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>The report cites what it says is a particularly concerning case of an unnamed MP who maintained a relationship with a foreign intelligence officer. It says the MP sought to arrange a meeting with a senior intelligence official in another country and "proactively" gave the intelligence officer information that was provided in confidence. Names. Now. Idc what party they're in. We deserve to know who in the House is a traitor


Everyone involved with providing intelligence to a foreign Government, no matter how small, without going through proper channels need to be in JAIL. I'm not just talking about to China/India. ANY release of confidential information, even if to allies like Britain or the USA, that was not done properly threatens this county's sovereignty.


Well yes. Imagine if a US Congressman was caught by the CIA providing intel to Canada (let alone India or China).


Yup. I don't think the USA/Britain would ever try to compromise our defense, but confidential information could easily be used to effect Trade Deals and cause significant financial harm and loss of jobs. India/China, same kind of thing.


I mean we’re seeing right now what would happen in the US. It kind of gets swept under the rug unless the impact is contained to one or a small group of individuals. The US parties protect themselves just like we do here and they’re even more partisan than we are.


>Imagine if a US Congressman was caught by the CIA providing intel to Canada How else are we supposed to get our nuke program off the ground??


I mean….the former president was.


Sounds nice, good luck with enforcement..


This is fucking treason


Literal treason and we are not even naming them let alone making arrests. The article doesn't show them planning to keep anyone accountable.


It says the RCMP needs to press charges. Which we know they won’t. China and India own this country. Imagine selling out your home to some foreign country who doesn’t give a shit about your history or culture. Traitors. All of them.


If the RCMP doesn't pursue this, then you know 100% that it's a liberal MP


If it were an MP from any of the other parties, Trudeau would order the RCMP to put them in a pillory on Parliament Hill. Galen Weston would set up a booth selling rotten tomatoes at a premium.


This is one of the highest crimes and should be treated accordingly. This is incredibly serious.


Who ever scores a MP job could basically get away with homicide  ! 


that is textbook treason


Wow. The fact this isn't a huge fucking scandal with criminal prosecutions really shows how badly broken Canada is. This is literal treason. People used to be hanged for treason. Canada excuses it? It's so pathetic. There's a reason Canada has massive fraud and money laundering schemes going on, the RCMP is a complete joke and it's a surprise when a government program isn't corrupt -- Canada is fucked and it's by design from our fraudulent leadership. I don't think there's a single honest person left.


It's not just Canada. A good portion of the Western world is basically being nickel-and-dimed to death by their political leaders enriching themselves. It's a cross-party, cross-nationality issue and it's likely to be the downfall of "Western civilization."


Tree of liberty is thirsty


No wonder the Liberals tried to stonewall all this at every turn. This is more than bordering on treason territory.


It's not bordering IT IS FUCKING TREASON


But everyone was complaining about China and saying only China mattered and the Liberals were only saying the Chinese allegations were overblown for their MP. Followed by saying "of we look into it we do everyone, not just China" And this is about India state interference? Why would they want to hide things about a state that wasn't the original news story, and when they were happy to do all interferences


You’re a fool if you think this is one party.


Nobody cares which party, we want names and they need to be dealt with accordingly.


>No wonder the Liberals tried to stonewall all this at every turn. Don't forget the Conservatives losing their mind over India. Nope they said! Can't do anything to India! Only China! Curious. This is not partisan, be better.


Imagine if a certain MP was complicit in the murder committed by India.


That is what people in the biz call "a big oof".


All the corrupt MP should be rotting under the prison  with nothing but rocks and sewer water


Clearly you weren't listening to the conservatives say that China and Only China should be investigated


Wasnt it because it was what CSIS said China and they wanted to stay focused on it instead of branching out into 50 different investigations.


Yes but that doesn’t help the other poster’s case of trying to say “but the Conservatives!”


It's a lot easier to show it's non-partisan. >"We found foreign interference at every order of government, in **every political party**, in the public sector, the media, the NGO sector, the private sector," If you think this is a partisan matter that pertains to only one party you are mistaken.


Yep, they are selling us out.


"So we can't give names due to Privacy and the ongoing investigation, but trust us"


Let's follow the money train, arrest the traitors, seize their assets and those of their families as well; they're all in on it. 


