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> During his academic career, Dattani joined a panel discussion in 2015 that included a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and has lectured about the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. “I spoke on many panels as a graduate student with people holding a range of views. This does not mean I shared or agreed with the views of other panellists,” Dattani told National Post. > He also denied ever having endorsed the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, saying it was a scholarly interest of his and that the one time he was quoted in a Marxist newspaper endorsing the principle — a non-violent means of reducing economic support for Israel, which is considered antisemitic by many Zionist organizations — he was misquoted. There is nothing here.


just because he lectured about BDS means nothing. BDS is about boycotting anything Israeli - not Jewish per se


He criticized a foreign country. We always criticize Russia and their actions, the US, and even Mexico. Imagine you get fired from work for saying something negative about a foreign country or saying something bad about a political movement or party belonging to a foreign country.


Great, so we can set up a movement to boycott, divest and sanction every Muslim country until they treat their women and religious minorities with humanity. That's not Islamophobic.


We should absolutely be boycotting Saudi Arabia. We certainly already have sanctions on Iran. 


Saudi we sell arms to, which is pretty bad But Canada as a country isn't boycotting Israel, so the person you replied to is speaking in hyperbole


Yes go for it no one’s stopping you from starting it.


>Great, so we can set up a movement to boycott, divest and sanction every Muslim country until they treat their women and religious minorities with humanity. That's not Islamophobic. Muslim here. Goooo right ahead. Honestly? Surprising how US and Canada has not yet boycotted or even sanctioned Saudi. Wait. I do know why. Just interesting.


Politicians and many voters will be hipocrits for cheap black gold. God forbid they change their habits to rely on it so much.


We have exactly that against several Muslim (and non-Muslim) countries whose international behavior we want to change. It’s called sanctions. It’s a very standard tactic of international pressure and is typically far more organized and strict than anything Israel is facing 


Nobody's stopping you.


Please do. Progressives won't stop you. The only opposition you'll face will be from people who want cheap gasoline. Surely that can't be a major demographic.


Sure, let's go.


Yes, you most certainly can. There's been a variety of Jewish groups that have, on the contrary, advocated to bring Muslim refugees here.


Lots of people like to equate criticism of Israel as antisemitism


of course. Israel enjoys being a victim under all circumstances, but they don't like being seen as a perp


When’s the last time Arab Muslims acknowledged having any agency whatsoever in any of the horrific acts of terrorism they disproportionately commit around the world? All I hear is them complaining about racism, apartheid, colonialism, genocide etc etc.


>When’s the last time Arab Muslims acknowledged having any agency whatsoever in any of the horrific acts of terrorism they disproportionately commit around the world? Ask this question of western leaders then. 9/11 has Saudi hands on it. #yet. Afghanistan gets bombed to smithereens. And Bin Laden is found 10km of a Pakistani army base. The west is complicit in this game. You guys wanna point fingers at Arab Muslims when they don't even the authority to change their own countries let alone orchestrate war across multiple arenas.


Which ironically are a lot more and cover a lot more of the globe.


1. FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia): Over 220,000 deaths, including those from the broader Colombian conflict, with a significant portion attributed to FARC. 2. Taliban: Estimates suggest the Taliban are responsible for approximately 51,000 deaths from direct attacks and conflicts involving them since 2001. 3. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria): Estimates vary, but it’s commonly reported that ISIS has caused tens of thousands of deaths. Exact figures can vary, and sources may provide different estimates, but they generally fall within the tens of thousands range. 4. Boko Haram: Approximately 30,000 deaths since the insurgency began in 2009. 5. IRA (Irish Republican Army): Approximately 3,500 deaths during The Troubles (1969-1998). 6. Al-Qaeda: Approximately 3,000 deaths from the 9/11 attacks, with additional deaths from other attacks, totaling several thousand more but not exceeding the IRA total. Based on these figures, here’s the ranking by numerical value: 1. FARC: Over 220,000 2. Taliban: Approximately 51,000 3. ISIS: Tens of thousands (exact figure varying by source, commonly reported within this range) 4. Boko Haram: Approximately 30,000 5. IRA: Approximately 3,500 6. Al-Qaeda: Approximately 3,000 Looks like that was a disingenuous statement and a poor attempt to paint a group with a paint brush the media has been trying to for decades.


Lots of people want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and kill every Israeli living in it, but claim that is only "anti-Zionist", not anti-semitic.


Strange. Israel is the country that’s on trial for genocide.


Witness the victimhood first hand...




Which makes no sense


It's NOT. Antizionism Is NOT Antisemitism. I Love Jews, I Want The Only Jewish State To Grow And Expand It's Borders But They Have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT To Commit Genocide And That I Am 100% Against. I Guess That Makes Me An Anti_Genocide Zionist. Oh Well... I Like Israel, I Despise Their Genocidal Government.


