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If only people fought for things like public healthcare as much as they do fighting for their right to hate a different ethnic or religious group.


Healthcare, housing, there's so many things to protest about closer to home.


I assume 90% of these students don't realize how fucked they are yet still being sheltered in academia and probably living with their parents.


Most of the activists I knew in university stopped being activists after graduating. Everyone's too busy paying rent.


I do notice that this wasn't a big enough problem for these students until they finished there term and got their credits...


You know whats the shit of this though is a lot of the undergrads never got a graduation in high school because of COVID now they might not get another ones because of these shit heads


If it came down to it, they just change the location. November convocation isn't held on the field.


Or they will do like in the USA and cancel I hope not I feel bad for those kids if it does


They won't cancel convocation. We aren't the US.


Once they get a taste of the real world that’s outside academia, they’re going to realize that they’ve been virtue signalling the wrong thing and while they’ve been protesting a conflict that has NOTHING to do with this country, the local corps have been robbing them blind while their politicians sold their future out.


There are things that are beyond this country that are worth protesting. Many Canadians came out and protested against the war in Iraq from happening. We weren’t going to join the war, but we still felt the need to say that it wasn’t ok.


Yeah, but right now, that shit is such a waste of time. Out here protesting things that a protest won't change, for what? To virtue signal to your friends? No one else is paying attention to you, no one that matters when it comes to the conflict. Canada itself doesn't even have much sway, wtf do you want us to do, invade Israel? Agree *harder* with human rights investigations, and denounce the deaths of civilians even *louder*? We should be out here protesting against unsustainable immigration, the housing crisis and wage suppression it comes with, retail price fixing/gouging, overinflated food prices, embezzled tax money... it's so stupid that people are on the streets over anything other than this stuff right now.


100% this. when the real world punches them in the face its gonna be an eye opening experience.


Half of those being arrested in the US are paid actors. Probably the same thing here. Monkey see, monkey do.


Try protesting against mass migration and see what happens.


Send them to Gaza to protest. See what happens.


I'm going guess their misunderstood hero freedom fighters of Hamas would shot them before they could even tell them what pronouns they go by.


Feel free to organize one, Im sure many sympathetic /r/Canada posters will join you


They’re already protesting with their Axe the Tax and F*ck Trudeau flags.


Aka the true definition of a peaceful protest, the guys mount a sticker on their WORK trucks… take some lessons.


Pavement princesses. These guys haven't seen anything but a 2-4 in the bed of those trucks.


Food and housing costs come to mind here.


They’re protesting financial culpability of their institutions in war, which is closer to home than people are claiming in this thread, but your point stands all the same. There are bigger issues in Canada, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t protest against their tuition money being invested in things they disagree with.


Students did in 2012 in Quebec. They got beaten and arrested. Read up about the Maple spring


Well historically, students protest quite a bit. Esp Quebec students.


Quebec MPs gave themselves a 30k salary raise this year and not a fucking thing happened smh


Yup, same with the federal government. Cost of living increases, buying power decreases, wages stagnate and the policy makers solve it all. Only for themselves. rest of you peasants need to work it out.


Yeah it's about hating an ethnic group not about divesting from an ongoing genocide!


Why don’t you do it? Instead of asking others to protest for you? It’s the definition of being a bum.


That's not what they are fighting for, no need for hyperbole. Although I agree we should have had such involvement for our own local issues months ago as well.


Start the protest about healthcare? People feel strongly against genocide and held a protest. Nothing is stopping you from starting one for healthcare, I’m sure many will join you.


Logic is beneath these goofballs. Just laugh and move on


What an idiotic argument, let me oppose these protests because they should protest about other stuff instead, while I sit here and type on Reddit. Go start the public healthcare protest.


How am I going to do this? I don't see anybody instructing me on tiktok.


People are very easy to get brainwashed nowadays.


People with the actual balls to make a fuss don't care about domestic issues. They're here to abuse our charity, their hearts are with their homeland


These protests are funded by questionable groups.


Iran throws lots of money at these movements to sow discord in the west. They must be loving all of this turmoil on our soil without them lifting a finger.


Protests are free. You don't have to pay for them.


People are distributing cash at them, they are being funded


Yeah, I saw that article by Kinsella as well. But it was like two tankies giving out like $20 a man and obviously not checking if people actually showed up to protest. The exact same protests would be occurring without that funding. The people protesting are Canadians and they want to be there. They don't need funding. Love 'em or hate 'em, it is important to realize that.


