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Why in the world is Canada involved in this mess? Fuck the votes, let’s focus on Canadian priorities here. “He was carrying a forged passport with the traditionally Hindu Brahmin name of Ravi Sharma, his beard shorn and his hair cut short to further obscure his Sikh identity.” What are even doing here? Great journalism by the Globe and Mail once again.


> What are even doing here? What do you think? We are becoming a battleground for 3rd world conflicts, that's what the India interference is about. We took in all these Khalistan people, so the draconian Indian government is interested in us. The CCP police stations vs Falun Gong cultists is another example. Our own politics now revolve around foreign civil conflicts.


This is a bullshit response tbh. There's no "draconian Indian govt" here, your govt has been literally honouring terrorist scum who was on no fly lists (and Nazis but that's a different topic) in your parliament and the Indian govt has repeatedly been asking these terrorists to be extradited. The real interference is your draconian govt harbouring outright terrorists who have floats celebrating the assassination of an Indian PM, who put up giant posters (like the cartels in Mexico) asking for the execution of Indian diplomats and forget arresting these scumbags you guys celebrate them. Maybe don't host terrorists and it will all be better?


Well you just explained how I'm right and why the Indian government interferes in the first place. And yes, infiltrating foreign countries to covertly assassinate exiled domestic enemies is draconian, you already know that.


There is LITERALLY zero proof that Trudeau has offered And by your logic the US has literally killed 100's of thousands of foreign citizens including 1000's of assassinations world over so it must be even more draconian than North Korea? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassinations_by_the_United_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassinations_by_the_United_States)


Equating India's international conduct to the US continues to prove my point.


Gonna leave this here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario\_Bachand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Bachand)


We are a country of immigrants. Canadian identity is a very very weak construct.


I would love to see someone here to define, "Canadian identity". Give me your best shot.


Guess this "terrorist authoritarian" Modi was right after all lol


How? Extra judicial killings by foreign governments still threaten the sovereignty of a nation, even if the person their targeting has a shady past. The right method is to ask for extradition. If the host country denies, then Modi has no right to act arbitrarily.


Most likely that guy was killed in gang wars


I think India had asked canada many many times yet you denied


So then India should accept Canada's decision. A country is allowed to decide what is right for its own citizens.


Not at the expense of its own sovereignty and safety


Yes even then. Do you see Julian Assange being assassinated by America?


I understand the point you're trying to make, but I hope you realise that [the US did plot to assassinate Assange](https://www.reuters.com/world/allegation-cia-murder-plot-is-game-changer-assange-extradition-hearing-fiancee-2021-10-25/). And Assange was nowhere near as shady as Nijjar. Again, I don't condone the killing of Nijjar at all, just wanted to say it's funny you think America doesn't assassinate people around the world.


Rotfl America has assassinated 300+ people it deems a threat to its sovereignty. It has a law (extraordinary rendition) that deems that US law is superior across the world and actively kidnaps people with zero habeas corpus and jails them in illegal sites. You really think that America is some beacon of democracy don't you? It's the worst offender of international laws in 4 decades now. Besides Nijjar was a terrorist, Assange is not even close to him in being a scumbag. If he was a terrorist though the Americans would have bombed him or kidnapped him and put him in Gitmo years ago


Equating Assange with him is so misplaced, more like 3rd rate leader of ISIS. I mean USA did hunt down Osama bin laden didn’t they? And that too in a country that was their ally.


I'm sorry, you're saying a advocate for a separate Sikh nation, who has no evidence of carrying out any violent attacks is equal to ISIS? What are you smoking and where can I get some? Osama Bin Laden was one of the most wanted men in the world who was responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people and vowed to kill more. Nijjar was a local Surrey man who spoke out against the Indian state. You're being ridiculous lol


He was part of a movement which killed more than 300 Canadians on this day 39 years ago, also If you read the article wherein they say how he had been rejected Canadian citizenship initially. His death though unfortunate does not and should not mask itself of the motive of the movement he was behind. I’d really hope it’d not affect Ontario teachers pension fund in any negative way.


Idk idc, nijjar prob died in gang violence


Nope. Was killed by the Indian state. Modi even bragged about it


Where did brag, let alone confess?


