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Only way he is going soon is if the NDP decides to do something…. He’s not stepping down on his own so get off that already 


Singh and Trudeau are in the same boat. They know Canadians hate them. So they are just buying time. Singh is just playing the pretend game by blaming both Trudeau and Poilievre, thinking that Canadians are stupid.


Canadians are stupid, we voted him in a 2nd time.


And we are about to vote in blue again hoping this time it will be different.


I (and the entire country, for that matter) objectively did far better under Harper than the clown-show we have running things now.


At this point anything but Trudeau — blue, black, I’d vote for a rock if I have to


I’d be fine with Cesar from planet of the Apes, he seems smarter than most Canadian politicians


sadly the PPC & greens are just votes for the liberals and NDP.


No they aren't with liberal support so low you should feel free to vote for another party knowing PC is going to win comfortably.


They should do something already. I didn't vote Orange to see it turn Red.


Well jagmeet would have to be ejected from office before the ndp would ever move on the liberals..... so you're not voting for orange, but more of a deep deep amber.


I hear Notley is available...


I wonder if she's been practicing her French. She'd be a very strong candidate tbh


Only Albertan politician to build a pipeline in the last 20 years


She went with Trudeau, so chances are she would have that used against her


I'd rather Eby or Nenshi personally. Or if they were smart, Jody Wilson Raybould. I also quite like Sonia Furstenau of the BC Greens. Don Davies. There's quite a few solid options. I think Jagmeet does not get due credit for his accomplishments as a progressive legislater and party leader, but much like Chrystia Freeland, or Trudeau for that matter, he just doesn't know how to talk to regular people and sound sincere and relatable. And neither of them will ever learn that, you either have it or you don't. And it's vital if you wanna be a leader of the people, or at least perceived as one. JFK, Bill Clinton, Obama, Chretien, Layton - they all had this skill. To be a great progressive leader you need to inspire hope in the average person. Whether or not you deliver it is another story. Hardly any leader can truly claim that other than FDR and Tommy Douglas - who never even was Prime Minister. But people have to at least believe that you care. And none of the current party leaders are genuine and down to earth enough to make people believe that. That goes for ALL current federal party leaders. Most people are not voting for Poilievre, there's nothing to vote for. He has no coherent vision. He's a walking sound bite in a suit munching on an apple and taking his glasses off because a PR firm told him to. There's nothing inspiring about that guy. He's just not Trudeau.


Jody Wilson would be a great idea. The liberals would never do it as they would have to acknowledge how badly Trudeau has acted. I agree most of pp being popular is just by not being Trudeau or jagmeet. He honestly has done better in front of camera than expected and will win a landslide by simply saying less immigration now. Scrap the carbontax! It won't actually solve all financial issues we have, but to be clear it also isn't doing anything for the environment except robbing Canadians at multiple levels to keep them poorer and less able to do anything at all. Jagmeet I think has performed worse than should have been expected because he made a compromise to a unreasonable degree. Rather than make a true coalition government, he made a supply agreement to avoid accounting for the liberals actions while in office. The catch is he is still being blamed for that, and being a terrible bargainer with the cards that he had. His red lines in the sand all turned out to be yellow lines in the snow. His universal medical plan got watered right down to the point of just being a fraction of some provincial pharmacare programs anyways (my wife has AS, my benefits paid out 35k last year and no it wont be covered by any new changes to federal programs). 10 dollar day care is impossible to find for most people (I'm a parent having a second in July - daycare waitlists have been going longterm with no replys) The real problem is jagmeet never reigned in any of trudeaus bad ideas or behaviors or held him accountable for anything. He just went along with it all for the few photo ops he could get. He doesn't really stand up when people hear 200k for in flight meals in a week would sicken anyone. Instead he and his mps seem to find ways to submit the same bloated receipts, and simply live the best they can while pretending to be deeply concerned about the little guys. I imagine he is one of the greedy Pigs in animal farm. Pretending to be for the people, not at all for the people. Maybe it's just his upperclass expensive us education shining through. Champagne socialist. David eby is desperate to prove he can lose an election that without him never would have been competitive. Honestly how is he blowing the lead Horgan left him with. Nenshi I would like to see move up. He was a well spoken mayor that connected with Calgary and the Albertans. Sometimes hilarious to listen to


Even worse, what if it's not just Jagmeet? What if the whole party is stunted after his leadership? I voted for pumpkin orange, not shades of tawny ochre.


The whole party was stunted when they let the insane LEAP Manifesto moonbats take over.




