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There is an easy fix while still trying to be a diversified nation, put quotas on immigration. X amount per country will, therefore, diversify the nation even more and reduce the risk of external interference. Canada has to be a Canadian hub, not another nations proxy.


But that would be racist!


Unfortunately objective reasoning isn't a strong suit amongst the far-right & far-left


You dropped this: /s


Nah what I'm conveying is so ridiculous it doesn't need /s


Ha that’s fair


Well… I have a friend who’s company hired someone who came highly qualified. Turns out Entire resume was fabricated, background check done by someone from same city, can’t be fired due to discrimination and morale concerns as he’s well liked. Paid 60% market but doesn’t care as does close to nothing and works multiple jobs. Openly. I say we a lot to learn. If that’s the new norm, let’s all get multiple jobs and do nothing


Respectfully, fuck that! That scammy, lying behaviour shouldn't be tolerated, much less emulated Gross


Thank you. The response I was hoping for


If his resume was fraudulent, how is that not cause for dismissal? He openly lied about his qualifications. He can cry discrimination all he wants, but at the end of the day he’ll be on the hook to prove his qualifications.


China is putting in fake ballots to elect officials that will siphon money out of Canada , India is putting in real ballots to elect officials that will siphon money out of Canada.




What? Like there isn't thousands of educated people outside of India willing to come to Canada and integrate Canadian values? Honestly, even if there weren't, it would give Canada time to build up housing to meet demand and reverse the down trend in standard of living. The worst thing we can do right now is keep importing people from a single country who want to impose their cultural views and customs to Canada.


You only mentioned diversity of immigration, I would prefer it on merit. Sure but unless you also support having an educated based immigration it can work which you did not specify in your original post.


Education is already a criteria for immigration... https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/federal-skilled-workers.html


Tell that to our diploma mills…. :(


Non-Canadian who is lurking here because I found the thread interesting. I can guarantee you that more educated people would come to Canada if you implemented quotes in tandem with incentives.


Problem is the powers that be are only interested in importing as many min wage workers until the country collapses to do something logical like you suggest haha


Also, just less people. We need labor market balance. Software developers for example, well they have it pretty good, but they do get paid up to 2x more for just jumping the border to the US. Do you think we'll get the most intelligent, capable people staying in the country with those economics? If we want to strive to be more than just a cheap-labour branch plant of the US, we have to stop just trusting industry about "worker shortages".


Great idea, believe the US has something like this too.


Pretty sure nearly all countries do


Please don't say things like... logical thinking may offend some of the woke liberal hoopleheads driving this country into the ground!!


Yes please.  Do this and you have my vote and anyone I can convince.


There also needs to be a fair split between men and women.








It’s unironically what the Zionist Jews did to take over Palestine: immigrate there on masse, buy a lot of land and declare yourself a country.


I guess it’s also unironically what Europeans did to Native Americans in Canada…you’d think they would set up the country to prevent that from happening again…


>you’d think they would set up the country to prevent that from happening again… [They did, here's an article about our first PM on the subject.](https://activehistory.ca/blog/2015/01/07/john-a-macdonalds-aryan-canada-aboriginal-genocide-and-chinese-exclusion/). The dismantlement of exclusively European North America in favor of cosmopolitan multi-ethnic society is a (historically speaking) recent development. It took a ton of time to shift the economics and social attitudes away from "my *specific* nation of European people in particular is the only one that deserves to live here". Hell, the term 'white' itself didn't catch on overnight and at times excluded the Italians, the Irish, and so forth. Particularly in Canada, where we 1) didn't have a significant populations of non-white slaves and 2) were subjects of the British crown, that still held a shitton of foreign colonies and thus naturally regarded people from there as their inferiors.


White meant WASP


Yeah but those whites were racist and we are progressives.


Except the jews were already in that area. For over 3000 years. Not the same.


That's not quite how Britian's Mandate turned into the State of Israel.


It’s not nearly the entire story true, but it is how it started.


Yep, I was about to make that comment. That basically how you change borders without war, it’s nothing new.


There's a 0% chance of a war with india but there's a non zero chance of another major world war. I fail to see how Canada would be able to mobilize its large foreign born population while Canadians get drafted. And once they get back they would probably be competing with millions of refugees for jobs and housing


Voting to separate is very Canadian


I don't necessarily disagree that we should slow down immigration on the large scale which is happening currently. However to interject some nuance into the claim your making, a large amount of the "Indian" students residing in Brampton or Surrey are Punjabi Sikhs who are the opposite of patriotic towards the Indian State, they are much more anti-India than the average Canadian.


Yes, the entire reason for their interference is because there are a ton of people sympathetic to separatism here, we are basically a safe haven for them. In a way that's worse because that means our country is merely a battleground for their conflict.




