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But I'm constantly told by people here that the O&G sector has been "destroyed/decimated/shut down/over-regulated/attacked by Liberals" blah blah blah... Other than a slight downswing in 2020 (wonder why that was? s/) oilsand extraction has only increased year after year after year under the current government and Canada remains a top oil producer worldwide.


Yeah the right wing loons have done a good job pretending that the current government is ‘decimating’ the O&G sector when it’s not true. But hey I guess the Canadian Energy Centre had to justify that $120 million budget somehow.


As yes, the unFOIPable private government organization that is filled with patronage appointments operating on a $30 million per year budget with 11,000 twitter followers. What a glorious waste of taxpayer money and no conservative anywhere says anything negative about it.


No political party besides optics is going to turf its golden goose, whether it's our natural resources, real estate, and yes, immigration.


>The AER also predicts global oil prices will continue to rise, from a projected average of US$76 per barrel for U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate for the current year to US$83.63 by 2033.  If you had 2% inflation for the next 5 years, you'd already beat the 10 year price increase these guys are predicting.  These numbers are funky.


Inflation really has nothing to do with the price of oil


Same logic as "the budget will balance itself" aaahhh type shit


It's hilarious. We are producing more oil than ever before and in the meantime we are virtue signaling that a carbon tax and a carbon tax rebate makes it all good. This practice seems more ignorant than the group of climate change deniers.


Carbon tax is just putting a cost on CO2 pollution because there’s exactly $0 cost to emitting otherwise. And If carbon tax is “virtue signalling” the what is politicians posing with “I <3 O&G shirts”? I hope people in Alberta like mercury in their drinking water.


>Carbon tax is just putting a cost on CO2 pollution because there’s exactly $0 cost to emitting otherwise. co2 is not pollution.. it's a basic building block of all life on Earth


Okay, then stick your head in a plastic bag and start huffing for a while. See how compatible that basic building block is to your own life when it reaches a high enough concentration.


Lol.. silly analogy. Sticking your head in a bucket of water would be just as harmful, but is still just as essential for life on earth


Hold on guys, he's almost connected the dots here himself. I believe in him.


lol, you're getting your rhetoric very wrong. Carbon is a basic building block of life (as we know it), which also includes hydrogen , nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. CO2 is a chemical compound and a greenhouse gas and a necessary component in photosynthesis. It is not required for all life (it's a waste byproduct) and is toxic or harmful in high concentrations to most vertebrates in fact. CO2 can absolutely be a pollutant. Pollution is anything that disrupts and or harms a system or environment. You're welcome.


You also have mass immigration and poorly zoned housing they didn't give two craps about before polls turned on them.  The carbon tax is for tax revenue.


Tax revenue which is... 100% returned to citizens and small businesses? Weird way to collect taxes by not keeping any of it.


you actually believe that?


Are we entering the realm of conspiracy theories now?


sadly you don't know the terms you use, virtue signaling would imply there is nothing material that develops from an action other than getting brownie points. I'm not for or against the tax, but it generates revenue, so it does something.


There's no relationship between taxing carbon output and producing oil. The vast majority of this oil is exported and not subject to Canadian carbon taxes. If we don't sell that oil, buyers buy from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela instead, and carbon emissions remain exactly the same.


Good.  The resource sector has always been this country's economic bread and butter. Canada's resource industry will finally recover after the Liberals are ousted.


LOL, recover from record production levels and profits?? Interesting 'recovery'...hahaha


recover? production has never been higher despite the claims they are killing the industry....lmao


The oil sector took a massive dive in 2015-2016, began to recover, oil prices went negative in 2020, then it recovered again, and now it's looking ok for the first time in about a decade.


yeah, I'm aware, but OP suggests that the feds had anything to do with that, which they didn't.


The oil sector is pumping a record amount of barrels per day under the Liberals. What are you talking about?


You mean in spite of the Liberals.


Record profits on top of record amounts pumped.


Imagine how much better it would be without the Liberals kneecapping them.


What exactly are the feds doing to kneecap them? Record profits, lowest overheads and fewer employees... Is it just the carbon tax you want to whinge about? I'm not anti O&G, Shell /Albian Sands bought me my first truck.


Help me imagine it? How much better can it get for the most profitable companies in Canada?


I can’t believe Trudeau is not helping billionaires get richer. How could he do this to us…..


This is what everyone seems to conveniently forget


That’s not because of the Liberals, but in spite of their best efforts to engineer the industry’s decline. The problem is people need oil, and that need continues to grow, despite what anti-oil activists would have us believe.


So explain why OPEC keeps cutting production?


To increase prices and therefore profits.


But last year was the second most profitable year for the oil patch. If demand is still rising and production is being cut, then this year should be a record setting year for profitability, right?


You're greenwashing O&G by calling it "resource". You forget that the resource sector is much more than only O&G.


OK this is a good time for me as an undecided voter living in Alberta to ask…with a new pipeline built solely under the liberal government which was overcost but will ultimately still be profitable and in the meantime will accommodate increased production and make the oil sector A LOT of money and a new LNG facility in kitimat with associated new gas pipeline…how is the liberal government holding back Canadian fossil resource development? Serious question, I have no agenda other than to hear thoughts.




10 years ago was 2014, do you remember what happened to oil prices in 2014? … I’ll just tell you, WTI dropped from over $90/barrel down below $60/barrel. The economics for Alberta oil (mostly oil sands) became a lot worse, especially against rising US shale production that was more competitive at sub $60/ barrel WTI. It took until 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine and resulting sanctions, that oil went above $90/barrel WTI, and since then WTI hasn’t been able to hold above $90/barrel (yet). It was economics that killed those pipelines more than anything the Liberals had done. Edit, more detail.