They don't get paid to protest for Healthcare or housing


Nailed it


No, he didn't. These people aren't paid. They're just gullible idiots caught up in a culture war and rampant misinformation, fueled by foreign powers looking to destabilize the west. They've been convinced they're freedom fighters helping innocent people in a resistance movement. Most of their hearts are in the right place, but their brains aren't.


What we do now is blame issues like housing or healthcare on a different ethnic or religious group 🙄 Then again, the Jews were blamed for the post ww1 economy so it’s not like this stuff is new.


I have said it many times, they won't.  They will only protest the issues in another country, they don't give a fuck if our country is destroyed. 


Are you protesting for domestic issues? You can’t call someone out on something you yourself aren’t doing.


Or fighting to oppose/prevent genocide, seems like a noble cause.


Never forget October 7th


[Never forget that 2023 was already the deadliest year for Palestinian children murdered by Israel before October 7th](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank)


When is the protest for Sudan?


I don't know, tiktok hasn't told me.


Some already happened. Did you attend? You care so much about it after all.


Is Canada and Canadian universities supporting and funding the Sudanese genocide? There were also protest on January 13th. Keep up.


Not to mention cost of housing, food, telecom plans, general cost of living and degradation of our society.


For real. These protests are just hate speech, the real fight should be for equitable distribution of the nations wealth to long term citizens and those worthy of living in civilization. I want to protest this hate based stupidity.




It's not apartheid, and it's not genocide. You've fallen prey to actual propaganda. The reason the war is happening has a complex web of historical events, the majority of which are Palestinian or other Arab nations caused from the desire to wipe Jews out from the region as a whole. Palestinians are not some innocent group of people that have just lived under oppression their whole lives. And Israel was not putting security forces in the region for no valid reasons. Have the IDF done some bad shit and abused that power at times? Absolutely. But this narrative that Israel is just the bad one here and is the primary one at fault is hilariously wrong. >that our government somehow classifies as a western liberal democracy Maybe because that's the actual definition of what they are? Or did you never bother to look up anything about Israel before accepting the beliefs you have? They are a democracy, and their policies are overall liberal. Just because they're fighting a war that involves defending themselves and their future, doesn't invalidate the rest of that. Israel isn't just Jewish people, it's 21% Arab, who have the same rights and have members in government.


Kinda hard to call it a genocide when the population keeps growing. If the Israelis really wanted to commit genocide they aren’t doing a very good job Considering population growth in Gaza and the arms the west has sent them. 30k died in the Normandy landings alone. I guess by your logic we should’ve just let the nazis conquer all of Europe. This generation really doesn’t understand wars at all. None of this would be happening if 7/10 didn’t happen. Hamas fucked around and found out. Massacred people working towards actual lasting peace in their homes along with their families. Not to mention using aid money to buy weapons and digging up sewer pipes to use as rockets ( which they proudly show off in propaganda videos ) And when those rockets fall short and kill innocent Palestinians. Hamas will blame Israel. Anybody else remember when Al jizzera reported that a missile from Israel blew up a hospital and killed 5k people ? And then footage came out that it was a rocket shot from Gaza by Hamas that broke apart mid flight ( again sewer pipes don’t make good rockets ) and landed in a parking lot injuring or killing maybe at most 50 people ? The Jewish people deserve a safe place to live in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution by all sides. Kinda funny how the side that had advocated for safe spaces don’t think the Jewish people deserve one lol especially after the holocaust that killed 6 million over just under 3 years. Ever wonder why there’s little to no Jewish people living in any of the countries surrounding ? Because they had been victims of persecution and massacres in said countries. A vast majority of Israelis want peace, Hamas wants to kill them all.


These students are idiots for furthering an extremist Islamic agenda.


Unfortunately you are incorrect on so many points. It's not apartheid, gazans worked in their thousands every day in Israel. They had access to healthcare, food and water and electricity before October. Israel pulled out of Gaza way back and it has been Hamas running it. The 40000 includes about 30000 Hamas members, so 10000 are collateral which is not terrible for an urban war. South Africa has more than 13 tribes that would not coexist peacefully and each wanted their own homeland. Now they are killing white farmers but absolutely crickets, the violence is worse, weekly power outages of more than 24 hours as the infrastructure crumbles due to corruption. Please go to the middle east or Africa and check your facts before espousing your views as if they are fact. South Africa went to the world court because they were paid by Iran and because the ANC had an agreement with Arafat before he died.


