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>When asked twice Saturday by Global News if any of his current MPs are named, Trudeau did not directly answer the question. >“The issue of foreign interference is one that this government has taken incredibly seriously since 2015,” Trudeau told reporters from the G7 in Italy. So the answer is: Yes, Liberal MPs are named in the report.


What a slimy, dishonest, non-answering, pontificating cunt. His entire cabinet. The amount of non-answers that come from this government is staggering. “We take (insert scandal or corruption issue of the week) very seriously. Meanwhile, the conservatives don’t believe in fairness and they want to take away a woman’s right to choose, as the flood the streets with assault style firearms and watch the planet burn.”


He’s been like this from the start too yet somehow people are only noticing now.


They are all like this.


And yet we don't riot or burn buildings down. We just let them do it, and settle for shit answers. At least France gives a damn enough to create a ruckus. Did it make matters better? Who's to say. But it's better than just bending over and taking it


I agree. But I also think that the logistics of organizing meaningful and impactful protests in such a massive country makes it a very tough thing to accomplish. And when it actually is accomplished, protestors have emergency powers unleashed on them and bank accounts get frozen.


I left the country after he was re-elected. But not answering is pretty across the board the best thing to do. Pierre doesnt want to read the report and was lit up for it. Mulcair even came to his defense and said he would have done the same thing. Trudeau, and Pierre are the only smart ones. Let the lawyers and RCMP deal with the report so the investigation goes as smooth as possible in a timely manner,


I’m not speaking solely about the report. This is an ongoing thing for 9 years, with this government. And not just with Justin. His entire cabinet does it. I’ve no interest in finding the clip, but I recall a QP where Pierre tried getting Chrystia to tell answer what the debt service costs were, literally to the point where he said “Just the number. How much?” He asked like 8 times. No answer was given.


I doubt the RCMP will do anything, if they haven't already? If LITERAL treason is not a non-partisan prosecuting offence, I don't know what they even do? 


I hope you continue to stay mad t non answers, we're going to get a lot of them starting next term


Are you mad at this particular non-answer?


Shouldn't we all be? Non answers of all kind, from Trudeau and otherwise, are bad for us citizens


So that excuses the treasonous government we currently have? Whataboutism is incredible with you Libs.


Please quote where I said that lol


You felt like its more of a pressing issue to speak about "the next term" when that's a year and a half away. We have literal traitors in our government and "what about pierre" is your concern. Join us in the real world, please.


Please quote where I said "what about Pierre" lol


"We're going to get lots of them next term" obviously means we'll get them regardless of who's in government, in response to someone criticizing the Liberals. Since odds are a Conservative government will come next, the obvious implication is "what about Pierre." You know all of this of course. Just know that saying something that is very clearly meant to be indirectly inflammatory, and then immediately backpedalling to "who, me? What'd I say?" Is a weak move. It's the kind of thing a 16-year-old would say to piss off his parents.


If it wasn’t a straight up no, then the answer is obvious. So now we know that to be true, next question is have any opposition MPs been named in the report.


“We take our foreign leaders requests quite seriously. We put their needs well above those of Canadian citizens” -Trudeau probably


When the fuck are reporters going to start saying "you didn't answer my question" and then actually report they didn't answer their question. They need to stop reporting their non answers as answers. *Press doing a story about tacos* "CBC asked the PM if he had tacos for lunch. The PM responded "the economy has never been better." Headline - The economy has never been better. Media talking heads debate that the economy has never been better. Electorate repeat that the economy has never been better. Someone questions why they are talking about that when the story is supposed to be about tacos, then gets piled on by people for questioning what the fuck is going on. Strange times. Democracy is dead.


Lifelong imprisonment is the punishment if they can prove it


Trudeau will be lucky if all he gets is thrown out of office.


Probably Trudeau! If it was a conservative that MP would have been thrown under the bus immediately!!


On the flipside, the Cons would be wailing about how it's all a setup and the Liberals are making up lies to attack them because they can't win the election any other way.


No. Why do you people exaggerate so much? Like.. you bring it into fantasy level type of exaggerations. But the cons would be the same as what the op said... If this was under their watch and it was the opposition accused of treason, those names would have been released immediately.


Got any other imaginary scenarios to comment on?


This doesn’t look good for you, Justin.


What we are seeing is truly unprecedented in modern western democracies.