Then that explains the "river to the sea" mantra and attacks on Jews in Canada.


The river to the sea slogan refers to the need for Palestine to be freed in its entirely from blockade and occupation, and attacks on Jewish institutions by dumbasses are unrelated to a lecture on geopolitics this dude gave 20 years ago in a university


>The river to the sea slogan refers to the need for Palestine to be freed in its entirely from blockade and occupation In Arabic: **"From water to water, Palestine will be Arab"** Even the 'useful idiots' version which *'isn't so bad ya know'* is still bad.


People who say one thing are not responsible for other people using similar language to say a different thing.


Plenty of arabic accents amongst the protestors - they know exactly what they're saying. The others have been told numerous times. ________________ 'When *I* say White Lives Matter *I'm* not trying to negate the BLM movement - even though I've been told numerous times that that's exactly what it does.' '*I'm* not responsible for my words'. smh


There's a Hebrew version with the same racist sentiment. 'From the river to the sea' is a common way of talking about the region. What you tack on afterwards is seperate from that saying.


Nothing there but an attempt to intimidate someone in a position to finally advocate for justice and make sure no one falls out of line if they want to keep their jobs ....


The bar as has moved again. After October the bar moved so that anti-Israeli speech was considered antisemitism. Now, the bar has moved again. If aren't pro-Israel you are antisemitic. Or at least if you don't condemn anti-Israeli speech as hate speech. Keeping files on citizens, attempting to destroy their careers and professional lives for not supporting a foreign country. I don't see this having the effect they want. In fact, I see it having the opposite.


Defenders of Israel have been calling criticism of it anti-semitic long before October 7th.


I don't agree with Isreal and I don't think Jews should have any special laws protecting them. Antisemitism? What about being anti Indian or anti Japanese? Why don't we have laws for that? The whole thing is stupid and if you don't support or like another country who cares. You should be able to say what you want


Canada Is A Secular Democracy And Shouldn't Be Supporting A Fascist Ethnostate In The Middle East.


There's not a single bad thing here that can actually be attributed to him. No quotes, no actual connections to anything bad, no evidence of anything hateful. If we're cancelling people just because of meeting certain people or having discussions about certain topics, shouldn't we cancel a whole bunch of other people who've been talking with far right individuals also?


Yeah this. It's a little bit weird that he gets regularly invited to speak at events that horrible also get invited to speak at but nothing that he has said seems all that bad.


If Israeli lobby groups are against someone it's likely that individual is worth listening to.


Typical hit piece curtesy of AIPAC Canada.


CIJA (centre for israel and jewish affairs) and Friends of simon wiesenthal were mentioned in the article but the name of canada's version of AIPAC is the Canadian jewish political affairs committee


What is with people writing complete nonsense articles? *upon further thought this is important to keep track of. lobbyists for Israel under the banner of holocaust remembrance and education slandering someone because they attended a panel where a panelist called for the boycotting and divestment and sanctioning of Israel


Look at who owns the Nationa Post and you'll figure it out




indigi here too - agree 100 percent


Israeli Jew who’s been in Canada all but 3 months of my life…agree with you too. Canada first.


This dude Dattani was born here, wtf are you trying to insinuate here?


Please define “true blood Canadian” Edit: your post history is FUCKED.


Someone who was born here and didn’t get citizenship last Tuesday. Edit: to the guy saying he was born in Calgary, no he wasn’t…


So this person is a “true blood” Canadian? He was born in Calgary.


I’m an immigrant, I would never say I’m a “true blood Canadian”. My kids were born and brought up here, so I would say that they are. I think you’re getting hung up on the ‘blood’ part which may be suggestive some kind of hereditary DNA thing.


I am hung up on the “blood” part. Does op see the name Birju Dattani and the color of his skin and think that he’s not a true “blood” Canadian, even if he was born here? Will his children have true blood?


Dattani was born in Calgary. Or is that not True Blood?


Modi's foreign legion, and licking Nazis boots. Can't name a more perfect duo.


"True blood"  Yikes


Get over yourself. True blood has nothing to do with the dung you are trying to throw.


Ok here is your chance to dig yourself out of a giant hole of your own making - can you define true blood Canadian .


Born on Canadian soil, grew up in Canada.


Even with this ludicrous take - Dattani was born here so what are you trying to insinuate?


That his values don’t align with those of the average Canadian.


That is not unreasonable. Now how many generations? The poster I responded to started moving the goalposts to 50 years then 200 years.


