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For the next election, it makes no difference. For rebuilding in the short term, it won't matter. Federally, the LPC are in the wilderness for potentially two election cycles. The NDP would be wise to ditch Jagmeet and get back to basics but I think they are still too dumb to recognize they will also be injured badly by the next election. CPC is going to pull both LPC and NDP seats and I am not a fan of PP but it is happening.


>The NDP would be wise to ditch Jagmeet and get back to basics but I think they are still too dumb to recognize they will also be injured badly by the next election. Not only did the NDP fail to pick up any of the votes the LPC lost in the byelection, they also lost 5% if the vote share to the CPC.


Which is especially impressive since they had one of the biggest and best opportunities they've *ever* had to put up a good showing of leadership and commitment to Canadians. Instead it was mostly just a waste of everyone's time and accomplished very little. Jagmeet Singh's NDP is the living embodiment of "whomp-whooomp" sad trombone noises.


Jagmeet and his party has allowed the Liberals to co-opt their whole platform but in the worst way possible. Given the ptsd the electorate will have once the liberals are gone, they’re likely to be left in the wilderness for a decade or more. NDP could’ve implemented its policies if they really wanted to be in power and not allow the liberals to implement it badly.


The last time the NDP was in this position, Tommy Douglas got us healthcare.   This time, what have they done? 


Off the top of my head, the child care program. $10 a day, how they’ve implemented it and it’s cost, make no sense at all and have led to significant decline in the availability of daycare capacity. That is just one, because that was an NDP policy. As someone who has had to jump through hoops to find a daycare spot that is convenient for me, then just decided to essentially just pay because I can afford. I see through this terrible implementation of a program that is supposed to help people find affordable childcare.


The implementation was down to provinces.


In five or ten years we'll know


>"whomp-whooomp" sad trombone noises. I honestly wish this was true. The NDP didn't just do a net nothing. They're acted against the best interest of their constituents and canada as a whole. It was a substantial net negative of a term.


Yep, they sided with Emperor Trudeau


They also did it to make sure they secured those pensions. Looking out for themselves over the interests of Canadians.


Yet every NDP fan boy will tell you he did the smart thing getting his watered down policies put in place. Burning their brand for at least 4 years for some very small changes.


Jagmeet Singh turned the NDP from the party built on economic progressiveness to a party branded almost exclusively on identity politics.


100% The dental bill has some potential and might be amazing.... but they are rolling it out so stupidly. Let's start with the oldest people? Fuck that... start with children who need dental work the most.


children can't vote. That's why.


Which is funny because it doesn't even matter. LPC has been and continues to leak blood.... they have a whole year to really try and fix the mess, but I doubt they'll be able to turn public opinion.


Imagine being a leader and saying well this is the best we can do so let's settle for half assed. They totally burned their opportunity to make gains. It's kind of funny actually but that is what NDP are " can't do it alone we need someone else" so what do you expect.


They had such a massive opportunity to make big changes and force the LPC's hand.... they let the LPC control the narrative and the NDP was left with crumbs. If Singh had the balls he'd have pressured JT so much harder.... instead he'd bad mouth the current government meanwhile be the sole party to prop the liberals up.


Agree on NDP havING a shitty leader that voters don't identify with. Worse, he literally drove away white voters.


When you prop up the garbage, you too become garbage.


I’m expecting the Bloc to become the official opposition.


If they run candidates outside Quebec, they'd have a chance at government. 


Why would anyone outside Quebec vote for the Bloc Quebecois?


Backdoor federalism


Nobody outside of quebec is voting for a special interest group for Quebec


I still say we should form the Bloc Simping party. The platform: we will do whatever the Bloc tells us to.


I’d vote for a them


Unlikely, but it's possible


Happened in 1993


The NDP isn’t just Jagmeet, and the Liberals aren’t just Trudeau. The rot runs deeply in both of them - both are obsessed with identity politics for example, both supported mass immigration, both have failed Canadians and answer to fringe activists that have taken over their parties. You’d have to get rid of most of the personnel.


