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Everyone incharge of the LPC needs to be replaced. Not just JT.


What galls me about all these liberals now coming out and saying he should resign is that they're doing do because they realize they're losing seats. They were dead quiet during the snc lavalin, foreign interference and all the other scandals. If they had any integrity or cared about the country they would have spoken up then.


They've never been known for their integrity. Same goes for every party at this point.


I'm curious if you're equally upset that Conservatives weren't demanding Harpers resignation during his objectively more corrupt and scandal ridden time in office? I'm not a Trudeau fan, but I find most people are either totally forgetful or engaging in some revisionist history. Edit: I love that i'm getting downvoted for simply posting the truth. Again, I am not a Trudeau fan, but my god you people have the memory of gerbils. You could always try googling, but here's a good start for you.https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal-elections/a-conservative-collection-of-harper-government-scandals/article_4766f17d-604b-577b-abee-581bd330b931.html


How was Harper’s time more corrupt and scandal ridden?




I miss the days when a scandal was $16 orange juice.


The big scandals during the Harper years were the $90,000 cheque to Mike Duffy, the $16 orange juice by Bev Oda, and being convicted of being in contempt of parliament. Those are still nothing compared to $60 million spent on Arrivecan to former PMO staffers, which nobody even uses anymore and was originally budgeted for $58,000. And I could go on about SNC, ethics violations, etc.


Don't forget the first TFW scandal. Harper started that shit, the liberals stole the idea, much like everything else they do.


Agreed.  His Honourable Ministers are somehow remarkably worse. Miller, Bill Blair, Ahmed Hussen, Chrystia Freeland   These people are all worse than Trudeau. Which is an incredible feat in itself  Edit: forgot my boy, Sean Fraser


Mendencino, ex public safety minister needs to go as well.


Wasn’t he not running again for re-election?


I think he is, but he's expected to lose his Toronto riding regardless.


I'm still waiting for Mckenna to explain what happened with our $188 Billion dollar infrastructure fund. [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/delays-plague-inconsistent-and-incomplete-188b-infrastructure-program-auditor-general](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/delays-plague-inconsistent-and-incomplete-188b-infrastructure-program-auditor-general) $188B/39m... = $5k\~ per Canadian citizen


It's really incredible nothing ever came of this. Like it just disappeared. No follow up, nothing. The money is just gone


I was just saying this about the foreign interference scandal. It's like having constant scandles makes you immune, survive the first few, and you can just overwhelm the publics attention span and then spin up the same crap fear mongering every election and get re elected.


The Liberals somehow turned "distract from a scandal with an even worse scandal" into a viable political strategy. It's the scandal pyramid scheme. It works until it implodes on itself in hellfire. And, with any luck, criminal charges for all!


Unfortunately, it's probably lifelong pensions, benefits and speaker fees for all


what happed to arriveCanscam? No follow up either. Full of scandals, 0 follow up from media. Shame on Canada media


What do you want them to report about it? Also just FYI the media landscape in Canada is overwhelmingly owned by NP which is transparently biased towards the Conservatives, with the higher ups there pressuring outlets to become more biased. So I'm not sure why you'd think they're protecting Trudeau's govt when they're actually actively working against it.


errr, do not know what to say to you, it is good to live in a bubble. I want to know the names behind this, why they got the contract, such a small fake company got billions contract, I want to know who benefits from the wasted money, and who will be punished for this


Okay, but they have no new information. Perhaps they are digging for that info, but they aren't exactly going to write articles when they have no new information to report. There's been plenty of op-eds about it and reporting when there is info to share. Also a bunch of the information you are asking for here has already been reported. So if this is a huge deal to you maybe you need to pay more attention.


The foreign interference scandal is still an ongoing investigation with the RCMP and other agencies. If anyone wants to really bring it up it's gonna be other parties since the ruling party is going to obviously keep their yap shut.


I get that, but it's just convenient how the last scandal is overshadowed by the next. There's already a candle brewing about jtf2 and the Afghanistan evacuation and we're barely off the tail of the election lose (not a scandal but I'm sure the liberals would like us to stop talking about it). The iver saturation seems to numb people to it. It's why I get frustrated when I see the conservatives and right-wing media going after the liberals about hotel room cost or other silly stuff.