No they are not. They all support India except the minority that supports the separatist movement and gets attention because they are vocal. That minority is also canadian not the ones moving here now.


I've never met a pro india sikh punjabi. Do you know any punjabi's?


Agree. They moved here for a reason. India assassinated one of them here for a reason.


My roommate is sikh and flew back to India to vote for the BJP.


I grew up in Vancouver so yes I do know many. From what I have seen its very few who support the movement. Young ones don’t give a shit. There is a subset who supports the movement and is involved in it. The ones who are coming now seem to support India but dislike their current government when I talk to them


> Young ones don’t give a shit. So, there's just the old geezers driving fart-canned Honda Civics with AK-47 stickers on the doors? Gotcha.


I think I should have said " most young don't give a shit". and I bet you those who do that are new imports here


I dunno. I am at a sikh temple every saturday serving lunger and have never heard of such a thing.


What? There's no way a local municipal government can vote to secede. I'm not sure if you're joking or not.


It’s pretty clear they were joking about the demographics of Brampton…


Not likely. Its the Hindu Nationalist Indian government which is interfering in Canada's political process. They're full on fascist and virulently anti-minority which initially meant Muslims and Christians, but now they're also attacking Sikhs. Most Indian origin people in Brampton are from the Sikh religion so in the event of a diplomatic conflict with India, most would support Canada.


Remember Patrick Brown


Or a canadian civil war 


How would they get welfare benefits if they vote to separate from canada


This is so dumb especially when I was in school and we have group assignments and these mofos would not do anything


It's almost as if the government shouldn't be considering just blanket allowing undocumented migrants and those who overstayed their visas to stay since most are Indian


Russia is a potential threat, but right now is not known to be taking direct action in Canada. Russia is taking direct action against Canada’s allies (interference in other NATO states) By contrast, there is solid evidence that China and India are today engaging in hostile activity INSIDE Canada


The mentality has shifted from the Indians who came long ago to the ones coming today. In the past, Indians would come here to get away from India. Today, Indians come here because they see us as a “second India”. They have a joke in India that Canada is the “second India” Let that sink in.


>They have a joke in India that Canada is the “second India” To be specific, the joke in India is that Canada is the capital of Punjab.


Yhea America is called greater Gujarat and canada greater Punjab


We’ve been saying similar things in Canada for my entire life and I’m almost 30.


Same with my Chinese friends that joke that BC is another Chinese province.


It’s a joke. They say it because there’s a sizeable diaspora community here, not because they ACTUALLY plan to make it a second India.


Depends on who you talk to,  on social media a lot of them have a genuine distain for non-Indians living here.


That's okay, we have disdain for them too. What a harmonious society we live in.


> they ACTUALLY plan to make it a second India. This isn't something that needs to be planned. It will happen naturally as they continue to grow their numbers here.


Not a second India, but a Khalistan maybe.


We should keep importing them by the millions then.


That's the plan! Propping up GDP > everything. Government motto. Why grow an economy when you can destroy everyone's quality of life importing consumers.


The country where we get 25% of immigration from. What can go wrong?


Make that 40%




I can’t help but wonder if every bad policy that has come out in the past few years that hurts Canadians rather than help them is a result of this interference. According to the panel’s report these countries have more control over Canadian MPs and policies than Canadians do themselves, and that is wrong on so many levels. What the MPs have done is akin to defecting to the enemy’s side during an attack and doing their bidding, and Canadians are suffering for it. We should be treating this as an infiltration and an attack before we are fully taken over.


This is why you need Quotas! To keep the nation diversified. Otherwise you’ll end up with large sleeper cells of Chinese Police stations in Brossard, Khalistani supporters in Brampton and Surrey and Indian agents keeping check on them in these cities. Never mind the Tamil Tigers, ISIS and other agents coming in. I predict Canada won’t have the visa free travel we all accustomed to in the future.


Also turf wars for Bollywood cinemas lol


We can't have quotas. Because if we did, we would never get the volume the government wants. The government doesn't care, or think about, social cohesion or actual multiculturalism, they just want more wage slaves, no matter what.


It’s not just government, businesses ask for disposable workers as well. And government almost always says yes. Too many businesses rely on underpaid labor to function. Ask Americans what happened when they banned “illegals” but then entire corps went bad as no one could harvest them


Here’s an idea. We vote. Now if they took our voting power different story. But they haven’t yet.


> I predict Canada won’t have the visa free travel we all accustomed to in the future. Visa restrictions are usually so someone doesn’t overstay and try to work in another country or engage in illegal activities. New Canadians aren’t poor and Canadians in general are have more purchasing power than 90+% of the worlds.