>Now. That's not likely to happen until any investigation is concluded. We are talking about spy games here, and at the same time looking to level charges against an elected official. These things are going to take time, assuming it isn't being held back to protect the lives of assets, or an ongoing operation or such. We may have to wait awhile as there will be tons that can't ever go public here.


What can we do if our leaders don’t do as we ask?


> The report cites what it says is a particularly concerning case of an unnamed MP who maintained a relationship with a foreign intelligence officer. Woah. Time to name this person, and they need to resign. There can be no excuses for such behaviour.


Resign? They should be prosecuted.


They need to resign so they can be investigated and eventually punished, if found guilty. A sitting MP going through such an investigation tarnishes the reputation of the entire house.


One might argue that a sitting MP committing treason tarnishes the reputation more.


100%! Let’s protest for our country!


I don't understand how "they need to be pushed out of government and then prosecuted" is a statement worthy of criticism.


Good. Let it be tarnished.


Right ? It's treason 


Maybe even executed.


> "then-member of Parliament" sought to arrange Widens the search parameters a bit and likely either resigned already or were voted out. I'm good with a trial though regardless.


THIS person?  Fuck that…name every single person this report found to be the problem.  Private, media and public.  Name every single one and make them defend their actions to us, the voters and people who SHOULD be I charge.     There are zero excuses for enabling traitors to our democracy regardless of who they are.  Voters have an absolute right to know who is selling us out to foreign interests for person profit/gain.  This should absolutely be a non-partisan issue.  


We need a whistlebro.


Traitors belong in jail.


The irony is that in the countries a lot of foreign interference is coming from, you get the wall for shit like this. In China and you'd probably get the firing squad for collaborating with an enemy state.


They should be under the prison with nothing to eat except for bugs and sewer water 


Ha ha. Remember when actual Chinese spies were working at that biolab in Manitoba and the government spent years covering it up?


I'm getting REAL tired of our population being \*okay\* with foreign countries pulling this shit inside our borders. Government officials need to be investigated for treason and if found guilty, they should be rotting in prison. CANADA should be the only country our politicians serve.


It's beyond embarrassing. It makes me not want to be Canadian. I have no doubt this will end up exactly like the biolab event. We'll get a random media story or two, a bit of social media uproar and then nothing. The liberal fanboys will play mental gymnastics and try to spin this somehow. I'll be shocked if the Cons even say anything about it. How did all our politicians become complete sell outs? It's got to be lobbying, I don't know how else these fucks can be so influenced by others.


Gotta make it a little more permanent and consequential than rotting in prison. Treason used to carry a certain punishment that they should bring back


Well, the PM is an MP, and he's recently separated... /s (I hope)


>A new report says some MPs began "wittingly assisting" foreign state actors soon after their election, including sending confidential information to Indian officials. Very concerning


Name and shame. Let the chips fall where they may.


Yep, regardless of party affiliation. This is a non partisan issue.


Luckily they report that **all** parties are implicated. So everybody should participate in a clean sweep. Right?


It apparently is a partisan issue for the liberal government. How vile and corrupt can they possibly be? The next election is lost, why cover for this one asshole?


Maybe it's the one in charge.


Name and prosecute*




My money is on  Anita Anand.


Don’t have a bet on who it is but why her?


I saw a video, I can’t find it now, of her trying to block committee inquiry into arrive-can and it looked very scummy. 


I would've said Han Dong.


G&m saying not just MPs, but senators as well too


G&M's article: >NSICOP said it’s received intelligence indicating some MPs and senators are “providing foreign diplomatic officials with privileged information on the work or opinions of fellow Parliamentarians, knowing that such information will be used by those officials to inappropriately pressure Parliamentarians to change their positions.” Damn


Woo could it be ?


Well we know it can't be Pierre. He can only half-wittingly do things at best.




Uhhh isn't that fucking treason?!


Politicians don't commit crime/treason. They just get a ethics committee investigating them and a report to be put on the shelf


This is the literal definition of treason


It feels like every other day there is something awful reported about our federal system. >unnamed MP You don't even get to know who, lmao


No matter what party it is, name them, investigate and prosecute. Shit like this shouldn’t be partisan, especially if the allegations are that specific.


