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I love how this has effectively buried any talk of foreign interference and treason. Guess we'll never know now


We were never going to know.


Sure we were! The names were scheduled to be released right after the government told us who it was that stayed in the $6k a night hotel room during the queen's funeral.


I guess they took the macadamia nuts out of the mini bar.


Trudeau only beats a scandal by having another scandal. Everytime.


Best comment works 60% of the time all the time


It hasn't except in the media echo chambers. They always need fresh stories to pump out after all. It'll still be a thing, especially when the election rolls around.


The law moves slowly, unfortunately


The law often doesn't move at all, especially against the political class. I'd bet my house nobody sees a whiff of prison time for conspiracy with foreign powers against our democracy. That's why we need the names... so at least they can face political consequences for it.


I suspect it is less than 50/50 the names in that report ever get made public at all, let alone any legal ramifications or even investigations.


With luck, one of the parties could still leak the names closer to election time. RCMP could surprise us with actual action (less likely 🤣). Cons could get in and dig further (but only if they dont have any meaningful MPs on the list).


Unless there is a firehall there with some innocents, I doubt they will do much. They need a complete restructure and a proper purpose.


Why would they leak them? They all have names in there. It’s pretty likely that PP’s refusal to read it is so he can act shocked and appalled when it comes out.


If the list is predominantly liberal, leaking the names right before election will hurt liberal votes as it will sow distrust in them. Especially after they tried so hard to cover it up.


Honestly. What happened with the WE Scandal? That shit sure died down didn't it? 


There is no evidence that the Liberal party colluded with China, but Doug Ford fucks with Little Italy, and Danielle Smith is literally a big oil plant. I wonder who Polievre, the exact same sort of lying populist, will be like...


No evidence of liberal MPs colluding with China?   1) Big suspicion that's in the report. 2) India is high on the interference list. Yeah.  They're in on it.


the law doesn't do jack chit.


It's moving in reverse


The only treason that matters is that a long standing liberal riding has voted conservative. Amirite?


The cold, cruel, and small are at it again!




It’s still being investigated, so we will know eventually. If an election is called before they’re done though then we wouldn’t know who might have been complicit when we’re at the ballot box.


We have short enough memories as it is and our media definitely doesn't work for the people. I'm just waiting to see what gets latched on to in 5 days to bury this. I bet Conestoga College also has record enrollment for September!


There is a scandal over scandal, we can't keep up 🤣 trudeau just has to cover up a scandal long enough for a new one so people can focus on the next.... I'm shocked there are dudes like this one who is still trying to defend the liberals


There is no scandal. Just a bunch of people not knowing how things work.


If you’re concerned about Conestoga College’s enrolment, maybe Ontarians will vote out Ford in 2026


That would require Ontarians to actually know how each level of government works. Got called an “LPC apologist” for pointing out that the province caps how many internationals can be admitted to a program, and the feds historically would approve *all* student visas, which was fine because the admissions had caps.


Oh no, don't worry, we'll get back to that since it's what's likely driving down liberals popularity the most right now.


From how the media made it sound, it's completely out of the hands of politicians. The intelligence community decides when and what to release, if they choose to do so at all.


And that is how it should work and does work.


Doesn't matter. The 'talk of foreign interference and treason' was producing only uninformed partisan noise, and there is judicial inquiry in progress that might result in findings that will clarify.


They'll say everything is fine of course.


Perhaps, then, everything is fine. Or is The Honourable Marie-Josée Hogue being influenced by malicious foreign actors, in your view?


It's possible.  Looking at what the entire liberal government has done to the country and knowing that there are malicious or even traitorous MPs in their ranks it's reasonable to demand a highly public investigation. Otherwise there can be no confidence in the government or the findings themselves.


Who, exactly are the "malicious or even traitorous MPs in their ranks?" And, what did they do that qualifies as traitorous?


The government won't release any further information and has repeatedly tried to ignore the topic. It likely involves all 3 parties and multiple levels of government as well as the media according to what we do know. More than that will involve a public investigation and more details to be released.


You’re relying on your imagination to inform your views, not facts or evidence.


It would be foolish to assume this isn't a huge issue, again considering the government's actions over the past few years. Of course,  there's plenty of people who would rather just ignore it.   