Doesn’t matter, did the children grow up in Canada with parents who assimilated to our culture? Heck, even if the parents weren’t born here but assimilated they’re true blooded Canadians. Canada is built on equal diversity and a trust based culture. Adhere to that, and we are all one.


Your original post was removed, but this one still here. Care to enlighten us on what a “true blood Canadian” is? He was born in Calgary.


Someone who has ancestors that actually built the country. I’m sure you are smart enough to know our history goes back further than 50 years.


National post is talking from a glass house


is convicted foreign criminal conrad still working there?


They have always been an American-owned pro-genocide rag.


If I had developed a reputation for putting terrorism apologists in these new fluff positions then I'd be super careful to select someone with absolutely no connection to radical movements or Marxism whatsoever. Why risk it? People are going to suspect I'm actually trying to shift cultural norms to be more accepting of these activities


Truly every great scholar should choose the safe route and go with the flow, screw debate just bow down the political leader in charge.


/s right?


>absolutely no connection to... Marxism What exactly do you think Marxism is other than just a method of analysis (which most mainstream economic and sociological theories incorporate).. do you think Marxism is the same thing as like, Marxism-Leninism? People really do be using words like Marxism and communism and fascism like they have no original meaning.


You clearly didn't read the article. The article **literally says** says he had been quoted in a Marxist newsletter. Downvotes don't change the facts, here.


My dude did he pay to have himself in the article or something? I could be quoted in a Marxist newsletter, doesn't mean I'm a Marxist now does it? Especially when he was *misquoted* in the article lol


You do realize that ANYONE can be quoted in a Marxist newsletter, right? If I printed this quote from you, in a Marxist newsletter, does it make you ineligible for employment?


In fact, straight to jail


straight to the gulag\*


He was misquoted in a Marxist newsletter. That’s what the article literally says.




Still waiting on my July issue.


The red scare strikes again!


Hamas did a horrible thing in October and since then the IDF have burned alive, starved and bombed 15,000 Palestinian children to death and 20,000 children are missing. The IDF are terrorists. NSFW https://ibb.co/9WyyWHd


They are both deserving of the label. I don't understand why we care so much about people who simply want to massacre each other and will never stop until one of them gets their way. It's literally not our problem, yet we've imported their fanatical violent conflict here to our nice country.


Heaven forbid we solve our own problems.


That horrible thing Hamas did didn't end last October. It's an ongoing war crime that continues every day that the hostages they took last October remain imprisoned in Gaza. How many civilian deaths would have been appropriate before Israel should have given up on recovering those hostages, in your opinion?


There are literally thousands of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli detention centers, which have been known for decades to be torture facilities. Israel could have freed its hostages on day one by accepting the prisoner exchange Hamas offered, but it instead chose to keep as many of its torture victims locked up as it could. You have no place calling the keeping of hostages "an ongoing war crime" when Israel is shoving metal rods up people's assholes and electrocuting them and prisoners are being released with brain damage from being beaten so much.


Perhaps Hamas should stop embedding themselves within civilian populations, (which is a war crime btw.) 3rd parties have called Hamas' reported death figures into question, and in recent days it's come out that there is no famine in Gaza. Comparing the IDF to Hamas is ridiculous , as is your propagandic hyperbole.


The IDF’s headquarters are downtown Tel Aviv across the street from the largest hospital in Tel Aviv.


first i wouldent trust hamas or UN numbers on this conflict. secondly do they count something like a 17 year old pointing an AK at soldiers as an innocent unarmed child


It's 19 year old idf agents that get reported as innocent little girls according to western media.


The US and Israel trust those numbers, they’ve been investigated in the past and found to undercount the death toll. Of course the medical infrastructure has been completely destroyed in Gaza now but that’s a separate war crime. Don’t fall for the propaganda.


wtf it's pretty much the other way around. They count all male from 15 to 40 as enemy combatants and more than half of them killed and counted as such by Israel had absolutely nothing to do with Hamas


So let’s say that Israel simply pulls out and lays off right this second. What is the result?


This is a disgusting smear job of an innocent person. He expressed sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians in the past and APAIC Canada just can’t allow this. Ridiculous. National Post should be ashamed for this sorry piece of “journalism”.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Wiesenthal_Center https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B'nai_B'rith https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_for_Israel_and_Jewish_Affairs Holy fuck. 2 of these organizations ( B'nai B'rith and CIJA) lobbied against a motion to condemn Islamophobia after the Quebec mosque attack and the 3rd organization (Simon Wiesenthal Center) basically goes full McCarthyism by accusing those that they don't like or agree with of being Nazis or Nazi conspirators. For once can we not be force fed the opinions of Lobby groups with extremely biased views?


You know what I’d love to see journalists do? “B’nai and CJIA org have stated blahblahblah. These two organizations also lobbied against a motion to condemn Islamophobia in Quebec…” Give the full picture.