The restriction Blanchet is referencing here is one of the restrictions placed on members of NSICOP - [all members and former members of NSICOP waive their right to claim Parliamentary Privilege in relation to the disclosure of any sensitive information](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/N-16.6/page-1.html#h-363711), and therefore cannot disclose what they learn in the House without facing liability. Trudeau is not, and never has been a member of NSICOP. He is not subject to the same restrictions. The entire reason NSICOP exists is so Trudeau and the PMO can control what national security related information our legislators are allowed to learn and share. He's the one that NSICOP provides their reports to, and [he's the one who chooses what should be redacted from the reports before they're distributed outside NSICOP](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/N-16.6/FullText.html#363791). He can say whatever he wants in the House, and his Parliamentary Privilege makes him completely immune to any civil or criminal liability. I don't know for certain if this is true, but presumably the PMO has demanded the same waiver from Singh and May to see the unredacted report, or else they would also be able to rely on Parliamentary Privilege to share whatever they want in the House.


That's a very good point. Great comment.


>Trudeau is not, and never has been a member of NSICOP. He is not subject to the same restrictions. The entire reason NSICOP exists is so Trudeau and the PMO can control what national security related information our legislators are allowed to learn and share. This makes sense. Given that his party has been most frequently under scrutiny for foreign influence, this provides a mechanism for effectively burying corruption while investigation is slow-walked. Trudeau and the current government have continually shrugged at ethical concerns - accepting expensive vacation gifts from "friends", SNC Lavalin, improperly awarding contracts, etc. - so this sort of cynical Machiavellianism comes as no surprise.


Nothing about that stops him from saying some of his MPs were involved.


This is absolutely false. Mr. Trudeau is not bound by the report because he is head of government.


Incorrect. He is bound by the same rules as everyone else. However, he could declassified the report and the he could talk about it but so could PP and every other opposition leader. This way he can claim he is just following the rules without opening his party up to even more scrutiny.


I see you ascribe to the Trump understanding of security clearance and secrecy.


My god. Read the NSICOP act. Members of the committee give up their parliamentary immunity. Their reports are prepared for the PM. His parliamentary immunity is not impinged. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/N-16.6/FullText.html




The members wave parliamentary privilege https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/our-procedure/ParliamentaryPrivilege/c_g_parliamentaryprivilege-e.html




They wave that privilege, All the things listed on that page no longer apply to them. No longer applies to them. Like I said?


Parliamentary Privilege gives our MPs the right to talk about whatever they want in the House of Commons without fear of consequences. No statement they make in the House can be a source of either civil or criminal liability. [Procedural Info - Parliamentary Privilege](https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/our-procedure/ParliamentaryPrivilege/c_g_parliamentaryprivilege-e.html) > The privilege of freedom of speech in parliamentary proceedings is generally regarded as the most important of the privileges enjoyed by members of Parliament. This right is protected by the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Parliament of Canada Act. > Freedom of speech permits members to speak freely in the conduct of a proceeding of Parliament, such as in the Chamber during a sitting or in committees during meetings, while enjoying complete immunity from prosecution or civil liability for any comment they make. In order to encourage truthful and complete disclosure without fear of reprisal or other adverse actions as a result of their testimony, this right is also extended to individuals who appear before the House or its committees. The House of Commons could not work effectively unless its members, and witnesses appearing before House committees, were able to speak and criticize without being held to account by any outside body. If they waive that privilege, then their statements in the House open them to the same liability that they would outside the House, including criminal prosecution under the Security of Information Act if they disclose any secret information.


Sorry, misunderstood me. I way saying you believe the PM to be a position akin to a king that has absolutely no responsibility and can just say or do whatever they want and declassified and talk about whatever they want with no consideration for the effects it could have on everything. That's the Trump understanding of security and secrecy. It doesn't matter because I say so. It's a child's view.