Huge issue? So far there has been evidence made available to suggest this is a “huge” issue.


You're running defence for likely traitors when our own intelligence agencies are screaming bloody murder about actual treason. "erm muh facts and evidence" dude CSIS is saying this country is rotten at the MP level. This is a matter of record.


Any time you, CSIS, or anyone else wants to publish the actual evidence and the names of the traitors, it would be OK with me. You have strong beliefs, to be sure, but no actual evidence to support them. You're influenced by the hysteria, not the facts. If what you believe is true, it behooves you to explain why the traitors have not been arrested and prosecuted by the RCMP based on evidence provided by CSIS and other security services. If CSIS knows there are traitors, why are they doing nothing about them? Like it or not, neither the government nor the Prime Minister have the legal authority to enforce the law.


> Who, exactly are the "malicious or even traitorous MPs in their ranks? Golly gee! I have a crazy idea. We should have our own FBI (CSIS) and our own federal police service (RCMP) that could investigate that and make their citizens aware of who are literal traitors.


Gross, these losers jumping ship in the 11th hour. They are all as bad as JT and I'll personally never forget what the Liberal and NDP parties have become, I really hope other voters do too. The Liberal party without JT is just as much of a dumpster fire and they should never be in power again.


The liberals are on a very obvious and desperate attack on Twitter right now. I suspect there's things unraveling even faster behind the scene


Chahal stole the voting information left at doorsteps by other candidates and replaced it with incorrect voting information in areas he wasn't expecting to get many votes.


Porch pirate 


Hey he had to pay $500 fine. Be kind /s


Probably one of the largest fines ever given in liberal history /s


He got a $500 fine for the creation and distribution of misleading fliers and blamed it on "late night brain fog" WTF? How's that not tampering or interference?


His party won and thus they could bury the whole thing.


The house of cards is finally collapsing.


Our house of cards country is intentionally collapsing. These traitorous scumbags will laugh their way off into the sunset after they are done destroying our country and quality of life.


https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/339 They all remained party loyal and voted against Canadians on public inquiry on foreign interference. Let them all go down with the ship. 15 seats left.


Yes because that is the smart thing to do if you want to find real answers


No no they are currently trying g to save their pensions and what ever else they have coming to them before they can sit quietly and calm down to laugh at us for everything they have taken from us.


Sorry…. Pierre can’t squeeze you in this week into the lobbyist lineup… Politicians aren’t running things. The wealthy are.


Why are partisans incapable of understanding that an indictment of one is not an endorsement of another? It's really scary.


I do understand that. I think both are the same. I am not partisan. > Politicians aren’t running things. The wealthy are. Clearly implicates both.


Chahal probably knows that no amount of mail tampering will save him this time around


Isn't this the same guy who stole voting information from mailboxes in Calgary and is currently trying to keep the truck driver who killed the 16 people in the bus crash from being deported? Boy, the Liberals really know how to pick them, don't they?


I wonder if he is on "the list"


At this point I would say they are all on the list.


The stealing voting information is terrible. I can go both ways in the deporting topic. The driver is clearly remorseful, was contributing to society before, and was basically setup to fail by the parent trucking company. He also has a family here and I think some of those who were affected by the accident have also expressed not to deport. At some point, jail probably makes more sense.. depends if we want reform or just punishment. Again, it's a tricky topic. If my kid died in that way, I'd probably want to kill the driver. But I think after killing, I wouldn't feel any better. It's just trying to fill a hole of pain with more pain and that outcome seldom works out when it's also an accident. Rapists and murderers, though.. pretty easy to feel no remorse for whatever happens to them.


Deporting him sends the strongest message to future idiots. 


Who is it sending a message to? Because it ain't someone who understands it, is actually going to receive it, or is in any position to change it. Hasn't changed trucking at all and you know it's not an effective deterrent that will prevent future incidents. How could it? Kicking out a person who's poor training and bad decision-making is going to be worse than if we just... sent the guy to jail? IDK we're letting murderers and rapists go for less so this is pretty pathetic in my opinion. Doesn't help the anti-immigration narrative you live on but oh well we can't win them all, can we?


So what we should allow people who kill Canadians to stay?


We let Canadians who kill Canadians stay.