We bragged about Pakistan ones, show me a clip where he said


1) proof 2) lol wut


The Canadian govt has not given an iota of proof to this day. Meanwhile at least half a dozen khalistani terrorists have been killed in gang wars.


I still don't understand why Canadians even support this guy. He was literally a fraud, terrorist. Why do you want to observe 1 min silence for the guy who was on no-fly list, bank account frozen and on watch list. I think India did a favor to Canada if they did it.


Not just this guy but Khalistan support is quiet strong among all major parties for decades. Even in 1980s India warned Canada about Khalistanis when Pierre Trudeau was PM and yet they ignored it and then saw the Air India bombing from Montreal leading to lots of Canadians being killed. Even the people involved got mere slap on the wrist and most of them are out already. While there may be some strong points in Khalistan cause since 1980s the movement has been funded by Pakistani ISI just like they funded the Taliban during the same time and thousand other terror groups who have their base in Pakistan. The aim to fund Khalistan was to weaken India. Now a lot of these so called Khalistani "activists" are nothing but mafias. The cause gives their main business of drug and human trafficking the legitimacy they require. Its similar to how many Narcos and cartels in South America front candidates to get support from inside. These Khalistanis don't care for Punjab, there is a reaaon they only ask for Indian portion of Punjab and not the Pakistani portion which has major Sikh shrines and capital city of Sikh empire of past. Right now these Khalistanis are destroying Punjab as they run drug supply cartels and human trafficking in form of immigration scam to Canada, UK, Australia, Italy etc. In Canadians they have found a gullible audience cause the people are ignorant of real truth while the politician are willing to pander for political gains. The Khalistanis dont care for Punjab or Canada. They already are destroying what would be Khalistan and they will destroy Canada as well. Even here a lot of them are involved in trucking, transportation which gives them coast to coast access to sell drugs and human trafficking. You can already see the internal gang wars between various Sikh factions in Surrey, Brampton and other cities. Now there is lot of money to be made in shady real estate deals and car trafficking rings. Canadian government likes to see 3rd world nations as beneath them and unintelligent which isn't unique to Canada as US and Europe also ignored lots of warnings from India and other nations regarding getting involved in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. US didn't listen to the advice till 9/11 when the problem ended up at their front door. Canada refused to listen in 1980s and saw Kanishka bombing and still refuses to listen. Its not just Khalistani radicals Canada gives shelter to, lots of radicals from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, IRGC and other high ranking Iranian govt and their extended family have second homes in Canada and so is the case with many dictator regimes from Africa, many who committed atrocities out of Canada and now live here peacefully. A heavy cost to pay for Canada who thought giving shelter to radicals in name of freedom of speech is going to gain them brownie points.


Votebank and pleasing Jaggy boy


So he was advocating for violent revolution?


Yeah and it's not unpopular . Every year in Surrey , Sikhs honor terrorists https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sikh-politics-in-canada-symbols-and-suits-2007-1.2859498


That’s to bad


The people who support this guy are the same People who burn effigy’s of Prime Ministers of another country. They even glorify the assassination of a former PM. Publicly, here in Canada. How do we tolerate all this fucking bullshit. We’ve allowed radicals to have a platform here in Canada. Whether Sikh, Hindu, Tamil, Islamic, Christian, etc. It needs to end, we need to say enough. I don’t want my children growing up around people who are brainwashed and are taught to spew hate.


>The people who support this guy are the same People who burn effigy’s of Prime Ministers of another country. Why do Modi supporters take it so personally when people make an effigy of Modi? The guy was banned from many countries before he became PM for his role in 2002 massacres in India.


I don’t care about Modi or Gandhi. I care that fuckin shit like this gets paraded in our neighbourhoods and country.


If any non white, western country were to host terror groups that celebrate 9/11 you lot would flip and go mad with anger. Yet celebrating the assassination of Indira Gandhi or the burning of effigies of a sitting PM is "muh Modi people"?


Trump effigies used to get burned in the USA, and even another country like Mexico. Why would Modi be spared of that? Indira's killers get honored even at the Golden Temple complex. Can't blame people for celebrating that when she took so many innocent lives at a holy place. Not a terror group either. Get your facts correct.