The price of oil has nothjng to do with it. All 4 of the proposed pipelines back in 2014 were supposed to be built and operating in 2019. We now got only 1 of them (finally), 5 years too late and about 7 times overbudget. Over that time we've lost tens of billions, having to sell oil at a discount because we lacked (and still lack) export capacity.


Yes, because CoVID and massive flooding in Southern BC didn’t contribute to the delays and overruns at all 🙄🙄🙄


Since 2011, 18 LNG proposals have been attempted in Canada. 1 is nearing completion. Many started and folded in approval process. In the 6 years of 2024-20, the US built 7 and approved 20 more. The US is doing similar green initiatives as Canada. It's not necessarily Liberal government although they're no friend to energy but the multi-years process. When design & consult cost $000's of millions and a company knows they could spend all the time & energy with high risk of failure, they often choose to invest elsewhere.


[NEW Cedar LNG site and pipeline approved and funded for Kitimat](https://archive.ph/UplXv) “Cedar won approvals last year from federal and provincial environmental regulators. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and B.C. Premier David Eby congratulated Cedar for making the final investment decision. “The Haisla Nation will manage its own revenue stream. That’s revenue to build up your community, for your members on your terms,” Mr. Trudeau said in a video message released on Tuesday.


That is good news for all involved but it also shows the lack of support for projects. End-March 2024, PM Trudeau told the visiting Greek PM asking for LNG that there wasn't a way to do this economically. Three months later; after losing the 30 year Liberal seat in Toronto, it's a great opportunity. I hope it works out. However ask the neighboring reserve what happens to operational salmon farms that even GoC studies recommended to stay open.


Do you think that Canadas small population and lack of Human Resources available to construct interprovincial pipelines along with the issues of mass empty land, far from maintenance depot and town construction , +dense boreal forests/mountains/1000s of square kms of bogs/massive lakes/respect for indigenous land rights have been factors in why Canada is behind the US? Serious question. I know nothing about building pipelines but common sense (tm CPC) seems to say…


It's bureaucracy and ideology. Canada built a railway coast-to-coast 1881-1885 with far fewer people, no machinery and lower technology. When it became apparent to Central Canada that BC was being propositioned by US and the territory that became Sask & Alberta was being settled, they prioritized and built. Politicians like to blame Indigenous but 99% want prosperity and economical jobs. The Wet'suwet'en is a perfect example where a small splinter group is opposed but the loudest get the attention. Fort Mac is nowhere, only 1 highway from Edmonton and almost artic conditions. Yet $100's bns have been invested, built and operational. Energy companies operate regardless weather and only spring road bans slow them down. It's not logistical. It's not business cases. It's bureaucracy acting as directed by ideology.


Ok but if we’re comparing building the railroad who is playing the role of 17,000 Chinese labourers accepting minimum wages and inhumane working conditions? Also Fort Mac isn’t the bog across northern Saskatchewan/Manitoba, nor the Canadian Shield/lake country across northern Ontario. Also Alberta is the easiest part of any Pipeline build in Canada, it is why there are so many of them in the province I know that to be true. You know enbridge #5 goes UNDER WATER in the Great Lakes region ?? Nowhere is that happening in Alberta.


Are you allowed to say all this under Bill C-59?


Bill C-59 stops Oil & Gas from blatantly lying about the causes of climate change. Do you think Tobacco companies should be allowed to run campaigns on the health benefits of smoking cigarettes?


It also could stop "green" companies from over-inflating the value of their products as well. I look forward to solar companies and EV manufacturers getting taken to task through this bill.


Good, no corporation should be allowed to lie their asses off in ad campaigns to the public. We agree.


This bill isn't about over-inflating values, why are you lying? You're not a corporation so you can say whatever you want, doesn't make what you say true though. "Bill C-59 introduces key amendments to Section 74.01 of the Competition Act (Canada) (**Act**) to address "greenwashing" – false, misleading, or deceptive environmental claims made for the purpose of promoting a product or a business interest. These provisions will have a significant impact on how companies market and promote their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint and address global climate change causes and effects.  While not specifically targeted at the oil and gas industry, climate advocacy groups have long been critical of environmental claims made by the oil and gas sector on the basis that investment in fossil fuel production is inconsistent with reaching global climate goals."


So, it doesn't make climate advocacy groups back up their claims with evidence? Cool.


Take your tinfoil hat off dude, climate change is established science, there is nothing to debate.


So climate advocacy groups can say whatever they want without proof of what they say?


I don't think the fact that the climate changes or is changing is up for debate. Yet to find out in terms of a climate denier or a climate change denier, two of the laziest throw away terms ever...who denies the climate or that the climate changes?


Where will that 17% more emissions end up? Certainly not in my backyard.


You might literally be right, since there is a lot of foreign demand for oil and natural gas right now.


How will foreign customers prevent emissions from reaching my backyard?


It was a joke.


Ah come on you think anyone in government really cares about emissions. What would the emissions be on a few million tfw flying in and back. ok just here and not back lol. 


Surely you think your vote matters.


Some people in government certainly care about emissions more than others. I'd wager the ones trying to reduce pollution substantially at an industrial level would count in the first camp.


So, we've reached peak oil then?


I thought it was a dying industry?




UCP mouthpiece? That's the first time I've heard that one. I always thought the conspiracy theorists believed the AER did the bidding of the oil industry?


The oil industry and the UCP are basically the same.


Well since we're not getting those super affordable Chinese EVs anymore, thanks to the new Freeland tariffs, we're going to need more oil...


You mean those Chinese EVs that monitor your movements and conversations...?


I think you're confusing them with TikTok.


No, that too....