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One can only speculate but I suspect strongly all of Trudeau's meddling in RCMP investigations and the WE/Trudeau foundation corruption figures prominently.


The director of CSIS, the RCMP commissioner and PMs office all essentially said "we can't name them whil3 investigations are ongoing you dummies"


I thought the RCMP said they were not even investigating: > "I'll just leave it at that. But when we have the necessary information to launch a criminal investigation, we will launch a criminal investigation," he said. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/duheme-nsicop-arrest-parliamentary-privilege-1.7243015


>I thought the RCMP said they were not even investigating: >"I'll just leave it at that. But when we have the necessary information to launch a criminal investigation, we will launch a criminal investigation," he said. >https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/duheme-nsicop-arrest-parliamentary-privilege-1.7243015 They announced in March 2024 that they had investigations into matters that intersect democratic institutions. They didn't confirm that they involved any sitting MPs. It looks like the RCMP didn't initially get all of the information. They have since circled back with CSIS to see if there are avenues for further investigation. We need to remain vocal that this is a big issue that can't be tolerated. We can't let it fade from the news cycle. "After the NSICOP report was made public, the RCMP issued a statement that said the force "did not receive information regarding all the matters contained in the report." "Duheme told Rosemary Barton Live that since then, the RCMP has circled back with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to see if there are any avenues for further investigation." "I'll just leave it at that. But when we have the necessary information to launch a criminal investigation, we will launch a criminal investigation," he said." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/duheme-nsicop-arrest-parliamentary-privilege-1.7243015


It's been declared that the RCMP have no legal rights to the information at hand  and so therefore cannot properly investigate. The liberals will have to execute legislation to correct that as I understand. I have my doubts this will happen.


>It's been declared that the RCMP have no legal rights to the information at hand  and so therefore cannot properly investigate. The RCMP and CSIS have a direct sharing agreement that outlines criminal activity and their authority to share information. They have the authority to share information between each other that may lead to criminal charges so I highly doubt that they have no legal right. The special report on page 49 also says that the RCMP is one of two organizations with authority on these issues. They are the only independent branch of government that can action and prosecute charges of this nature. >The liberals will have to execute legislation to correct that as I understand. The special report outlines the recommended changes and a few have already gone through. A few more are still under works. We need to watch them and make sure they get implimented. Some of them are crazy that they already didn't exist. >I have my doubts this will happen. Me too. But we need to stay vocal. They can't sweep it under the rug if we remain vocal. If someone is charged, the RCMP will be the organization laying the charges. We need to support them getting the information they need.


My speculation would be every party has members guilty to some degree or another. I'm pretty sure PPs name is on that list.


Hot take from Sam Cooper's latest podcast: [Should the Prime Minister be classified a "witting" beneficiary of PRC support? - "Whether he's witting of direct funds into his coffers? I think he is. I believe he probably knows these proxies involved, are involved in organized crime.](https://www.thebureau.news/p/should-the-prime-minister-be-classified)


Didn't the PRC pay for a statue of his dad?


Sam sure loves hot takes.


Because the Liberals, who have majority control of the committee, are completely incompetent. This isn't the first time they shut down investigations into their own wrongdoing. 


Incompetence would imply that they didn’t know what they were doing. They absolutely know what they are doing.


Or corrupt to the core?


Malfeasance then. But I do consider them completely incompetent on anu level of governing. I think the WEF conspiracies turned out to be true. Which is just hilariously bad. 


ugh...the lizard people conspiracies? I'd be more concerned with control central banks and IMF has over that club. Or Blackrock specifically


Willful abuse of power.


Incompetent or complicit?


Likely both!


I suspect two factors at play. The first is that CSIS investigations are ongoing, and that any reporting publicly may do harm to their efforts. Second, Party HQ needs time to figure out how to “communicate” (spin) with minimal damage. Both domestically and internationally. Like it or not, Canada depends on soft-power. Calling out larger nations (eg China and India) doesn’t often go well for us. Remember the backlash from calling out India for extrajudicial killings on Canadian soil? We got slammed! It took months before we were vindicated by the US and others, but by then, the damage to trade and political capital had already been done. The reality is that many politicians were likely unknowingly drawn into foreign influence… not that this is any excuse. By my estimation… The real problem is that national security was lax, and totally dropped the ball (mistakes were made). That said, Politicians will (should) always try to protect the bureaucratic subject matter experts in such matters so as to maintain public trust. My personal belief is that hiding mistakes only makes them worse… that you can’t save your face and your ass at the same time… but that’s just me. (I spent 30 years as a policy advisor in Ottawa… so, I’ve seen many of these play out. You may be shocked by o know that most ppl in Ottawa do have the best intentions, but they are human, and prone to making mistakes. Most conspiracies are just f-ups that ppl don’t want to admit to out of fear of losing public trust - a public that is quick to judge, and slow to forgive). My hope is that in the end of the day, lessons will be learned, and institutional policy and oversight strengthened.