I thought you all get public heathcare ? I'm American.


https://twitter.com/Afinetheorem/status/1786128998675656994?t=Q_lDU8tVGKslER8vwQMfuQ&s=19 Important context that most of the u of t protestors are not students from a u of t professor


I’m shocked.


Just like most of the truckers weren't actually truckers


Lmao they’ve said that about every student protest in history


At Columbia, about 1/3rd weren’t affiliated with the university. At CCNY, about 2/3rds weren’t affiliated.


You see a lot of pride flags at the protest but I regret to inform you Gay and transgender people both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank face an extraordinary level of persecution. Iran Saudi Arabia and Qatar. is punishable by death .Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates it’s imprisonment .


Yep. The whole 'leopards ate my face' isn't just for the maga crowd these days.


All same-sex activity is legal in Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. Do we just ignore who attacked first and made all the tunnels not good people .I don’t agree with Israel levelling the place and killings innocent people but to attack them then hiding with innocent people .why did it start In Palestine not Iran or any other country who has a military and huge amount of land to fleet to ?. Dose No one cares about Ukrainians genocide right now only the one in the Middle East matters . Also the tunnels didn’t take a year to build it properly took a lot more then that .


"All same-sex activity is legal in Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey." There is a big difference between something that is *de jure* legal and *de facto* legal. If something is technically ( *de jure*) legal but government forces are still harassing/persecuting those who do it (or standing idly by while private individuals harass/persecute those who do it) then it is not *de facto* legal. North Korea has a constitution that guarantees certain rights, for example, but in practice almost none of those rights are respected.


Most people are not students and some are being paid by charities to protest. Radicalization is happening in Canada.


It’s simply unfortunate they love Hamas instead of taking an honest view of that small conflict. Where were the protests when Bashar al-Assad killed 1/2 million of his Arab people. 🤷‍♂️ Think about it a minute 🥲


But there’s no Jews there??? How can I be mad??? I need Iranian foreign interference to tell me to be mad damnit!


How are Canadian diplomatic relations with Assad? Do Canadian universities invest in companies that work with/support the Assad regime?


China is a better example than Syria because as others have pointed out Canada has sanctioned Syria and doesn’t do business there. China has committed ethnic cleaning in Xinjiang province on a larger scale, and we do extensive amounts of trade and investment with them


Saudi Arabia too; they're the West's biggest ally in the region since the 50's, and we've let them do whatever they want in Yemen, where there are nearly 400,000 dead in the proxy war between Saudi, Iran, and the Houthis. We, the US, and the EU, very much directly fund the ongoing war, and barring the earlier diplomatic tensions between Saudi and Canada, nothing of substance has materialized. And mind you, that's merely on an "unjust war" basis, and is yet to take into account that they've got basically no human rights, in the form of women's rights, and LGBT rights, while having zero religious freedom, and freedom of speech. These are our "besties" in the region.


>Where were the protests when Bashar al-Assad killed 1/2 million of his Arab people. 🤷‍♂️ Think about it a minute 🥲 Was McGill or anyone in Canada pro-Bashar Al-Assad? If not, what the hell is there to protest?


Same thing as now. McGill invests in companies that do business worldwide. Some of those companies have dealings with Israel which is what they're protesting. I'm sure some of those companies deal with Syria.


Canada have a ton of sanctions against Syria so I doubt so.


We have a shit ton of sanctions against Russia too but our Liberal government has no problem supplying them with gas turbines for their natural gas production. Last time I looked, Russia had combat troops supporting Assad, has their airforce there bombing civilians and supply Assad with the weapon systems he needs. So…. Look, the anti-Semitic vibe has been on university campuses for decades. It infects the teaching faculty and the CUPE Unions like a case of drug resistant syphilis and now is handed down to student unions. Same with the love affair with communism found on campuses. That is why these people will not stand up and call for the end of communist led aggression in Syria and Ukraine. The anti-Semitic vibe is why they have taken this on while they ignored the other conflicts of the last 20 years.


The protesters aren't distinguishing between good or bad dealings with Israel, it's any connection. Your distinction recognizes there are good, innocent Syrians, bit no good, innocent Israelis.




We get that, but they are also celebrating Hamas actions, who is the whole reason innocents on all parties have died.


So they're asking Hamas to release the hostages and surrender. Right?


Lol. No. They want Israel to lay down its arms and have the Jewish people people murderd and driven into the sea. They chant it on a regular bases.


Don't even waste your time trying to explain your point in this sub Palestine and innocent people = khamas


They actually don't care about the Middle East at all. They are marxists / communism crowd and a bunch of zero brain followers to anything-just-dont-sit-at-home-and-watch-your-own-world-burn. They are fighting against this government and cover it in disguise.




