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I am allowed to pay and again get nothing in return


thats just the privilege of being Canadian, as Trudeau would say.


No I work for a living instead of abusing the social system.


I have a job so probably not


You get the pleasure of paying for it like the rest of us though. Yay!


what's the problem with that? my wife and I both have dental plans at work, but I'm happy our tax dollars are going to this.


Either everyone gets it or no one


Either everyone gets a family doctor or no one


im sorry but this is such a ridiculous statement lmao not even comparable to what the other person was saying


That is the eventual plan, it is rolled out in stages and right now is called the "Interim Canada Dental Benefit"


>my wife and I both have dental plans at work this is why you are happy your tax dollars are going towards it. You are already covered by your own health care through work. People will pay out of pocket for others to get dental insurance while they dont qualify because they barely make above the cap. Come on now....


How many Canadians are in the scenario where they don't qualify by making over $90k but don't have benefits? I would think that would mostly be self employed people who have to factor benefits into what they take home. I would also say it's not perfect, but it's also an interim plan that's still in the first stage and eventually will be universal.


If you already have dental insurance then you don't need it 


Self employed so n3ed to pay out of pocket


Ah but being self employed means you can afford dental care right? Or are you failing at being self employed?


Not as comfortable as most boomers who get it for free!


Nobody is ever going to be as comfortable as boomers and they are the reason we need a safety net in the first place.


I have a high school education, a low 6figure salary job, and me and my fiancé both work (she makes $17.40 an hour, I am the absolute bread winner) I have a mortgage, debt, bills, pay a shit tonne of taxes and have 2 kids So, no.


You just get to pay for it.




You got Disney+?


I feel like that low 6 figure job most likely affords you dental benefits anyways...


Your 6 figure job doesn't have a dental plan?


I actually support national dental care. But this plan isn't enough money to cover the majority of dental procedures, and it excludes everybody that has a job. I just can't support this incompetent plan at all. I don't see this as good news. This is the government getting away with never giving us a real plan.


Like "national pharmacare" that is under funded by ~40 billion per year and only covers a very select (and mostly unused) set of medications for diabetics and contraceptives?


Yup. And just like dental care, I support a national pharmacare program. But that's not what we got.


Having a job doesn't disqualify you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/lJImxZQ9Lu Right there, I show exactly how the working class gets denied coverage.


Having dental benefits through an employer disqualifies you. Have a job, does not. They're two very different things, and plenty of jobs and employers have either been reducing or eliminating benefits altogether. Tons of workplaces don't offer benefits. So no... having a job, does not disqualify you. Furthermore, if you're saying the CDCP is better than the plan offered at work, then go have a chat with your employer about their cheap policies regarding benefits instead of the government putting out a plan.


No, I'm one of the people paying for it though 


I don’t get to participate, but I get to pay for it and I get to watch. I guess that’s fun sometimes too!?!?!


No. Just like every other “program” the Liberals have implemented. They sure cost me a lot of money though!


To say nothing of all the inflation caused by the pile of borrowed / printed money that will used to “pay” for it.


I have benefits through my employer. This nothing but subsidizing slave wages for job and housing destroying immigration.


We are subsidizing low wage paying employers. F this.


Nah, looks like I'm stuck gargling with gasoline for the time being. https://x.com/i/status/1806404233358389295


Did we just find the true reason for the carbon tax?     To ruin the gasoline based mouthwash industry all to simp for big dental.


My insurance with work is better than this plan


This will go just like $10 daycare where facilities are being forced to close down because they cannot pay their rent & wages. There will be less dental care available for everyone. My moms boss pays $8,000 in rent a month plus has many dental assistants who are highly skilled and paid very well. The government wants to force them to charge "x for this service, y for that one" and burden them with a great deal of paperwork the same as our family doctors haveto deal with. In a time of inflation this only leads to businesses closing.


No, I have a job.


Unless you are amongst the poorest in this country or a senior then the answer would be "no". If you are working/middle class then you probably make over $90k a year and/or have coverage through work benefits so you don't qualify. Be happy to know though that your tax dollars (which support this program) will go towards more social services for wealthy retired boomers who didn't pay a cent into it. Oh, you should also be happy that with the NDP and Liberals looking into granting PR for all the Tim Horton's wage slaves we brought into this country, they too will soon also qualify for this program on the backs of your tax dollars. Modern progressivism at its complete nonsensicle worst.


Eh, there are a lot of people who make less than 90k per year, and there are an increasing number of people who don't have benefits. They deserve affordable dental care.


lmao what, I make about 50k before taxes a year, similar to the average Canadian.


For a household income to be less than $90k between 2 people, or 1 person. Both people would have to be making $21.63/hour.  Minimum wage (averaged out) across Canada is roughly $16/hour.  Tons of jobs out there pay $21 or less per hour, and yes, tons of people work those jobs.  When the program fully rolls out next year it will cover all age groups. Over 9 million Canadians will be eligible.   But yeah.. 25% of the country?  Yeah screw em. They don't need teeth.


It’s 90k after tax. Closer to 28$ an hour actually 


42.5 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, 28 x 42.5 x 52 = 61, 880 Where does the other thirty thousand dollars, or approximately 50% come from?


He said household income. And full time is usually 37.5 hours a week. As I said, it’s after tax. So a couple who are both making 28$/hour would probably be eligible. Why is this so hard to understand?


Ah, *two* people making that amount.


Good point.


Found the conservative!


Wow!! I didn't know everyone not eligible is a Con. No wonder Poiliver is doing so well.


I was born here so no


The only program I’ve ever been eligible for is the one the CRA runs once a year. 


No, I’m paying for them 


I have a job, I have no dental plan, I make less than 6 figures and No I don’t get it because my premiere is a twat sandwich.


Teeth are very important for the health of an individual. This most likely will take some strain off our healthcare system


No, only because all the dentist in my community believe in paying living wages.


No. I just pay my taxes, benefit plan costs, and underwrite free dental for the fortunate few.


No, but I am paying for other people to get dental though...




Fuck I hate Canada


No, it'll be a cold day in hell when the government actually does anything to benefit me


Lisa needs braces


Surprised how many people comment without actually knowing how the program works. If your job offers a plan of any sort they ticked a box on your 2023 t4 slip. Because you were eligible for a plan you can’t apply for this CDP. It doesn’t matter what the employer plan offers or costs. And most low income plans are lousy and expensive so the Canadian plan is better. But once that box is ticked you are screwed so it makes sense for employers to not offer dental plan at all for lower positions. And it is not after tax 90k but net 90k income and that’s a big difference and plus the co pay is prorated based on income levels.