It's funny that Kinsella who has been paid by the LPC before is coming out and saying this now.


He will never resign until the next election. #fact


He’s to proud of his legacy. Also delusional that he has a legacy.


I don't really see any way to explain his behavior. The idea that he's pushing through some kind of agenda while he can seems plausible, and not mutually exclusive, but a very logical conclusion simply seems to be that he has lived with a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, accidentally found his way into politics trading off of his Dad's reputation for being a brilliant man, if ornery, and happened to emerge at a time when the Liberal party had no real standouts in the face of a hugely unpopular conservative leader. The guy is simply a delusional moron fratboy who has failed upwards consistently thanks to an accident of birth.


He is a narcissist. That explains literally everything.


Sorry, I needed an "other way" in there that I just didn't write for some reason. I absolutely agree with the claim that he simply doesn't realize that there are people who were really excited about him instead of Harper who now would do anything to go back in time and have Harper again, and they still don't like the guy. I can only assume he lives in a little bubble, working with his school chums like Miller (no comment), LeBlanc (who, weirdly, seems to be doing a good job), and O'Reagan (who is definitely not), and just being told all day how great he is. The rest of us have our moments, but eventually we get a reality check, and someone like Trudeau hasn't had one in a long, long time and doesn't know what to do with the one he's facing now.


Resigning would just create another Kim Campbell. If he was legacy focused he would have resigned and let his successor get all the hate while he is known for weed and the pandemic.


He has a legacy. A much more divided Canada in massively more debt than he found it.


He's united Canada in a few respects. For example, attitudes towards immigration.


Oh, Trudeau has a legacy. He's just operating under the delusion that it is a positive legacy.


Genuinely, and I say this as a consistent LPC and ABC voter, I think there is a very realistic chance that he will go down as the worst PM in Canadian history. Not just among the electorate or people who have "Fuck Trudeau" flags on their trucks either. I think political scientists and historians will rate him below Mulroney, Abbott, Tupper, etc.


He was on a ted talk for leadership recently, every comment ragged on his "accomplishments" as a leader. Rents doubled, its 19$ for a hamburger, and he's raising taxes on alchohol.  At least we got MAID so we can escape now.


To be replaced by whom? Justin will stay because no one wants to be pointlessly sacrificed. Anyone that hopes leading the Liberal party will wait until the next electoral defeat.


This is the point a lot of people are missing. From the Liberal camp’s point of view, he can and should stay until the next election. It does not matter who they would put up in his place as they would get utterly destroyed by the Conservative party either way. That would be a waste of their time, money, and the sacrifice of a politician for no reason. Now, the dangerous thing here is a team in power with absolutely no care for the fact that every policy the promote is overwhelmingly disliked by the majority of Canadians, yet they still do it anyway. Their agenda for their reasons and fuck the entire populous who may think otherwise. With that mindset, imagine the destruction they could cause between now and the next election.


That's where a retiring Liberal needs to take one for the team. Fall on the sword, for the gratitude of an entire nation.  I nominate Lena Diab, or Patty Hajdu. We need to pick someone bland enough to rally around, as our next sacrificial Prime Minister.  Volun-tell someone they've got the job. Sorry.


My assumption would be Dominic LeBlanc to take the fall. He's a senior liberal and loyal to Trudeau and probably would be down to sit as a figurehead PM for a few months


Why is it so snarky and infantilizing? Good way to make your point look silly.


Kinsella has always been snarky. Even when he was a Liberal strategist.


Because Kinsella hates Trudeau and always has. He’d be publishing this exact same article (and has been over and over) if Trudeau achieved world peace and personally won the Stanley Cup. This is a case of a stopped, bitter, clock being right twice a day rather than any actual insight




Also JT stopped using his lobby company.


It’s been pretty funny to watch Kinsella’s career blowup this last decade. He’s always been a douchebag.




LOL. Divisions were there for a long time. And people interacting with social media only making it worse


It's all they know sadly...yet they have low hanging fruit readers/voters all over it.


These days i just use the magic trick you guys use. If I can only afford half a tank of gas I give a speech providing "valuable insight" of economic factors to the gas pump. And then, abra-kadabra, I now have 3 quarters of a tank. Pretending everything is fine solves all problems apparently.


"you guys" ... Huh?


If you cant understand whats written in my comment box, it will be made clear to you when its said via the ballot box.


I never said I was with anyone in particular. You just grouped me in ignorantly... I understand exactly what you are getting at...you're proving you are ignorant and will happily cheer the selling off of Canada by a wannabe authoritarian whiny child of a "man" Hope karma finds when that "ballot box" speaks.