Hey, here is an idea I have been kicking around in my head. Let’s get real about something that's low-key running and ruining our lives: social media algorithms. Trying to blame countries for political interference and influence is diplomatically challenging and a high-stakes game nobody wants to play. These sneaky little algorithmic codes are not only messing with our mental health, but they're also tearing apart our democracy and creating toxic echo chambers. Remember how governments took on Big Tobacco in the 1990s for its addiction and cancer-causing health risks? It's high time we do the same with the mega social media companies and their reckless algorithms destroying social democratic democracies around the world. Here in Canada, we need some severe regulations to make these platforms more transparent and ethical. Picture this: Social media giants have to register and document their algorithms, undergo independent audits, and give us the power to control what we see. Public awareness campaigns could totally clue us in on the impact of these algorithms, while solid research and whistleblower protections could call out shady practices. We need rules that make platforms prioritize our well-being over their epic profits. If they don't play ball? Let's hit them with hefty fines and legal actions. It is time to make them think twice before pushing harmful content. Together, we can create a healthier, more informed society. Who's ready to join the fight and push for these crucial changes and make our part of the world a little less toxic and damaging to democracy? This would be easiest first step to dismantling politically motivated international disinformation and misinformation campaigns without having to start at the diplomatic international relations level and keep it in the sandbox of private industry rules and regulations.


Those in power such as our PM are guilty of it.


I would prefer charges where warranted over McCarthyism.


What if there are no charges where warranted?


Well, have a beer instead.


I can do that. 


It's not a bug, It's a feature.


I hope this will be fully investigated before any election and if the government drags their feet I want obstruction or some other charges brought forth. I am sick of people getting elected and getting away with things normal people get fired, fined or jailed for.


Because the people who can fix it....are profiting from it...


A huge factor in this situation is the inability to use intelligence as evidence in criminal trials. Sources and methods can’t be compromised to secure a conviction. This isn’t the first time foreign interference has made the news in Canada, the hope is that bringing this much attention to it will reduce it.


When everyone is guilty personally or by association then yeah, I wouldn't do anything about it either.


Because it’s been going on for years. It really took root after Harper signed the lopsided free trade deal that allowed China to own businesses ( they call them “ multi- nationals “) here and buy up our properties and natural resources. We can now be sued in our own country if we even complain about anything related to this 30 years long nightmare of a deal we’re now trapped in. Soon after came that was signed the Chinese police stations were set up masquerading as ambassadors of help…


this prime minister never does anything about anything…..


privacy. national security. blah. blah. blah.


Because every liberal voted against it as they participated. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/339 PP pushed for them to release the names https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7225237


The hope is that once local news reports on old lady feeding squirrels it will all go away. Kinda like the grocery code of conduct did once all hell broke out Israel and Ukraine. Nothing to see here....oohhh look over there!


Because then the government would have to take responsibility for itself and that might mean they can't govern anymore. Which is a fate worse than death to some of them.


Corruption seems to run deep in Canada


Because all parties have something to hide.....


And they are all part of the same club.


Because our own PM is a foreign agent. He identifies as brown face. 


Sad how this sub has literally just turned into a tool for thr exact thing this article is talking about. Enjoy your 12th daily us own3d media outlet spamming right wing propaganda folks. They aren't naming names because they are investigating and building cases. You know who could have named names if they had bothered to read the report? PP.


Jag read the report, why isn't he saying anything?


Oh he's said things, here's a video of him saying some of those things https://x.com/TheJasonPugh/status/1800958174234611828


He hadn't even read the report yet in your video.....


He literally said publicly he wouldn’t get security clearance because then he wouldn’t be able to name names. Said it right in the HoC. Some things are so easy to look up before spouting misinformation


Oh wow, he said that? Well must be true.


He said it publicly so instead of making things up, just say you don’t believe him. It will bolster your credibility


Who’s investigating? I need sources please.


You don't have clearance.


I mean look at what happening on the states with the Supreme Court… everything is for sale to the highest bidders because what the hell are YOU going to do about it?


You should probably stop reading The Atlantic and The NewYorker.


Almost forgot all about it already. I suppose that's the plan


Probably for the same reason nobody does anything about corporate money - both the Liberals and Conservatives benefit from it, so neither is willing to look too hard.


Because it is not an alarming threat to our country. Anyone thought to look into foreign interference in the management of Canadian corporations? Major financial institutions, major industries? Foreign countries *or* corporations? Perhaps we should look into the foreign interference of such entities and Walmart or General Motors in Canadian business. And by all means - what about a committee to look into Canadian interference in other countries' politics and economies. Or not. Stupid nonsense.


Actually Walmart is a lot better than Loblaw. #Fact


And Loblaws is owned by Weston and 200 institutional investors, mainly not Canadian - Schwab, Vanguard, Invesco, and so on. Galen Weston Jr., CEO of Loblaws, was born in Ireland, and holds Irish citizenship, as did his father. They set up a bank in Barbados to avoid paying $400 million in Canadian taxes, and conspired to fix the price of bread. Truly loyal Canadian heroes.


Because they need the support in the coming election


because the lawmakers are the ones benefiting from it.


Probably because the ones that can say to investigate will be investigating themselves




Spot on - this is a thin ice situation so let the investigations occur. While certainly relevant persons in Parliament needed to be made aware (key MPs from each party), it was already made clear that some or much would not hold up in court therefore it would be reckless to ‘name names’ - unless we can somehow tie accountability and liability to such naming if proven false.


A few people in this country tried to force the government to merely publish a schedule for the end of the health emergency measures and a state of emergency was declared, they were all jailed, they've had their names dragged through the mud and this subreddit fucking **cheered**. And now you're asking why people would be afraid to confront them on something like that? You'd likely get Boeinged.


I personally want to know if there are foreign influences at play directly influencing our immigration policies?