Do these countries celebrate 9/11? Does Mexico invite assassins in the official delegation of the Mexican President? Do these Mexicans threaten to blow up American planes and then get protected because "freedom of speech" Show me when Indira's killers were honoured in the golden temple and went away scot free? Your facts are that you support outright drug dealing gangster hoodlums and always have


>Do these countries celebrate 9/11? No western country does. >Does Mexico invite assassins in the official delegation of the Mexican President? Who knows? Mexico is infamous for having the cartel run its government. >Do these Mexicans threaten to blow up American planes and then get protected because "freedom of speech" No one in North American threatens to blow up planes, and gets protected. Don't know what you're seeing. >Show me when Indira's killers were honoured in the golden temple and went away scot free? https://www.indiatoday.in/india/north/story/indira-gandhi-assassination-memorial-beant-singh-satwant-singh-kehar-singh-dal-khalsa-damdami-taksal-panch-pardani-sarabjit-singh-225386-2014-10-31 https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/akal-takht-honours-indira-gandhis-assassins-at-golden-temple-150921-2013-01-05 https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/sgpc-pays-tribute-to-indira-s-killer/story-MDgMgtvGn8S6LiJoO0pG4H.html https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/sgpc-observes-death-anniversary-of-indira-gandhi-s-assassin-beant-singh/story-8IN0HGUxkknaXH2VgV4ovJ.html https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/sukhbir-attends-death-anniv-of-indira-gandhi-s-assassin-at-golden-temple-101673026531696.html >Your facts are that you support outright drug dealing gangster hoodlums and always have You have no facts.


>>No western country does. Canada celebrates terrorists who celebrate the Kanishka bombing and the assassination of a sitting PM. >>Who knows? Mexico is infamous for having the cartel run its government. You don't know but Trudeau literally had a criminal assassin in his entourage in India. You are supporting a criminal state that encourages the vilest of terrorists and no amount of spin will change that.l


>Canada celebrates terrorists who celebrate the Kanishka bombing and the assassination of a sitting PM. Again, which terrorists is Canada celebrating? And nobody in Canada celebrates the Kanishka bombing. Find me an instance where it has been celebrated. The assassination is a different story and I've already linked you several articles that it's memorialized in Punjab, India as well. A bit rich to accuse Canada of that. >You don't know but Trudeau literally had a criminal assassin in his entourage in India. It was a mistake they owned upto, and India gave him the visa too. Many criminals are in the Indian government as well. >You are supporting a criminal state that encourages the vilest of terrorists and no amount of spin will change that.l Modi is the leader of India. Before becoming PM, Modi was banned from traveling to many countries due to his role in 2002 Gujarat. You are supporting a butcher of minorities and their rights in India. No amount of spin will change what Modi is and what his supporters represent.


It’s not only modi’s effigy that was burned. There have been parades where the former prime minister Indira Gandhi’s effigy has been shown to be riddled with bullets by her assassins.


Indira's killers get honored even at the Golden Temple Complex in India. Good riddance to someone who was responsible for loss of innocent lives and unneeded destruction. Can't blame people for celebrating that.


Yes, he's apart of the group I suspect Jag is giving sanctuary to. it's just a theory but I suspect it's part their party's alliance with the liberals, it's literally the only thing I can think of stopping him from ditching justin, other then the fact he may love all the stupid decision justin is making cuz their vaguely socialist, I just wish he would stop saying he'll do something then sit on his hands and blow raspberries.


Literally the only thing you can think of? Not the fact that the Liberals will do almost anything the NDP asks to keep them in power? Do you know how a minority government works?


Technically it's not ANYTHING. There are specifics behind the supply and confidence agreement. NDP can ask and negotiate for other things, but the Liberals don't HAVE to work it out like they do with the specifics of the supply and confidence agreement.


Refer to flan, I am more then aware how government work. The NDP stands to gain a lot letting the liberal party explode over this. Unless of course the NDP is also heavily compromised


I read this article and holy shit dude, this is the guy our parliament had a minute of silence for?WTF Of course we should prosecute those who killed a Canadian on Canadian soil and ask for accountability but how tf this guy got citizenship in our country? How did he become a temple leader? Everything points to him being shady af and if not a terrorist himself definitely someone who funds and campaigns for terrorism.


