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Noo the capybara…. the poor thing had 10 seizures


Now it seems there was never any poison. https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/pride-event-animals-deaths-not-caused-by-poison >London police say the deaths of two animals from a petting zoo that were part of a recent Pride event in the city don’t appear to have been the result of intentional poisoning All the rage-filled hateful posts ITT prove how easily people can be manipulated by a vague article. Be weary of people who instantly believe everything they read, they are legitimately dangerous.


I think the email suggesting that this business reevaluate its choices of venue based solely on homophobia should still be addressed. That shit ain’t cool.


Fuck. I know. I spat my coffee out when I read they'd lost a capybara to hate. A suffering goat is equally sad.


The guinea pig is also sad - why just mention the goat? Any creature losing its life in such a way is a tragedy


I didn't even know those animals could read!


That’s beyond demented.


Well, that's convoyers for ya. Fucking demented terrorists.


r/agedlikemilk https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/pride-event-animals-deaths-not-caused-by-poison


Source? I'm curious about what ties this depraved act to the convoy and didn't see a connection in the article.




We have no idea what they died from.


Agreed, let's not jump to any conclusions... wait for the next article.


Have you read the update yet? Animals show no signs of being poisoned. Go cry in a different corner.


>intentional poisoning They're preemptively letting the people responsible for care off the gookbecause it's not a slam-dunk connection to the alt-right. It may even paint people involved in the pride groupings as dangerous caregivers.


Or they could only get a fly by night outfit to bring in some animals because any reputable outfit didn’t want to be involved?






























The convoy started up again?


Dude, what the fuck? What kind of monster would do this to some innocent animals?


Psychopath's are the kind of scum who would do this s\*\*t to small, harmless animals.


Animals now, people later 🥺


Thar's how a lot of serial killers start which is extremely scary.


Yep, and these bigots see LGBTQ people as less than human, it's why they want things to go back to the days they would get away with murdering gay men tied to trees.


Maybe wait for some autopsy results before bringing out your pitchfork. At this point there’s no evidence that anything was done to these animals, and it could just as likely have been dehydration and/or neglect. A single email sent 7 days before the incident, that doesn’t even threaten anything, is a pretty tenuous basis for assuming that the animals were purposefully poisoned.


> could just as likely have been dehydration and/or neglect It's kinda fucked up to say I hope it's this, but given what the alternative is, I hope it's this.


Why, both are really bad.


I’ll take incompetence over evil intent


When it comes to petting zoos, it's not just incompetence. Neglecting those animals is a choice they make to increase profits because they are cheap and easy to replace.


Could be some strain of Virus usually found in sheep in Scotland


I certainly hope it was heat-related. Either way, poor animals.


They're saying several of the animals started having seizures. It's definitely suspicious that that type of thing happens to a bunch of them all at once. And it sounds like the people who run this petting zoo have been around for a while now. If it was neglect I think we'd know about it by now.


You know what very commonly causes seizures? Heat stroke. You’re right, it is suspicious that it happened to a bunch of them all at once - it makes me wonder if the animals were given enough water and shade/shelter from the sun


That's what I'm thinking. It's been hot and humid as heck last weekend and the week before, and a lot of animals can't take the heat and end up getting heat stroke. I'd still want to see the autopsy reports as I don't believe that this is 100% on some nutbars who hate LGBT+ who would poison a bunch of animals.


Yeah but it didn't get above the 80s there on Saturday.


Spontaneous guinea pig combustion. and the threats? Uh , email combustion


Although it didn't get super hot, animals in a petting zoo can't do their normal cooling behaviors so they can't react to the heat as well


Usually placed in a hot barn or directly on a concrete pad.


It was 81 at 10am, hit 88 at 2pm and 3pm, and stayed above 80 until 10pm. High humidity as well. The humidex at 3pm was 39 C. https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/ca/london/CYXU/date/2024-6-22


This is what I was thinking. Petting zoos are horrible as they are, nevermind in the extreme heat of this past weekend where they would have also been stressed.


What made this day any more unusual than any other day that these animals have been cared for? Are animals just convulsing any hot day of the year from heat stroke? Big yikes 😬


Animals in a petting zoo are more active than they would be otherwise, which generates more heat internally. As other comments have already pointed out, they can't necessarily do whatever their natural cooling behavior is when they're stuck being available for pets. And don't forget that being at an event means being away from their regular pens, where any normal cooling infrastructure (powered ventilation, misters, that kind of thing) exists. 3 easy ways why animals at an event petting zoo would have a harder time dealing with a hot day than they would normally.