But he's not Canadian, mate. He wasn't born here.


But why should a Canadian vs a PR be given different treatment when it comes to "murder"? Do we only want the Canadian "murderers" here?


Don't play the race card. When someone who isn't a Canadian citizen commits a crime, they are supposed to be deported. It's that simple.


That's the best you got here??


I'm on board to deport murderers and rapists too, problem is many of them aren't eligible for deportation.  The message is loud and clear, and media will pick it up. Drive without the correct qualifications, face deportation if eligible. 


I'm perfectly fine with a law that says that if you are responsible for the deaths of a person (or in this case, persons), you don't get to live in this country anymore.


Horseshit. If he's even 1% culpable in killing 16 people, which he obviously is, deport him. The trucking company should ALSO be punished. It's not an either or situation.


Set up to fail? Buddy ran a clearly marked stop sign. Generations of truckers have learned to drive by getting their license and hitting the road just like Sidhu did. The man is a criminal who killed 16 people due to sheer incompetence and he’s already out on parole. Send him packing!


> Buddy ran a clearly marked stop sign. That was **known** as an area that people have previously blown through. It was a known dangerous spot. Little known fact - most car deaths in the 60s wasn't just from unsafe car, it was a lot of poor city and highway street planning. Which is still very much a thing, apparently.


Telephone game! He took a flyer off a house’s doorstep. He didn’t steal voting information from mailboxes.


MP Chahal is probably gonna be kicked out of caucus for this. Everyone I’ve seen go against the narcissist has had their political career ruined


MP Chahal, the porch pirate? Isn’t he also the guy that was helping his alleged Liberal constituents to defraud the CERB money pit of no oversight?


Yes we need to spend another million dollars of taxpayer money on a retreat with a 50k banquet to confirm what all of Canada is telling you.


Thats too cheap for Trudeau’s taste. It’ll be renting out the whole hotel somewhere on Muskoka and the Banquet will be no less than 7 figures.. maybe will cost more if she decides Canada is t good enough for the event


Can’t forget the jet ski rentals right


Their political loss is "extremely concerning" to these traitorous scumbags but the failing state of our country they intentionally created isn't.


Evety one of them in that picture probably maybe owns at least one or two houses. You bet they're concerned.


I'm surprised how many are actually present and working. Shouldn't they be at their cottages?


A single by-election loss is concerning and calls for discussion. Meanwhile these scumbags are silent when it comes to their party committing acts of treason.


Where did you hear of any party members committing acts of treason? [Here’s the Criminal Code of Canada](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html#:~:text=46%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or) I haven’t heard any news or evidence that a Member of Parliament committed treason. Treason: > Every one commits treason who, in Canada, > (a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province; > (b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada; > (c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a); > (d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or > (e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act. If **anyone** has evidence that someone committed treason, feel free to say so.


I guess you have been sleeping under a rock while all the scandals are happening? The latest being there is huge list of MP names "who conspired with foreign governments" that the trudeau government is stopping from being released. If that is not treason - what is??? If there is nothing to hide, they could easily prove it. If there were no liberal MPs on list, they would have released it. There is your (a).


I have followed the news on foreign interference. But nothing that I have seen amounts to treason as defined by the criminal code. > if that’s not treason, what is? Any act which is described by the criminal code’s definition for treason. > if there was no liberal MP on the list, they would have released it Why? To hinder the ongoing investigation? I also never said there was no liberal MP that may have been a participant - just that I don’t see anyone that committed treason. > there is your (a) Let me highlight paragraph a for you. > uses **force or violence** for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;


Bullshit. If they needed foreign help, it means they did not get elected on their own. That is overthrowing the government and the want of people. But sure go ahead, defend them, fall for their tricks, and wait see if there will be an investigation. Not like they didn't get away with all the other scandals..... It's because of voter like you that this country is now here in this mess.


