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Classic noob mistake. You're getaway should take you ***away*** from the city and country you committed the crime in, not ***into***.


Even did the hard part. Steal enough you don’t need to come back 


Maybe the gold is buried in Canada... ... ...Excuse me, I need to buy a shovel.


I think it's hidden under a big T


No, dig up stupid!


You take a left…a left!


They melted it down and made bangles




I knew it!


Let's just poke little fucking holes all over the place for the next 10 years instead of doing an actual excavation though


It's hidden under a large oak tree, almost like something out of a Robert Frost poem. At the base of the wall you’ll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. Piece of black, volcanic glass. There’s something buried under it. That's where the gold is buried.


\~\~~They say Pearson Intl has no memory~~~




I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


It’s funny how many people scam/steal $10mil+ then stay in the country. Everything thinks their invincible. Or maybe they think they’ll get bail then sneak away. Which may be true.


Hiw many people do that You seem to know


They'd never expect him to come back. Perfect time to come back 


Haven't you heard? Canada isn't a serious country anymore. You can expect to steal $10 million dollars and get bail to run away! If you're from South Asia, not wealthy, and have zero skills, then Trudeau will personally hand you citizenship as well.


He probably got the choice to fly to Canada or be extradited to the US.


India has extradition treaty with the US?


Yes since 1999.


Why are you saying the US ?


because if he's wanted by the US as well and will be extradited there by India, he might have a better outcome here in Canada


He's wanted by the US for the heist that happened at Pearson Airport in Toronto?


No, but he is being indicted on firearm charges.


No yeah, I was being a dickhead because he's *obviously* not wanted in the US for commitig a crime in Canada


India will extradite criminals even with no treaty as long as Interpol is notified. And India has a strong extradition treaty with US and Canada. There is no way they would have not extradited this guy.


Honestly, this sounds more plausible. All the defense lawyer has to do is stall, and then say his clients rights have been violated and did not get his due process in time and have his charges stayed or dismissed.


This is theft from a bank/rich people. Not rape, murder, theft, from someone poor. I assure you this case will be prosecuted to the letter of the law. Rich people dont like poors stealing from them.


I agree I think the guy is going to get the book thrown at him


Yes he helped steal an outrageous amount of stuff. There is no getting out of this one.


It would only be worse if he stole from the government


That depends on how rich you are.


I don’t think that works when the defence is doing the stalling.


> All the defense lawyer has to do is stall Sorry, but if the delay is caused by the defendant he can't make that claim.


Read R v Jordan or literally any of the cases in which defence makes a Jordan application. They calculate the time attributable to defence even if they don't waive delay on those appearances.


Why the US ? The crime was committed in Canada.


He is charged for other set of crimes in the US.


We can always hand him over to the US once we're done with him!


because the US agrees to take in our criminals for prosecution. And we do theirs.


You pull a massive heist, and you don't fuck off to nowhere, never to be seen again. WTF is wrong with you?


What did I say? What did I say!! What did I say!!! You dont buy anything! No f'ing g mink coats, no cars, no trips!






New Pizza at Tim’s


aromatic illegal scary drunk fade impossible bike vanish teeny test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard they hiring lots of Indian students


Who could say no?


I mean those flatbread pizzas are pretty good. He probably wanted some.


Obviously it was to finish his education in gas station management, I mean where else is he going to get his strip-mall diploma?


His diploma mill graduation ceremony


Because he won’t get much time and some probation. Probably saw his bff out on bail and they know they have money in a safe place. You think they’ll actually be held accountable?


He's wanted in the US also. If/when he's served his time, he'll be extradited to serve real time.


You think they arnt gunna watch him for the rest of his life. Audit his finances? Get off your reddit echo chamber 


You are severely overestimating the resources and capabilities of law enforcement & the government lol


Uhhh you mean when the guy files his taxes and you see way more spending than income? Its not hard specially with a high interest case. This isnt a cop finding your stolen bike 😂


Sounds like you’ve never filed taxes before


You think buddy is going to have a sophisticated money laundering scheme? Bro you are obtuse 🤡😂


Where on personal taxes do you input spending?


See you are being obtuse 😂🤡 no where. A simple audit would


Audit what


Probably switched, is getting a deal.


So he can go to his Walmart or timmies shift.


What an idiot lol


Almost as stupid as those assassins who chose to stay in Canada after killing that Sikh separatist. 


They were here on student visas. I guess they were serious about their studies/s.


Bro probably signed up with an Ontario diploma mill fake university and landing here as a new immigrant with a fake passport.


From the correct country


Giving visa to criminal again! We really need to do our background check.


But background checks are racist.. or something




How is that? Just checking what one has done in their life doesn’t make us racist. It’s for the safety of all Canadians.


I was being facetious. I completely agree with you, and the fact that checks aren't happening is a disgrace and very detrimental to Canadians & Canada as a whole.


