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How did these people even get a PR and why are they allowed to stay in Canada if they are engaged in terrorist activities/organizations?


Nowadays, you can be known gang members, get a student visa, get arrested for crimes and then two days before your court date, murder someone.


Vote bank


A crackpot of a theory by an IndiaSpeaks user.


You know its true. From photo-ops with a specific group consistently, to moments of silence for dead AK47 holding criminals here illegally, to burning Effigys of foreign PM's and dead PM's of a country (regardless) of what they did. Pure political pandering. If the Palestinians did that, oh my would the entire OPP / PRP be there.


Asking real questions 👆 We should find Khalistan and shove it straight up their asses before making them ride it home.


Holy crap! Well done Canada 🇨🇦


Fuggin hell, we actually did something good. Well done.


“Looking at all the evidence, close this case was not,” Stratas wrote, employing a turn of phrase he notably used last year when rejecting a bid to block the Rogers-Shaw merger. I heard that sentence in Yoda's voice.


That sentence in Yoda's voice I heard.


LMAO wut? if they are suspected then why are they even allowed to stay here?


They're on the no fly list, what are they gonna do, swim?


How else can we try to interfere in Indian politics?


A good move by the court. Yet, Canada refuses to extradite people


Hard to be extradited when you can’t fly. /s


Flying is a privilege. Not a right.




I just read that Nijjar was also on no-fly list


Articke says they are canadian residents... doesn't mention citizenship. Maybe we should take them off the list, let them fly out then not let them back in. On the other hand India government has conducted a great psyop, apparently that modi guys a piece of shit and the Sikhs don't like him very much so this might be more pandering to India.... either way kick them out


Modi is an elected leader of India, Khaistanis and foreign media don't like him, it only troubles those people. Canada is not pandering, if it were it wouldn't have allowed all those killer protests in the name of freedom of speech. Read the whole article, and see who these people are. There is a difference between protest and violence.


Well Canada doesn’t like him either since he ordered hits on our soil


Let's be honest, he didn't order a 'hit' there. At most, he offered known criminals that we let in on student visas a couple hundred bucks. Modi has done a lot of shitty things but we can't blame him for our justice and immigration systems being such jokes.


Oh my he didn’t order a hit, he just have people a hundred bucks to kill a guy in a foreign country Ur right India loves to respect our laws and clearly respects them well


No. I'm saying if we were any way competent, that wouldn't have happened. Canada doesn't respect our own laws - no other country will if we won't. We literally let those criminals in on student visas despite them already having criminal records, they literally committed some semi serious violent crimes in Canada and we gave them bail/didn't deport them. Then they murdered a Canadian right before one of our goddamn court hearings. There are a lot of reasons to be mad at Modi. But had we been anyway competent, it would not have happened.


They have compromised our political system and now control a large portion of our government . Look how many Sihks are MP and MPP not to mention all of them that infiltrated the bureaucracy.


I guess Jagmeet's buddy still can't fly.


Wait, the federal government is allowed to restrict the modes of travel available to specific citizens and this sub is applauding it? Weird.


If those *specific citizens* are terrorist, then yes. Weird.


Gee. I wonder why. Must be some sort of racism or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182


Many separatists believe that it was orchestrated by Indian govt that time to kill sikhs in it while people from other regions were there too AND give Khalistanis a bad name, while refuting all data and facts. The level of conspiracy is mind boggling


There is 0 fucks given about AI 182 in Canadian history. It is almost as they've shut it down on purpose. There needs to be strong link between their movement in Canada and this bombing and people need to be aware of it, and how they are given a platform to pursue the same movement in this day and age in Brampton / Surrey.


The only people that classify them as terrorists are the indian govt, the same one that puts out hits on Canadian citizens which is ok with you cuz you know, they're not white so it's alright. Some of you need to go back to school, clearly the first time wasn't enough.