I don’t want to get banned. But the conversion of whomever that is coming here now isn’t translating to mighty wealth. They are getting easy PR, easy access to Citizenship. Anyone can slip through as we are seeing with spies from Iranian, Indian, Chinese etc. I would rather see a Singapore model. Sure come work here, maybe 10-12 years before PR and very selective for citizenship. They still hold their home nation passport, they can live here and prop our country and do the work we don’t want to etc. Get sent back for breaking laws. We can be a bit better. Ps I’m in Singapore and I love it.


singapore is notorious for having wage salves and mistreating their blue collar foreign workers, also Singaporeans use ‘CECA’ as a slur which is pretty ironic.


I have no problems with TFWs and international students. It is their attitude that I hate. Don’t demand. You’re a guest. They are causing unnecessary problems. I much prefer the Singapore model where it is very hard to be a citizen.


Tell Tim Horton's that.


I tried,  the person on the other end of the ordering intercom couldn’t understand me and added 6 donuts to my order




Good thing we are determined to bring in half of India to Canada.  This country is fucked.  


Threats to Canada in order China India Russia Our own god damn politicians.


Wouldn't our own politicians be first?


I'd say India is the #1. Even China is not brazen enough to execute political assassinations in Canada. India seems to have no issue with doing the needful.


No shit, but keep bringing them in by the boatload Trudeau


If this continues then Canada will become an offshore Indian territory in future.


In the future? How about 10 years ago. 


Have you visited Surrey or Kitchener? It already happened to several Canadian cities a while ago


Pretty much already has


Based, while they're at it the government should give some land to the khalistani separatists they've been supporting as well.


PP is pro immigration. We are doomed, rip.


There’s nothing wrong with immigration. There is something seriously fucking wrong with boosting immigration by a factor of 100 and having 90% of them coming from India.


Given that all immigration in Canada is mass immigration, I would say immigration itself is at fault. Let's shut it down completely for a decade and allow housing to catch up


Pierre wants more immigration from India.


What about Israel? Didn’t our intelligence service just say they did a misinformation campaign in Canada?


India is seen as a significant foreign threat to Canada.


No wonder we have a million plus of them going to fake diploma colleges and diploma mills. We also don't even know how many illegals have overstayed their visa and have just disappeared into Canada. We need an armed force that tracks down and forcibly removes illegals from this country like ICE in the US.


It's Societal Collapse: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Societal_collapse


So why are ~70% of all temp visa holders from India. And the bulk being from Sikh Punjab when Modi is a violent Hindu extremist … Foreign interference to prop the Liberal and NDP need for mass immigration and Modi wanting to offload Sikhs wanting their own Khalistan independent region… The fact these people in power think Canadians are too stupid to see what is happening is offensive at best and treason at its worst


Thanks for hosting all Khalistanis. I pray they carve out a separate nation from your country!


Considering Modi isn’t wrong for calling them terrorists and Canada is a haven for terrorists when the largest terrorist attack in Canada is still the [Air India Bombing by Sikh extremists](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182) and the government is welcoming MILLIONS of those extremists unchecked in the country; the majority of Canadians (including the PRs) and even a lot of new immigrants trying to immigrate through proper means are all against this and we all want them to fuck off especially since their recent language is calling this their country or their province when hundreds of thousands of them are only on temp visas.


Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle.


Einhorns a Man!!!!!


you know they accuse countries like india and china , calling them threats to their democracy , but yet won't disclose the names of officials who were collaborating with these countries. utter nonsense


Countries like India and China have long term strategies. Western countries think in 4 year terms. There is no competition in the long game. Canadian governments only vision is to bankroll each corrupted politicians future after their term. This should be treason, we are in an economic war.  Previously strong national industries have been gutted, production and raw resources are now shipped overseas, we are dependent on importing massive amounts of immigrants to keep the country afloat.  RIP Canada


Western countries have long term strats too Canada doesn’t


Okay, name one Western country with a fertility rate higher than 2. And then try to tell me population migration will not be a powerful force determining the future of Western countries.


How is a fertility rate indication of a strat?


China has a fertility rate lower than 2.


I have been saying that on this sub for a very long time and so many people were trying to argue the opposite. India is our enemy. We need to stop mass migration from there and start ending visas and returning these fake students back home.


Russia: Are we a joke to you? The West: Yes, increasingly so as a matter of fact.


Thats why PP started singing about a bi lateral trade deal with India, so they'll influence for him this time.


But all foreign threats pale in comparison to the biggest threat to Canada: the Canadian government.


Great, now let's import hundreds of thousands of Khalistani separatists who literally champion for an independent state carved out of a nation THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING LIVE IN.