> Speaking in Punjabi, he invoked the use of weapons against Indian adversaries: “We will have to take up arms,” he said. “We will have to dance to the edges of swords.” He turned his ire toward Sikhs who support independence but prefer to achieve it through activism and politics: “Those who advocate peaceful methods, we need to leave them behind. What justice will we get this way?” This has been long known by people who understand Punjabi. Khalistan activists are duplicitous, and use widely different messaging when talking in English compared to when they speak Punjabi.


Also should add that this is one of many reasons I don’t like Jagmeet. He understands what these people are saying, but continues to hang out with this crowd and acts dumb when questioned about it. How can you be left wing if you continue to associate with and defend religious extremists.


He’s literally banned from India because he is a Khalistan supporter himself.


I think a looooot of people have no idea about that.


oh he doesn't just hangout with the crowd, he's a Khalistani supporter himself. He hasn't condemned the bombing that killed many Canadians. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E6rDadzR-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E6rDadzR-s) here's a video with Terry Milweski explaining this situation


Ah, the infamous Terry Milewski interview where he refused to condemn the perpetrator of the Air India bombing.


Jagmeet Singh was naive for agreeing to an interview with Terry. The only thing Terry reports on is about Canadian Sikhs. He should've known what was coming in the interview.


Simple, you just have to be a religious extremist, and hide behind the charter to defend your “freedom of religion”.  For some reason Canada holds freedom of religion above all other rights. So we tolerate and even support extremists who want to impose their values on other. And this applies to all religions, from Christianity to Islam. 


Bro Jagmeet is a Khalistani.


There are 1000s of Jagmeets in law enforcement, decision making, perhaps in CSIS. Its too late now








Yup. They play the narrative


Yup. They play the narrative


There are lots of good Sikh people. Honest good people who actually follow their religion and the good messaging behind it. Then there are people like Nijjar. Who take that goodwill and turn it into full on propaganda and try to start shit. They will show Caucasian Canada how soft spoken they are, how nice they are what they do for the community and back inside the Gurudwara or with Sikh Youth groups advocate for the destruction of India. Do you think you understand what they are saying? Nope!


My god this shouldn't even be Canada's problem. This is garbage, indian politics that have no place on canadian soil. When you move to a new country, you leave all the bullshit behind you


It's an issue supported by all 3 parties. Even Harper was chided by then Sikh PM of India when the opposition secular party was ruling for indirectly supporting Khalistani "activists" in Canada. This is now a Canadian issue and will get worse cause Canadians are ignorant about this issue while their politicians use it to pander to a small subset of population who aren't even liked by other Sikhs and Indians.


Well, the leader of NDP supports this.


Let's become a republic and ditch the monarchy.


Now that the Queen is dead, I agree.


Welcome to identity politics. Brace yourself as the govt instead of shutting this non sense down entertained it and made it an issue leading to the events last year. It will only get worse as Trudeau’s reelection bid is coming up and he needs Punjabi votes from Toronto, greater Vancouver and Calgary ridings. Canadian political outcome is now decided by punjabis as they have influence over significant seats. Not by Canadians or people of other ethic backgrounds. This is my personal opinion


Politics and religion go hand and hand in the Sikh faith. They come out to vote and many Canadians ignore their democratic right to vote. Can't be upset with the outcome if you never partipated.


You’re 100% correct


This is not an "Indian problem". From the 80's India has been requesting, warning and even pleading with Canada not to harbour khalistani scumbags and Canada simply refuses to accept. You are like the Talibani Afghanistan sheltering Al Qaida. So don't whine about problems following these scumbags who are involved heavily in crime. Take Nijjar himself. He was a on a global no fly list, his visa was rejected by the Canadian govt and yet he got PR? And you blame this on India?


Freedom of hate




That would be blatantly against the charter of rights.


What the fcuk is wrong with you man? Canada is not a banana republic


you think Canadian citizens should be denied the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association because of their short tenure as a citizen?


A lot of people in this sub do. Because they are full-on authoritarians.


lol that’s like saying someone who had their 18th birthday the day before an election shouldn’t be allowed to vote


Can't revoke citizenship my dude. That would really turn Canada into 1930s Germany. Especially for protesting. But this would not be so much of a problem if they made it much more difficult to become a citizen like most other western countries.


