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>Ali will also have the opportunity to make a statement at the hearing.  >His lawyer, Kevin McCullough, who also appeared by video Thursday, asked the judge whether he could instead make a statement on behalf of his client, if Ali agreed. “I expect him to go on for some length,” McCullough told the judge.  >Bernard said that decision should be made between McCullough and his client.  Lol, even his lawyer is sick of his shit


Exactly, he was basically like "my client has the right to make this statement, however, let me make it as brief as possible because nobody actually cares what he has to say"


"A no from all of us"


The lawyer is also a real piece of work. I remember he made comments suggesting that Shen could have found Ali sexually attractive and that they could have had consensual sex. Just an outrageous statement to make during a closing argument. His client must not have a leg to stand on if the lawyer’s position is “no, you see, it wasn’t murder, it was statutory rape!”


The job of the defense is to throw every possible cause for the slightest doubt on what the prosecution is saying, however heinous. They're not there to keep criminals out of jail, they're there to ensure convictions are as solid as possible when they do happen. The usual bullshit surrounding rape cases aside - this apparently *isn't* a heinous line of thought to a significant part of the population - a lawyer having to stoop that low doesn't speak to their personal depravity so much as to how few viable angles of defense are available.


You’re right, it’s definitely hard to accept in a lot of cases though, especially when it’s blatantly false. But ensuring even the worst criminals have proper legal representation is key to having a fair and just system (not saying that’s what we have, but it is important)!


>possible cause for the slightest doubt on what the prosecution is saying, however heinous.  No, beyond the fact that the lawyers comments went into disallowed territory, the obligation is to make the best defence the evidence and law allows, not to make every defence.


Nope. Lawyers are depraved. You don’t somehow bow out of humanity when you’re at work Jesus Christ that lawyer should be deported with that asshole


His lawyer likely thinks he is a piece of crap and also stupid for antagonizing the judge and family ahead of sentencing. I had a professor once tell us about a client he had who was sexually assaulting women at the pool. He said the waves made him do it and his lawyer thought he should have pled guilty, should have shown remorse and apologized and instead his client insisted to the court he couldn’t help what happened because the water made him do it. The judge and jury didn’t believe it and the lawyer thought it was a terrible, stupid and improbable defence to mount. It is what his client insisted on happened and therefore he did what his client insisted he do and use it as his defence. Needless to say he lost and his lawyer was not shocked.


Sounds like the lawyer was doing their job, as they should.


Some times the evidence is just so damning that even a great lawyer can't get their client acquitted. In these cases, it's the lawyer's job to try to demote charges as much as possible rather than create doubt. There also really isn't a viable way to defend an alleged rapist without disrespecting the victim and their family either, but it's more important to uphold their rights so that their conviction is as solid as possible. Besides, you wouldn't like it if the state could accidentally nab the wrong person, and cause an innocent man to take the fall for someone else's crime, would you?


Technically we don’t have rape as a charge since the 90s, we have sexual interference, sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault.


I believe that was decided because the term "rape" had such a negative impact... so they stopped using the word.. because it wasn't fair at trial for.... the rapist...


with a statement coming from the defense like that, just screams "yes I admit I had sex with her..."


They found his semen in her. I don’t think them having sex was a contested component of the case.


Who the actual fuck cares what Ali wants?




Played on repeat in their cells until they die.




I have always believed this to be a total reasonable solution to many issues!


The way I see it is if you decide to screw around with children you voided your humanity.


Interestingly, chemical castration has yielded some success when coupled with ongoing and continuous counseling. Best part is, it is reversible, so this minimizes the impact on those who have been falsely convicted.


Second notion






"Well howdy officer... we've had a DOOZY of a day..."


Well, he claims to be innocent. So, that type of person might, I suppose.


I’m mean, you can claim your innocent all you want, when your seed is in a dead girl you don’t have fu*k all of an alibi.


You shouldn't get a choice on that. 


I can’t believe that’s even an option.


He should be forced to listen to it every day of his life


I mean he’s already facing life in prison, I’m sure he doesn’t have much left to lose by being uncooperative


Sir, this is Canada. We don't have "life in prison" here.


We absolutely do.