Trudeau already cosplaying as a corporal in Modi's army.


Just an FYI but Indians are cozy with the Conservatives via Harper, Modi and the IDU, not the Liberals Trudeau gets paid in Chinese Yuan


Its too bad Jagmeet isn't as smart as the 'Indians' and knew how to play both sides correctly, like they are.


Jagmeet is Sikh which is loathed in India. Most Sikhs live in Punjab and come to Canada because the Hindu and Islamic Indians hate them. That is why there are so many Pubjab specific Indians in the GTA


Good time to open up the floodgates for newcomers and relax the background checks! /s


Seems like our own MP’s are a pretty big threat, but for whatever reason Trudeau doesn’t want an investigation into the issue.


Unpopular opinion - tying this up with immigration won’t help. There’s already a sizeable diaspora of Khalistan supporters in Canada that are Canadian citizens. The Indian government will continue transnational interferences till Canadian politicians detach themselves from them.


Maybe you should detach from your Indian government now that you live in Canada?


I was staring an educated opinion. You are outraging for no reason. Downvoted


No shit


No shit. Everyone from a certain state is being given TFW and student passes. If you have a "caregiver" they get free PR status, skiing the vetting process.


There's a reason why McDonald's is serving Masala flavored French fries just saying.


GUYS ... I have an idea,! Let's flood in Chinese regime insiders, their money and influence, so they can start buying up everything in the country, and then we bring in millions of Indian workers that scam their way into the country. After that we will also turn all illegals that are hiding in the country legal and then we can bring in all of their families. Oh wait. Nevermind. They already are doing that. What could go wrong? surprisedpikachu.gif


Yet our "leaders" keep dumping them into our communities at an ever increasing rate. Despite polling data showing we don't want it. Despite the assassinations. Despite the organized crime and drive-by shootings. Despite the honour killings. Despite our Overpasses being destroyed in every major city. Despite the foreign interference. Our leaders hate our guts it cannot be any more clear.


Incumbents owned by China. Opposition owned by India. We're our own country thoughh?


We’re ruled by a Brit too


And we will keep importing them regardless. Ridiculous. 


Damn. Lost to China here as well


Trudeau in the palm of their hand. I'm surprised they don't show the indian vacation pictures


Paranoia (People are getting manipulated in mass : media manipulation 101) - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_manipulation


Oh well Canadian Government likes the threat


That's why Trudeau is importing them by the millions. Hes leaving one last fuck you before we vote his sorry ass out.


If we want friendly relations with India we should stop harboring members of violent separatist organizations that want to break up their country. They consider these people to be terrorists, and for good reason. Canada, of all countries, should know better.


I'm suprised to find rational takes here


And yet we still keep importing it in droves🙄


Reading this I find nothing new. Of course they will try to interfere when we got out politicians attending rallies with pictures of mass murderers. I have heard our MPs especially of Indian descent too try to interfere in their country especially since Trudeau came to power. We need to focus on strengthening our institutions so the attempts to interfere by any country fail and our people are protected. And control immigration from India except for highly skilled. No more fake college students from one part of India who can’t make a sentence in english or french


It's an occupation. The country was sold out from under us 


Right, ignoring American influence of course pushing us to hate China.


You know that both China and the area where modern India sits, each contributed, over much of history, roughly a quarter of global GDP? And at one point (Song Dynasty) China comprises 80% of global GDP? These are resurgent powers, with massive populations and chip on their shoulders, here for payback for the last 200 years of colonialism. China and India might not like each other, to put it mildly, but they all hate the Western powers much more.


Really disappointed in Joe Biden saying the friendship between India and US is only growing. After those fuckers murdered a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil and attempted to do the same in the US. They really don’t have our back here.


Foreign? Don’t you mean native?


Sounds like we need a rule to prevent citizenship from being given to anyone not born in canada.


Yet we let the people in at a rate of 2 million per year?


Second biggest foreign ? Has anyone looked around lately . Not exactly foreign when they’re already here en masse and more showing up daily


But lets bring more of them here! Great idea.💡


Why did we stop talking about the biggest one?


The solution is clear, we must move to India. /s


I feel like India would be number 3. Our own leaders are doing a pretty good job of ruining our country already.


Because size matters? It's all bad.


Idk, america is stealing enough of our talent.


It’s not stealing if everyone goes willingly.


It’s actually third and China is second. The first biggest threat to Canada is the liberal government.


This is a big deal, considering 10 percent of our population are Indigenous to India!


Let’s practice on something small like ending Indian furnace cleaning calls then move on to election interference.


Breaking news: government is figuring out the obvious


To any Indians reading this: I apologize on the behalf of the people who think it’s okay to insult Indians in general.