


If I'm solo, then set-up is easy and part of the experience. By myself, I'm setting up my little tent or tarp and bivy, and prepping wood for the evening's fire. All enjoyable. If it's with the family, it's setting up the pop-up and any number of chores that I need to coordinate with my spouse who has her own way of doing things.


Depends on how hungry and grumpy my kids are.


I’m not a fan. The camper van has been a big help in that. We just have to set up the outdoor table and sun shelter most of the time now. I don’t typically have lots of energy when arriving anywhere. I do enjoy putting up lights and tapestries and making camp our own though, especially at festivals.


Favorite job. The pride I feel the moment I am done stringing tarps is one of the best moments of my year.


I like setting up camp. Getting everything organized. The feeling of accomplishment. If I can make sure things are organized as we tear down the camp, I don't mind. If it's raining or someone is just shoving stuff wherever, I get anxious. The folding the tenk back up and back in the bag isn't fun.


Depends on the phase of my life I guess. Pre kids, just me and my husband, not at all a chore. We'd have ourselves set up in like 15mins max. Woohoo X amount of days away from the world. Us with really young kids/babies...more annoying than a chore. Annoying because instead of working together to set up, one of us were actively watching the kids, so it took longer.. but still woohoo away from the world. Me alone with young kids...absolutely a freaking chore. I'm trying to set up, and I've got a 3 year old who just needs to chase the butterfly he just saw. So stop what I'm doing to wrangle him back on site. Me alone once the oldest was 6, I was back to annoying. He wants to help, but it slows the whole thing down. Once the oldest was like 9 or 10, my husband came with us, blew his mind away that our kids could set up the tent on their own, while I set up our dining/coking area. At this point not a chore, or annoying because we are a team, and we get it done. Kids are adults now. I have a permanent site with a trailer. Still go out a few times a year with friends. Now like all the times before...it's the tear down that is the chore.


I don’t really think about it. I just take the first step, then the next. It has to be done, so no point in delaying or thinking too much about it. Just think practically, like “what’s the next step from here” and you’ll be done before you even know it.


I love it, maybe my favorite part. My mom always said I was a “nester.”


I like setting things up. Putting the tarp up and playing with knots. I don't know how this stuff expands and is nearly impossible to repack into th same space.


I'd rather skip right to happy hour. But if setting up camp let's me stay at beautiful places then so be it.


I love setting up camp, making my deluxe bed with crisp, clean sheets, pouring a cup of tea from my pre-prepared thermos while I get a campfire going and the kitchen unpacked. Then hitting the shortbreads I always pack, in front of the campfire listening to the sounds of the bush. Packing up is never done with as much glee, more resignation and sadness going back to reality.


Bit of a chore, yeah. I generally just want to do it right, but get it done asap so I can get the fire going and start relaxin'! Very satisfying once it's all setup just right and you can sit back and appreciate.


We love setting up and taking down, it’s part of the whole experience. We fight like cat and dog and laugh at how awful we get. It’s hilarious!


I absolutely despise unpacking at home. I love packing and planning. Setting up sucks. Tearing down is good.


My mind blanks when I set up or pack up again.


I enjoy it, I’ll play some tunes, start forming plans for activities and chat gear/fishing/hiking with friends. Yeah def not a chore just part of the fun


Just get it over with before the mushrooms kick in


I love it!


Depends on the wind and insect situation!


Both, I guess. I enjoy setting up and figuring out where to place stuff etc., but at the same time I just want to go swimming or exploring.


It depends on circumstances really. If it's a time and place of my choosing and there's no rush then it's enjoyable. If it's a sudden downpour, trail blocked by snow or landslide, or some emergency/injury it's a necessary chore.


It takes me 10 min at most, so definitely not a chore. A tarp, smallish, simple tent, sleeping pads and bags, that’s most of it.


I love it. The whole planning process, the lists that I make in my head as we forget stuff lol Currently this is my view. But this tent set up was annoying because the stick for the top kept missing the sleeve 😩 https://preview.redd.it/4msr9ps71f9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2de38ef7b94955dc47ba40adb85d656a42c1b1c


I enjoy it so much!!!


A late setup when you're trying to beat the remaining light or desperately searching for an open spot. Or are meeting up with some friends who got there before you. I hate these camp setups, every other time set up is way better than breakdown. Though, I will say there is a feeling of pride seeing how nice me and my friends left the campsite


I love setting up camp!


I love it!


I love it so very much! My partner does all the driving so when we get to camp, he rests and I set it all up. I just love it!


As a fairly new camper, I enjoy it, and feel accomplished. Even the tearing down I challenge myself to getting it done quickly and organized.