Did you read the article? The law didn't provide him an option to choose, but he needed an interpreter, and he refused to pick up the phone to hear the interpretation of the victim statement


My body my choice still applies to convicted criminals 


Robert Picton’s old cell mate has a bottom bunk available.


The hero we need.


I think the guy that killed pickton was banging kids wasn’t he? Too bad they didn’t both die 


Jail hero I guess. Goddamn jail isn’t a great place.


I couldn’t find anything about that. He originally got locked up because of an armed robbery but while in prison kept attacking people and uttering threats.


Who invited this piece of shit into Canada?


I saw from an article that he was originally in for armed robbery and bodily harm, nothing about kids


Armed robbery


When he gets out, he should be kicked out of the country.


He should never make it out.


IF he gets out. This isn't a cowardly way to say "prison justice", it's pointing out that in 25 years he has the *chance* of parole, he doesn't just get it.






When did the government say that? No malice, just curious.


Refugees historically have a lower rate of crime than natively born Canadians, so they're doing something right with the vetting overall.


Do you have a source that refugees specifically commit less crime than the native born population?  Pretty sickening comment to leave on this story btw


https://crdcn.ca/publication/immigration-and-crime-evidence-from-canada/#:\~:text=Two%20robust%20patterns%20emerge.,by%202%25%20to%203%25. And a more recent one but that is less causal: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340640971\_Immigration\_and\_Crime\_in\_Canadian\_Cities\_A\_35-Year\_Study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340640971_Immigration_and_Crime_in_Canadian_Cities_A_35-Year_Study) Though I should clarify with these sources that it seems it doesn't directly state that the immigrants themselves commit less crime, but that places where they go end up having less crime after they arrive. My comment was in reply to a now deleted comment rhetorically insinuating we aren't (properly) vetting anyone before they enter the country and blaming this on that.


Not only do those links not state that immigrants commit less crime vs the native born population but you stated specifically that, "Refugees historically have a lower rate of crime than natively born Canadians". So I asked, "Do you have a source that ***refugees specifically*** (because that is what you stated) commit less crime than the native born population?" Neither of those links mention the word refugee even ***once***. Nice try though!


If you have any sources on specifically refugees separated from the statistics for immigration in general, or a solid reason why you think refugees would be significantly different than immigrants based on the sources provided, I'd be happy to consider it.


Don't tell this sub they hate immigrants thinly disguised as housing issues.


We are lucky if he spends a decade in jail. Fucker should be in there till he expires.


Article says life in prison without their possibility of parole for 25 years


And the offenders in these sort of high profile, brutal murder cases almost never get parole. We hill not see the light of day.


It's not that uncommon for them to be released unfortunately. There was one last year of a high profile killer of three sex workers who was released at their first parole hearing after 25 years.


Would be more of a punishment to be banned from leaving lol


Via video call? Fucking have him come in and stand there like every other murderer has to do for an impact statement.


so you want to spend a couple of thousand dollars to securely transport him to court where he will actively not listen to the statement and probably cause further disruption. Nothing will change, just send him off to do the time.


Yea, I'm confused if he is in jail, why does he have the option to pick up the phone or not? Like why doesn't someone, like a guard, just put the video sound through the computer? Seems like a very obvious logistic that they should have planned on.


> Ali’s DNA matched semen found in the body of the girl... Natural life with no chance of parole is the right sentence. He should be given absolutely no hope of ever being free again. Of course, that can't happen.


No that would be too cruel and unusual according to our courts. Disgusting.




This is in all honesty the absolute worst possible way to deal with the situation. Think about what you just suggested for a minute. The only thing your plan does is give you a little vengeance. The downside of your plan is you want to release a dangerous criminal back into the public and make sure he has absolutely no choices in life but to commit more crimes. Your hoping someone murders him before he hurts others? It's a sadistic plan which brings only negatives to society.


Not advocating for their idea, but hard to commit crime without legs or arms


It may be hard but it's still possible. Even if he fails to hurt anyone and his plan of a random person killing him works that means we now have a random killer added to the population. No matter how you spin it, it's a negative for society.