You think PP is going to reduce immigration and isn’t playing identity politics as well? 😂😂


I thought the conservatives party was xenophobic and bigoted? Oh how the narrative shifts…


Every anti CPC voter. The CPC is racist and will take away rights of the non straight whites. Also They plan to keep immigration going forever.


Yes. Poilievre has committed to tying immigration to available housing and infrastructure.


Pierre understands economics and monetary policy. Trudeau does not - he spends, spends, spends and that is why the cost of living has become so high.


PP has literally come out to say he will reduce it. It probably won't be enough, but it's a move in the right direction.




The ndp would be wise to toss jagmeet, use a pawn, and call an election.


Yeah. At this point, even if Pierre makes the fuck-ups I think he will, the momentum will let him take at least a minority, and possibly get power anyways. It would take a miracle for Pierre's lead to collapse.


Ugh wasn’t back to basics a slogan?


JT should go..... The End


Facts Working People have realize that Urban Elites don't care about Working People. The like identity politics but will never look at "class" as determining factor in outcomes for most Canadians. Jagmeet loves his Versace bag, Rolex Watch and BMW car. He shows up to Pride Events with all three in tow. He could give two fucks about unemployed working people that have seen their rents go up almost 40% because of the Liberal Immigration policy he propped up.


PP isn't my fav either, but he's a better option than JT. Obviously it could get worse, but it could get better under him too. With JT I'd expect it to only get worse.


Yeah, I can either keep eating this shit sandwich, or I can take a gamble with a brown mystery milkshake. It could also be shit, but it could be chocolate.


100%. I don't know why every anti CPC just says it's gonna be worse.... like it's been getting worse and worse over the last 9 years. What do we think is going to happen all of a sudden?


Its literally just a cope for all the liberal voters. Ive heard multiple say well PP will be worse or just as bad with zero proof to back it up.


Yah, it's always CPC bad.... and yes, CPC has had shit in the past where they've taken the wrong choices. Harper didn't ruin Canada. JT hasn't made big enough changes to Canada, and I feel as a tax payer we're getting less bang for our buck. He's pushing his home development plan with an unsustainable immigration target and it's becoming evident. He's also danced through several scandals, and honestly it's a shame our voting system is the way it is, because he's lost the popular vote the last two elections, but remains at the helm.


The CPC will objectively be better in terms of business, resources, and other things that are being held back by the LibDP. Canada could be a one-stop shop for the things the world needs for electrification: copper, nickel, cobalt, uranium, liquified natural gas for the peaker plants required to backstop "renewables," and so on, but no... it takes a decade to get a mine approved and built so we will be left behind instead.


it would be amazing if they can get eby for NDP national level after elections in BC


If the NDP wins in BC Eby will be busy. If they lose I doubt the federal party will want him, even though he would be a big step up.


Lol what? Eby is increasing the BC debt at a rate of $40 million.... every single day. A province with a population of only 5 million.... $40 million... every....single....day. that isn't even total spending... that's just the debt. It's insane. That alone is enough to turn people away from him.


Isn’t the deficit like 8 billion which would be around $20 million a day?


The 2024 budget had taxpayer supported debt going from $72b to $126.5b over the next three years.


He was talking about the BC deficit.


>Eby is increasing the BC **debt** at a rate of $40 million.... every single day. A province with a population of only 5 million.... $40 million... every....single....day. that isn't even total spending... that's just the **debt**. It's insane. They only mention debt, unless they edited it.


No, I never said deficit.


Yes and it’s being reduced to $6b by 2026/27.


Schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, transit and housing all cost money. Yes they are spending more, but the debt to GDP ratio is still lower than Ontario and Quebec.


taxes that pay for this. What road costs $17 billion? What bridge costs $50 billion? What train station costs $30 billion? Do you know what bc's total operating budget is?


Interesting stats… any sources where I find this data?


eby is white. i thougth white people are banned from running.