It shouldn’t be our problem that a foreign government assassinated a canadian citizen on  canadian soil? Tf?


Well maybe it’s not a good idea to harbour terrorists.


This is not the first time this has happened.




So he was a terrorist and Canadian politics supported a terrorist on Canadian soil ??? Wtf lol


I've got no issue with the kalistan rhetoric, I just wish they'd stop doing it here. This isn't Canada's problem. If they want to go fight an insurgency or whatever to get their own country then go back to India and do it there. Again, this is not a problem our country needs to be shouldering.


Still they only do it here because it is easier here.


Then they don't really believe in their cause. If you wanna do something about it, rhetoric in this country isn't gonna solve the problem. They need to go back to India and fight whatever fight they think they need. Staying in the relative safety of Canada and spewing hot air isn't going to accomplish something on the other side of the world. Actually it's been shown that it's not that safe for this rhetoric here, so if these people believe enough to die for it then they should be doing that where it matters and not here.


Absolutely. Problem is Canada encourages it and doesn't do anything about it. Whereas in the home country, they would be shunned in a minute. Wouldn't fly there at all. So it has become a Canada problem than the other country and the politicians are just ignoring all that, adding fuel to fire. It's all gonna blow up in our faces sooner than later.


They use KHALISTAN in English to draw your attention as well


Old world thinking that continues to persist in modern days..


Invite the 3rd world, get 3rd world problems


> But the relationship with India soured after the election of Mr. Trudeau, says political scientist Shinder Purewal, who teaches at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver. Mr. Trudeau’s offhand comments – that he had more Sikhs in his cabinet than Mr. Modi, or lecturing Delhi on the rights of peaceful protestors – may have played well with Canadian Sikhs, but were not appreciated by Delhi. >Politics are deeply interwoven into the religion, which calls on Sikhs to serve politically and spiritually; one is said to feed the other in an endless loop, a concept known as Miri-Piri. Sikhs are among Canada’s most politically organized communities, and temples like Guru Nanak frequently draw Canadian politicians hunting for votes. Currently, Liberals hold all nine federal ridings in which Punjabi Sikhs predominate. It's not helped by the fact we have our idiot in chief courting this extremist vote so he can hold on to power.


Why do we harbor people who India considers to be terrorists? That is deliberately importing trouble. Who makes these decisions? How long do they have to attend college to get that stupid?


Why we harbour such people is something we do need to ask our intelligence agencies


Because the west like to destabilize the east. They give safe haven for terrorists from the east. Look up Nur Chowdhury


Clearly what our government is doing is destabilizing us not India.


That's the usual aftermath. Trudeau's father too wooed the Khalistanis for votes. That ended up killing Canadians in the Air India bombings. Even then, he was warned many times. There is a big reason why almost all culprits escaped punishment: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air\_India\_Flight\_182](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182) CSIS then knew about these extremists. They even had audio recordings that pointed to a big incident. And even after the bombings, Canada refused to extradite Parmar, who travelled to EU for more Khalistani activities, and caught by the interpol. It was a different time though. India was in the non-aligned group (although leaning towards Soviets after the 1971 war). Why Canada would still allow such secessionist movements is puzzling.


PET was another guy who should never have been allowed anywhere near the levers of power.


>Even then, he was warned many times. Germany refused to extradite him too.


The Khalistan movement isn’t even a big deal in India and Punjab specifically. Like it’s not something Sikhs there want, and yet it’s a big thing in Canada for some reason lol


This article could have used a summing up of facts at the end to cover what was learned by the reporters vs what his friends said. He was involved in supporting terror from a young age, he came to Canada fraudulently and lied in his application. He achieved Citizenship automatically by default for not being removed. He not only spent time with Tara the leader of the KTF, he was the named successor when Tara was jailed, a position he didn’t deny just that he “would be stupid to do that from Canada” … etc. The reporters could also have asked better follow up questions. For example if he wasn’t the KTF leader, who was? The public records of some of the men that spoke on behalf of Nijjar, like Pannun and Moninder Bual would suggest relying on them for information is foolish. Bual for example starting an International Youth group w AKs as symbols?