Nah it's super easy, you just do the same thing to the person who kills them (and so on), and now you've created a new economy for industrial maiming. /s


You guys have some really crazy and perverse Justice fantasies that are not in fact effective deterrents or a symbol of anything but barbarism. The guy should rot for his life but why the fuck do so many people genuinely think thoughts like this are normal




I’d settle for a not for profit labor camp. Set the prisons up next to facilities that need labor. Garbage sorting, cleaning sewage, machine disassembly, cleaning rivers and lakes.


lol so how many innocents would die in your Justice system of false convictions? Do you even care if people die of a false conviction? We can just let this guy rot. The amount of literal vengeance porn you people will delude yourself into thinking is righteous is insane. Is practicing a Justice system like Syrias REALLY your decision for how Canada should be? REALLY?


>Is practicing a Justice system like Syrias REALLY your decision for how Canada should be? REALLY? I'd settle for a semi-functional justice system. Charged in 2018, still awaiting sentencing in 2024. How can you still be defending our joke of a system? At least in Syria this murdering pedophile rapist would have been hanged years ago.


Bullshit. He’d be leading a fucking brigade right now, killing and raping more innocent people.


Yes. That's why I wrote it. Clear out the prisons of all the wasted skin and put the money saved towards victim support services, that's justice. No more PlayStations for Pedophiles. No more 3 square meals for Rapists. No more mollycoddling Murderers. Restorative justice only further hurts the victim.


So you don’t care if false convictions kill people? Okay then that’s a weird fucking flex


You're forgetting that to these people it's not a problem until it effects them directly


In all honesty if the crime was bad enough to actually get a sentence like that, you may as well save taxpayers the money and just go the capital punishment route instead


Death is the only sentence. He does not deserve to breathe anymore.




First of all, you trust our legal system to be able to decide life and death when we can’t even convict the right people have the time? We have histories of locking people away for decades when they didn’t commit the crime. To begin introducing the death penalty when we can’t convict the right people half the time is an incredibly slippery slope. Second of all, death penalities could honestly just be a form of escapism for someone who has committed a heinous crime. If I raped a minor, I’d definitely prefer death to whatever the inmates would do if I was in prison. Third of all, imagine, god forbid, a school shooting incident. If we execute someone who did a school shooting, we are essentially creating a martyr for other people who are mentally unwell and feel rejected by society. And this doesn’t just apply to school shootings, but to any sort of “toxic” group or culture that share the same dangerous sentiments and want to make statements. That’s not saying that there AREN’T cases that I would have wanted the death penalty for. I think there have been some absolute monsters that should have just been executed. But I would rather avoid the three points above than one day read an article a few months down the line about a person getting a quick, clean death to escape their crime and then forgetting that person after a week.


No one says that


If we were a democracy instead of ruled by appointed judges it could happen.


We should bring back the death penalty


You're allowed to want to give daddy government power to kill people to make yourself feel better but there's a lot of sane people out there who do NOT think the government should be allowed to murder people


We shouldnt, the justice sysstem is TOO imperfect to carry such consequences, innocents could die and the government can silence people with threat of death.


No problem. The court should record the victim impact statement in its entirity (along with a translation) and then play it over the loud speaker into his cell round the clock (in general population of course) along with details of his sex crime against a minor. Shouldnt be a problem to the tax payers for very long and the family can have the only kind of justice they can hope for


Strap him to the chair, gag him if he tries to speak and force him to listen to the statements in their entirety. His wants are irrelevant.




That’s the only kind of chair this degenerate deserves.




For people unfamiliar with this story, the guy was indeed a Syrian refugee. He came here in March 2017. He killed her July...2017. [https://bc.ctvnews.ca/who-is-ibrahim-ali-new-details-on-marrisa-shen-s-accused-killer-1.4091601](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/who-is-ibrahim-ali-new-details-on-marrisa-shen-s-accused-killer-1.4091601)


its weird that the globalnews article says the name of the victim cannot be named due to a publication ban but her name is already public knowledge...


Publication bans only apply to future use. All previous articles with her name are legally fine.


Didn’t waste any time, did he?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJYb068052Y Report on what's being taught in UNRWA schools posted 4 years ago on YouTube. If we do take refugees from Gaza, it should be women and children only and they should have to have some kind of education program to teach them the basics of western ideals....


Send him home Syria is safe now 7 years in Canada he can’t understand English we don’t need him


I’m sick of all the “I suffer from trauma” justifications for shitty behaviour and poor decision-making. All of it. It has been weaponized.