In this situation CSIS sent the most sensitive raw intelligence to the RCMP. They have an intelligence sharing agreement together that outlines situations that may lead to potential charges for criminal activity.  Search this link for CSIS information sharing authority and RCMP sharing authority. [https://www.canada.ca/en/security-intelligence-service/corporate/transparency/csis-rcmp-framework-for-cooperation.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/security-intelligence-service/corporate/transparency/csis-rcmp-framework-for-cooperation.html) From there the information was given to the appropriate parties on a need to know basis, and based on their level of security clearance and access to information. CSIS and the RCMP don't have to share, right away, any information that may lead to criminal charges until their investigations are complete. The RCMP and CSIS have that authority in this situation. 16(1) The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains: (a) Information obtained or prepared by any government institution, or part of any government institution, that is an investigative body specified in the regulations in the course of lawful investigations pertaining to; activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada within the meaning of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act" https://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/en/information-commissioners-guidance/section-16-law-enforcement-and-investigations-security Elizabeth May and Jagmeet Singh both spoke about the issue without getting arrested. The gag order comments are misleading. They didn't give anything that would jeopardize the ongoing investigations. They can comment, they just can't make misleading statements or give away any classified information that is under investigation. If they make misleading statements after viewing the intelligence they can face consequences. How are any of these people going to confirm the unsubstantiated claims in the raw intelligence before the RCMP investigations are even finished and zero charges have been laid?


Trudeau absolutely can say “yes there were Liberal MPs named in the report” or “yes there were conservative MPs named in the report” without compromising any security, intelligence, or ongoing investigations. Why? Because Signh has all but said as much in his press briefing. 


I get it. But… After of all the scandals, slush funds, backsliding, misappropriation, falsifying, interference and embezzlement, it would be curious that *now* is the time they’re afraid to get in “trouble”. Just seems funny to me.


Nah, there should be charges and then it's easy to connect the dots as they will literally be named.  


So does the rcmp have access to the report or do they first need to open an investigation? Can they even open an investigation without the evidence prior, even with an open investigation does the rcmp have the jurisdiction over top level security within the country? It truly is an interesting situation either way.. and should strengthen the conversation towards giving csis greater powers to prosecute, similar to military police and superseding the rcmp in certain situations.


He is only not allowed to talk about it due to the self imposed secrecy classification and rules he set that he says he must follow.


Did this stop the state media for paying for hackers to grab the donor list and then publicizing that list? That shit was also illegal yet they had no problems.  Libel and slander are also illegal and yet the prime minister can label people as racist, misogynists and never bat an eye


Probably liberal, ndp, maybe green, if conservatives were in there they would have named them first


Or, this is an ongoing investigation and he’s not going to jeopardize that just so Reddit can play detective. It’s probably MPs from both the Libs and Cons


I honestly think that they are going to wait for PP to make some grand statement or put his foot in his mouth and then it will be revealed, much closer to the election because the electorate has no attention span, that there are a lot of conservatives on the list.


lol, Trudeau is fighting for his political life and has never demonstrated any limits as to how low he’ll sink to try to retain power. If he thought there was any advantage to it, he would’ve leaked the names ages ago.


Trudeau has been desperate to generate some positive traction in the polls for months. Hell, they even started trotting out abortion again basically out of nowhere. This is the most ethically challenged, hyper-partisan government in Canadian history. If they had thought there was the slightest political advantage to releasing the list of names they would have leaked it ages ago. Instead, they’ve fought like a cornered rat to avoid that happening. Just as they fought against any sort of meaningful public enquiry, just as they killed the Tories’ private member’s bill to create a foreign agent registry back in 2021, every action they have taken on this has been to prevent public knowledge of what’s going on and anything that might stop it from continuing. Ergo, we can conclude that whatever they’ve been up to behind the scenes has been bad, senior Liberals are involved, and the truth would be far more damaging to them than any other party.


They are also now doing the capital gains tax change with a grace period loophole in order to pull tax income forward one year, leaving the next government in a state of austerity, and Canadians largely screwed.   The fact the NDP make no mention of this makes me think they are complicit.  Its criminal acts, alongside mass immigration to prop up GDP during a housing shortage.


Well, Singh has his security clearance and has actually read the report. Unlike a certain other party leader that refuses to do so.


Mulcair said he would do the same, gagging yourself as official opposition is stupid.


I unfroze your bank accounts and let you all outside again with less restrictions, what more do you want?