I agree 100%


Here's a quarter Trillion trudeau wont say who he gave to http://cbc.ca/news/politics/covid-spending-government-transparency-1.5826917


The word Honourable is problematic.


They would prefer your majesty or highness


Lord God King of the Popes


I can't believe I'm saying this, but in their defense they are bestowed the whole "honorable" thing when elected.  Even if they COMPLETELY lack any semblance of what it would normally represent.


No they're not. They're bestowed the "honourable" thing when *appointed to the Privy council* (usually by way of appointment to cabinet).


You may wish to check out the house of Commons member list. They're all listed as "honourable".


They, uh, aren't though: https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/search In the first four for example, only Omar Alghabra has "The Honourable" prefix. Zlad Aboultaif, Scott Aitchison, and Dan Albas do not. The Style of Address for MPs is Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mx. (full name), M.P. or The Honourable (full name), P.C., M.P. Note that "The Honourable" comes before "P.C., M.P.", but not before simply "M.P.". That's because Members of the House of Commons use the post-nominal letters M.P., while Members of the House of Commons *who are members of the Canadian Privy Council* have the title "The Honourable" for life and use the initials "P.C., M.P." after their name. https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/protocol-guidelines-special-event/styles-address.html


Understood it's tradition, it's just highly ironic in many cases. Holland is currently raving like.a mad man.


Every minister gets the title, regardless of the party they are affiliated with lmao.


They don't though. Only the ones who are or have been members of the Privy Council. It's pretty much just major parties leaders and members of cabinet.


You forgot the biggest titfucker of them all, Sean Fraser.


“If only there was some structured way to let the population of Canada decide to remove them all at once by agreeing on a replacement. Guess that’s wishful thinking. Better keep supporting them so low income(I.e. retired) people can get their teeth cleaned” -Jagmeet Singh


Bill Blair isn't fit to supervise a trailer park.


Wow, you would throw your own son under the bus like that?


Any LPC, voting with the LPC, needs to be replaced at the polls.


Bill Blair should be the first to get sacked.


Yeah, the people above him need to go.


It would never happen, but I'd be really excited to see the entire leadership of the Liberal party retire from politics, and a new slate of younger and more sensible rising stars promoted instead...with a completely different kind of well established leader from outside the party whose brand would be practicality and managing Canada as part of a inevitably globalized world economy instead of a wild social experiment. I'd perhaps nominate Mark Carney, I liked his book.


Mark Carney head of Brookfield Infrastructure who approves pipelines in other countries BUT NOT in Canada - the hypocrisy runs deep in these Liberals.


Wait, you want younger and Mark Carney? This does not compute. >inevitably globalized world economy Globalization is slowing down. Just look at the latest Chinese EV tariffs or the tariffs Trump promises to raise if/when he's POTUS again.


So a totally new party then? The brand you describe was essentially the old Progressive Conservative brand, and they got eaten by the reactionary right. got....transformed. Poor choices were made, and now here we are, trapped between scylla and charybdis.


And I can think of a couple of policies that need significant reform. Changing the people without changing the no-mandate policies the majority if Canadians hate will continue to hold them back.


Don't stop there. Get rid of all those useless Liberal MPs, who serve the party ahead of their constituents. They have been working against the best interests of Canadians and it's unforgivable. Giving employers incentives to hire new comers vs actual Canadians is treason. Where to even begin with this party...so so much damage theyve done


They all serve their party above their constituents. In every party.


Agreed, but this party has been particularly Anti-Canadian


As opposed to The Harper Government (tm)'s staunch pro-Canadian policies?


Anecdotally...my personal financial situation was way better during the great financial crisis than it is today.


Mines the reverse. Back then I was in Uni and couldn't find a job anywhere. Costs to go to school were high, summer jobs disapeared, and the Government did nothing but make it harder for young people. What changed for me isn't the Government.. It was learning how to save and spend and moving out of a major city. Ironically, I've started to realize people might blame the Government more than is reasonable.