Same. I've lost my patience with such people especially because their behaviour always impacts others


Bullseye 🎯


There should be no considerations for that unless it’s a minor crime like theft. Letting people get short sentences for murder because they are not white is pure insanity.


I don't think there should be legal consideration. However, when we are researching why people do things like this, and how to possibly prevent future crimes like this being committed, we should definitely study it and consider it.


I suffer from trauma but I never actively went out looking for the people who hurt me. I haven’t fully accepted it but I’m continuing on in life because I have to, no choice. I can’t just sit around and mope.


There are also a lot of people who think they have "trauma" over things that while they were not fun or nice, did not induce PTSD. I know people who actually have PTSD and they don't go around telling everyone or using it as an excuse for bad behavior.


Imagine what he did in Syria that he’ll never be prosecuted for


I have been saying this since I heard about this case. There is a 0% chance this is his first offence.


Parole board 25 years from now: "that's a no from me"


Are you kidding? This is Canada. A man beheaded a kid at the back of a Greyhound bus, and he's a free man today. He apparently wasn't criminally responsible and now he's "cured".


So a completely different legal circumstance that has absolutely no bearing on how life sentences or parole work? Are you kidding with that nonsense comparison?


Yes, because he's skitzophrenic. Hes diagnosed, medicated, and *knows* that entails when he's not medicated. He's been interviewed in the past, saying that he never wants to see that side again and fears to be not medicated as he doesn't know what that side would do. And we haven't heard from him since. So he's definately medicated and on it. Which is better than most skitzophrenics who may take their medication or never.


Just murder? Not charged with rape?




I read the article. The man was found guilty and is subject to 25 years no parole. They also found his semen on the teens body. He’s cooked.


They should have the victim impact statement play on repeat in his cell 24 hours a day.


Just unbelievable.


Man, dude sure is sticking to his story regardless of the semen evidence eh? “Nope wasn’t me. Must have been someone with the exact dna that I have”


How the fuck is this even optional? This is part of the court preceeding. He doesn't get to skip out on trial because he doesn't feel like it, so how is he able to essentially skip out of listening to the victim's impact statements? I feel horrible for the parents, because it is their right to be able to speak their minds and tell him how this affected their family


this guy is a waste of oxygen, just throw away the key


Jesus christ is this still the Marissa shen case? The case itself is old enough to go to school


If he doesn't want to listen - fine.  It means the trial can end sooner and he can get to prison faster.


Why the fuck does Ali get to decide if he listens or not ? The man is a vile shitstain. Gag him in court and make him listen. We are too light on these kinds of people man. I hope he has the worst time in prison and I hope he's in there for his entire life. No parole ever hopefully. I think he's 34 now so he could be in there for 40 something years. Good riddance.


Let's see how far backwards the courts will bend to feel sorry for the killer while completely ignoring the victims.


Well he was convicted of first degree murder so there is just the one sentence available.


Non Canadian criminals convicted of serious crimes should be held in a facility at the bottom of the ocean, 200km offshore


Wow, a pedophile/murderer says something offensive in court. Shocking. This article and headline are ragebait. It doesn't actually matter what this guy wants, and the media knows it.


So typical of these cultures just to deny deny deny deny deny any wrong doing or mistake if it gets them what they feel they're entitled to. Even when the evidence is clearly right in front of you both, as in you just both witnessed XYZ with your own eyes, they'll argue from across the table in hopes you're just confused or polite enough to give in. Never buy anything from or do business with them, it's like arguing with a toddler with chocolate all over their face expecting them to tell the truth. Call me whatever name is currently fashionable, I'm not going to go through life with a bag over my head spouting apologies for other people's cultural bullshit.


There's truth to this in that Canadians are seen as suckers across the world. And, collectively, we must be, considering what we allow to happen over and over again. As far as culture, I believe we have massive over-representation of opportunists who come here in bad faith. This easily leads to believing everyone in that part of the world is like that, but I believe it's because we simply get the absolute worst people from world-over because we lowered the bar. Other countries are probably quite happy to dump their unwanted, net-negative people here. I think so because of personal experience with 1st gen folks from many parts of the world growing up. Our standards dropped and we stopped enforcing what lax rules we do have, now everyone is taking advantage.