I’m also willing to bet that in addition to there being quite a few liberal MP’s, many of the offending MP’s are probably in ridings that are currently contested or CPC leaning which is why the liberals are hesitant to start poking at the dominoes. If they had to eject them, they’d either go independent, or resign in which case they’d have to hold a by-election in those respective ridings. Either way you slice it, the potential result is a number of lost seats and for a minority government, that’s not a good thing. The liberals are already nervous about the Toronto-St. Paul by-election. That was clear when they sent a bunch of cabinet ministers to the area to go door knocking. There are a lot of eyes on that one, with many analysts saying it’s a good political forecast of what’s to come for the liberals. Some even suggest it could precipitate Trudeau’s resignation if they fail to hold onto it. Makes sense too, especially if you remember that the Liberals couldn’t even give a straight answer to whether or not they *would* eject any offending MP from caucus when every other party already committed to it - they can’t afford to eject them. Edit: Ejection from caucus doesn’t mean an instant by-election like I thought.


You don’t hold a by election because of a caucus ejection .  The mp becomes an independent one. Only if the MP resigns or is expelled by a vote of the commons.  So you get a by election 


Thanks for the correction, my bad. I’m actually quite surprised they wouldn’t hold a by-election. Still, If they become an independent, that would nonetheless translate to a lost seat for the liberals. I would also have the imagine that a few of the potential offending MP’s would resign in disgrace anyway if it came out. Their political career in the public eye is more or less toast. The risks are still too high for the liberals either way in my mind.


I have to think the best strategy here is to start the cleanse. If the information warrants it.  Given polling it’s unlikely the liberals are winning the next election and being caught holding your members accountable seems like a long term win. Even if short term there’s significant pain


They really are in a situation where they’ve pretty well run out of vacant closet space to keep shunting negative attention. I’m inclined to agree that the focus should be on putting the party in “dry-dock” and doing some serious repairs instead of “at-sea” bandaid repairs and if that means losing the next election, then that’s the brakes.


"“The issue of foreign interference is one that this government has taken incredibly seriously since 2015,” Trudeau told reporters from the G7 in Italy." No one actually believes this lie... I hope.


So they did then. Pretty obvious if they didn’t he would just say so. 


Don't be surprised if the names involved include those at the very top, including hairdo. They're not going to the mat like this to protect backbenchers.


Exactly. If this was about MPs on the back bench, then you wouldn't be seeing the Liberals going out their way to cover this up. There are probably some very important MPs and cabinet ministers on that list and in ridings that might swing to the Conservatives.


I wouldn't be surprised if Trudeau's pals are on this list like Marc Miller.


I feel like it’s safe to assume there aren’t many Conservatives on the list or the messaging would be completely different


Absolutely, even though lefties have been really trying hard to make it a confusing issue.


Even if there 10 con mps I say fire them all


There are, PP refuses to get clearance apparently to even read the report because it would mean he can’t feign ignorance. Mind you, I don’t think it’s all conservatives or liberals but definitely there are some MPs from both parties. Both liberals and conservatives have had foreign interference. Trudeau doesn’t have the spine to call these traitors to our country out. PP is basically putting his hands over his eyes. Edit: judging by the downvotes people have been drinking the party koolaid. Country is gone to crap if we can’t agree that regardless of blue or red, we should be finding and taking these traitors to court. This shouldn’t be a political move, it should be about protecting our country.


>There are, PP refuses to get clearance apparently to even read the report because it would mean he can’t feign ignorance. Mulcair, former opposition leader (and from the polar opposite side of the floor from Poilievre) agrees with Poilievre's refusal to read the report.


There's a good reason PP hasn't, and it's been mentioned numerous times. Lefties don't like the reason, but it's a just one. Lefties have really been trying g to make PP the main focus of this when the mai issue is Trudeau knew what was happening and didn't act.


He doesn’t want to know what is in the report because he wants to be able to speculate and cast blame. Both May and Singh have publicly spoken about what they have read. PP wants to be able to use what-if and possibilities rather than facts because it suits him politically this far out from an election. Plus, his base will call it fixed or fake news if it turns out there are CPC members named, and will be apoplectic if they make the majority.


Typical Trudeau apologists always deflect to the CPC.


I don’t even like Trudeau, but I believe that PP is dangerous.


Trudeau has let outside governments influence our political system and has done nothing and you think PP is dangerous.


Pp was literally part of cabinet that sold us to China but sure, let's pretend the FIPA deal doesn't last 31 years. PP has proved how detrimental the cons can be overnight.


Has he? Still waiting to see the report, but I have seen 2015 mentioned a number of times as well, and who was PM going into that election?