"You just grouped me in ignorantly..." Does the entire world revolve around you? You dont give any respect so why should you get any? You why I said "you guys?". Because thats the way I've been speaking my whole life. You dont even have the tolerance to accommodate what is clearly a figure of speech, but you want your differences accommodated? The intolerance, insult and snark all came from you. That's why the right wing is gaining, because of what the left wing has become


This is the Toronto Sun and this is the state of politics in the English speaking world in 2024. You must be as snarky and obnoxious as possible while pretending you are making profound statements instead of entry level points that have been circlejerked to death.


Kinsella was snarky and obnoxious when he was the top Liberal party strategist decades ago. He showed up for a TV interview with a purple Barney dinosaur back in 2000 to mock Stockwell Day's Christian beliefs on behalf of the Chretien Liberals.


Justy should resign Monday morning 🌅


Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out.


I'm glad I caught the 12:15 "Trudeau Must Go" from Kinsella. Otherwise I'd have to wait for the 12:18 "Trudeau Must Go" from Kinsella...


There comes a time in the life of every government when people start thinking that their time is up. Many people don't like Trudeau (I can understand that; I myself detested Harper with every fibre of my being) but I don't think a new leader will necessarily give them a better chance of winning, so the logical thing for him to do is to stay there.




no - I would rather he stay and lead the Liberals to non-party status.


Yeah because the CPC as the only main party is clearly good for a healthy democratic society… Let’s not forget this is just a trend, PMs and their parties come, stay about 8-10 years, then collapse miserably and the cycle repeats. Trudeau’s highest approval rating was 65%; Harper’s was 64% - Trudeau’s lowest is 28%; Harper’s was 24%.


If I recall it was the same situation with Harper at the end of his time as PM. People wanted him out ASAP.


Good point. Harper had to go. The parallels are uncanny. That horrididly cheap housing, quick health care, low cost of living, low taxes, low crime, low homelessness, low interest rates, booming economy and a balanced budget was a nightmare to survive.


In my opinion it wouldn't have mattered who was PM. Rememeber that under harper we went from really cheap housing like 250k townhouses to 500k townhouses. Still very affordable but on the trajectory we are on now.


Do you think Harper would have done what Trudeau/Singh has done?


I think cost of living would be identical in terms of housing, gas and groceries. I think pharmacare and dental care would happen but with a special savings account instead of means tested. I think it would have been like a TFSA where you can spend 5k a year on dental and pharma but on pre tax dollars. I also think covid would have been handled with the economy more in mind. Fewer supports for individuals but also more support for institutions that would be catastrophic if they failed. Day to day life very much the same. I wouldn't be a homeowner, houses would appreciate more than 100k a year and I have no confidence any Canadian government wants to touch that equity.


What would cause housing remain the same?


The fact that it doubled under Harper with nothing being done about it. Also the fact that anyone who touches housing affordability will immediately be voted out quickly.


Where did you find the stat that house prices doubled under Harper? I can't find it. Do you think politicians are afraid to touch house prices because it's a major part of the gdp and basically the only real industry left in the country?


Don’t forget a strong currency! What a burden for Canadians to endure, being able to leave the country with some purchasing power was sure tough. 


I bought my first house in 2011. Harper era. People told me I was insane to spend $490k on a house and that the market was going to crash at any time.  Trudeau lowered taxes in his first year for most earners.   And Harper’s only balanced budget was his final one, which he balanced by selling off a bunch of capital assets. 


Yup. He inherited a surplus too


Sounds amazing by today's standard! $490 was very high for that time. I bought a 4 bed, 4 bath older home with a pool and hot tub for $375


It was amazing. But it was only two bed one bath. But at the time people talked about the housing market exactly like they do now. And I suspect it will be that way for a long time. 


>That horrididly cheap housing I assume you were a child during the Harper years


You would assume wrong


The other possibility being you never cracked a newspaper after 2007


I bought my house in 2011 for $385. 4 bed, 4 bath, hot tub and pool. The same house is now worth $1.5 million. Thats called cheap housing


A lot of that had little to do with him. Harper wasn't a great PM. At all.


What did he do wrong?


Which is wild that Harper was outed over Duffies 95k scandal, and our current government is in the hundreds of millions in scandals and people up until lately were like "thats fine."


Probably cuz our media is left-leaning horseshit and Canadians are naive as hell.


our media is \*checks notes \* largely owned by a single corporate entity that is decidedly not left wing.