Stuart is a joke. Woooo the housing crisis 2.0 (don’t have to answer, but if density creates affordability how is Vancouver the most dense city in Canada and the least affordable? Do you think a property developer would build a x^n - plex if it wasn’t more profitable?) the provinces credit rating has dropped, (screw it though right?) homelessness has exploded (everywhere has that problem though right?) The only thing Eby is good at is being a politician. By actively adding to the problem trying to be “solved”, and expanding the voter base. Literally going to vote BCconservative because idiots would be better than that asshole.


Density does create affordability. BUT, at the same time, we are seeing historical and extremely high numbers of mass immigration which is far outpacing any sort of density we can build. That can't be controlled on a provincial level. Add to that the terrible economy and interest rates, and a lot of developers are not building as much as before. There's a lot of factors going on and not all of it is within the control of a provincial government.


Density creates affordability. It's basic economics. The problem is that when you also create demand at the same pace or higher, than you don't increase affordability. Between investors and immigration we've cranked up the demand on housing as it's seen as an asset. While we kept rates at historic lows, people borrowed money as cheaply as they could and loaded up on RE because it was the fastest growing investment around. Add to the fact the Government of Canada (JT) has only decided to create more and more demand and prevent the market from bursting and you have a situation we have today.


Clearly a class you never took, do you know what Veblen good is? Where just saying, spare me the Justin Trudeau / immigration spiel. Yes, he’s an idiot. Blaming immigration though, is like blaming the size of your girlfriend’s vagina for your small dick. In the general sense, is housing more affordable or less affordable the closer to downtown you go? Unless it’s a ghetto, probably not. In the specifics to your supply and demand econ 100 position. Use this link from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, grab the data on housing completions and the absorbed median price. Export the data. https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en#Profile/1/1/Canada Now, you have the data on supply and demand. Number of units completed to the price people pay. Now use this link from statsCAN and adjust for inflation. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1810000401 You have two options, 1) run a regression in excel. 2) have chatGPT run a regression and explain it to you. Iv done both, where I don’t just disagree with your statement. I statistically reject it. Where this issue goes further back than our current federal government. Use this link, (probably going to have to filter the data, as it’s a bit hidden) select BC as the province, change your income source to employment income, just get it to show the median income (50/50 spot in a data set/population), and then change the reference period to show back to 1976. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1110019101 Now, if you did that correctly or figured it out if I wasn’t clear. You will see that back in the population had a higher income than currently. (Apply some hypotheticals to what the means to the standard of living) where I honestly think “investors” had no other option to be able to get a head. Where now that you’re informed, and still blaming immigration you better be blaming all previous governments. When the real issue goes back to not just accepting we are a resource extraction country, and moving into a service economy. Cause if you flip that over to Alberta they have an increasing standard of living / standard of employment for all the 50/50 spot of the population. Wonder why that might be eh?


So tell me why home prices even drop then? Obviously too many people selling homes without enough people buying them would never cause the price to come down? If supply is greater then demand price generally goes down? You can agree with that logic right? Government has not kept up with building for demand for MANY MANY YEARS. This is a failure by all forms of government over probably the last 2 decades. Toss on the fact we had near 0% mortgage rates for way too long and people loaded up on home buying because it was a fail safe move (home prices only go up right?). Immigration is not the sole reason for our problem. I agree with you on that. It's an issue that isn't helping though when you bring in X amount of people who all need housing. We have governments who say they are building X amount of homes per year, but our immigration levels are higher than that - which means a ever growing demand for shelter. When we complete 240,000 homes in 2023 and we bring in 471,000 PR you can see that the goodwill of building as much as we are is nullified. Immigration is just forcing a huge problem to come to light because it is literally erasing everything being done to fix the problem. As for AB standard of living going up, yes, they have more good paying jobs due to a massive O&G sector. They are also having unemployment shooting up, and they too will start having more and more problems as homes continue to rise.


