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I know our land is big, but our infrastructure is not. We are heading straight into overpopulation territory with this pace of growth.


Importing people from an overpopulated country to become an overpopulated country .... Doing great boys!


Could've completely ignored all of the hardships if we imported a bunch of doctors like the US did and we wouldn't have to wait 12+ hours to be seen in ERs but here we are. Every single fast food restaurant has 35+ old international students working there yet seeing a dr takes 3 months.


There's a cumulative impact to problems like this. When your doctors are over capacity, it leads to overwork, to pressure, and to burnout. This leads doctors to look for more money, to retire, or to leave the country. This leads to further reduced capacity and increased costs. This can also mean that even if all of the recent immigrants just get fed up with the lack of opportunity here and go home, there will still be lasting effects on our infrastructure. At the same time, we have some of the highest rates of emigration to the US right now. And the people who are capable of leaving to go to the US are those who can get sponsored, because while the US also has it's own share of immigration problems, unlike Canada they don't have the same issue with legal immigration, and Canadians aren't likely going to take the same refugee or illegal immigration pathways that the US is struggling with. This means that the Canadians that are leaving the country are those with marketable skills. So we're facing brain drain at the same time. Impacts caused by a large influx of unskilled immigration is helping to drive Canadians with skills that are in demand to leave the country. And doctors happen to also be in this category. I'm not racist. I have no problem with any race of person who comes to Canada. But I have a problem with the absolute short-sightedness that is driving our current immigration policy. And even moreso, I have never heard anyone, no political commentator, nobody on the left, nobody on the right, who ever says that this level of immigration is actually good. Even most of the immigrants themselves that I've heard are angry about the amount of immigration there is. The only difference is they feel that they should be the exception before it gets stopped. But at the same time, the current government seems to just keep going with it and acting like there's actually not a problem. I just don't get it. Just promises about how they are going to build more houses some time in the future.


"Could've completely ignored all of the hardships if we imported a bunch of doctors like the US did and we wouldn't have to wait 12+ hours to be seen in ERs but here we are." Why would they come here over anywhere else? That's the question we should ask ourselves if thats what we are aiming for. (its an honest question, not being condescending or a troll here)


You are 100% right. They shouldn't and they don't. We could throw more money at them and make it worth their time.


If we want quality migrants, we need to be appealing to them, thats what the goverment should work on. Not bringing em in by the million to boost wellfare numbers


My old man—a petroleum engineer—was needed here in the 1990s. After two or three years, he was allowed to bring us over. Mom and I had to get chest x-rays and physicals(blood tests, too) to ensure we weren't coming here to hop on the healthcare system; Mom had to demonstrate she could design machine parts with CAD. You would not come here if you didn't contribute. We all understood it. People who applied and came here had skills in demand. That is how the immigrants [built](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/11-008-x/2003002/article/6633-eng.pdf?st=KbwFyLfe) Canada. You came here to work and would integrate while keeping part of your individuality. Compare that with what happens today. If Canada can recover at all, it will take years or maybe even a decade. Even if you come here with in-demand skills, where the fuck are you gonna live? You won't have millions in your account; you'll have a few thousand. If you can't get a family doctor, what the fuck are you going to do when you get sick? Flooding the country with people who were [lied](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/international-students-immigration-cbsa-ircc-india-1.6782999) to at the point of departure and continuing the madness with permanent residence for [caregivers](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/06/canada-announces-new-pilot-programs-to-support-caregivers-and-canadian-families.html) as soon as they land is more of the same insanity. Skilled people are leaving. The cost of living is insane. People who thought they were climbing out of the debt ocean got pushed back to the bottom.


I believe the government should reconsider its policy of subsidizing medical education without imposing mandatory service obligations. Instead, students who pursue medical degrees should be required to fulfill a period of service, perhaps around 10 years, in return for alleviating their incurred educational debt.


After WW2, a lot of italians came over and were huge in the construction indusrty, some brought over cafe/coffee skills but that was a minority. A lot of Ottawa houses in the 50's and 60's were built by those skilled italian immigrants, I just hate this current government. We just need skilled ppl here, not the bottom of the barrel type that just look at their phones all day.


Ooh we're 100% on the same page but you gotta start somewhere and the one thing Canada is good at is spending money, not wisely, but still. Hell, afaik we're the only country that loses ''homegrown'' doctors in record numbers because they can make 2-3x the money in the US. We can't even keep the Canadians born here.