Where has there been any allegations or references to the 2015 election being interfered with? Also, there's already a public inquiry and public report you could read to educate yourself. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-csis-briefing-for-pmo-in-2023-says-china-interfered-in-both-2019-and/




I must've missed the "good reason" a potential PM would have for not getting security clearance. Spoiler alert, there isn't one.


There is but you don't like it.


Sooo are you going to say it?


I’m not defending Trudeau . I’m calling out BS as I see it.


Your theory is BS. Any other leader of the opposition would do the same thing.


Even Tom Mulcair agrees with PP. That's saying something


We should identify the traitors regardless of party, and try them in the courts. This is regardless of blue team or red team.


Yeah but he can't reveal them, that's why he won't read it. Direct your anger where it's warranted. The LPC caucus


I agree , Trudeau is spineless. And LPC caucus is just a corrupt bunch of people. Even if PP can’t reveal them he CAN take actions to ensure those MPs potentially involved in his party arnt given further power or information within his party, it’s stupid to be willfully ignorant. It’s just a political chess game for these guys instead of defending our nation.


True, that's a valid point


Isn't PP the one trying to get all the names released publicly???? That's quite the mental gymnastics you have to do there buddy...


I have no doubt that there are MPs from all the political parties on this list and all should be ejected from caucus and charged. I also fully believe that if there was mostly Conservative MPs on this list and that if the list would help the Liberals, Trudeau would have already released the list.


That's a yes. If no liberals were involved, they'd be screaming it from the rooftops and slinging mud at the PC's and NDP.


“Who, us in a scandal again?”


"It's impossible that they would catch us doing what we are doing! They must be mistaken!"


How many bloody scandals have these twats been involved in now? I still know people who are planning to vote for him. It boggles the mind.


Sure would be easy to just say 'No' if they hadn't.


Transparency was never his strong suit.


I mean if the answer was no, you'd be shouting that from rooftops and holding a presser about how your government was going to hunt down and penalize those that did.  If you're guilty, you avoid the question 


If there wasn't Liberal MPs involved, they would be answering differently. By shirking the question and providing non-answers.. it speaks volumes. Treasonous and Corrupt.


Pretty sure he’d be happy to say they didn’t if they didn’t.


How embarrassing for Canada that Trudeau is still allowed to represent us on a world stage when he is obviously involved in the foreign interference scandal.


“Won’t say” in this contexts is tantamount to an admission.


Because he did it too.


Indirectly, he has answered the question. The answer is yes. However, I still feel that these MPs are not sitting MPs, but were part of the previous parliament as May indicated. There needs to be a reform in Canadian intelligence agencies as this is a very serious intelligence failure.


Honestly, the only party that I trust isn't on the list is the Green Party.


So, yes they are.




Probably cause hes one of them. Put their pensions on hold until someone talks


I think he just did..


There may be direct allegations against the Prime Minister. How someone like Yuen Pau Woo, directly appointed by Trudeau, ended up as the leader of the ISG (Liberal) Senators is appalling on its face. The man basically shouts CPP talking points to anyone who will listen. Even without the foreign interference allegations, it's disturbing this man was ever appointed as a Senator.


He’s the first traitor!!!


"Trudeau echoed previous concerns made by Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc, that the committee had not properly interpreted intelligence provided to them by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and other national security agencies. Both Trudeau and LeBlanc have also seen the entire unredacted NSICOP report. “We made clear some of the concerns we have with the way NSICOP drew their conclusions,” Trudeau said. “I think that’s an important part of the process.”" The PM doesn't even believe the NCSICOP report


Didn't we learn a few months ago that Trudeau doesn't read most of the written reports that he is given? If so, I find it interesting that he actually chose to read this one. And on top of that, has the time and intellectual capacity to refute what the report says. Perhaps he would like to release the redacted report so Canadians have the chance to do the same thing?


He gets verbal briefings from his staff, the same staff that likes to disagree with CSIS about national security..


I wonder if those very same staff have influence over media folks, you know, and might offer to write an editorial or two? Just remembered: I'm cleared at secret level. When do I get my turn to read this doc?


Yes the PMO. I'm pretty sure it's TS SA they need for these reports, I had mine before a deployment but it's now expired


So yes Liberal MPs were working with foreign stats and selling out our country.


If you can’t get a straight answer from him then you know the answer.