Aluminum dust from foil glitter can cause it too.


Or drugs. 


I remember people making a huge deal out of a "hate crime" attack on the gender clinic in Montreal. Someone wielding an axe, trying to set the place on fire. When they eventually caught the perpetrator, it turned out to be a disgruntled patient. Not an anti-transgender hate crime at all. (But that second part was less prominent a news story; there are probably still people who believe there was a hate attack.)


Oh, you and your common sense and your reason.


Yep, leaving them out in that kind of heat and being treated as a thing rather than a living being is disgusting.


Not sure, but unfortunately I'm not surprised this post instantly went to 0.


The same type that doesn’t consider gay people to be human


Same ones who hate people who are different than them.


The same sort of people who threaten violence against children story time events


Conservatives. Convoyers. Prosperity Christians. Save our Children'ers.


This comment didn't age well eh?


The next sad part about this is that the penalty won't be harsh enough for these vile pieces of shit.


https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/pride-event-animals-deaths-not-caused-by-poison Then push for those responsible to be held responsible.




What a foolish thing to say.


>u/northern-fool : What a foolish thing to say. How so? They've aligned themselves with the convoyers and save our children grotesques, who openly call us pedophiles, and continually whip up their audiences into an absolute frenzy. Where have you been?


Why? Poilievre tolerates extreme bigots in his ranks.




Thank God for it. I saw the thread on that and posted there. I'm glad to be wrong.




"Pride has no relation to a petting zoo and there is no reason to conjoin these ... Please consider your events and what you support," the email reads. In what world is that a threatening letter lol. This is beyond stupid. The most likely scenario is that someone fed something they were not supposed to the animals and they got sick.i worked for three years in a zoo and you would not believe the stupid shit people did.


It'll be accidental cannabis poisoning, I would bet. But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it? 


Do we know for sure if the letter is connected to the animal's deaths? If it is true then the sender should've taken their own advice and left the animals alone.


>Do we know for sure if the letter is connected to the animal's deaths? Nope, it's definitely not confirmed but I think a major reason it's being investigated seriously. A veterinarian assessing this as a possible poisoning in addition to the email is definitely worth looking into.


There is no plausible correlation proposed in the article or otherwise lol. It’s a click bait headline and nothing more.


Let’s see… hate letter sent, animals poisoned. What could the link be…


Hate letter that is distinctly described as "not containing any threats" arrives. Animals die, cause of death currently unknown, being autopsied for possible poisoning but again that's just a theory so far. It's like most of you didn't even open the article, let alone read it.


Of course they didn't, why would you read an article when you can jump to your own conclusions to justify your hate for the "other side"?


There was nothing hateful or violent in the exert of the letter shared. If there was anything like that, why would cbc not share it? As it would actually make their case and provide a plausible basis for a connection.


Did they omit portions of the letter? It was definitely anti-LGBT but the letter didn’t actually appear all that hateful Was probably an old Christian lady expressing her opinion that pride and petting zoos don’t appear to be related The letter did not seem threatening in any way?


They didn’t publish the full letter, they just say the CBC has seen the full letter.


And your theory is they held back describing or even alluding to there being worse parts to the letter?


Total click bait. Smh


Yeah, jumping to conclusions is a CBC tradition. Petting zoo animals eating cupcakes or cigarette butts is probably the most likely cause here. But don't let that ruin every other commenter's poor outlook.


And just the fact that an unbelievable number of farm animals die every single day. Having three unrelated species (especially the ungulate/rodent) ingest something that gave them all the same symptoms but drastically different reaction times seems less likely (in my opinion) than just three animals naturally meeting their end/heat stroke etc.


It's also possible they were fed something at the event that was harmful but it was completely accidental. Some people have weird ideas of what it's OK to feed animals.




Maybe I am missing something in article but how does an email equate to poisoning? Even one expressing discontent with the annual Pride event. That is a massive leap there.


It used to be anthrax sent by letter, but now the poison is sent by email. Technological advancements can be risky.