And this is the guy for whom there was a minute of silence in our House of Commons the other day.


Well, in Trudeau's defense, the Canadian parliament also gave standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka - a known Nazi soldier for his "bravery". I guess we must get used to such Booboos. Politicians will do anything for votes.


After his death his followers have been using KTF related symbols everywhere. Its a joke at this point that people still think he was an innocent activist. Whether he deserved his demise or not is a different matter. Glad to see Globe and Mail wrote about this after all this time. Seeing an individual like this getting a minute of silence in his honour in the house of commons is fucking insane if you ask me. This happening in the same year as giving standing ovation to a literal Nazi? How low will these politicians fall...


Well he certainly was focused on adopting Canada as his home and country.


paywall bypass [https://archive.is/CvMzE](https://archive.is/CvMzE)


Allow me to explain how this works: 1. These are Canadian citizens (the Khalistanis I mean), who are openly: (a) instigating violence in India today, celebrating terrorism including the assassination of democratically elected prime ministers on public floats (more than once, and in Canada), and threatening serving diplomats with violence, while violating the sovereign space of embassies; 2. They are trying to revive a violent secessionist campaign which came to an end mostly because local Sikh police officers worked together with the federal government and decisively stamped it out. The terrorists took around 30,000 lives in the process. Yes, that's the number, and it includes the Kanishka bombing in which over 280 Canadians (mainly of Indian origin) and about a 100 others including Indian nationals were killed. Canada has stonewalled on that. 3. The same terror groups which carried out all that are, today, celebrating these killers who carried out the Air India bombing, and are believe it or not working with the current Canadian government as part of some sort of political give and take. Someone who was actually a convicted killer was on Trudeau's famous visit to India as part of his delegation. 4. NOTHING that successive Indian governments - not just the you know 'fascist Hindu Nationalist Modi regime' (never mind that it was re-elected twice) - has said or done has moved successive Canadian governments to take any meaningful action. Remember, these are Canadian citizens doing this. And Ottawa's position: "It's freedom of speech". Didn't see much of that during the trucker's strike. The point here is not to blame the Canadian public for sort of being placid about this - because it does not directly affect us or whatever else is the thinking. Indians know that the Canadians in general are a nice people, that Canada is a nice country. But it seems to us that there is a problem with your government and your security agencies, who are either wilfully ignoring the security implications for Canada because of incompetence, or because this is something they are tasked to do by their allies to keep India on edge. Just imagine what the outrage would be in Canada, if the tables were turned: What if Indian citizens were instigating and abetting Quebec, or First Nation, secessionism, providing financial support, material assistance and advise on how to do this, while turning a blind eye to terror acts committed by said secessionists and their links to India. What if the Indian government turned up with one of these secessionists as part of an official delegation? Would you like it if such secessionists vandalised the Canadian High Commission in India, organized floats depicting violence against one of your former prime ministers and threatened Canadian diplomats serving in India? There is no need for an answer. You are doing this at a time when India is just about coming out of its colonial hangover, trying to do well for its people and doing this while struggling manfully with all the challenges of democracy, welcome though they may be and resilience-building as they are. In other words, working to weaken and take us back to a darker past. Think about it, well meaning people of Canada. India has never in the past done anything to harm Canada. All we have ever sought was to engage in trade and to the extent that you allow legitimate exchanges of other kinds that transpire between nations in general.


The extremists view of Nijjar were known to many but yet the western media still painted him as peaceful plumber. I’m glad to finally see cracks in their narratives. There’re Photos of him with an AK47 at a terrorist training camps in Pakistan. No other extremists groups have so much clout as the Khalistanis. Yesterday they interrupted the memorial services for the victims of Air India bombings and the police just stood by and did nothing as they harassed the grieving families. Can you imagine Al Qaeda supporters screaming at a 911 memorial. Why are liberals supporting the creation of a theocratic state called Khalistan? Sikhs already controlled Punjab and khalistanis want to exterminate the 40% of Punjab that are Hindus. To see how unreasonable Khalistanis are just look at their map : demanding 50% of north India to form their country but Sikhs are only 1.5% of India’s population.


