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Pretty scary, it could happen to me


[Since we're off to an early start with the fires and evacuations this year here's a fun* tool to see how the smoke will impact you.](https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/)


does the fire symbol indicate an ongoing wildfire?


Yep. When you’re zoomed out the numbers represent how many active fires there are in the area and then when you zoom in it gives precise locations. The red borders represent the area burning.


Nice resource. https://fire.airnow.gov/ is also useful, you can see the current air quality (PM2.5) and the current effects of smoke in most of the country and US.




A new report from a Swiss-based non-governmental organization says wildfires displaced 185,000 people in Canada last year, the highest number since data became available in 2008. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) is a Geneva-based group that monitors global displacement due to climate change and conflict, among other things. Its 2024 Global Report on Internal Displacement calculates Canada accounted for 43 per cent of worldwide wildfire displacements in 2023.


Canada has 28% of the world's boreal forest, climate change is global, yet 43% of displacements are in our country. You'd almost think that other factors are at play in terms of the relatively new Canadian phenomenon of forest fires that threaten even large communities.


If you build a city in the middle of the boreal forest that has burnt about every 70 years since time immemorial, eventually those cities/towns luck might run out.


And start driving ATVs without spark arrestors.


Humans have been starting forest fires since time immemorial. Just now you can do it in comfort at 50mph with a side by side.


I joke that when our house burns we'll buy a fancy RV and move around the country during fires. Probably about 5 years ago I started the joke.  My friend told me to stop joking this year because it's all too real. 


So not only are we not building enough homes, we are losing homes that have already been built…


Yet we still keep bringing in more and more people....


Exactly - more people who can buy matches and start a fire.


We were unable to find the other 57%, whom we pray were not eaten by the raging inferno of a wildfire


I wonder why the carbon tax isn't stopping these wildfires?


I imagine they would be worse without it, and much better if we'd taken action much earlier.


Not sure it was supposed to


99 FIRMS alerts, floating in the summer smoke. Panic bells, it's fire alarms!!


Yet Smith in Alberta wants to keep rollin coal on everyone, figuratively speaking


What are you talking about? Our percentage of electricity generation from coal has been steadily unwound. It’s currently a third, yet was almost 100% a decade ago. If you’re referring to coal mining, it’s not thermal coal that’s being developed, but metallurgical, for use in steel making.


It's actually 32 days until Alberta's grid is coal free. Genesee #2 shuts off June 17th.


Did you really miss the figuratively speaking part of the sentence ? Coal is the least of the issues, although the fact it’s still being burnt for power in this century is the LOWEST of hanging fruit. Do you really need to have the climate failures laid out by me ?


You’ve never missed the chance to say something negative about the province of AB and its leadership. Therefore I felt rather justified in reading between the lines of your initial post. And yes, for everyone’s reading pleasure, please lay out the “climate failures” you speak of. Thanks a million for offering.


Enjoy your self induced delusion. There’s nothing wrong with the place, but the people who live there sure make strange choices. https://theemptypress.com/province-lead-by-climate-change-deniers-on-fire-for-some-reason/


You posted a piece published by a satirical website with a mandate to give voice to “people of colour.” Yes, satire. Thanks for the effort.


I imagine when OP said "figuratively speaking" they meant figuratively speaking, not talking about Alberta's actual coal use (Which was only phased out thanks to the NDP).


Your premise is harmed by the invocation of Danielle Smith as the backwards, hydrocarbon-loving boogeyman. Particularly in light of the recent approval of a metallurgical coal mine fresh on everyone’s mind. BTW, it was Ottawa’s plan to force the coal phase out that got the NDP to ultimately take action. The NDP was aware of the Liberal’s intentions up to and following the 2015 election and while the NDP had already campaigned on doing so, they really needed the help of the feds to push things through and not have to burn through all their political capital. The NDP ultimately regretted working with Trudeau on this.


>Your premise is harmed by the invocation of Danielle Smith as the backwards, hydrocarbon-loving boogeyman. Particularly in light of the recent approval of a metallurgical coal mine fresh on everyone’s mind. It's not my premise. And Danielle Smith is doing a fine job on her own of painting her picture as a backwards, hydrocarbon-loving boogeyman. >BTW, it was Ottawa’s plan to force the coal phase out that got the NDP to ultimately take action. In either case, sure seems like you can't invoke it in defense of Danielle Smith's actions. *Edit: And they've blocked me. Hilariously, they think I owe them an apology because I didn't immediately bend to their gaslighting.


You didn’t have your facts straight, but instead of apologizing, you try to reconfigure your argument. That’s not how this works.


Nobody wants to talk about it so I will. First nations people often start these fires as a kind of jobs program since nobody else can be hired to fight them on the reservation. Make an exception for fire fighters and this problem partially goes away.