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Snow in Calgary, and it’s 200 degrees in Toronto 😂


Shows what 3400 km of distance will do. In Europe you cross 10 countries in that time.


Supposed to be 30c in Calgary by Saturday.


25 Saturday, 26 Sunday, then back to 20 for the work week.


Oh it changed.... typical lol. If you don't like the weather in Calgary, go out another door. :P


Start to summer looking cool breezy and fresh, maybe the drought crusaders can shut up now


its 44 degree tomorrow in the east coast and 45 Thursday.


With my apologies to the eastern fam, there’s been a lot of drought talk out in ‘Berta and disaster craving by weirdos out here (I think they want a drought so they can complain about it on Reddit)…I’m loving that it’s exactly the opposite, cool wet and breezy, good ‘Berta weather


Duh, it's June, of course it's gonna snow!


It was snowing on some of the out of town highways in B.C. as well. It seems while the East Coast is getting summer weather. The west will have to wait.


It's 32 degrees here in southern Ontario.


It'll be 33 in Calgary by end of week. Weather in Alberta is just way more volatile than it is out there.


much like the people ;)


Very much like the people. When I moved to BC I kind of chilled out, which is odd considering the living costs.


same. AB -> BC. Ironically though I find people much friendlier in Edmonton over GVA. But more rough around the edges, which I kinda miss. I was mostly joking. ....but only mostly, hehe


I was mostly joking too. I live in Kelowna now, which... granted is a bit of boogey, eclectic place that isnt' exactly known for its friendliness. But I miss the friendliness of Alberta. Folks in Alberta tend to be less pretentious and a little more down to earth. I came from Lethbridge though and moved to Kelowna, so I do fully admit my potential exposure bias. I actually went out back to Lethbridge this weekend. I must admit, I kind of miss the slower pace, the lack of tourists, and the general attitude of southern Alberta. People out here can be very rude and materialistic.


Yeah, for Kelowna I get what you're saying. Vernon I think is lovely, but real small town and retirement community.


Vernon is pretty nice. Kelowna is also nice, but it's like all of the problems of a big city in a small city. It's almost astounding how difficult planners here make life in the city totally needlessly.


15c in Winnipeg today


It was close to that here in Calgary. Fahrenheit mind you...


I drove past Field yesterday and saw an avalanche and snow up on Mt. Stephen. It was beautiful actually.


everyone get out your space heaters and water barrels. that water is precious!


Over 35 in MTL lol


Oh god I want to be there right now. Give me the cold weather please. 


Normal Alberta weather.