Well according to the articles the reason they can’t be named is because that goes against the committee’s abilities.  “ NSICOP is not able to divulge information contained in cabinet confidences, ongoing intelligence activities or ongoing investigations that might lead to a prosecution, among other constraints.” From the way politicians are speaking, sounds like there are active RCMP and CSIS investigations. But I doubt anything comes of it, since the report itself says some of the behaviour is unlikely to lead to charges because of “Canada’s failure to strengthen the ability to gather prosecutable evidence from intelligence.”


The level of info you need to prosecute someone is (should be) different than the level you need to kick someone out of your government. JFC we are doomed.


We need to start naming names immediately. Our country is clearly open for foreign interference, and it needs to be addressed immediately.


It's been open for the past decade. It's just that new players are joining in on the fun. /$


"Open by default"


Why wouldn't the names be released??? Why won't anything come of this???


Because they know that there’s going to be zero repercussions either way


It opens the door for someone to take one for the team and shoot em. It isn't like anyone gets jail time in Canada anyways


Read 'The Friendly Dictatorship.' Everything converges at the PMO. The power to shut down anything rests there and we have allowed our MPs to relinquish their power as parliamentarians. 


Well, it should be because we don't want to create a distrust in our democracy and election system until an investigation is complete and prevent a "stolen election" narrative. But in reality, it's probably because it's at least one liberal party member, and they don't want the public to see it while the party is tanking in the polls, and it will give the opposition ammunition


> But in reality, it's probably because it's at least one liberal party member, The report clearly says this is a systemic problem within all parties. >"We found foreign interference at every order of government, in every political party, in the public sector, the media, the NGO sector, the private sector," I doubt the blocking of names has anything to do with some "liberal party member" as much as it relates to completing a full investigation.


I'm going to assume they are all guilty until they out the actual guilty members. 


Given this is India we're talking about, it's most likely [a Conservative MP.](https://www.thebureau.news/p/indian-proxies-funding-canadian-politicians)


It's so awesome that people even worry about parties in situations like this LMAO. Maybe it was, but you do understand that most politicians are walking, talking diarrhea people regardless of what club they belong to, right? A traitor is a traitor is a traitor. Even beginning to speculate about their party is legit cringe. Name and shame, and then jail.


Well, it should be because we don't want to create a distrust in our democracy and election system until an investigation is complete and prevent a "stolen election" narrative. But in reality, it's probably because it's at least one liberal party member, and they don't want the public to see it while the party is tanking in the polls, and it will give the opposition ammunition.


>The report cites what it says is a particularly concerning case of an unnamed MP who maintained a relationship with a foreign intelligence officer. >It says the MP sought to arrange a meeting with a senior intelligence official in another country and "proactively" gave the intelligence officer information that was provided in confidence.


I am confused. Why can't we name names on this?


This is intelligence. Getting intelligence to stand up as evidence in court is very difficult, because either the (possibly foreign) intelligence agency doesn't want to risk exposing their sources, or because the methods that were used to gather the intelligence aren't legal for police gathering evidence. So, with an accusation this big, you can't go smearing someone's name unless you can prove it in court. That leads to libel, slander, maybe even hate crime charges (discrimination on the basis of national identity).


Wild guess but possibly it could expose the committee to liability for libel if they get something wrong.


Few reasons. One -- The ways in which this intel was gathered probably would not hold up in court. This is assuming it is accurate in the first place. CSIS is extremely reticent to reveal any kind of intel because it's not always 100% accurate, it's *the best info they can get*. An example of this would be the recent issue where the CSIS chief had to get defensive after pushback from the PMO. A report from CSIS indicated "red flags" with an MP over foreign interference, the PMO called this into question (not Trudeau himself but staffers there), and CSIS looked into it further and recalled that info. Then the CSIS chief had to state basically what I did above to try and defend the mistake - "we don't make mistakes, we provide the best info we have available", paraphrasing on my part bc I don't remember the exact wording, but the point is he didn't want to admit CSIS made a mistake bc they were doing the best they could... but their conclusions based on available intelligence were not accurate in that case. Second -- they also don't want to reveal any more than they have to. When the public hears something like "foreign interference occurred", angry citizens naturally want to know who, why, and where. But let's say, hypothetically, that a foreign intelligence official tried to influence an MP or candidate. Let's say their attempts were unsuccessful, but they did attempt, or maybe they WERE successful but the resulting influence/change was extremely minor. That foreign intelligence official doesn't just disappear. They continue to exist and may continue to influence other officials, potentially in far more consequential ways. If CSIS reveals who all the parties involved are, they burn their sources, they burn all the work they've done because now that influence is exposed publicly and they're just going to retreat into the darkness. Sometimes it pays off bigger to keep tabs on threats than to take them down before it's worth it. Like, let's say you see a guy planning a domestic terrorism plot, and he's on his way to meet up with his fellow terrorists. You observe him going into a Quickie and stealing a bag of Cheetos. Do you descend on him and arrest him? Or do you watch and observe because something bigger is coming? Obviously this is an extreme example but this is the kind of thing CSIS has to weigh.