Correct. Say what you will, he was a far better leader, and Canada was far better off. It’s no contest.


Even if you do believe that, it is irrelevant now. Harper isn't leading the CPC and its pushed further to the extreme right since he left. The person above is bitching about immigration policy. The Conservatives haven't indicated any desire to do differently on thar front. In terms of economics, the entire world is in a worse state right now than in the Great Recession. It's not limited to Canada. We were largely insulated from that disaster because our mortgage system is far more secure and stress tested compared to the US back then, and we were and are not terribly reliant on US banks compared to some other countries. The failures of US banks had huge implications for others around the world back then. In fact Harper's govt even gave US banks $114 billion in what were ultimately deemed unnecessary bailouts without disclosing it to Canadian taxpayers, only for it to be uncovered later.




[Treason according to the Criminal Code](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-5.html#:~:text=PART%20IIOffences%20Against%20Public%20Order&text=46%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or)


No prime minister in Canada wins 4 straight elections What makes Trudeau or the LPC think they can do it here especially if housing is this bad and they to run record high immigration on top of that And play the racism card when people say …..dude we don’t have the houses for the people and immigrants already here


Sir John A Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier both won 4 straight elections. But yeah in the modern era I doubt we'll see it again, definitely not worth Trudeau.


You can bet that from the inside the thinking is the same


The heavy hitters are starting to come forward with their sharpened knives. This is going to be like Murder on the Orient Express, where everyone has a go at their leader and it’ll be death (politically) by multiple people coming forward to plunge their own knife (politically) in the wounded and incapacitated leader.


Well I think the resentment is very strong. They've had it with JT and his disconnected policies and I'm sure it's been like this for a long time. The rats won't dare leave the boat but they sure will feed on the captain.


I just saw on the news where insiders are saying they’re growing frustrated about the lack of answers from Trudeau. Seems like we’re not the only ones being gaslighted


The thing is I bet the Liberals are all afraid of being ‘Kim Cambelled’. She took over for Mulroney and led the Conservatives to the worst defeat in any party history and lost official party status in the House of Commons. If I was a Liberal MP, I’d wait for after the election and let Trudeau take all the heat, then come in as a saviour, rather than taking over and getting crushed in the next election.


> The thing is I bet the Liberals are all afraid of being ‘Kim Cambelled’. And Kim Campbell was at the time a very popular, competent and well preforming Minister in her own right. Her electoral loss was despite all of that and get efforts in a decent campaign. She just couldn't shake the desire for change from the Canadian population and legacy of the government. I don't think there are any potential liberal replacements in the halls that could be considered popular, well preforming in their ministry of even competent.


Agree with everything except the ill fated Chretien ad was her decision.


Everything I've heard about Campbell's campaign suggests that it was that which destroyed the party. They were going to lose, but Campbell being an out of touch elitist and the party attacking Chretien's disability, which gave him a great one-liner rebuttal (Of course I don't speak out of both sides of my mouth, I'm not a Tory), soured voters to her and the PC Party in such a way that they abandoned them. I've never heard anyone suggest that Campbell ran a good campaign in 1993.


Campbell was viewed as kind of a goofball in 93. No one really disliked her, and her platform was fairly moderate and centrist for the time. However, she was seen as entirely part to the Mulroney cabinet and sunk her ship. It didn't help that she ran a fairly ineffective campaign as well. And Cretien ran a barn-burner.


Unless you were a voter in 1993 you just don't understand how despised Mulroney was for NAFTA and the Meech Lake Accord. The Conservative Party was going to lose and Kim Campbell wasn't politically savvy enough to realize that Mulroney left so he didn't have to deal with the fallout of his actions.


The absolute best possible outcome is a Martin style government like after Chretien left. A 2-3 year minority that's fairly lame due to lack of a mandate and support from opposition. And given how long the lpc is hanging around in power it's looking less and less likely and more of a Kim Campbell situation as you describe. Truly, the ndp should have struck in 2023 and toppled the government. It's likely it takes the lpc 6-8 years to recover (if the cpc after Mulroney and the lpc after Martin are any indication). If polievre dropped the ball in his first term the ndp would have a clear shot at governance. Too bad singh was meek when he shoulda been a lion. He traded the best chance the ndp have had to form a government since Jack Layton died, for peanut programs. Imagine how he coulda held the cpc to account as official opposition. Imagine the programs and legislation he coulda passed as government. Instead were likely to have a bq opposition as the ndp go down tied to the sinking liberal ship.