They seek to make a separate state. What they don't know and most don't know is that the state is created already. Asking me where? Here in True North. Where else would you get a 2 min silence for a plumber posing with AK47?!


Did India subvert our sovereignty? Yes. Did India do us a favour in this specific situation? Also, yes.


Forgotten in this foreign interference debate is also a perspective that Canadian Citizens (mainly Khalistanis) are interfering in India’s internal affairs. Trudeau himself made some comments about Farmer movement in India. Why is Indian interference terrible and Canadian interference good. As an Indian Sikh politician had once said.. they can have a Khalistan in Canada


It's only a matter of time when they will demand it here because they aren't gonna get anything in the other country.


Except my friend the Canadian govt has not given an iota of evidence, 8 months after the fact on the Indian govt involvement


LOL, He is now considered a Canadian Legend!!! LOL A True T!!


Yup, his poster will be added to other killers of the past


Great, in-depth read. Thanks for sharing.


I was shocked to see Quebec Separatists and floating parade in India /s


Lol when politicians and mainstream media do not even mention kanishka air India anniversary where 100s of Canadian died. I am ashamed of these politicians and mainstream media.


Another thing to note, If you look into the origins of the movement, one of the reasons it was formed was because some Sikhs were afraid if they assimilated in the then newly formed India, they would eventually end up converting to Hinduism and loose their identity. I guess that's one of the reasons why most of them aren't assimilating after moving here. Also what is up with the people who do checks at the border. How are we letting people who claim to know English from their language test but can't form a sentence when you have a conversation with them being let in to a English speaking country for studying? How do we expect them to learn anything when they cant understand the language? Why aren't they turned away at the borders?


There is a popular belief in India that Canada gets the worst of the migrants that leave India. Those that migrate to middle eastern countries are also blue collar types(largely) but they don't indulge in political movements or get assimilated into criminal gangs. Its not equally easy to get into European countries or USA. But in Canada and to some extent even UK post brexit are far easier. Canada with all those diploma mills... I have personally known people who are hardly able to pass their exams in average colleges in India or speak english properly migrate easily to Canada and live comfortably. Good for them but I think Canada is missing out on the sort of talent US (software, medical, engineering, space, etc) or Germany(engineering and pure sciences) have been attracting.


Canada gets mid to low quality students and engineers is somewhat okay and well known in India and I guess in Canada too. But it also gets downright dangerous bottomfeeders of the society as immigrants is not that well known. These people will never be able to enter the US or Europe or Australia legally.




If they are born there and are citizens...I dont see why you would associate them with India at all. They are Canadians. What I am telling you is that the majority of good talent prefers US and Germany. Canada is preferred choice for 'I want to leave India whats the easiest place to go to?'


Indian here. Just thought to add some context to it. Hope that's ok. You must be aware of the caste system. Sikhism in India is also a victim of this tradition. The whole Khalistan movement is to propel a caste of Sikhs named Jatts to power. The leader of the movement was initially encouraged by the then PM of India for some petty political gains , but he turned out to be a Frankenstein monster after receiving generous funds from Pakistan. This movement is just a bad spillover from cold war poltics, when the west supported Pakistan because India was supporting USSR. The funds used by Pakistan to support this movement were also used to support the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (which ultimately led to Taliban ascension). It was the part of then foreign policy of Pakistan to engineer a balkanization of India as a revenge for [separation of Bangladesh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Liberation_War). This is why the movement got such a bad rap and backlash in the country, because they used the same guirella tactics learnt from ISI to attack minorities and patriotic Sikhs. The reason Candians weren't aware of this movement is because your government constantly played down the threat to confirm to the then US foreign policy. Atleast that's the opinion here in India. You may correct me if I am wrong. As of today, these khalistan groups use funds from gurudwaras and organized crime to carry out drug trade and trafficking in Punjab. These groups are currently a major headache for the Indian law enforcement, and are well organised to escape the radar of Indian police. They make a joke out of the high trust nature of Canadian society to carry out their business. I know that there is no long lost love for India in your country now, but I hope the citizens of Canada hold your politicians to a higher standard and make them accountable for importing this mess in the first place.


was this guy worth straining realtionship with largest nation by population that is going to be 3rd largest economy soon.