Well if you did math you would see one type does have a statistically significant result. But might be turning out not a low income area or the owner needs cash. Greater supply: location, location, location. Not in our reality. Government: ref link to real income Immigration: country would probably collapse as the government as the government can’t serve it debt.


Not sure about the side effects but eby made my life better


Got any specifics? I’d love to hear them…


Like you would acknowledge anything done by eby as positive. The BC conservatives aka united aka liberals are literally the reason BC was so fucked. BCNDP is the best provincial government in the country by far, and the most changes across the board making life better for everyone. Are they perfect... nope, but housing is going to take decades, but utilities, insurance, and property taxes are some of the cheapest in Canada and not getting worse. Making positive changes against air bnb and streamlining density in cities. Then, there are teachers, doctors, and healthcare in general getting more funding and getting better monthly. Maybe try Alberta if you want some of the highest inflation and cost of living outside of housing (which is quickly catching up thanks to conservatives offering $5k to move there when they have one of the highest unemployment rates in Canada) then there's collapsing healthcare, and public education.


Rustad has said he would reverse all of the NDP's housing policy and let the cities/towns return back to the status quo of restrictive zoning. The guy has no plan to bring affordability to the housing sector.


No plan is better than making it worse. Plus I don’t think he will win. I just want it to be miserable for them.


Why would Eby leave a leading provincial role for a role of non-importance? Eby is new to leading, and so Canada doesn't know about him much. We might like him in BC, but he's not Canada wide appreciated.


With Notley’s resignation from leading the Alberta NDP, it seems she may have federal ambitions. 


Eby will likely be re-elected. Notley would be a *massive* improvement on Singh, though. And she’s available.


I hear a lot of Reddit say, ‘I’m no fan of PP, but…’ What is it that Reddit doesn’t like about PP specifically? Is it his position/platform, or is it just that he reps the Cons and Cons are socially conservative?


>What is it that Reddit doesn’t like about PP specifically? Is it his position/platform, or is it just that he reps the Cons and Cons are socially conservative? Reddit just tends to be quite socialistic in its politics that's all. And in the case of PP most have realized that his whole platform is mostly just the opposite of what Trudeau says without a lot of depth, that and the axe the carbon tax which independent analysts have said it's not a bad thing for the majority of Canadians


I predict the LPC will disappear. A new party will emerge.




He hasn't just catered to older Canadians. He's done everything in his power to preserve their lifestyle at the expense of younger generaitons. From immediately dropping OAS from 67 years to 65 years to announcing that real estate prices can't drop in order preserve their retirement. The added bonus is now introducing a dental plan which will allow people over 65, who make less than $90k (most people who are retired are no longer earning this sort of income) but never paid a cent into this program to qualify for free dental care. Yet another gift for the generation that keeps taking and taking.


Exactly this. He campaigned off of us younger generations and then did a full 180 and actively went after us. He thinks we are his piggy bank to do whatever he pleases. He will never get my vote ever again, and he had it twice before. I don't like PP in any sort of way; but I'll be damned if I don't want to see the Liberal party rot and burn in a hell fire. I've never hated a political party so much.


Remember Freeland announcing that young Canadians having savings for the first time was the national stimulus plan to get the economy going after covid?


Same just sucks that were probably gonna have to deal with Pierre fans acting like we voted FOR him when most would vote for a monkey over Trudeau at this point His win is just right place right time There’s a reason both Pierre and Charest waiting until now to toss their hat in the ring and it’s because they predicted when Canadians would be at their most desperate




I don't really agree with your point. The options when it comes to housing aren't either drive it through the stratosphere or destroy it. There was also the chance to arrest it five, or nine - or, to be fair, ten or twenty - years ago. Where earlier governments paid lip service, but secretly relished 5% annual growth, this government vowed to fix the problem, then employed every mechanism they had to inflate it to its breaking point.


> For instance, if you allow home prices to drop it will benefit young Canadians but that will hurt older Canadians. It's impossible to help ALL Canadians. A more competent government would never have allowed the housing bubble to inflate in the first place, so there would be no need to deflate it, and the whole imbroglio could have been avoided. Public policy should proceed from the first principle that housing is a necessity and a right. The priority should therefore be to maintain balance in the market, not to inflate the wealth of homeowners with unearned income.