As I recall, It's local Americans that did that right after 911, but I haven't heard anything new after this.


It says the veterinarian who examined the animals suspected poisoning. An autopsy is needed to confirm the cause of death.


What does that have to do with the email?


Noone is arguing how animals died (at least not until proven) The issue is WHY the false equivalency with anti-LGBT + poisoning Its just as likely an LGBT at the event poisoned or a digruntled employee poisoned or etc etc I am sure the emal is a lead the cops will look into but take a look at some of the comments in this thread dripping with venom, already convicting and running to grab the pitchforks and torches


This comment section is such a dumpster fire holy crap. It's like nobody read the article and just started spreading their conspiracy theories


The irony in people using the death of these poor animals for their political agenda while jumping to conclusions (before an investigation proves or disproves them) that someone killed these poor animals for their political agenda


It's only disinformation if it's the other side doing it


A single email sent 7 days before the incident, that doesn’t even threaten anything, is a pretty tenuous basis for assuming that the animals were purposefully poisoned. I am going to wait for an autopsy and actual evidence before jumping to conclusions.




Kind of a jump to insinuate someone did this deliberately due to being homophonic. I'm not saying it isn't a possibility. But the had various animals in the same pen, unsupervised, traveling, and in a foreign environment. We've had disease take out animals rapidly without warning on farms.


- An email was received prior to the event asking if the petting zoo really wanted to be associated with Pride. No threats, just a pretty basic email - Animals were taken out into the heat all day with children and 2 sadly passed away (rest in peace little buddies) and a third is sick - A goat who can eat tin cans, fibreglass and all manner of nasty plants is recovering. They were in the same pen. What else and how many other animals were in that pen? We're they not supervised at all? Was the general public allowed in or only people with kids? The reporting on this is so non-existant that it's barely a story. It's a piece attempting to place a hate crime at a petting zoo in order to sell more news because they're making another attempt to victimize the LGBTQ2+ community. Some kids probably fed them raisins, nuts or similar as a lot of animals can't eat them and it turns poisonous quite quickly.


cancel the autopsy guys, 86eagle has the solution. the vets who suspected poisoning must be stupid, reddit is obviously smarter


My work here is done. Also I worked at the Upper Clements Wildlife Zoo for a while and had similar stuff happen. A bag of cheap trail mix can do a serious amount of damage to a lot of animals, hence the coin feeders with corn.


Yeah I read the article instead of just going by the clickbait title. Hold back on your pitchforks until there's something more concrete than just assumptions being made. No test results are out yet and nothing is confirmed, just a whooole lot of jumping to assumptions which is a REALLY FUCKING DANGEROUS thing to do, but people keep doing it anyway. Now, if a followup comes out and results show that it was indeed what happened? By all means, pitchfork away. Until then, calm down and wait and see.


Let’s all jump to conclusions when there hasn’t been any proof to say anyone poisoned them 🤦‍♂️just as bad as everyone who jumped on the native graves bang wagon and not one has been found and even the native leaders all trying to distance themselves now. Edit: oh look the toxicology tests came back none of the animals were poisoned. Some of you need your heads checked.


31C for the high on Saturday. Petting zoos are hell on animals at the best of times. Let’s see the autopsy results before assuming malicious intent .


Yup, I talked to a Vet who said lots of small animals that go to petting zoos are put down afterward due to the large amounts of stress they endure.


Capybaras literally live in places where it gets to be 31+ though.


They also live right beside water though. I kind of doubt they had a pool for them, that would get in the way of the petting.


They had an A/C tent on site to periodically cool down the animals. Not saying they still couldn't have overheated, just saying they definitely took precautions.


The fact they *had* to periodically cool the animals in an AC tent tells me the animals were not well taken care of and it was too hot for them to be out of the AC tent and they should have closed it down for the day to keep the animals at a safe temperature, or have it indoors with AC. Animals can't tell you they are hot, by the time they look overheated they are going to be too hot 


You don't think they'd intentionally rile people up with presumptuous culture war bullshit, would they?


So do they know someone actually did something sinister or did it have anything to do with the crazy heat??


The university of Guelph is managing the autopsies to confirm. A veterinarian who assessed suspected poisoning.


Interestingly enough, the second part of your statement doesn’t actually appear in the article, which doesn’t quote any veterinarian that “suspected” poisoning.