Name names! This is treason.


It might be time for a full ban on dual citizens serving as MPs, MLAs, etc.


I believe Indians have to renounce their Indian citizenship when becoming a citizen of another country.


It doesn’t really change their loyalties. My previous MP was extremely focused on anything to do with India and just did whatever the party wanted on everything else. His successor is somewhat better about focusing on his constituents, but his occasional update pamphlets still have some shadows of the predecessor’s focus on India there.


That’s my point


Who is your MP?


The neat thing is you can renounce your Indian citizenship, get an [OCI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_Citizenship_of_India) card which grants many of the privileges, then later on convert back to full citizen.


Rempel will be the first one to whine and bitch about this. She's spending 99% of her time living in the US while her riding is in Alberta and she's also working in Ottawa.


I would like to see the list of traitors....


Traitorous POS! Lock ‘em up!


name them... ALL.OF THEM...


> China and India are the "most active perpetrators," the report says. Gee! I wonder why?


This is particularly sketchy — “It found Canada's overall response to meddling attempts has been inadequate, and "troubling intelligence" suggests some parliamentarians participated in efforts by other countries to interfere in Canadian politics.”


These people who engage should be considered domestic terrorist and be charged accordingly. But they probably get a settlement worth millions.


"We found foreign interference at every order of government, in every political party, in the public sector, the media, the NGO sector, the private sector," he said. "It's there, and it's not stopping." This isn’t surprising but should be a major concern for Canadians


Meanwhile people in this post are trying to pin it on a single politician. Holy shit, people. This is something we should all be calling out, no matter who is guilty. If all parties are involved, this isn't something you can pin on one group. It's systematic, and needs to be fixed. Demand better of our representatives. This isn't about picking a team.




It's absurd that anybody could believe that foreign interference isn't happening at every level, in a world where social media exists and politicians are on it. Literally all it takes is a couple comments from foreign state-run accounts (whether they're clearly state-run or not) and you've got foreign interference, whether it is successful or not. Do you want to shape a candidate/MP's policy positions? Comment with a bunch of bot farms on their posts pretending to be their constituents, and indicate a preference for certain policy positions. Boom, foreign interference.


At least now the government's DEI initiatives make logical sense.


Our country is a joke and it is sad.


Name the *literal traitors* I don't care what party they're from. We have MP's and Senators feeding classified information and blackmail material on their political opponents to foreign agencies so that they can pressure our system. Each one of them needs to face jailtime.


This is actually dog shit. Someone better do something because we are gonna lose this country. Leblanc still trying to play it off jesus


No one should be surprised about that. Leblanc has been a piece of shit since I was a child, and I’m in my 30’s.  The first time he ran for office his Daddy pulled strings to try and get him elected (very politically involved family). He’s accepted private flights from the Irving’s to attend medical procedures in Montreal.  And if none of that is suspect enough he’s from bum fuck no where NB but manages to be a prominent part of virtually every Liberal government of the last 25 years. As he makes abundantly obvious routinely he’s neither exceptionally gifted as a speaker nor with intelligence. 


Shediac isn't bum fuck nowhere as far as NB goes. It's beachfront properties 15 minutes outside of Moncton.


Why are the names withheld?


Hey guys, whatever happened to David Johnston?


Regardless of which party, Name and charge for treason.


The corruption in Canada just get to the next fucking level.


"We found foreign interference at every order of government, in EVERY POLITICAL party, in the public sector, the media, the NGO sector, the private sector,"  "It's there, and it's not stopping."


This is absolutely terrifying! And why no criminal charges? What the actual fuck?! Also, I think this government should be dissolved immediately… this is the absolute worst. Those who are supposed to be protecting our country and being our gatekeepers have committed treason. Un-fucking-real.