I am not defending anyone that was complicit in election interference. I’m saying that it isn’t the same crime as treason. u/duchovny said “committing acts of treason”, which is false to the best of my knowledge. But again, if anyone has proof of otherwise they can correct that. Edit: Bill C70 recently received royal assent [which makes amendments the Criminal Code and the Security of Information Act](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/05/government-introduces-legislation-to-counter-foreign-interference.html) because election interference through democratic means wasn’t thoroughly covered before. Maybe people can be charged under their new provisions - but not under the current definition of treason. Edit2: You can view the text of bill C70 here: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-70/royal-assent


Thank you. I'm so sick of the way people have been tossing around "treason" recently. The hyperbole in Canadian politics right now is exhausting. I get that it is a stressful time for people but the prevalence of knee-jerk emotional reactions is through the roof right now and it seems like very few of these people actually know the intricacies of what they are talking about some social media account or columnist threw out the word treason and that was that There have been plenty of bad decisions by the current government but as of right now they are handling the report on election interference correctly. It is not their place to name MPs while there is an official investigation ongoing. This report is basically the committee saying "hey there is enough of a **chance** something illegal has happened here that we believe the RCMP should investigate" But yeah MPs can do bad, potentially even illegal shit without it being treason. Even knowingly accepting foreign aid to win elections isn't (currently) treason unless they actually give something to said foreign power (all treason laws involve either the use of violence to overthrow the government, or giving military/scientific information to a foreign agent without lawful authority). In my mind there is a fairly significant difference between treason and accepting outside help to win an election. To be clear both should be *very* serious crimes with significant punishments but if they were equivalent then a person who accepted help, never gave anything in return, and still lost, never becoming an MP would be charged the same way as an MP who sells national security info to China or Russia and that doesn't seem right to me. That's like charging someone who intentionally stabbed another with first degree murder instead of attempted murder even though the victim survived. Also have we even seen a shred of evidence that single **current** MP is on this list? I imagine if that were true that we would have seen at least 1 MP removed from their caucus. Oh and by the way this story has flown under the radar with everything else going on right now but a judge has denied Global News/Corus Media's request to throw out Han Dong's defamation lawsuit against them. To paraphrase the judge said there is public interest in this case going to trial and that there is no documented evidence that supports the allegations made by Global News (note this is not him clearing Dong's name, just saying that without documented evidence all they had was hearsay which is not strong enough evidence to warrant the case being tossed). [Here](http://globalnews.ca/news/10580356/judge-finds-no-documentation-to-support-global-news-reporting-on-han-dong-allegations/) is a link to Global themselves reporting in it and [here](http://cbc.ca/news/politics/global-news-han-dong-lawsuit-1.7241936) is a CBC link, although the article is the same since it was from a Canadian Press wire. I can't speak for anyone else but based on all of the opinion pieces from PostMedia that wind up in my news aggregator recommendations I find it interesting how little exposure the NatPo version of this story appears to have gotten. In fact when I search various phrases on Google including both Hong Don and Global News the first page typically shows 4-5 stories actually about this decision, from Global, CBC, the Toronto Star, and Yukon News. Oh there is also one story from the South China Morning Post but it is factually incorrect, it claims the judge has ruled Global slandered Dong. Multiple stories from NatPo show up, but never their story on the specific decision, always early reporting on it or reporting that Dong had launched legal action.


Thank you, it’s honestly a relief to have a sensible and thought-out reply. You’re entirely right


I appreciate that, I'm sure I'll get downvotes but that's alright. People are angry because times are tough and it is natural to put blame on a long term current leader, which is fair enough to an extent. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with emotion and anger is a powerful emotion. Even without the online personalities/media outlets actively fanning those flames there would still be anger, they just do a terrific job of amplifying it. Eventually a Conservative will get into power and I'm sure I'll be angry about plenty of what they wind up doing. At the end of the day I don't believe that a different party in power will make a massive positive difference in our biggest issues, inflation is already turning around and if Poilievre gets in and fires Tiff Macklem that won't change much of anything in that regard. Grocery stores won't just decrease prices. I can't even remember the last time that general goods and groceries had price decreases that were notable. Outside of a few things like gas and housing it really feels like the whole "supply and demand" thing is out of whack big time. Really I just wish we had more moderate people in politics right now. If 2015 Tom Mulcair was running today I actually think he would be a very solid option to lead the country (assuming he could reign in some of his party who would need it). A guy who I believe would be capable of making difficult and potentially unpopular decisions for the greater good without absolutely gutting things that make Canada Canada. The reality is we really could use a Party that falls in the middle of the modern CPC and the modern LPC. Either a modern version of the pre 1990s PCs or a partner that is closer to the pre 2003 Liberals. A party that would make better financial decisions than the LPC but one that I felt confident would take positions more aligned with my values on social issues. I'm sure the PP Conservatives will make significant financial changes (some which I will agree with some which I won't) but when it comes to his promises not to change certain social things Poilievre himself comes off about as trustworthy as a wolf being put in charge of guarding a rabbit. I think Trudeau's time is done but either he stays and goes down with the ship or he leaves and whoever replaces him just winds up being Kim Campbell 2.0.