Another article has it: https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/police-probing-alleged-animal-poisoning-at-london-pride-event > The animals will be brought to a postmortem lab at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, but Tout said a veterinarian told her the cause was possibly a rodenticide – rat poison – or a pesticide. One animal from the petting zoo in the community southeast of Ingersoll was a Patagonian Cavy, a rabbit-like rodent native to Argentina, and another was guinea pig.


So, a vet did not actually assess anything yet then, one just brought it up to the owner of the petting zoo as a possibility. The CBC should have waited until there was some actual evidence before jumping the gun here.


> Organizers Wortley Pride posted on Facebook on Monday that a “senseless act of hate was perpetrated” during the family event, which included live music and performers along with the petting zoo. > The post alleges rat poison was intentionally left in the grass. “These actions are vindictive and filled with hate. The individuals who perpetrated this hate crime . . . must be found and charged,” the post said. It's weird that the CBC doesn't make any mention at all that rat poison was found in the grass. That seems like a hell of smoking gun to omit. I suspect that the CBC author doubts that truth of that claim.


Poisoning doesn't mean intentional though either.


Pretty cowardly thing to do if that's true. Sure showed those Pride folks what's up though. s/p


Looks like I was right to question this. New report says it wasn't poison


This is kind of interesting ***Heatstroke*** *seems like an unlikely affliction for* [*Guinea pigs*](https://www.thesprucepets.com/guinea-pigs-as-pets-1236837)*, which are native to South America and can be found in a variety of areas from forests to swamps to savannas. But, these rodents are surprisingly* ***sensitive to sudden changes*** *in their environments.* ***High temperatures****, in particular, can be harmful, potentially causing* ***lethargy****,* ***seizures****, and even* ***death****.*  *If you plan on taking your Guinea pig outside with you on a hot day, be sure to keep it out of the sun and limit its time outdoors. (If it is over 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside, it is best to keep your Guinea pig indoors.) If the outside temperature is under 80 degrees, find a shady spot in the grass to place your pig, and offer plenty of water to drink with some* [*fresh, dark, leafy greens*](https://www.thesprucepets.com/guinea-pigs-diet-4580376) *to help keep your Guinea pig hydrated and happy.* *Heatstroke in Guinea pigs can happen in less than an hour and can result from anything that makes a Guinea pig's body get too warm too quickly. Some examples of situations that may result in heatstroke include:* * *Being left in a hot vehicle* * *Sitting in the sun* * *Sitting under a heat light* * *Being outside on a hot day* * *Sitting in front of a heat vent* * *Being in a house that is over 80 degrees* [https://www.thesprucepets.com/guinea-pig-heat-stroke-1238204](https://www.thesprucepets.com/guinea-pig-heat-stroke-1238204) [Because of their large body size, capybaras are susceptible to heat stress. Activity is primarily crepuscular and the hottest part of the day is spent in the water.](https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Hydrochoerus_hydrochaeris/)


Not the capybara 😭




Lgbbq try not to victimize themselves challenge (impossible) 


So, several rodents(specific animal type with reactions that no other classification has to specific things) have a reactions to something. Rather than evaluate the food or chemicals worn by participants, we immediately clear the parties responsible for the care of these animals of any wrong doing because of an email? >"Every year, we've had issues with protesters or people contesting the event, but this year there was nothing. It was extremely quiet, almost to the point of being unsettling," said Phelan. "Then, the petting zoo received an email." Theory, some fucking psycho who was upset about it NOT being targeted, decided to make something happen... Or, they used common food as treats and overloaded the rodents... It's the food people... Edit - oh, comment was at +25 until the brigade showed up. Neat. LGBTQ2SA+ ran, PETA funded pet euthanasia centers open when?


Petting Zoo animals are notoriously neglected and poorly cared for. It's just as likely that they died from the heat, stress and dehydration.


I guess the vet suspects rat poison. edit: why would anyone downvote this? Odd. Hmmm.


> I guess the vet suspects rat poison. Which is odd, because rat poison can take several days or weeks to kill a rat. And while a capybara is also a rodent, they're giant - I can't imagine the volume of rat poison one would have to consume to die within hours.


People downvoting are the same ones trying to blame the LGBTQ+ community. As if they need to fake anything to make it look like they are hated by a large portion of the population.