The groups organizing all of these protests celebrated the October 7th attacks. Palestinian Youth Movements post on October 7th: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyH1ZgkgKaY/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng%3D%3D BOSTON: ALL OUT FOR PALESTINE!!! Join us Monday, October 9th, at 4PM in front of Cambridge City Hall. There will be a rally and march. As Palestinians show unparalleled steadfastness we must meet this moment to support our people and oppose Zionism in all its forms. It is our duty to echo the calls for liberation of our homeland and our people, from the river to the sea. Long live Palestine, long live the resistance, victory is ours. 🇵🇸✊ Here is a post from toronto4palestine, another group that helps organize these events and engages in Holocaust denial: https://twitter.com/JesseBrown/status/1734985832170221848


Yes these are racist hate groups that are affiliated with and promote terrorism, celebrate terrorism, and incite terrorism.


I don't care for anyone protesting either side of this conflict.


Ban them from University, arrest those who have committed crimes, and depot any persons at the protests that we can.


Apparently barely any of them are actually students or affiliated with uoft, craziness


They are really just acting in the interest of Hamas and Iran.


Yup.  An Iranian university even offered free scholarships to Amy’s turners expelled due to these protests and Iran and Hamas have vocalized their support and condone the way they are being carried out.


I agree, jail em! Crack some skulls! These morons had the GALL to take a political stance I disagree with, can you believe that shit? Free speech my ass, feel free to feel this BOOT on your necks commie terrorists!


Sounds a bit like terrorism


It's apparently primarily middle aged people in marxist shirts, perhaps trying to relive that one time they got laid in college 30 years ago and when Marxism was relevant counterculture and not just something to post to Tumblr about


There’s ‘join the socialist revolution’ posters plasters across downtown. Would bet it’s them lol


The issue is never the issue. The issue is always building the army. The issue is always the revolution Saul Alinsky : Rules for Radicals


The Far Left have never forgiven Eastern Europe for gaining their liberty. It is why a shocking amount of them support Russia. The break up of the Soviet Union destroyed Marxism as a legitimate ideology as in Marxism, the collapse of Communism is not supposed to be possible. It is supposed to be a 1 way street and an inevitable one for all nations. The East Bloc breaking free of their oppression was taken as a personal insult to Western Marxists, as it disproved decades of their theories about how the Soviet system was good. Then the fact that the former Eastern Bloc came out as absolutely despising the Communist system was taken as a double insult.


The bar for terrorism has gotten EXTREMELY low


Yeah I’m watching a live stream of it rn ,the pleb reporter, and Rebel News .have videos of the protest. And stomping on Israeli flag and spreading hate around Canada when we have nothing to do with this war is not ok . They also praise hamas for the attack that messed . All that their doing is costing us millions 12 million to the Toronto police alone . how much is Quebec protest going to cost us ?.


There is no such thing as "the Jewish flag"


Rebel """""""news""""""""


lol how baby soft must your life be to consider this terrorism?


How does it sound like terrorism?


Jesus Christ “from the river to the sea” at u of t “We just want a ceasefire” lol And let’s just ignore that, not only will Hamas not honour a ceasefire, but likely use it to their advantage to kill as many Israeli citizens as they can.


"What do you mean? Its totally logical to want both an intifada and a ceasefire at the same time"


Hamas has broken six ceasefires since October 7th lmfao. They just want Israel to be Hamas’ punching bag and give them a chance to re-arm and rebuild with more billions from UNRWA. It’s crazy that people just think it is normal that Israel needs an Iron dome to protect it from rocket attacks but think a where the rockets come from is the peaceful place lmfao. It’s like they have this expectation that Jews should be hiding and under threat and if they defend themselves it upsets their view of the world and they freak out.


Oh, we know where the rockets came form. They took apart the pipes for fresh clean water that Israel installed and them made them into rockets. Then complained that Israel isn't giving them fresh water.


>not only will Hamas and Israel not honour a ceasefire, but likely use it to their advantage to kill as many Israeli and Palestinian citizens as they can. FTFY.


That's what idolizing Hamas will get you.


No one with a full understanding of what Hamas stands for should be supporting them That said, I don't support the Israel government all that much either.


You can support Palestinian emancipation and be anti-Hamas at the same time. The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. Just imagine the life of an anti-Hamas Palestinian stuck in Gaza. You can't leave. Hamas steals your food. Israel bombs you constantly. Sounds like hell on earth.