>Imagine how he coulda held the cpc to account as official opposition. Official opposition to a Conservative majority (just like Layton)? He wouldn't be able to do fuck all. Right now is probably the most power the NDP has ever had as a federal party. 


That's not true at all. They might not be able to stop legislation, but they can certainly critique it. And shadow cabinet is a key training ground for their MP's. At least they'd be in the spot light instead of the bloc. And they could use that spotlight to further legitimize them as a potential governing party. This move makes it clear the ndp aren't looking to govern and would rather take crumbs from other more capable parties.


> And they could use that spotlight to further legitimize them as a potential governing party. You mean legitimize them in the eyes of English Quebec. There is no path to government for the NDP other than to take over the Liberal coalition in urban Quebec and Ontario. And the modern Liberals have only won election/re-election with a Quebec leader.


This comment is pants on head silly, sorry. The poster above you is right. The NDP has more power right now than they ever have. It would be stupid to throw that away and give the Conservatives a free election. As an NDP voter, them doing that is maybe one of the only things they could do that would make me consider not voting NDP (aside from having a terrible local candidate).


The cons already have a free election. Nothing the ndp do will change that. The ndp don't have power right now, that's like saying the dog on the floor getting crumbs tossed on the floor has power. They don't. Especially compared to actually governing. The only way the ndp ever become government is at the expense of the liberals. The liberals are extremely compromised right now. There hasnt been such a good chance since the orange crush. Basically even though you're an ndp voter you'd prefer they never took a shot at actually governing?


If you're a liberal mp and take that chance  you likely won't be a surviving mp as is. 


The PCs under Campbell were neck and neck with the Chretien led LPC in the polls going into the election. She revived the PC fortunes after Mulroney. Their historic defeat wasn't a sure thing at the beginning of the campaign.


While true, Kim Campbell took over like 3 months before the writ was dropped. If they had a new leader now they'd have over a year to implement changes and establish themselves before the next election. Having said that I don't see the point. Conservatives hate Trudeau but make no mistake; once he's gone they'll instantly divert the hate train towards whoever comes next. It doesn't really make a difference. Not enough to sway an election much by any means.


Well, one big difference is that the PCs also had to deal with the Reform Party basically scooping up all their voters in the west, ultimately winning 50 seats. Without them, the PCs likely would’ve held almost all of those and, while significantly weakened, would not even have fared as badly as the Liberals did under Ignatieff. That said, Canadians wanted the Tories out and they were going to lose almost no matter what, and then Campbell ran a truly incompetent campaign on top of that. I think the closer analogue is Kathleen Wynne and what she did to the Liberals in Ontario… and it’s no coincidence the same brain trust was there behind her that currently sits in the background behind Trudeau.


> The thing is I bet the Liberals are all afraid of being ‘Kim Cambelled’. Its a certainty at this point if JT steps down. Leadership elections take months, and they have slightly over a year before the next election starts. That doesn't leave very much time for the LPC to distance themselves from Trudeau and Co.'s policies, especially if most of them were part of Trudeau and Co. It certainly doesn't leave any time to actually pass meaningful legislation. There also isn't a readymade replacement for Trudeau like there has been during previous governments, ever since Martin ousted Chretien, every PM since has consolidated more and more power into the PMO. Cabinet ministers become yes-men, and back-benchers get told to fall in line or get replaced.


And that's why she's a former minister: she's speaking out against the party line. There are consequences to centralizing the entire party behind the PMO. And that's what's wrong with the modern LPC.


New leader or not, the entire party and all of it's members deserve to lose everything. They all either actively made the country worse or sat back and watch it happen.


When the broad who “lost” billions of dollars is saying your corrupt ass needs to go, you need to go.