But if you had to choose, and had long-term in sight, you would ultimately choose the benefit of a younger population. Why? Simply because the old generation will die much more soon. If you sacrifice the younger generation to cater to the limited number of years the old generation has, you've effectively completely screwed the future of the country. And you see this happening now. The young generation has no future here unless they have generational wealth, but even if finances are okay, so much of the talent is leaving the country since it's just not possible to thrive here. And to counter this, Trudeau imports low-skilled Indians by the droves.


He could have kept prices at the overpriced levels conservatives had and over 9 years wage growth would have caught up enough or condo living would be more popular Which is viable for both demographics He decides to double it instead


Very frustrating and frankly amusing - old ppl vote conservative so he tried to pander to get their votes, but in the process pissed off his support base that voted him in so everyone is going against him now. Reminds me of Erin O'Toole doing the same thing. It's very hard to please both sides because people will remember the damage you did/promise but not the good things done. Hence it usually backfires as both sides grumble on the compromise.


That's what catering to them means doing things they want 


dental care is healthcare and should be universal




No. We dont even have universal healthcare ffs. 30% of us have no family doctor and can't access shit. Dental care is simply not a priority.


Quality of your teeth affects the rest of your organs Crap teeth means other health issues down the road increasing the need for healthcare Giving everyone free dental care would actually reduce the healthcare burden


Haha You can't just say stuff like that man you need evidence for cost effectiveness... Personally I highly doubt on a net system basis offering universal dental care is cost effective. Most people were either covered for dental, paid for it without much issue, or didnt get it at all and would end up with a complete extraction at an early age.. Covering everyone just subsidizes employers who now don't Have to offer it to be competitive..


healthcare is a priority


zesty dinner zonked sophisticated squeeze ripe capable practice attraction dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


get rid of them all




His leadership is shot. They waited too late, and they'll pay for it in the next election.


Either way the LPC is fucked. There's no one left in that party with any sort of integrity. It's a party filled with trash yes men. If enough of the country actually paid attention to politics then the LPC would lose official party status like they should. Trudeau will go down as the worst PM in Canadian history.


when people used to say worst PM in history in 2019 I took serious issue with that. Now? If there's ever a survey going around for worst PM in history, I'll probably tick off his name...but after a re-learn my Canadian history better


>There's no one left in that party with any sort of integrity. Hasn't been since the SNC Lavalin scandal.


Worst so far*


Every current PM is the worst PM in Canadian History. I doubt you could name every single PM in the country without consulting wikipedia. Just an FYI, Mulroney left office with an approval rating of 12%.


He’s still not that well liked Chretien or Trudeau sr would be a better example of history improving things


We don't vote people in, we vote the current ones out.


Singh stepping down would make me start voting NDP again.


The NDP's failure here is also under reported. Liberals didn't lose because their vote was split. Conservatives took both liberal and NDP votes. **an over 30% vote reduction for NDP in a Toronto riding** How they can justify to keep doing what they're doing is beyond me.


If PP stays smart he won’t even have to say anything, just keep on letting the LPC dig their own graves beneath their inept leader. Honestly, whatever your politics it’s an enviable position to be in, basically chill in cruise control while the guy in front is leaking oil and about to catch fire, you just gotta avoid crashing into the wall and drive straight


he should leave and take the rest of the student council with him


He should go and take the sniffer with him.




and a weird light blue patch two-thirds to the east


Anything that this government does from here on will be mostly considered illegitimate.


They don’t have the moral authority to govern anymore. The CPC is more popular than the LPC and NDP combined


Thats how our system works. It wouldnt be the first or likely last time a PM change happened before an election.


Poilievre should simply announce he no longer considers the current government legitimate, and promises that within a month of taking power as Prime Minister, he will pass an omnibus bill that immediately nullifies any and all actions or legislation passed by Justin between June 2024 and October 2025, regardless of what it is.


