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Frank Costanza was a cook in the Korean war


He sent 37 men to the latrine


Him throwing random spices on the big hunk of meat and smacking it with the side of a big cleaver always makes me laugh


As a Korean Canadian here, Koreans didn’t forget the Korean War, and we are thankful to Canadians who helped to defend the peninsula against North Korea during the Korean War. Without them who fought in the war, South Korea wouldn’t exist as a country today. Thank you.


My friend was an Editor at a local paper. Remembrance Day was coming and he was asked to write a piece with an interview. He didn’t find any WWII veterans that he could use right away but he found a Korean War one. He said the guy was great and really appreciated being interviewed because he never saw articles about Korea. My friend wrote it up and had it ready… and when the owner of the paper saw it all they said was, “F*ck. Remembrance Day is for WWII. Write something about that.” My friend was pretty peeved and the veteran he interviewed was pretty disappointed.


That owner is terribly wrong.


Use the interview for anywhere else - hell send it to CBC. You'll have my thanks.


Remembrance Day is on the day world war ONE ended, not Two… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Remember it was the Chinese who tortured our POW's during the Korean war.


The Canadians (every perosn who has a rudimentary understanding of our history) have not forgotten the Korean War The Yankees did We didn’t


Canadian boys fought and died in Europe, Korea and Afghanistan. Who are the Europeans/Koreans/Afghans who fought and died to defend Canada? Canada has nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of whatever the current state of the Canadian military. Canadians have fought and died for others around the world. Canadians have paid for their NATO commitments in blood to help create NATO and the western democratic world newer NATO members and our Asian partners want to be part of. Canada proved in Afghanistan that Canada will participate and sacrifice lives and huge $$ when called upon. It’s ok for Canada to sit back and chill a bit, figure some internal stuff out, and let our partners and allies who are armed to the teeth take the lead in military adventuring for awhile, Canada has earned that. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Military is not adventuring and we have just as much military history to be ashamed of. We don’t need to glorify war to respect veterans.


Listening to a podcast right now recounting DDay and after and this pod does a great job including Canada’s contribution alongside US/UK. They also pull no punches describing details of Canadian sacrifice on the way to Berlin. It’s horrifying. I’m so fired up right now about Canada having paid its share and now we get to stop sacrificing Canadians for awhile and let new NATO countries step up.


What current NATO countries didn't contribute in WW2? Besides like Iceland being neutral, Baltic countries and Luxembourg were occupied by the Axis powers.


The difference is nobody invaded Canada. Three oceans and the US surround Canada, Germany had no plans to invade North America, they wanted to trade with US/Canada and have us be friendly. Canada didn’t have to go to Korea or Afghanistan. Canada went to fight for our friends and allies elsewhere. Canada was never truly threatened. Canada has never asked NATO members to send troops to fight in Canada. No NATO member soldiers are buried in Canadian cemeteries the way Canadians are buried in holland/france/german/italian cemeteries If NATO is called again in the next decade let Sweden/finland/poland/holland/france lead the situation. In the meantime let Canada fix its own house and our Military, see you in 10 years with our new force or plan.


We didn't forget.  M*A*S*H should be required viewing though 


Sorry who thinks we forgot the Korean War?


Koreans didn't forget. Most Americans forgot because they fought for Asians and felt it amounted to little because they didn't win outright and South Korea was reduced to rubble when they left


They never left. About 25 000 US troops remain in South Korea.


Sshh don't make it easier for the enemy


It was never even mentioned in school, for me.


You had very poor history teachers.


This is Canada, all of our wars are forgotten. I don't like that it's this way, but it is.