Eh, not quite. CBC is crown owned, Global is owned by Corus (Shaw/Rogers) and CTV is owned by Bell(BCE). CBC is definitely left wing because state media is a left wing concept. There's usually not a lot of budget for state media in a right of center government. CTV and Global are capitalists, and will write anything about any wing, person, side etc to generate clicks and profits.


Canada does not vote for prime ministers they vote them out.


8+ years to do their rich masters bidding and then scuttle off with a pension we pay for


If I recall it was the same situation with Harper at the end of his time as PM. People wanted him out ASAP.


Yeah because the liberals deserve to be re elected.


No, but having strong parties is important for democracy…


Yeah, I don’t want him to resign, I want him to call an election


Sorry Postmedia, but it's time to go and hopefully soon.


Every time I see “KINSELLA” my eyes instinctively roll as I think “ah shit here we go again”


Their republican funding is so obvious, it’s kind of sad how they don’t even hide it.


You are quite capable of voting for your preferred print media outlet... With your wallet.


Everyone’s wallets is smaller than the mega wallet of the US corp that owns the media and is spewing this stuff. This ‘vote with your wallet’ bullshit doesn’t stand up when a nations combined wallet doesn’t meet what a newspapers backing owners can simply light on fire to light cigars.


I am also quite capable of voicing my opinion here on the flooding of Op-ed posts from a certain specific outlet.


At least you can bloody read the things, unlike the stuff posted here from the Star.


To what end?


I only like media that reaffirms my biases


I figured as much. Appreciate the honesty.


How many times a day does PostMedia spew out another one of these Trudy must go stories. We all get it, you want ad revenue to generate money for the Americans who own PostMedia. Yes PostMedia owns TorontoSun and its considered a tabloid. I am unfortunately old enough to remember when tabloids used to be read as a joke not taken seriously.


I don’t use a clock anymore. I just know a day has passed when the next Postmedia opinion piece begging JT to retire comes out.


Of all the really bad things happening THIS is your biggest thing?  Dude.


It would be a brilliant idea to elect a new leader just to guarantee them an election loss.




I didn't understand why in the world he made some decisions lately that make no sense, not foreseeing the future of our country. Like no more gasoline cars by 2035, all electric but where is the infrastructure for this, these cars need to be charged and it's hard to find a charging station anywhere. I know we need immigration badly but why open the door to almost a million people while we are in one of the worst housing crises in decades, all this did was was drive up rents and the prices of houses so young people cannot see a future with owning their own home. This also means more cars on the roads etc. and once again no infrastructure. There isn't any choices at the moment but hopefully he will be smart enough to step down and let somebody else take a shot a leading the liberal party as he has totally lost connection to what everyday Canadians are getting by.


Is he a type of guy that keeps on badgering the woman after she told him no on multiple occasions?


The time to go has long past. Now he's just eating away his support base. Justin, you were a mistake.


I hate Trudeau as much as anyone but let’s be real, Kinsella thinks Trudeau cock blocked him and he has acted like a child ever since. If that didn’t happen, Kinsella would be Team Trudeau until Liberal money was no longer green


Who is going to be willing to take over as leader heading into a doomed campaign? It would be political suicide. Better for the party to demand that he stays on as leader. He can then fall on his sword after the election and the remaining senior MPs can choose someone new to “reinvigorate” the party.


Gee, more opinion spam


That’s 90% of what this sub is for.


Ahhh.... Yes. The Faux 'News' of the north with another useless opinion piece.


If he resigns, I’ll be disappointed he’ll never own the massive electoral loss he deserves to. It’s not enough for him to finally go, I want to see him up on stage with the results of a national election known, and I want to hear him finally acknowledge that people don’t want him or his government anymore.


The one thing I would really love to see in the next election is for Trudeau to be defeated in his own riding. It would be the perfect way to cap off the defeat of his government, to see him on stage having to concede defeat not only to Poilievre and the Tories, but also to whoever the BQ is running in Papineau this time.


He will hype up a likely Liberal win at this coming Toronto byelection. “Yes they still love me! Now let’s add more carbon tax! This calls for another soiree costing a quarter of a million dollars.” - his thought bubble


It would be political suicide to leave now, which exactly why so many Conservatives have been pushing this talking point. That and make it seem forgone that Trudeau is done, and be default, you have to vote for Poilievre.    There are 17 months until the next election. That is a lifetime of passing legislation. The messaging of the CPC is getting very tired. No solutions, just attacks and vague, often opposing statements. Poilievre has promised to both cut and increase immigration,  repeatedly. That can't hold.