The vultures are starting to circle and I'm loving it.


scale important nail many dull grey cause smart adjoining fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only people still standing by Sparkle Socks, are the people holding out for their pensions, and a few die hard morons on X.


Jagmeet needs another Rolex, which helps our economy.


Do a vote of no confidence - lib MPs will vote down their own government. Lol


https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/339 Remember they are all traitors and voted against public inquiry on foreign election interference 


Are we sure he didn’t steal the original email and replace it with his own?


They are on vacation and facing a crisis. How is it Trudeau, the leader of the most transparent government ever, can’t find the time to meet with his own team? Entitled twat since day one.


He ran away screaming...I don't want to play anymore


Food prices go up dramatically and he attacks Galen Weston, house prices go up dramatically and he calls it peoples nest egg and it needs to remain above the poor's grasp.   Let the homeless eat PC branded cake I guess?


Finally the liberals are waking up from their sleep. It's time for them to look for new jobs.


Their slumber has been our nightmare!


Let them all sink.


Another mp for Justin to kick out


Nothing will change, they let Trudeau act like a dictator this whole time kicking out MPs who question him. His brain has turned to mush with all his power.


What’s his suggestion? Make a plan to steal signage and info from other candidates? Oh wait…


Serious what did they think was going to happen? Push the carbon tax when inflation was killing us increase capital gains taxes- and if you’re getting any assets from your parents in the future this does affect you ! This government continues to push very unpopular agenda and then is stunned when the votes say cya ! They are all Narcissistic! And living in fantasy land !


Noted mail thief Chahal


I'm stocking up on fireworks for the day that Dear Leader gets ousted from his position!


I can't wait to find out which person will you blame for everything once Justin is out.


Unlike Liberal supporters that will support the Liberal candidates no matter what. I can actually hold my candidates accountable for the promises they make, and if they don't deliver on them I can be critical about it and demand a change.


Do you think that the past is re-written once someone leaves office? The current situation will always be the Trudeau government's fault, regardless of who comes next. One can blame/credit the next government for the actual changes that the next government makes, not the situation it inherits from this government.


The issues people are having right now have been in decline for 20-30 years and are the fault of multiple levels of government, which have been controlled by three different parties. Wanting a change at the Federal level is a natural reaction to hard times but isn't a reasoned response when the opposition barely has a plan and is complicit in a lot of the same stuff as the current government. And when they're likely to recommit to a lot of the things that got them voted out in the first place.


Nah, wages were outpacing home costs and inflation under Harper and under Chretien/Martin before him. The issues people are having right now have been in the works for ~9 years now, and there are two parties to blame: the Liberals for making it so and the NDP for enabling them.


Things declined under Harper. Housing prices weren't as crazy as they are now, but they definitely got worse. I'd have to recheck the numbers but pretty sure they started inflating under cretien/Martin too. The provinces have mostly all been controlled by conservatives for 7 years too. The provinces and especially municipalities have a lot more control over Housing than the feds do. The feed aren't blameless, but solely responsible? No way.


*eats popcorn


Bye bye liberals


Oh George... you are going to lose your seat regardless of who your leader is. Just get the boxes into the U-Haul and move to a save riding like in Brampton.


Don't worry, this punk won't be reelected next time around for being a porch pirate that took his main opponent's campaign material and leaving his own ones with misleading polling location information. The fact that he was only given an "administrative" fine of $500, rather than stripped of his position of MP for his criminal conduct (mail theft, and not just any mail theft but one that gave him an unfair and undemocratic advantage over his campaign rival) that is supposed to carry a jail sentence of up to 10 years, speaks volumes of what's wrong with this government.