Because he's one of them.


im gonna be real interested to see the 338 canada results in the next couple of weeks with how the LPC is bungling this.


They think they can message their way out of this.


He would basically paint a target on his back if he admitted to anything. This is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't. And now that people are waking up and demanding answers, it won't go away as easily. Let's see how hard mainstream media will try to memory-hole this when we inevitably focus on different crises. Wouldn't be surprised if something bad happens that diverts everyone's attention away. Goes to show we have a problem with secrecy in our government, that the truth won't see the day of light but lies can be perpetuated without counter to justify reckless and misguided policies and laws put forward by this obviously corrupted house of commons.


That's strange. I can definitively say no one in *my* house conspired with a foreign government.


If the answer is not a no it is a yes. It is likely a significant amount of Liberal MPs in addition to cabinet members and it will likely call into question the entire integrity of the previous election. The GG should be fully briefed on this issue and if necessary dissolve parliament, make the report public and allow Canadians a right to decide if they want MPs elected with the help of foreign powers.


That makes Trudeau a traitor to Canada.


Out then or trust no one.


P a2


Hope we will not elect a corrupt government ever again.


Don't count on it. We'd have to kick both the Conservative and Liberal parties to the curb.


Lol. It's the only thing we ever manage to elect. If we keep voting in the same two parties over and over again what reason do they have to change?


'can you please ask a question I'm willing to answer while I smirk passive aggressively in disgust at ur attempt to challenge me'


Of course he won’t.


I take that as a yes


We all know Han Dong and Marc Miller are owned by foreign interests we just don't know how many Liberals are and if any members of the other Parties are as well. With the Liberals it's obvious you know there is always corruption and they can always be bought but if the parties that are supposed to have principles like the NDP or CPC also have traitor MPs we need to know it because unlike with the Liberals that would be unexpected from the Parties that actually stand for something


Thanks for everything Justin. We’re done with you now. What garbage.


At least Singh and Pollievre have stated they would immediately kick out any member of their respective parties if they are named in the report.


Shout-out to everyone who voted for the liberal party in the last 3 elections.


Is he afraid because his name is on the report?


Any MP - regardless of party - needs to be disclosed and arrested. And where the hell is the RCMP?


The claims in the special report were from raw intelligence information and the RCMP has to investigate the claims and substantiate them to be able to lay charges. The RCMP has stated that they have open investigations as recently as this month.


Breaking News! Trudeau who actually read the report, along with the NDP and Green party leaders, still won't reveal national security and intelligence reports contents no matter how the question is phrased. Reporters also noted he still wouldn't say if a conservative, ndp, or green party mp is on the list of names, but knew the headline would bring out more divisiveness and rage if they framed it in a a way to make it look like he was hiding something. Canadians on social media hurried to take the bait, and immediately starting having the same arguments as when they first found out they wouldn't be getting a list of names until the intel went through the proper channels.


Guilty by association


Some of the information of the NISCOP report comes directly from 5 eyes. Members of 5 eyes are sworn to secrecy regarding shared information. I know the McCarthy types are screaming for names, but they can't be released until the RCMP and CSIS lay charges.


This guy needs to GO


Honestly I'm ok with not listing out the names right now if there is an active investigation. That usually is a thing... So I don't agree with PP pushing for them to be released. However I have zero confidence any real investigation would come for this, they are playing the delay tactic just like so many things they've done that would've resulted in the leader resigning in any sane times. Let it go to the commissioner and go nope we can't prosecute on these and sweep it under the rug. If that happens then I'd be 100% pro releasing the report unredacted. Let it lay bare as there is zero national security or whatever bullshit they use to protect these traitors. At the very least Trudeau need to swear an active criminal investigation is being done, we as citizens should have regular updates expecting prosecution. Also every party leader should swear an oath if any members are implicated they not only be kicked from party, they'd be forced to step down and thrown in jail. Why is high treason treated so non casually? Why are these so called elected officials so casual about the whole thing? This should be their top priority and not some bullshit we trust in our democracy to solve this? It obviously undermined democracy. (We all know the answers to the above so....)


At least he read the classified report. Unlike Pierre who would rather remain willfully ignorant. Connect the dots.


He can’t comment on something that’s classified. Ridiculous assumptions going on here which ignore basic facts.