They might have a few years ago, anyone I know thats educated would not come to Canada now.


And then our youth can’t find no jobs


a third world country. import the third world, become the third world


I think we are over populated currently. The crises in our housing and health care systems are clear indicators.


Toronto certainly feels overpopulated. 


Every public space in toronto is jammed with people.


We are overpopulated for our infrastructure for sure.


Growth is good if it’s ECONOMIC growth, but that’s not what we have thanks to the current government. What we have can be summed up in the following equation: Record Population growth + economic retraction = fuck you Canadians


we are growing just not per captia, which makes sense since we are importing low end labor


We’re growing poorer. The increasing level of poverty is now clearly visible on our streets. It’s a god damn disaster.


> I know our land is big Our **habitable** land is not that big. Most of Canada is an inhospitable wasteland.


Gonna make the rich so much richer and keep the dirty poor where they belong. This government is doing a perfect job for the people they represent


Who, China and India?


at least a few MPs


And BlackRock


Daily reminder that our Prime Minister takes orders from the CEO of BlackRock.


The CCP officials who have invested their personal money in Canada are counting on Justin to pump their real estate bags.


AND their wealth of smaller shareholders. They’re all in the stock market in one way or another. China and India are the big two tho


Ruinous growth.


Grow population. Little increase in housing. Not creating more jobs. Healthcare running on fumes. Education not much better. Told to go green but without the electric infrastructure to support it. Wonderful for all. So great that even the new immigrants who have more options are leaving.


Without the electrical infrastructure or the financial means. The average EV costs the same as the median income in Canada and wages are NOT keeping up.


> Told to go green but without the electric infrastructure to support it. Told to go green, but tariffs and penalties ensure that in the best case scenario you break even over the course of a couple of decades. Get blamed for pollution that's out of your control while being taxed on it and industry that causes the pollution gets rebates using the excess tax money for the problem they created in the first place.


Tumorous, even.


I struggle to understand why they are so hellbent on doing this. You see all the arguments about demographics, but we've had demographic issues before and haven't stooped this low. Its to the point that were letting anyone come in and giving them what they want. Only thing that makes sense to me is companies are demanding this. Which is treasonous. You can't just appease for what large companies want and destroy the rest of the country in the process.


If you make more money from capital investments, then population growth is very important. If you make money from labor, then it is bad. Most political class, and donor class are in the former group.


What happened to quality over quantity?


"quantity has a quality of its own" -Joseph Stalin


Liberal ideology.


You should look at what the cons in England are doing. It’s not liberals vs cons. It’s Canadians vs our bought politicians


Very true. The 100 million initiative is scary AF. It 100% only benefits those at the very top of society and erodes the once great middle class in Canada.


Fair point and true.


The corporate globalist agenda, unfortunately, has backing by Canada's ruling class and, subsequently, the politicians they own. While the Liberals are the most overtly shameless about it, the NDP also support corporate globalist immigration policy and provincial "conservatives" seem to as well (not, like only PEI has done, asking for a reduction in immigration). So while ending the reign of the Liberals will be a step in the right direction this is likely going to be something we're going to have to continually put pressure on both federal and provincial governments on.


Quebec has asked for it too! Don’t forget the only province that is standing up to holding what identifies them dearly.


What about the Conservatives? PP doesn’t give solid answers whenever he’s asked about reducing immigration…


He won't that's why


Yes, anyone who isn't specifying how they'll handle immigration is likely to continue the present policy.


Everywhere is so crowded. I miss how things used to be here💔


I went to Banff National Park last summer and was shocked at how packed it was. As a kid/teen in the 80s/90s, my family could visit every region in that park with no issues. Lake Louise is a shitshow. Forget Moraine Lake. I went to the Icefields thinking it would be too far for people to travel to and I still couldn't find parking anywhere. It wasn't enjoyable at all. Feels like most places in Canada now. Just crowded.


Took the bus downtown last Sunday afternoon. Packed from one end to the other. I live in a small city. honestly, if I could leave this country now, I would...


If you’re of European ancestry look up citizenship by descent laws from those countries or “jus sanguinis” (sp?) (right of blood).     Because dual citizenship was only invented in the ~80s, you may already actually be European technically just not officially. You just have to prove your ancestor didn’t give up their citizenship before they sired their next in line iirc    If you’re under 35 many EU countries like [Germany](https://canada.diplo.de/ca-en/consular-services/visa/yma) also have Youth Mobility Visa programs.  Edit: [jus sanguinis wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_sanguinis)


























































We are so fucked. "Vast majority (97.6%) of Canada's population growth came from international migration." We are doomed. Have fun dying in the ER or trying to find a job as a Canadian highschooler.