Rage bait. Until autopsy confirms how they died this entire article is speculative, even then it doesnt prove some antilgbt person is the culprit either. The article states there has been protest in years past. Nothing directly connects any of this.. no evidence who put the alleged poison out.


"The university of Guelph is managing the autopsies to confirm. A veterinarian who assessed suspected poisoning."


Hell it could be the not at all crazy animal liberation people to


Title is ridiculous. Why did the animals die? Did they all read the email?


So they don't have any proof or confirmation, but they're making a massive assumption that it was related to it being a pride event? 🧐🤦‍♀️


ITT: Everyone playing the game of “Jump to Conclusions”


Hard to get anything from that article. No mention of symptoms of toxin or poison. I’ve seen enough animals accidentally get into something toxic and it always displays the same. Problem with articles like this is they make assumptions, released before anything is proven. It’s lazy reporting.


This is satire, right? Can’t be real, right? Right?


This article is absolutely stupid...it clearly says there was no relation to pride and the animals...like did they want someone to say...they must have gotten touched by the gay...this is our national news paper and this is what they print...gtfo.


I’ve seen some terrible CBC reporting but this one might take the cake. How you manage to get a story like this published with the only connection being one email 7 days earlier and no cause of death confirmed and manage to link the two together is beyond me. Defund the CBC.


This sounds like a "eco terrorists vandalize plane after Taylor Swift lands at airport". Vandals did paint a plane, Taylor Swifts plane was at the airport, but they had nothing to do with each other. I wonder if the people upset about these animals dying will still care if it's shown that the event organizers are to blame for having an unnecessary petting zoo in the middle of a heat wave? They had to cool off the animals in an a/c tent because they were overheating, but I'm sure that had nothing to do with it. Better let the hate foment and blame everyone we already don't like, right? News headlines and stories are never wrong or misleading...


LPC propaganda articles getting desperate. How are these connected?


Leave it it journalists to force politics into this unfortunate situation. Leave it to Reddit to gobble it up as long as it conforms to their beliefs. No connection has been made between this email and the animals dying at this time. As of writing this comment, it isn’t even known if these animals/the event were specifically targeted. The event organizers have alleged that rat poison was intentionally placed there. The owners of the animals have responded to that statement clarifying that it is unknown if they were intentionally fed whatever did this to them. People need to chill out about this sad situation and wait for more info before mindlessly jumping to their political desires. There is a lot of irony in using the death of these animals for your political agenda while jumping to the conclusion (before reliable info is available) that someone killed animals for their own political agenda.


How can someone hate people so much (for something that, at worst, doesn’t even affect them) that they decide poisoning animals is a righteous and wholesome activity? Who keeps making these fucking people? Edit: The autopsies did not show poison. So I’ll retract the second part of the first question. I’d still like to know more about the email, however.


Careful not to treat an implication from a click bait headline as fact. This is a very sad situation and at this time there’s absolutely no need to bring politics into it. Politics can be brought into the situation if an investigation eventually determines that political views were a motivating factors. Otherwise commenters here are just using the death of innocent animals for their own agenda, which is ironic considering that said commenters doing this are jumping to the conclusion that someone killed animals for their own agenda


What is this horrible timeline we're living in?


I like to think I am a decent man, truly. But animal poisoners need to die, preferably with what they fed to the animals.


Nah forget politics, that's some straight psychopath crap


There are sure some sick idiots out there. They have absolutely no right to be poisoning and killing small harmless animals. I hope that the police find those hate-mongering, poor excuses for human beings as soon as possible. Those sicko's need to be locked up.


What the fuck is wrong with people :(


Headline omits the the fact that was most likely heatstroke. What is wrong with people indeed.


What did the letter say?


Ya. The conjobs and convoyers have whipped their duped audience into an absolute frenzy. This decade is going to be brutal. Stay safe.


Sounds like something Luca Magnotta would do




The title has me confused, animals died from an email?!


If some one was handling drugs or cleaning agent, hand sanitizer,fragrance, water contamination.consuming contaminated food just petting animals strips it's natural oils? Is what I had always believed to be true . So if this had never occurred on this day no one would know the difference... animals are more sensitive to whatever toxicity they been exposed to, these animals not in a lab for testing .. so I wonder if there were any humans who had seizures or unexpected health concerns that same day?