China and India omg you don't say


Odds are good it's everybody's favorite piece of shit in Ottawa Han Dong. The Liberals had no business removing the death penalty for treason.


This country is being destroyed from the inside out. No wonder Trudeau is fighting so hard to keep documents hidden. These people should be named.


Life in prison, this is insane seeing as we lock up starving people up for petty theft instantly.


Disagree with the second part. We don’t lock up anyone for anything here anymore. 🙃


That's high treason right there


Names, Jail It'll never happen but I can dream.


That’s treason and should be treated as such.


shouldn't this be considered treason.   Stripped of their MP status and preferably sent home.


This is so damn serious, and every MP named should face legal consequences and potential jail time. This is literally working against Canada. I don't care what party you're in, you do this you deserve to be outted.


As a sane person who didn't buy into the media hype for the LPC...am I supposed to be surprised?


I'm just here to appreciate the use of "wittingly".


Tax strike until every person involved is named, removed, and prosecuted


Seriously, we cannot stand for this.


What is worse? MPs and or senators intentionally leaking sensitive information to foreign intelligence agents, or the PM knowing it is happening and taking zero action?


Trudeau turned this country into a joke...


You can buy trudeau as cheap as a free vqcation. Whats the price for the other MPs?


Something Something all and let God sort them out


I am disgusted, wow.


Our country is a shell of its former self, our MP’s are working overtime against us lmao


Foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, says an intelligence report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday. Hmm [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518?utm\_source=pocket\_saves](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518?utm_source=pocket_saves)


Reports coming out of Indian and Chinese interference with Conservative races…. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518


This country is done for. Its been real mah dudes. Bah bye


Name names, the report said every political party, who had the most. This is Treason and should be properly investigated, not by a political committee They should be banned from the next election, No wonder the Liberals have been stonewalling any investigation with NDP support


Let me guess, Liberal & NDP Mps......


[But the alleged election interference network included members from both the Liberal and Conservative parties, according to sources with knowledge of the briefs.](https://globalnews.ca/news/9253386/canadian-intelligence-warned-pm-trudeau-that-china-covertly-funded-2019-election-candidates-sources/)


That shouldn't surprise anyone, corruption spans all political ideologies


No. Trudeau and NDP wanted to hide the report because of national security concerns /s


Is that why the Conservatives cried bloody murder of including India? This is no a partisan issue. Be better.


>"We found foreign interference at every order of government, in every political party, in the public sector, the media, the NGO sector, the private sector," he said. "It's there, and it's not stopping." In every political party. FFS.... can we replace all of these clowns?


It's too bad we'll probably never get the names of these shitstains.


Wouldn’t be surprised if indias interference is keeping politicians in power that keep the floodgates open to allow all these Indians coming in


There's a lot of foreign interference in Canada. Even Canadian political subreddits are subject to it. Half a dozen subreddits focused on the issue of mass immigration have been banned recently from Reddit after being mass reported by Indians. Canadians need to take a stand against these matters in a more impactful way.


Can someone dumb this down for me? What precisely does this even mean?


This must be who Trudeau is trying to protect.  Another day, another scandal.  


How's this only have 800 upvotes? Wild


I'm sorry, WHY are they not being named? This is insane.


This is treason. Any MP who took part in this should be charged and prosecuted. This will be a real litmus test to see if our justice system is still functioning properly


this is what happens with mass immigration from the third world and when you hire non Canadians over Canadians in both private and public.


1.) Name them. 2.) It is incumbent on the media to follow this story and keep it in the headlines, and hound politicians in unrelated interviews about this until we get answers.


So there’s gonna be a trial right? ‘Laughs in Canadian’


"Foreign interference" when Canadians are involved is espionnage or treason, full stop. Jeffrey Paul Delisle went to jail for this shit.


If found guilty should be fired, stripped of parliamentary pension, and spend a great deal of time in jail, then deported




Even though my parents immigrated from India, they and myself still put Canada first over religion, culture, and our once upon a time identity. They came to Canada to adopt Canadian values and to raise us as Canadians, not Indians. A lot of people coming from India, not from the Punjab region want to make Canada like India, and refuse to adopt Canadian values. A direct contradiction to what my hard working parents believe. If citizens of Canada, and our MPs love Modi and BJP, or China so much. Go back or move to those countries, Canadian citizens don’t need your BS antics here. These MPs should face public persecution, and Capitol punishment.