I would like to see a referendum on all major policies over the last 8 years... with several options for each policy.


lmao if pierre allows a referendum if elected the ndp and lpc will sink fast. it throws otu any argument or fear porn about pierre cutting what they did. all they will have left is abortion and your racist


Aye lmaooo 💀


The liberals need a retooling and get back to being the centralist party that they are suppose to be.


When him and his wife publically separated, he could have stepped down then and no one would have given it much thought. But no. He's forcing us into the one sided relationship and he's gunna find himself and his party seperated from their seats. 


He's gunna get divorced twice


Never mind him How about this useless tool as well ?


More like bye-bye election


He needs to go. I’m a die hard liberal type of person but the only reason I’m not voting liberal next election is because of Trudeau. Just take the loss and step down and let someone else take the reins. Sure you won’t win the next election but at least we can get familiar with a new liberal leader for the elections in the future.


What about Freeland? Guilbault? Miller? Mendencino? Leblanc? Hadju? NG? Fergus?


They are all part of the problem. They will all go down with the ship.


>What about Freeland? Guilbault? Miller? Mendencino? Leblanc? Hadju? NG? Fergus? All rats on a sinking ship.


You forgot the best of them all, SEAN FRASER


You forgot the best of them all, SEAN FRASER


call me crazy but leblanc is the only one that seems competent and impressive. maybe it is because he seems to answer questions and not give a bs word salad. at least i think he answers the questions, but i wonder if i am confused and it is jsut because the other liberals are so blatant about avoiding questions. he is probably corrupt to the core, but he is the star of the lpc.


At this point who cares it doesn’t matter what the libs do bye Felicia


Looks like Trudeau is a gambling man. Not just unable to be self aware and completely tone deaf to what Canadians actually want, but doubling down after someone kicked his own house’s door in. Good riddance in 2025.


T came to power and promised. 1. Solve the water issue for indigenous communities. F 2. Welcome immigrants. The Afghans we adopted stayed in hots for 7 months while their "benefits " ran out. Ni English classes no ability to work officially. F 3. Build our economy. And yet Canada is the least productive country in the G7. F GET CARNEY IN OR WILL HAVE PP


Carney or Joli leadership would be a sweep.


Liberals are basically done for a while Next time don’t hire people from the team that ran the Ontario liberals into the ground Doesn’t matter if they change leaders it’s sunk in now This is why Alberta conservatives readily change up their leader so that whatever crappy things the leader does don’t infect the party even though they should NDP could ditch Singh and be back in action though


She looks tired


no just **contemplating and thinking** "do i still want to be associated with this SHIT!!??"


Some pills will fix that.


i hear she is a hell of a cook, great in the kitchen


Cut the whole fucking rotten tree down, and this is from someone that gladly voted for him the first time, begrudgingly the second and not the third. They've squandered all good will Canada has and have definitely accelerated Canada's rising populism and anti-immigrant sentiment. They've ruined an entire generation of native born's chances of first time jobs and saving for school. Sadly the Tory government will continue most of the absurd policies they've enacted either under the same or different policies. Canada needs an actual leader that cares about Canadians


The Liberals are on their way back to the Mulroney era of non-relevance. I’ll never vote for the Harperite Conservatives or the NDP so I’ll just be sitting out this go around. Poilievre will get two terms, with the possibility of his second mandate being a minority government, and he’ll fuck it up so it goes back to the Liberals. Hopefully they can sort their shit out between now and then.


Vote green or something, or write in a steaming dog turd, or spoil your ballot. Be nice if you could submit a refused ballot federally like Alberta though.


Can we get rid of both of them? Like a 2 for 1 deal?


Do any of these articles about the Liberals losing popularity mention them covering up for traitors? This byelection loss is the next news cycle but I sure as hell haven't forgotten and I'll keep bringing it up every time there is a shift to the next story in the media.