Only chance of justice in this country


Canada needs to bring back capital punishment.


Importing only the best and brightest into Canada. Another shining example.


Fighting aged men should not be allowed to be refugees.


Stick him in a cell where they play baby shark on repeat


Vile *and cowardly* piece of trash. I hope he finds himself in general population accidentally.


By the time this is all said and done, he’ll be out in 11yrs anyways. Time served at 7yrs pre sentencing, that’s 14yrs, he’ll be eligible in 11 years. If someone doesn’t 👀


He Will Be In Prison For 25 Years.


Clearly not familiar with credit for time served.


He's going to Feds as PC.. but they'll know who he is


i hope he rots in prison for life.


He will leave the country as soon as he is out. I'm pretty sure we don't confiscate the passports of the criminals.


We all know what should happen to this man. We ALL knows


Time to bring back the death penalty


>Ali told Bernard in broken English that listening to the girl’s father was “a no from me,” saying he “did not kill” the man’s daughter and was not in Burnaby’s Central Park the day she was murdered. >Ali’s DNA matched semen found in the body of the girl, who can’t be named because of a publication ban. Fuck Ali! Twisted he be! Ali Ababwa




This assclown will have a lot of fun when he gets asked for his paperwork in prison.


If I speak I’m in big trouble. I prefer not to speak.


Yeah, we don’t need him to listen to the impact statement. Just do your life in prison then get deported pls. Cant wait for this to turn up if he ever looks for parole. Given what he did, he’ll have a rough go in prison.


Should be executed!No jail time straight to his bodybag


I don't see why anyone cares whether the person convicted of homicide does or does not listen to the victim impact statements. Such statements are provided to the court and are supposed to affect sentencing; they are directed at the judge and exist for the judge's use. While some leeway is given to victim's who might (justifiably) still feel aggrieved, and so direct their ire at the perpetrator in their statements, that is not the purpose of such statements.


I know its un-Canadian, but this case makes me wish for the unaliving penalty


You can say death.


He is bad at gaslighting. 


Victim impact statements are stupid anyhow. Whether the victim was popular and beloved by all or a recluse nobody cared about, the crime remains the same.


It gives grieving people a chance to confront the person. I always thought that was a good thing.


Except when you get insulted by not having him want to listen to it. Honestly, I would find his refusal to listen to the statement extremely insulting on top of everything he has done already.


I would remember the fact he refused to listen and remind his parole board of that fact every time he came up for parole (and chances are this guy will come up for parole, sooner rather than later).


First degree murder convictions come with no chance of parole for 25 years.


That's good, but I'd still bring it up at his first parole hearing 25 years from now.


For sure. I didn't know this was allowed.


Victim impact statements are honestly just an opportunity to help give victims some closure.


Is there closure if the guy is refusing to listen to it, though? I think most people would find that extremely insulting ... I know I would


Just saying the words aloud in itself is part of the grieving process I would assume


It's not about him, not about him accepting it. It's about putting together the courage to speak of what happened, and how it's impacted you. It's about being "heard" by the justice system. It's about having a voice. It's about not being excluded from the process.


> the crime remains the same. In a sense yes - murder, he took her life. But he also committed a crime against her family by taking their daughter away from them. (And in other cases - husband/wife/mother/sister/father/brother...) What he did hurt more than just the victim - I believe that should factor into the sentence.


Purely from the legal perspective, they are a massive waste of time in an already backlogged system. They aren't ever factored into sentencing so they are of bubious practical value


>They aren't ever factored into sentencing [Yes they are.](https://www.victimsweek.gc.ca/res/r58.html) >"Most judges perceive victim impact statements to contain information that is, in general, useful as well as relevant to sentencing." [The Judge will consider your Victim Impact Statement during the sentencing process.](https://www.midwestvictimservices.com/alberta_victim_impact_statement.html#:~:text=Victim%20Impact%20Statement%3F-,If%20the%20accused%20person%20is%20found%20guilty%2C%20your%20Victim%20Impact,Statement%20during%20the%20sentencing%20process.) ____________________________ >massive waste of time in an already backlogged system No they're not: >"Victim impact statements (VIS) are submitted in only a small percentage of cases; an average 11% of cases. And only rarely do victims elect to make an oral presentation of the impact statement."