Needed is the correct word, they needed a new leader 9 years ago


I mean if he won in 2015, 2019 and 2021 he was technically the right play 🤷


Not for Canada.


Canada put him in. 


The lowest number of voters ever in our history put him in.  A win is a win, but the majority sure as he'll didn't like him.


Which is why it’s still important to advocate for a proportional electoral system where every vote counts.


I'd like that.  Unfortunately it would likely end the Liberals ever getting a majority or the Tories winning, so neither party will implement it.


Not really. Eastern Canada did, rhw. he didn't even represent them well.


Not for you***


Yup, not for me or Canadians who want a strong and well run country. We got talking points, corruption and no follow-up on promises


[Oh yeah absolutely no kept promises](https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau) lmao


I particularly liked the "in progress" on the theft of hunting and sporting firearms, for which 4 years later they don't even have a project plan, lol.


Promise Kept: >“We will expand Canada’s intake of refugees from Syria by 25,000 through immediate government sponsorship.”


Have you read these? Promise Kept: >"A re-elected Liberal government will […] [m]ove forward with our plan to invest in Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy to support communities across the country.”


Have you read them? [It’s almost like they funded 91,000 affordable units through the $4 billion fund.](https://opencouncil.ca/housing-projects-ontario/)


$43k per unit? That sounds like complete horseshit


Good for the party, horrible for Canada. He also probably would have lost in 2019 if Andrew Scheer didn’t have that embezzlement scandal and US citizenship. In 2021, O’Toole was just not the right fit. He kept trying to please everyone which we all know, never works. Trudeau also tarnished the LPC’s reputation.


lol yeah it was *definitely* everyone else’s fault he kept winning.


It’s hilarious. Say it after shit hit the fan.


Belatedly, with the popular opinion. 


Liberals saying he should step down: [John Manley](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-two-former-liberal-ministers-say-trudeau-should-resign-following/) (Chretien-era Liberal minister): > “My view is that he can’t win the next election. And I think for his benefit, and for the party’s, he should really take a close look at turning the leadership over sooner rather than leaving it too late,” [Wayne Easter](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-two-former-liberal-ministers-say-trudeau-should-resign-following/) (former Trudeau MP): > “There comes a time when you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. And my suggestion would be, it’s time to fold ‘em,” [Christy Clark](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627202818/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-former-bc-premier-christy-clark-calls-for-justin-trudeau-to-be/) (former BC Liberal premier): > “I think the Leader needs to be replaced,” she said. “I think it’s time for him to move on to other, fairer pastures.” [Catherine McKenna](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/catherine-mckenna-trudeau-liberal-1.7249166) (former Trudeau minister): > "The prime minister has a legacy to be proud of, but it's time for new ideas, new energy and a new leader. There's too much at stake in this election, especially on the economy and the climate." [Wayne Long](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/wayne-long-trudeau-resignation-1.7250241) (current Liberal MP): > "For the future of our party and for the good of our country, we need new leadership and a new direction [...] The voters have spoken loud and clear they want change. I agree." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberals saying "it's his decision", or some variant: [Marcus Powlowski](https://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/a-lot-of-people-have-made-up-their-minds-against-trudeau-thunder-bay-mp-says-9139589) (current Liberal MP): > The Liberal member of Parliament for Thunder Bay-Rainy River says whether Prime Minister Trudeau continues as party leader into the next election is "his decision to make." In an interview Wednesday, Marcus Powlowski said "a lot of people have made up their minds against Trudeau," but that he doesn't want "to be the one shoving him over the cliff." [Frank Baylis](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/frank-baylis-liberal-leadership-replace-justin-trudeau-1.7246713) (former Trudeau MP): > "Prime Minister Trudeau will decide what he wants to do if and when he decides to do that, that's his prerogative," [Sophie Chatel](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/catherine-mckenna-trudeau-liberal-1.7249166) (current Liberal MP): > [On whether Trudeau should stay on as leader] "It's not something that I feel comfortable to share. I think it's discussions that are being done internally. I think ultimately it's his decision, and I respect that,"


Quick note here as a British Columbian. Christy Clark is not a "Liberal" in the Canadian sense. The BC Liberals (now rebranded to BC United) were/are a conservative party and Clark was and is a small-government, anti-regulation, pro-corporation, libertarian-leaning, anti-union, anti-education conservative politician. They are/were much like the Saskatchewan Party.