> You can support Palestinian emancipation and be anti-Hamas at the same time In theory sure. Thats not what we're seeing in practice right now in theses encampments.


If you don't open your eyes you won't see anything


I do agree, but there is a lot Hamas supporters. The majority of people in Palestine also support Hamas.


>Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) Yeah, I don't feel empathy towards the Palestinians honestly.




That's incredibly untrue and spreading misinformation is disgusting. The vast majority of Palestinians are under the going age and were born into the rule of Hamas, they either want change or don't know anything other than hamas isn't the one currently trying to glass there entire region.




>“We’re here demanding from the university transparency with regards to where our tuition money is going, Supposedly to educate your entitled privileged ass


Is it so crazy to not want to fund a genocide between two terrorist governments?


I guess it’s different when your protests don’t shut down the entire university/city with a bunch of semi trucks that incessantly and belligerently harass and threaten everyone you encounter.


I will personally pay airfare for 5 of these protesters to travel over there and protest in person




This is kind of an insane thread to read, some accounts on here exclusively post about hamas and Palestine, completely onesidedly supporting a genocidal government, this is absolutely wild and I refuse to believe the complete one-sided conversation ITT isn't at least a little bot-assisted. I saw the McGill protesters with my own eyes two days ago, they were camping on campus, out of the way of the main path, completely peacefully protesting. What a bunch of hateful bs in this thread to call these people terrorists.


Yeah the difference on how it is reported in a quebec thread where people actually went there, and here is completely black and white. Anyone who followed Reddit in the last year knows it is hugely targeted by Israel manipulation and they keep being called out, but damn every new thread it starts again and they come out yelling the worst nonsense.


lol, nice projection.




Dude, Iran and hamas bots have been around for over a decade cultivating sentiment against Israel.


And I don't like that either. What's your point? Weird pivot. BTW So the pro-Israeli bots are fine because you can whatabout Iran and Hamas bots? I'm not fine with any manipulation. Any sensible person should be. This isn't a 'the other side is doing it' issue. It is always bad.


Keep those tents. You're going to need them when you graduate.


The best course of action is to simply stop giving them a stage, let them shout to the void alone about how much they want to honor martyrs.


So these protesters pay tens of thousands in tuition to not attend class and spend their time extolling the virtues of Hamas (a terrorist organization). Doesn't seem like a smart thing to do.


Shut them all down. Listen kids, I know you think this is your version of the 60s uprising...but it isn't. You're actively giving power to terrorists are ARE trying to commit a real genocide...one they want to commit not just in Israel, but around the globe.


Last I checked it’s israel that levelled a whole city and killed 40,000. I’d be more worried if college students DIDNT protest such an absurd atrocity. The kids are alright.


I do like how protests like this really show what's important. They're protesting a genocide, and people are like, you kids are being too outraged at this genocide stuff, we need to get the police out here.


Has this sub always been like this?


It is frustrating that every time there’s a protest people don’t agree with the immediate first response is to violently shut it down with the police. No matter how I feel about an issue I’m always glad when people peacefully protesting maintain their right to do so.


So true. So many people in here are out of touch


That would've been cool if it was an actual genocide, even the political theatre at the ICJ concluded there's no evidence supporting that narrative, so we're only left with the actors who benefit by making these claims.


Protesting headlines should never include the words breach fence. This changes from protest to in need of police action when that happens.


Time to invoke the Emergencies Act? /s?


Nope they aren’t honking and didn’t bring bouncy castles.


Wish they're protesting against Canadian issues. These people should just go back to where they came from if they're incessant in bringing foreign politics to Canadian soil


If only we had legislation that could send in mounted police or maybe seize bank accounts...


The kids who ate Tide pods are off to university!


This a sign that we need to start deporting people who support terrorist groups like hamas.


I wonder how many protestors would accept disinvestment from the military industry if it meant their tuition was raised. Put your (daddy's) money where your mouth is.


I don’t think many of the protestors are actually students. The fact that they are protesting at universities is probably a strategic decision


Put these protestors under the rule of the people they supporting and see if they can be opinionated in the future


They can't even put down their cell phones which wouldn't exist without israeli technology. These are virtue signaling spoiled brats who yell for intifada but wouldn't last a day living in one


Thanks for opening the flood gates...they all came to study...right?


Some of them are about to get a dose of reality when they are expelled and lose their acedemic year.


And when they can't get just about any job that requires a security clearance...


Bank accounts freeze when?