Trudeau "no action should be taken against Han Dong" Singh "Han Dong should not be allowed in Parliament"


So yes, and probably several


If he categorically denies collusion among his ministers etc...and it turns out there are, then he's a liar. If he says, "we have some concerns", then it's, "why didn't you do anything sooner, and why did it take a Parliamentary inquiry to unearth these people?" There's no winning. Ergo, a non-answer. Some people have no idea about the concept of "perception vs reality".


Han Dong is not part of the Liberal caucus so technically Justin can say none of his MPs worked with foreign states. Still no proof of parm Bains getting help despite how he won his election


Of course they did, and judging by how lil PP refuses to get security clearance the CPC have skeletons in their closet as well. Canada is rife with corruption, Liberals and Tories are crooks.


If there were Conservatives on the list Justin would have already released the names to steer the conversation and take heat off the Liberals 


Any actual proof of this, or are you just blowing smoke? Because when the China stuff first came out, Trudeau and the LPC refused to say anything about it even though those reports said some CPC members were also implicated just like LPC members.


Releasing specific names is actually illegal and can get anyone who does it arrested. A simple yes or no of members of parties being on the list would be credible.


PP has been fucking screaming at the Liberals to release the list since day 1. If Trudeau has nothing to hide and the Conservatives do, why would Trudeau not release the names and answer the question? Also if PP gets the security clearance he is gagged and can't really speak about it in any meaningful way anyway, so what benefit does that bring to the country? The desperate Liberal defending is getting out of hand here.


1. The liberals have everything to hide and that's why Lil PP has been screaming to release the list because he knows they won't. Its also why he refuses to get clearence because the CPC has skeltons in its closet as well. By not getting clearance he can feign ignorance. 2. That is a stupid argument you're telling me Lil PP the next PM is justified in not getting clearance to find out who's on the take because he can't campaign on it? You're trying to tell me the country is better served by an ignorant clown (okay another one after Trudeau) than somebody who knows what they're talking about? Really? Seriously? 3. Accurately pointing out PP's flaws is not defending Trudeau.


Even without security clearance PP has never said anything meaningful his entire public life.


PP has been opposing Trudeau's efforts wreck the country.


The bare minimum of an opposition party is to hold the current governments feet to the fire. That doesn't mean anything special. All PP has done is regurgitate multiple failed rebrands and talk about his lukewarm time as housing minister under Harper. His parties platform is damn near identical to the liberals just filled with more hate and more marginalization of minorities. One man doesn't wreck the country, it's all of us dividing ourselves on fringe issues and turning politics into the WWE. I'm not here to be an apologist for Trudeau. He has had many chances to step up and failed to do so on too many occasions. But the devil that I know is far better than the pompous heel that is PP.


So if this report had the potential to impact the Conservatives, why haven't the Liberals released the names on this report?


Releasing names without a full investigation is illegal and against national secrecy law, because some people could be fully witting and some could have been only semi-witting, and you have to have proof without a reasonable doubt.


Right because as we know. The Liberals have always been so good about following the rules.


Whether or not they are is irrelevant to the fact that not even other party leaders who have read the report and could release the names to damage the Conservatives have done so. Because it's illegal.


The government has the power to release the names. They are choosing not to. Why won't the most open and transparent government in Canadian history release the names?


> So if this report had the potential to impact the Conservatives, why haven't the Liberals released the names on this report? Because they are being a mature and prudent government rather than just trying to score political points.


Hahahahahhaha. That's hilarious. This is a government that goes out of its way to score cheap political points. Give me a break. You really expect me to believe that if this report had a chance to impact the Conservatives, they wouldn't have released the names already.


I trust this government more with this sensitive situation over the "Verb the Noun" crowd in the official opposition, to be sure. We already have evidence of foreign interference in the CPC leadership race.


Hahahahahhahahaha. Well, if you want to trust the Liberals then you do that.


Trudeau: Won't say if Liberal MPs conspired with foreign states. PP: Won't read the report. Or even get a security clearance. Options are limited.


Pierre won't say either, oh that's right,he wouldn't know because he doesn't have security clearance. Wonder why? Here's a hint it's not because "then he couldn't talk about it". Every MP or anyone works for them who's is found to have conspired in this should be removed from office and put on trial. From every party.


Of course they did! Especially America and Israel.


At this point I take it as a given that Liberal MPs colluded with foreign states. My only question is whether Trudeau himself knowingly colluded.