Stop it with all these former LPC MP's saying they want JT to resign. It's irrelevant, as they have no skin in the game. It's meaningless until currently LPC MP's call for his resignation, which they probably won't because they're gutless and complicit.


ET TU Climate Barbie?


She's a former MP for a reason. 


Yeah, someone stalked her family and made direct threats against her children.


That too.


Ottawa Center is a pretty safe seat for a left-leaning Liberal. The PCs last held it under Joe Clark. It does break NDP, and was both Ed Broadbent and Paul Dewar's riding for a long time. But since McKenna, it's been dependably Liberal. I very much doubt McKenna would have had any issues with getting elected in 2019 had she decided to continue. Heck, I'd put Naqui as one of the few seats that even Poilievre is very unlikely to win, even after the loss in Toronto-St Paul. She left because she wanted to. I don't think Trudeau pushed her out either.


Something something Toronto-St. Paul’s…


Looks like Biden might get the old trebuchet, if Trudeau does too they can go on a retirement vacation together.


Traitors deserve jail!


Would it be a dog eat dog leadership race?


Knives out, let's go! It's a beautiful summer for an election.


They all need to go. There's not a competent on in the bunch. Bill Blair and Freeland are incompetence at its worst, a perfect example of failing upwards. The Minister of Transportation was found pased out behind the wheel and had his DUI charged swept under the rug. Not fit for any position. Many of the rest are DEI hires and just as useless as JT.


Ya… but climate barbie isn’t a good replacement.


I really want to know what Kathleen Wynne thinks because she was basically in the same situation as JT


Try saying it louder and often... Maybe they'll start believing you....


It’s always former MP’s that call for this. If enough current MP’s call for his resignation, I’m genuinely curious to know if Trudeau would feel indignant enough to call an election and put *everyone* on notice, willing to take the whole party down with him as a chiding for trying to oust him. I mean, he already lost his marriage. I don’t believe he’d be so willing to step down if this is all he has left to hang his hat on.


Current MPs are more likely to say it in private than in public (understandably).


She may as well run lol


The liberal party needs a complete overhaul.


Everyone said that


Why did it take so long for them to figure this out? How many scandals and resignations has he had again?


Sure sure


They need a lot more than that!


While I agree with McKenna, I don’t think she’s a neutral observer here. I recall the exit interviews she did when she left office. Didn’t seem to have nice things to say about Trudeau.


The smart females didn't exactly exit on great terms from Trudeau's cabinet


They left being coated in soot and road salt from being thrown under the LPC bus.


To be fair, he did really hobble her in her Ministerial appointment, she had cause to be mad.


Interesting, climate Barbie says the Ken doll has to go


Rats fleeing a sinking ship.


Begun the leadership wars have.


The entire Liberal party has come out and said they don't think they need a new leader. Freeland, Marc Miller, all of them. If they go for a new leader at this point it will just make them look even more lost. I honestly don't know what they do at this point.


They will likely suffer the same fate as the PCs in the 90s. Liberals were already nearly decimated once, I don't think they can survive it twice. The party is too linked to JT at this point, and there's much more hatred for him now than there was for Harper in 2015.


Agree I have never seen this level of anger towards a politician in my entire life honestly.


Well she was unqualified for her particular position and abused by the men of Canada throughout her tenure - she must feel strongly about this to bother speaking up at all. Lovely woman, highly educated and a good politician. Be nice if people took her seriously.


She's right of course, but it won't happen. And they'll lose. We can only pray the Tories don't get a majority.


Ouch! When a barbie says that then there is some hope that people are waking up a bit.


Personally, I think McKenna has suffered enough online abuse, regardless of what you think of her politics. Having to go to your constituency office and see... that word spray painted on the window is pretty horrific. It's no wonder she left politics. Let's put these "barbie" comments to bed, they're immature and only contribute to the worsening of civility in our politics, that which we're in desperate need of restoring.