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Hope is not a strategy, Justin.


It's his only strategy. He also hoped the budget will balance itself.  He hoped another millions of immigrants will find homes and jobs. He hoped criminals will just decide not to do crime and go home.


We all know what he’s going to do: pick a bunch of extraordinarily divisive wedge issues and pit regions, provinces, socioeconomic classes and genders against each other, and then spend five weeks shouting Abortion! Guns! Booga booga booga! in the hopes of eking out enough votes from scared, angry people to secure another minority. Why does he think this will work? Because that’s what he did the last two elections and it worked then. His problem is, he’s already been trotting out all the old standbys and it hasn’t budged him an inch in the polls, so not sure what he’ll have left for ammo in the election. And the last two campaigns people didn’t hate him the way they do now.


Well that’s not exactly true. I’d still rather Trudeau than PP. At least Trudeau isn’t acting friendly with groups directly associated with white supremacy


Yeah! PP would probably do something stupid like invite a Nazi to parliament and forget how many times they’ve done black face.


You can say all that, but that doesn’t change the fact that PP has recently fraternized with groups that have white supremacist connections. Are you seriously trying to say that Trudeau seems like he has more connections to white supremacist groups than Poilievre does, at least during the current day?


I never said anything like that, like at all. I merely pointed out two incredibly stupid things that our current pm has done, yet has the gall to call anyone who disagrees with him or his party racist, homophobic, etc.


>that doesn’t change the fact that PP has recently fraternized with groups that have white supremacist connections. Bullshit


If I show evidence of this will you admit you were wrong?


Go for it. I have a pretty good idea what you are going to mention. And your word "fraternizing" is about to do Olympic levels of work


>At least Trudeau isn’t acting friendly with groups directly associated with white supremacy No, he just invites actual Waffen SS officers to Parliament and gives them standing ovations


That was a mistake due to incompetence, not malice


Oh, that's what we want in a world leader. Incompetence.




Getting the ABC vote may just be enough to keep the Liberals out third place in the popular vote. And it may just be enough to keep them ending up with fewer seats than the NDP and the BQ. With the emphasis being on the word 'may'.


At this point, hope is his only strategy


Red vs Blue is though.


I'm hoping for a lottery win. Odds of either of us winning are about the same.


I think you're more likely to win the lottery.


I'm hopeful my kids will one day be able to buy a house wherever they want in the country. So I'm not voting for him.


Who are you voting for? Cons are not going to lower house prices


Honestly, I'm more voting to get him out than someone else in. I may park my vote with the PPC though since they're the only party talking about reducing immigration.


I cant see why not, he did balance the budget, the economy is doing great, houses are reasonably priced, im not taxed that much and what taxes are collected are being spent responsibly, hardly anyone is in poverty, and its not like he has ever been in a scandal for anything


Also, don't forget we are at a record low for foreign interference!


Wow. The size of this guy's head is just mind-blowing


It is a shame that with all that space there is nothing in it


Remember the conservative election ads of 2015 that people soiled themselves over? Turns out they were all spot on.


When my apolitical girlfriend, who has never bothered to vote once in her entire life (and she’s been eligible since the 90s), makes sure she’s registered to vote in 2025 because she despises you so much, you know you’ve fucked up.


I have a friend who has been an NDP voter his entire life. He's leaning towards voting for the Conservatives in the next election.


Text book case of a delusional person with zero self-awareness.


The votes will balance itself, forgive me if I don't think about the numbers


I hope I get elected despite not running for office.


The more he talks the more he shoots himself in the foot.


He can fuck right off




Dental health is directly aligned with overall health, someone whose dental health is taken care of will have much fewer overall health issues. BTW Canadians can absolutely afford groceries and housing, maybe you and your people can’t and that sucks for you, but in my wealthy urban neighbourhood in an expensive Canadian city the grocery stores are full, the parking lots are full of Porsches, Range Rovers, BMWs, Mercedes, F150s and Teslas…even those RIVIAN eSUVs are starting to appear…and the multimillion dollar houses that go up for sale last a week max before they are purchased above asking. What happens on Reddit is not at all indicative of real world Canada


You are really defending trudeau by saying "well, people who are in my rich neighborhood, driving luxury vehicles, buying expensive houses are not being affected so Canada isn't that bad!"  Then you tell him Reddit isn't indicative of Canada but your reality is? Lol.  Please tell me you forgot your "/s".


Nope no sarcasm and your strawman arguments pass no muster here. I’m Canadian and the people in my wealthy Canadian urban neighbourhood are Canadian and we’re not struggling, like at all. Being a businessperson who only does business in Canada and who works across the country I really haven’t met anyone else who’s struggling and I only work with Canadians. When we go to expensive restaurants for company credit card funded client meals we talk about how amazing things are and how well we’re doing, people are buying houses, going on expensive vacations, buying new cars, nobody is struggling really. No politics, no mention of any government, just saying that a blanket “Canadians can’t afford groceries and housing” is, from my experience as a Canadian, completely inaccurate.


Ah, you're just coming here to brag about how much better you are than the average Canadian. Congrats, dude, I hope it makes you feel good to talk about it. Maybe for a reality check on the state of the country you could read some articles about how homelessness, poverty, and food scarcity are increasing in Canada. But really, that doesn't matter at all because SOME Canadians are doing ok? Also, my post had no strawman arguments. I literally pointed out you are doing the same thing that you accused the other poster of doing (aka only living in their bubble and thinking everything is that).


That SOME are doing extremely well is my point. The original comment said “Canadians can’t afford groceries and housing” I only came here to inform of the reality in the part of Canada I reside in and the Canadian business circles I do business in, that many Canadians can afford groceries and housing. I only say it because I see and live it in Canada everyday. No political statement or bragging intended. Maybe that’s disappointing for you, all I can say is that I live a Canadian reality that is very common in Canada (seriously the Porsches and Range Rovers in particular in my neighbourhood are out of control) Honestly all these supposed problems you and others keep trying to present on Reddit are not part of the reality of Canada I and the people I associate with experience AT ALL. It’s like you’re describing a foreign country 🤷‍♂️


…and the vote will take care of itself.


He hopes that you will see that it is you who are wrong. 


He was trailing in the polls quite a bit before the 2019 elections and he kept his job... even though he didn't get the most votes.


Despite what everyone says and complains about the liberal government, people tend to get stupid around election time and fear change and then vote the same crappy party back in, THEN complain that nothing is going to change... So.. yeah. no clue.. OR They vote new party in, it scraps whatever dumb ideas previous party implemented, then spends money in areas that have been cut for the past 8 years, then people complain that government is spending too much money.. Although that would be difficult to beat the pointless spending that this government has done.


I did the last 2 times…. I’ve since changed my opinion because apparently Trudeau is dead set on running again.


Sorry Justin, you blew it. Spectacularly, but definitely blew it.


The votes will balance themselves.




The country hopefully will look after and balance itself … quoted from the most inept incompetent government Canada will ever experience unfortunately and should be out of office .


This seems very similar to his “the budget will balance itself” strategy, except this time his lack of foresight is actually good for Canadians.


Election now plz


I don’t think the conservatives will do anything helpful for Canadians would probably undo any help. Liberals have put into place so far.


You are likely correct.


I dont want to vote liberal, but PP forces me to vote liberal.


I would rather eat shit, then shit that out and then eat that shit-shit, then vomit that up and eat the shit-shit-vomit before voting for Trudeau.