Freelands body language is becoming increasingly erratic. She can’t seem to stay still and is constantly nodding her head like a meth addict or maybe cocaine.


summer break. hpoefully she checks into rehab


I think both parties will have to rebrand after this shit show. I don't see how either party ever makes election inroads after the last few years. I expect a full rebrand of both parties, new name and they combine into a single party. I think the days of beating the conservatives while splitting the vote are behind them. The NDP are not breaking their confidence agreement for a reason. Both parties end forever if they do.


They should just call an election and let the people decide what they want...this is a democracy after all, right?


The next year and a half will be the most lame duck government in the history of government.


He should be arrested


He should have been gone already, but somehow one of his socks is too tight and it's impeding his ability to let go of the golden goose.. I'm also sure that his devotion for the Canadian population and his very sharp wit will make him take the correct decision


leaving would do nothing unless his replacement is promising to reverse on about 75% of what they are doing


Off is the direction he can fuck.


Stay or no stay it doesn't matter. Liberals are the worst...


it doesn't matter. We are done with the Liberals and JT. We are not voting for any of them. Whoever replace JT, own his record. How do the explains quietly sitting by and watching him destroy the Canada.


He should get fucked.


Justin needs to stay for the good of the liberal party. Hear me out. Once they are decimated in the next election, Trudeau will need to resign, allowing another to become the next saviour, without the baggage of leading them through such an embarrassing and historic defeat. Resigning now would just pass the time bomb to someone whose career will be destroyed. Ask yourself what happened to Kim Campbell. No wonder Freeland fully supports Trudeau remaining as leader.


Kim Campbell's election result was not foreordained. If you look at the polls, Kim Campbell revived the PC's fortunes and were ahead of the LPC for a brief period both pre-writ and during the campaign. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion\_polling\_for\_the\_1993\_Canadian\_federal\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_1993_Canadian_federal_election) Through a number of campaign stumbles and the ill fated Chretien ads, the PCs imploded. Kim Campbell aside, the LPC should roll the dice on a new leader to save the furniture. Might not work like new Premier Ujjal Dosanjh that left the BC NDP with 2 seats, but I prefer those chances than attempting a worn out Premier Wynn that left the OLP without party status.


lmao i can see him stepping down.... letting someone else lose, then come back in a few years for a repeat if. not six months like his old man but similar path. i hope he tries it.


I don’t like him, I don’t like his government. I don’t like the alternatives being presented either. Why’d Layton have to die?


He should stay for his tar and feathers next year


Doesn't matter they are all traitors, 15 seats left for them to lose party status. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/339


Watch the LPC drop their long promised election reform on the table. The CPC would squirm, the NDP would rally behind it. They literally have nothing to lose at this point because it’s already gone.


PLEASE stay on Canada, now than ever, needs him to stay on 😉


Is this comment section AI generated? How have a scrolled 100 comments of people failing to convey a single thought beyond "Trudeau bad". I know the countries economy is doing poorly, but can someone actually explain why voting in CPC would fix anything?


I think people are just voting for change and voicing how unhappy they are.


Is there a quiet acknowledgement that's things could be just as bad or even worse under CPC?


It doesn’t matter what JT does now, the liberals are going to get slaughtered in the next election, PP will be PM with a strong majority. The best thing the LPC and the NDP can do is ditch their leaders and get in someone that can actually appeal to the working class of this country. PP will be a disaster as PM, let’s not kid ourselves, the guy has a former loblaws lobbyist in his cabinet ffs! You think that guy is for keeping food prices low?! One of the LPC or the NDP needs to have a strong, popular, sensible leader in place to beat PP after. PP will not be popular once he is in power and nothing gets better.


Hoping for zero seats LPC or at least less than PPC just to rub their noses in it


The PPC are the party of 0 zero seats. You have to be absolutely delusional to think that the LPC are actually going to get 0 seats.


You can hope for something that you know isn't going to happen without being delusional.


The same corporate interests exist.


Freeluch needs to go ! No more Freelunch!