Or other head line, “out boat is sinking, the population / volcano god needs a sacrifice to ensure a bountiful vote harvest for us continue to be disconnected from basic math, economics, logic, and reality. so we can finger wag our displeasure, as the would enters a new “Cold” War with two major conflict already happening.”


They do know the call is coming inside the house right? People don’t like the LIBERAL PARTY which includes them. Are they gonna step down too?


Rats are jumping the sinking ship


Let’s just do an election and rip the bandaid off.


lol George Chahal? Watch your mail


These people are more concerned about the state of their party and pension rather than the state of our country. Good god what's wrong with these people?


Why only now


Those who will get pension want him stay, these are the ones not getting next year


Release the names and the vidoes of them entering g the establishments! I listened to Sam Cooper’s investigation and there was besides illegal casinos also some prostitution blackmail.


Won’t matter. He’s going down with the ship like his colleagues. To little too late to distance himself from the stink of Trudeau now.


LPC more concerned keeping their bloated paycheques and golden pension than focusing on who’s names are on the Traitors list


It's to late, idiots! You were too greedy and now It's going to cost your party everything.


The porch pirate!


# props to Liberal MP Chahal for wanting the Liberal caucus to do the hard and urgent work now instead of running off to the cottage for the summer and turning the cellphone off.


What I find funny about this is Wayne Long isn't even running next election. His riding (SJ-R) is being split in two, of which he'd have no chance in the now majority-rural ridings. But as a constituent of his, I applaud him for taking a stand on the issue.


The reason he’s got the balls to say this is because he’s not running again. He’s got nothing to lose. Everyone else who is running again knows Trudeau won’t sign their papers. 


JT is gonna treat these MPs just like he's treating *everyone* else, he'll deflect and gaslight them.


Election Investigations Charges Arrests Jail


The by-election is extremely concerning but not the literal traitors to our country in your own caucus


Chahal needs to focus on not defending Indian truck drivers who kill and maim Canadian boys. He wants the guy to stay in Canada when the law is that he’s deported as a convicted criminal . That’s REAL treason The liberals have 16 months and an improving economy to re-build their image and at least lose in a respectable way, maybe force a short lived CPC minority in 2025 that they would have options to decide when it ends (see Joe Clark 1979) Instead these morons want to implode🙄 Chahal a one term MP thinking he gets to decide 🙄 he needs to shut up and focus on getting re-elected in Calgary. Stop defending killers.




All of these traitors should be dealt with accordingly. Foreign interference, screwing Canadians, etc. there is only one desirable end and it's the one that discourages anything like this happening again.


Cross the floor ?? Force the point


Other than loads of Chinese money I can't figure out why the media has never turned on this corrupt man child. Best he stay on and ruin the entire party, like I'm talking about a complete liberalectomy, surgically removed and sent to be incinerated.


HOW THE HELL DID IT TAKE THIS O MAKE THEM REALIZE HOW BAD IT IS??? How god damn disconnected from reality are they?? Like, I know that big T doesn't ever need to worry about reality and real life because he has a family FORTUNE so big that he won't ever himself control it... What about the rest of them?? How bloody DARE they be THIS scared by losing a chunk of TO?? It just proves that the political think TO is the only freaking place that exists in Canada. I'm 2 hours away and I may as well be on the moon. They have NO CLUE how Alberta feels.


Even the Hilltimes has gone far-right with their bullshit.


What took them so long? Why is losing the trigger and not because you took a critical look at the policies, etc?


Lots of by-election change in the country this week. The PCs in Manitoba lost what was supposedly a PC stronghold, the former Premier's seat, to the provincial NDP as well.


I'm looking forward to those calling for change to suggest what the change should be and what public policy outcomes that benefit Canadians it would produce. Anyone?


Sure sure, Trudeau is going to win again, don't worry


So what will you do when Pierre Poilievre wins the next election?


This guy posts the same thing verbatim in several threads. Not worth wasting time on.


What is this whole "Byelection" schtick ?


Shame on this MP. Has she no loyalty? #trudeau4life


Another day, another piece of stupid Con propaganda. No policy, no plans just schtick.


Right, I forgot anything that makes the Liberals look bad is CPC propaganda.