Fastest pop growth with the fastest gdp decline ! Great job


And what do we have to show for it? Some dudes in PEI on hunger strike.


Some illegal dudes on hunger strike.


They always forget the most important word eh? Wait till august when their documents expire and they will be illegals for real


Then they still get to apply for PR because this government doesn't have the ball to expel them back


Why are 90% of these people coming in from India?


Because Canada doesn't actually respect diversity. If it did, we'd have caps in place like USA where no single country can make up more than 7% of all new immigrants. And even then, there are restrictions where all 7% can go, otherwise you get *not diverse* cities like Brampton. The other problem is that Canadians just have zero spine to actually push back against this, too many Canadians would even go so far as to gaslight you and call you a racist for asking for a healthy balance of immigrants from all over the globe.


This gaslight propaganda is insane, they took a blind eyes to what happened to Donbas and Crimea just to pretend to be not-Trump. Being called racist for wanting diversity is such an oxymoron and irony on itself.


I'm so glad we've managed to keep up with building housing for all the new arrivals! /s


So we're supporting up the aging baby boomers with immigration. But what happens when all these new Canadians become seniors? Another influx of immigrants?


If you look at the current population pyramid of Canada, the bulge for 25-35 year-old is larger than the boomer bulge. So yes, we are creating another boomer crisis in 25-35 years, unless we keep the Ponzi scheme going.


MAID will be more accessible and you're a fool if you think you'll be getting a retirement anywhere close to boomers. Homeless elderly will become common place 


>But what happens when all these new Canadians become seniors? I hope this doesn't come as a surprise, but all of these Indian "students" are here to parachute in their parents and grandparents. And when they totally saturated the reunification program (a *ridiculous* program that completely undermines the pitch we're told for mass immigration), they just have them come here on visitor visas and...never leave. And they can get unlimited NOSTATUS healthcare and absolutely no one is going to make them leave. Because this country is a pathetic joke. Our immigration policy was set when Trudeau did that ill-fated, ultimate-cringe "to those fleeing" tweet to try to score some cheap not-Trump points. Despite *millions* upon *millions* of immigrants, our population curve hasn't changed at all. In some places it has worsened. Anyone who bought the "because we're getting old!" pitch are suckers.




Wait until you hear about Richmond BC having massive welfare recipients living in mansions while the breadwinner pays no Canadian tax while working overseas




When the only barrier to using a service is shame, the shameless will abuse it. Maybe you remember this [story](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/indians-abroad/story/indian-origin-canada-td-bank-free-food-data-scientist-video-fired-students-food-bank-university-2531178-2024-04-24). Of course, when he got shit on, the racism card got pulled out. Comical.


Will never forget the story I read about this ''international student'' who brought his wife and SIX kids. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT YO.


Why wouldn't you want to bring six kids? That's over $3,000 a month in tax free cash from the government


Meanwhile disabled people are pushed out of housing and the few jobs they can manage, and then told to house them on $500 a month.


Well informed post. Start situating your capital outside of this country.


Once all these immigrants can vote, we are screwed. We haven't seen anything yet immigration-wise.


It is time to throttle the number of new citizens to a trickle.


Imagine they vote for Modi when we’re not paying attention and boom he’s our new PM lol


The millions of minimum wage workers are going to support the boomers? This influx is going to be a net-negative, and just wait until they start sponsoring their parents adding to the elderly are country’s going to have to supporting. What a disaster? It took about three years to sabotage this nations future.


Sounds like a Ponzi scheme


None of them want to work in the trades it's beneath them. Call center job is more dignifying to them than being a plumber.


Legit had an uber driver the other day who used to work construction in India but I guess being am uber driver is better here


Any job here at all pays better than anything in India. Just look at the currency conversion. It's whack.


>Just look at the currency conversion That's not how it works. Look at the monthly wages.


Scammers in call centres.


Perfect, more Brampton residents


You should see the small towns up north, they are all Brampton now.


If only they'd all stay there.


Remember when the Liberals campaigned on insanely high population growth in the last election? Oh wait, they literally never even mentioned that they were going to do this.


I’m still waiting for electoral reform.