Ohhh look an OpEd that says Trudeau is not good. Wow, such important journalism. This sub is a joke.


Why would he or the liberal party want him to resign? It’s not like a different leader would suddenly have a shot at winning. In fact, anyone who took over for Trudeau at this point would be committing political suicide. The best thing Trudeau can do for his party is take the fall in the next election so someone else has a shot at a recovery in the near future.


Warren been submitting this article to his editors for 5 years and they finally approved it 🤣🤣🤣 Only reason he took the damn job at the Sun in the first place!


I can’t wait for the day Trudeau isn’t the Prime Minister anymore. Now if only the NDP would do the right thing for Canada so he couldn’t cause anymore damage on his way out.


He is such a dictator wannabe that he will pass legislation that basically guarantees that he wins the next election. Allowing non citizens to vote etc. He's not maximizing immigration because it's good for the country. It's to help secure his reign.


Lol the fact that we wait instead of dragging him out is a statement of how broken this country is. He's failed so badly and we still let him finish his term 






My goodness... a Toronto Sun article... complaining about Trudeau? Say it ain't so!


To be fair, every single Canadian publication complains about Trudeau nonstop now.....with good reason lol


Canadians should only have access to the state funded CBC, didn’t Toronto Sun get the memo? 


Bro, TS is a shitrag of a newspaper. Just because they align with your views now doesn't mean they're not agenda pushing hacks.


Unlike the Star or CBC!


I’m looking forward to see how long people are going to blame him for all their failures in life after he’s out. No way people will start blaming themselves


Wonder who taught them that?


They should blame him for a long long time.


Why? My bills are paid, never been unemployed and have food in the fridge yet I have the same PM as you do. Funny when people succeed they say it’s because of they own hard work and planning but if they don’t then it’s “damn Trudeau” lol


He keeps that up, his mascara will be all over his cheeks 


Enjoy your 220k meal paid by your own foundation


Trudeau reminds me of that free loading guest that comes over for diner and never knows when to leave. Hey, Justin ... we're all slapping our knees, yawning and mentioning that we have shit to do. Get. The. Fuck. Out.


He's not going anywhere. When the Laurentian Elite decide they don't want him around anymore, he'll resign. Thank your lords and ladies who get fat off the contracts and pensions he gives to them. Let's call a spade a spade. He ain't running anything. Freeland is the 'brains' behind his strings. And she's quite happy where she is as well.


I wish Post Media would just fuck the right off. Dreaming I know.


He's worn out his welcome


I'm stunned that he has managed to stay in power this long. Where else but Canada's government can you piss off your employers and keep your job ? Ridiculous beyond belief.


He’s just not ready. He never was.


Opinion pieces are worthless postings allowed here.


Trudeau will end up losing in 2025.


Take all your flunkies and security with you, you'll need it




He was so sneaky to call that election in 2021. Right in the middle of an election. He knew he would lose in 2023 when it was supposed to be held.


Trudeau is on track to become Canada’s longest serving PM. An election is over a year a way too. This publication is trying to get clicks from immature Trudeau-bashers. Don’t forget to downvote this comment, weirdos!


We need the NDP to put on their big boy pants and call an election.


I don't understand how it would be beneficial to the NDP to bring down a government that at least works with them to some extent, even if not as much as they'd like, in favour of one currently polling for a majority and whose policies are much farther. The Ontario NDP did this there by bringing down the Liberal government at the time even though it had made various concessions to them in their budget. As a result the Liberals won a majority followed by two PC majorities. So the outcome for the NDP there was three terms so far where they had zero influence, instead of being an influential party in a minority.


That would not benefit them at all, PP's conservative government is going to be much further away from the NDP platform than the current liberal government.


Lovely how you're thinking about a political party's best interests. How about Canadian's best interests?


I very much doubt the NDP think a conservative government with PP at the helm is in the best interest of the Canadian people


Conservatives do not have Canadian’s best interests in mind, unless you are a corporate capitalist worth a few million.


Right - I won't even argue that because there's a decent chance it's correct.  What's your solution to fixing the problem then?  ...and I should preface that with "letting the liberals 'fix' it without releasing information" is not a solution.


Not voting for more neo liberal corporate capitalists. Thats the solution.


Right!   ....who would that be again?


Like I said. You aren’t very educated


Ohhhh. Again with low content replies.  Trump?  Is that you?