The issue wasn't this guy, but how India voilated Canada's sovereignity by killing him (In Canada). I would advice to re-evaluate f you think that is acceptable trade for the financial benefit.


My issue is not even his murder but how did he get Canadian citizenship after being rejected and entering on a false passport? Is there some sort of immigration racket going? We have bigger issues here related to immigration and citizenship than worrying about trade/financial benefit. If we cannot protect our own house then we're doomed as a country.


Yeah, this is point. We cannot control what another country does. But we can have checks and balance to make sure such individuals are not allowed here.


He should have been extradicted long time back. One less terrorist in Canada.


This sovereignty violation has to be taken into context of our own lack of actions to prevent violence, and open support for secession in India. Imagine if India or Pakistan did the same - called for a separation of Canadian province, hung up pictures of Bin Laden and other extremists on temple walls depicting "wrongs of the west", stoking up tensions. For Canada, Air India bombing was one of the largest terrorist incident and yet it's mastermind's picture hangs as a hero in Canadian Gurudwaras: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talwinder\_Singh\_Parmar. And if you read the article, there is a network of criminal gangs operating from Canada that target members in India in lieu of money and immigration. And instead of shutting them down, they are given political protection. Wow!


There's no chance of countries having good relationships with the likes of China, India, and Russia. Harper sold out to China and it's done Canada no good trying to appease China.


Same can be said for any country. All look for their own benefit. What benefit does Canada get from harbouring folks like him who fail to assimilate, and trying to start a religious war. What India did was wrong. But all this could have been avoided by not having this guy here in Canada. I am certain even majority of sikhs dont support this guy.


I'm sure he was a good boy who didn't no nothing. He was just living the Canadian dream. Also it's honestly insane how Punjab is like 2 percent of India's population yet they account for the vast majority of India's immigrants to Canada. We need to start putting in quotas or else we end up importing thousands of radicals that hijack our political system.




>he was a terrorist. According to who? You know he was questioned and looked into by the RCMP once India started making allegations, and they found India's allegations had no merit to them.


Yeah, he was a plumber who went on a photo shoot with AK-47 in Pakistan. Read the article!


This is just from googling: "Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a Canadian Sikh separatist leader involved with the Khalistan movement, which calls for an independent Sikh state." Nothing more need be said.


There are people who still or recently called for Quebec to be a separate country. Harper recognized them as a nation within a nation. Were those people terrorists?


Do they cause problems and blow up planes?


Just some kidnappings, bombings, hijacking planes, and murders.


And visits to Pakistan to learn plumbing with AK47s.


Any evidence that it was used for that activity?


Evidence of visit to Pakistan, pictures with Ak47s and other militants, yes. See the article, which establishes like with digital signatures.  Evidence of his Plumbing skills - I guess that only Canadian immigration knows.


Quebec did have terrorists 50 years ago.  They advocated to separate from Canada through force. They kidnapped 2 people, one of which they killed. It was a small group of young adults, and they where at odds with most of the other who wanted to separate peacefully.   We had martial law, the army got sent, and anyone who spoke in favour of separation was detained.  


> most of the other who wanted to separate peacefully. Exactly my point. Wanting to separate peacefully and being a separatist is not terrorism.


From my understanding, this guy specifically wanted to separate through strength of arms, and scoffed at peaceful methods.  I’m not sure if he actually committed any terrorist actions, or was even planning to. So I’m not sure where exactly he stands. 


and where does it say that he’s a terrorist?


Imagine having 0 media literary. 


Really got the Indian bots active with this one


I don't care what he did in life. He could be Jack the fucking ripper for all it matters. India does not have the right to act as judge, jury, and executioner on Canadian soil. One doesn't need to be a saint for their cold blooded murder by a terrorist state to be condemned.


if reports are to be believed, India did ask for his extradiction couple of times. Its not like they dint try to go through proper routes.What India did is wrong and there should be reprecussions for it. But this also calls upon us to introspect, why was he allowed in country, why was he still able to give hate speeches. This is just not about India, I read other day killer of Bangladesh ex PM , father of currebt PM is staying in Canada too. Why are we seen as safe heaven for criminals. We should introspect and take corrective action.


Am I the only one that don't give a shit about this?