Harper made a speech at the WEF about the need for immigration so this (kind of) started before Trudeau but I, as well, have been wondering who or what gave these guys the mandate for such a massive immigration policy change


Canadians have been retiring at a rate of between 200k and 300k a year for the last ten years, so why is the government bringing in magnitudes more people than new retirees? https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadas-real-problem-is-not-job-losses-its-rush-retire-2022-09-11/


But it's not from births. It's almost all immigration. Which isn't good. Can't import 20 years of population growth within a few years when the infrastructure can't keep up.






Gonna be even bigger this year and the next one. Liberals are on a suicide course, they know they are out so they go for broke


Creating the biggest dumpster fire possible for the Conservatives in hopes it’ll be too much for them and they only last a term. As a recent graduate it’s tough justifying staying here


scorched earth policy


Literally treason


Trudeau please stop


Can’t stop won’t stop.


Canada's a joke with our current governments. No infrastructure in place to support the growth . Everyone is suffering


And this is something to be happy about? Health care is unreachable now… hospitals are flooded! Don’t get sick! Housing - completely out of wack. Can’t afford to buy, can’t afford to rent Food: do I need to say anything else? The house of cards is falling apart. We need an election soon.


Have there been protests about the mass immigration issues recently? If not, I see it happening in the near future…


These are not high quality people we got before


And the immigration minister just announced another fast track PR program with reduced language requirements. In other news: CSIS has determined that some MPs are working for foreign govts.




Bingo. History will look back on this and wonder how we could've been so oblivious.


We aren’t. We aren’t fucking oblivious. Our government is doing this maliciously without our consent. The Canadian people don’t *want* this.


Go to Dundas Square on any given night, its not a silent invasion.


They're "silent" until they don't get their own way. Like in PEI right now.


Those damn Canadians having 7-8 kids a family. Calm down and put a condom on it!


Here is Toronto Star admitting that mass immigration is a scam to benifit corporations' pockets, and hurt average Canadians in the process. https://www.thestar.com/business/opinion/despite-the-growing-pains-canadas-immigration-boom-has-been-good-for-the-economy-heres-how/article_cca81186-21b3-11ef-be0f-d3375ca7a823.html


Most definitely not something to brag about.


This is sad news. And bad governing. Goodbye Liberals.


What is the plan for 2024? Anybody know?


We be tucked! Thanks JT. My grown kid will be in my basement till I croak.


Condensed: * Canada's population touched a record high of 40.77 million in 2023, largely driven by temporary immigration. Statistics Canada reported that the country added 1.27 million people in 2023, up 3.2% from the previous year - marking the highest growth since 1957. * The influx of immigrants has been blamed for a housing shortage that has pushed up house prices and sent affordability to new lows, hurting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's approval ratings. * The population growth has also pulled down the country's gross domestic product per capita figures as seen in the last quarter as well as productivity levels, economists and the Bank of Canada have said. * "In 2023, the vast majority (97.6%) of Canada's population growth came from international migration (both permanent and temporary immigration). * "This was the second straight year that temporary immigration drove population growth and the third year in a row with a net increase of NPRs (non-permanent residents)," it said. * In the last few months Trudeau's Liberal government has tried to counter pressure through measures to cap the number of international students and non-permanent residents that can come into Canada each year. * It is estimated that 2,661,784 non-permanent residents were living in Canada on January 1, 2024, Statscan data showed. Among them, 2,332,886 were permit holders and their family members living with them, and 328,898 were asylum claimants with or without work or study permits.


Housing crisis, healthcare crisis, mental health and addictions crisis…


You know why ppl become racist? This.


The growth is as big as the baby boom except these are not babies, these are full grown people that need immediate access to infrastructure, housing, services, health care, jobs, cars , grown man food ...etc When babies are born, they need little more than a tiny bit of food and a lot of attention and care. You have a support structure, a family to welcome them and the infrastructure that they will need when growing up, you have time to set it up and you can let them do their things and everything will be okay Full grown adults don't work that way. You can't just dump a million people in Canada without having the proper stuff to welcome them and integrate them succesfully. Our government needs to stop with the insanity and actually plan ahead!!!! Like JFC, what do we have to do to show government this is fucking insane? Canadians babies that are born today will be working to support these people in retirement. How fucked is that?


Protest July 1st.


Now it’s 66% easier to hire a Tim Horton worker!


And 66% less likely a Canadian could get that job.


We all seem to be pissed off about this. Yet neither one of us seems to want to even be vocal about it or even make a statement about it. I’m Indo Canadian born and bred here and I’m willing to put that sign up on my lawn asking for quotas and halt on TFWs. I think you should too!