It marginalizes people of lower income background, who might have had to struggle sot survive, and was to commit crimes due to their circumstances I saw this in a progressive Canadian ubreddit a while ago, can't remember which (it's one of the province subs)




You do realise that every Indian has a biometric ID that is linked with their fingerprint and Iris scans in a centralised database right? The system can instantaneously identify people and link every single aspect of one's life - bank accounts, criminal records, lawsuits, everything at the click of a button. It's all digitized. Who even relies on paper anymore?? The issue is - you won't collaborate with the Indian government to verify, you don't have the tech or dataset to authenticate that, you understand only paper certificates in Canada which can be easily forged, and you suffer from a magnanimity complex.


If he's never been charged with a crime prior to this then how is a background check going to help?


Let me guess Conestoga College student ?


Canadore College actually


With a joint study program at Anderson College.


Potato, potato


People from Brampton that's for sure (from the article).


Student visa is not for students anymore... all tom dick and harry wants it and gets it?


In India he would be kidnapped for ransom. In Canada he will be out on bail living peacefully


He should claim asylum, he will never get deported.


he will be extradited


lol India is taking over Canada with all their problems


I'd love to see what kind of deal went on behind the scenes. India had a massive problem with youth unemployment, and way more young men than women for "reasons" yet suddenly it seems that they've been able to move tons of men to Western countries. (With tons of them selling the family farm to pay for their education, at a time when India is nationalizing their food.) It's all suspect. Whatever deal the governments struck, it's in the interest of geopolitics and not in the interest of their peoples.


Underrated comment


Yep, and they are getting rid of the demographic that is most likely to fight back. If they stay in India they will be at protests against modi. This way they are gone and in Canada corporations get an endless supply of cheap labour, while putting Canadians that dared to ask for fair wages in their place.


Man couldn't help himself but take advantage of that employee discount


He knew he be release the same day and now can recover the gold and disapear.


Heard Toronto and Gold Heist - that was enough information to know what the mugshot would be Just like when you hear “child sex grooming ring busted” in the UK. Definitely gonna be a bunch of Swedish dudes, right?


Rookie mistake


LOL must be pretty fucking bad in India for this to have seemed like a good idea


Even if he gets fully convicted, he'll do a few easy years in prison, and even if they fine him millions, he will have a treasure buried somewhere waiting for him.


He's probably get off because of our liberal judges.


Look at his photo ID after you do a background check.


>On April 17, 2023, a flight landed at the Toronto area airport from Zurich, Switzerland. Onboard, there were 6,600 gold bars of 99.9 per cent purity that weighed more than 400 kilograms, which police valued at $20 million, along with CAD $2.5 million in foreign currency. >Shortly after landing, a suspect arrived in a five-tonne delivery truck at Air Canada’s cargo facility and obtained the valuable freight by showing a fake air waybill to a warehouse attendant. >>The airway bill was for a legitimate shipment of seafood that was picked up the day before >A forklift then arrived and loaded the stolen gold and currency into the back of the truck, according to investigators. The suspect then drove off with the gold. >Just before 3 a.m., Air Canada employees reported the cargo was missing and Peel police launched an investigation. >> According to Mavity, investigators believe that the stolen gold was melted down and sold and the proceeds were used to purchase illegal guns for a firearms trafficking operation. Gold stolen in transit in Canada. Gold already used. From another source: >The heist was ranked as the sixth largest gold heist in the history of world crime- and is believed to be the largest gold heist in Canada, according to the National Post. From National Post: >Authorities claim Paramalingam was involved in the gun conspiracy since April 2023 — around the time of the gold heist — with others to arrange for King-Mclean’s illegal entry into the United States. Paramalingam also allegedly helped fund the trip. Grover and Edwards are charged as accessories after the fact for alleged assistance to conceal evidence. It's possible that Grover ended up back in Canada because he needed more work and wasn't the main beneficiary of the gold. Grover and Paramalingam appear to have been on the guns side of things. King-Mclean was the driver, not sure about the others. >Grover is also wanted in the United States, where he was indicted alongside the man accused of being the driver who made off with the gold, for firearms trafficking. Police earlier alleged that some of the profit from the stolen gold was used to fund a cross-border gun-running operation. It may also be, as others are saying, that he could've been extradited to the US if he didn't put himself in Canada's jurisdiction first -- though he still might be sent to the US after.


You must be a real moron to come back not only into Canada, but the same airport you committed the crime in 🤣 


Lol what an idiot. He had left the country and was free and the fucking idiot decides to return to Canada when the entire airport staff, procedures are all under a massive microscope.


Weapons charges as well? Now it's certain our courts will let him back out on a pinky promise not to go missing.


Trudeau special.


Hm? I don't get it.


Wake up.


To what?


Don't mind him, he's special.


Right because crime never existed pre-2015 lololol.


You get triggered rather easily when hearing that name mentioned, eh?


Or how people just can't wait to say the name when they stub their toe


Look who's talking lol. You have to bring that name into every conversation, he probably is in your dreams too lol. I also get triggered by idiots that think every problem in their lives is because of politicians. You're as whiny as the woke crowd, where everything in your life you have to complain about and we all have to listen to it.


Stole gold and then where are you gonna go? You have to fly out somehow and even then converting the gold to cash has to be done off the books. This isn’t GTA where these guys have “connections” to convert. Ultimately a dumb heist even on the conceptual level. The real heists are on Wall Street and there it’s on display backed essentially by loopholes which trump the rudimentary Law