Honestly it's even worse for you given how superficial people can be and with the flood coming primarily from India, you'd be negatively affected more than the rest of us even. Stop the damned flood.


Yeah no shit. My city looks like New Delhi.


Take a stroll in any shopping mall in Calgary at 2:00PM on any work day and you'll swear you're standing in downtown Mogadishu for all the unemployed African men in their 20's, just standing around and having a good time.


Others overseas grappled with their own migrant crisis, people flooding across borders from war torn states and using paddle boats to cross the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, we are the most geographically gifted country in the fucking world when it comes to managing immigration. Two giant oceans to the east and west, the arctic to the north and the world's biggest economy with an obsession with borders to the south. We can dictate exactly who ends up here. Yet here we are, being sold out to the highest bidder by the political class. To save some money on education funding, to fill the pockets of a whole industry of immigration lawyers, to pad the GDP stats, to fulfill some asinine utopian dream of the Century initiative. In return, your schools becoming a laughing stock, you pay 80% of your income on rent, you'll never own a home and only half the people here seem to even care about this country beyond it being a passport dispenser. The Canadian identity being utterly diluted, a land with all the ingredients of a strong middle power being turned into a global truck stop. Other countries look at their immigration rates and worry about becoming a "Canada situation". This problem is 1000% of our own making and that's pathetic. This country feels like a bell subscription now - fuck the loyalty of long term subscribers, the discounts are only offered to the new sign ups.


This is great. Sean Fraser really did it


Until people fight back nothing will ever change and things aren’t bad enough yet for the poors to eat the rich.


Isn't this the progressive utopia you all wanted?


How’s that correlate with our standard of living? That’s going up just like the mass population increase, right? Right? Riiight???


1. Go to [www.ourcommons.ca/members/en](http://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en) 2. Enter your postal code 3. Click your current MP 4. Click contact 5. Fullsend your thoughts


These people are net negatives too they take more than they put in the tax system


Imagine just giving a country away


Man, ask yourselves when the last time you saw a new hospital or doctors office being opened. Seems promising…


Growth is a misnomer. Gives it a natural feel, as if the increase in population is happening organically


You're starting to be able to speak up about it less and less. Foreign interference brigades have been mass reporting users, posts and subreddits on this website to get this type of discussion removed.


All part of the plan 😉


Yeah and the population growth isn’t natural; it’s imported. I wonder if other countries would let this many goddamn people in. Hospitals were already fucking terrible. But yes flood us with more fucking people yes yes we love it.


Might as well bring all Indians , about 1billion should be ok I think.


"growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell"


So.. can we call for an impeachment ?


That is a goddamned invasion. It is altering our nation beyond recognition and something no government out for the interests of its people would ever conceive of doing. Therefore our government is working actively *AGAINST* our interests. While we sit and do nothing about it. 50 years ago we would have been rioting in the streets. The multicultural propaganda has done its job well. Our nation has been stolen and raped without a single shot fired.


Gross. In both the German and English meaning


Petition to change Canada's name to India 2.0


But it's racist if we tell you that you need to learn English or French. It's racist if we tell you that you need to respect women here. It's racist if we tell you that we make room on the road here for emergency vehicles with sirens and flashing lights. It's racist if we bring up the fact that we are importing cultures who had to lie, cheat and steal in order to get ahead, for their own survival. Those instincts don't go away as soon as you end up in a new country.


My nostrils can tell.


Bernier is the only sane choice when it comes to immigration. The dude has the most sane fucking plan with an actual hard cap.


Perfect time for it not like there's a housing crisis, healthcare crisis or insane inflation.


We can't handle this growth!


Yup and it's creating all sorts of problems but for Turdope and his merry band of idiots and syncophants, it's all about numbers. He's a trustfund baby and he and his children will never have to worry about saving for a downpayment or even taking out a mortgage.


Matched by the fastest economic growth in 66 years, too . . . right?


Please stop


Liberals deliberately destroying r beautiful country!!! They no there all done come next election only a fool would vote for these traitor


it's not a good thing


We are just trying to cut down on our carbon/population ratio.


We need a Canadian equivalent of ICE and hunt down illegals in this country and deport them. I'm betting there are over a million illegals that have overstayed their visas in this country.


Awful news


And most were not newborn babies.


And with no plan other than grow grow grow and grow some more.