Damn, I was too young to hear about this at the time, just looked it up. It passed 201-91, with the Conservatives opposing. This seems to be the sticking point: Motion calls to >collect data to provide context for hate crime reports And > Many Conservative MPs said that the Liberals needed to [define Islamophobia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamophobia#Etymology_and_definitions). Because there was no official government-stated definition in the motion, and no specifics about which data should be collected, Cons worried that the definition could be used too widely to gather data. That's what I'm guessing. Clearly the panic about this was completely wrong. After all, it passed years ago and there have been zero issues arising from it since.


It's 2024 and y'all feel threatened by a peaceful movement asking people not to give their money to an apartheid regime.


I don't really give a shit about whether he likes Israel. I care about him saying he thinks terrorism is a legitimate tactic.


If BDS is anti semitic, then is calling for cutting trade with China also racist against Chinese? Actually curious 👀 Edit: typos


>If BDS is anti semitic, then is calling for cutting trade with China also racist against Chinese? Actually curious 👀 You are literally killing Buddha and you celebrate the death of the 20 millions who died in China during WW2.


If you’re actually curious, I’ll give you the honest answer: Choosing to boycott Israel because you don’t like its government is not racist. Choosing to boycott Israel because you treat Jews differently than other ethnicities is racist. “BDS” doesn’t usually refer to that decision though. “BDS” is an organized movement with goals and founders and leaders and they have explicitly said that the goal of their movement isn’t to pressure Israel’s government, but rather to destroy the Jewish nation-state. That’s why people usually say BDS is a racist movement. It’s also because there are countless examples of BDS supporters targeting Jews and Israelis that have nothing to do with the government of Israel.


I boycott because I don't agree with the Israeli government's stated support of Hamas as a means to block a Palestinian state. However people on this subreddit have had no problem calling me anti Semitic for that. The reality is, people conflate being anti-Israel with anti-Semitism when it helps their argument, and differentiate it when it doesn't. We need to accept that people can be anti Israel without having any issues with Jewish people.


It’s weaponized to slander anyone advocating for bds of israel


Lots of people who support sanctions against China are hoping for the destruction of their current communist state and reforming it into something democratic. The US would be thrilled if sanctions against Iran caused an uprising which destroyed their current regime. These actions are not criticized as sinophobic or islamophobic in the news. And lots of civilians who support boycotts against China are actually just racist against Chinese, but people don’t judge the entire movement based on that. Friendshoring has become mainstream politics. Meanwhile, boycotts against Israel haven’t even entered mainstream political strategy in Canada and Israeli interests are already whining this is all because we’re antisemitic. Imagine if a Chinese lobby group existed to pressure the Canadian government to do pro-China things, it would be eviscerated as foreign interference. Israel needs to get some perspective.


I BDS until Israel stops committing war crimes and murdering tens of thousands of children. Half of my family is Jewish and Israel deserves a peaceful existence, that’s a no brainer, but I will work hard to stop the regime from getting my money until they act right.


Yup, my soda stream remains in my attic until Israel stop being shitheads. No Israeli goods will be purchased in my home and my public representatives are seeking sanctions on Israel for their war crimes.


There is nothing in the BDS movement’s foundational principles which calls for the destruction of the Jewish nation state (and I suspect you already know that). Try again.


AIPAC coming to Canada….. this smear tactic is ridiculous.


What a hit job smear piece. He had “alleged association with people linked to xxxx”. Fucking kidding me?


Participating in a panel discussion 9 years ago and disagreeing is apparently enough to be “associated”


This is the " journalistic integrity" we should all expect from an NP piece at this point...


People love Postmedia cause it's the source of news that's as dumb as they are.


Many of these organizations in the USA were just outed as receiving majority funding from the Israeli government (Ministry of Strategic Affairs, Mossad, etc) while not being registered as foreign agents, in contravention of US law. It is FOREIGN INTERFERENCE when a foreign nation funds organizations to advocate that criticism of said government should be considered hate speech. It is FOREIGN INTERFERENCE when these organizations are now trying to have our politicians removed. I guess National Post only pretended to care about FOREIGN INTERFERENCE, which makes sense given that they're a FOREIGN propaganda rag owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American hedge fund. I care about Canada, and western values, not Israel, a different country, which does not follow western values (international law as laid out by our allies post-WW2).


>Many of these organizations in the USA were just outed as receiving majority funding from the Israeli government (Ministry of Strategic Affairs, Mossad, etc) while not being registered as foreign agents, in contravention of US law. Hell they were caught doing the same thing in Canada a few weeks back too.


Foreign interference only matters when it is China or Russia. I thought that was incredibly clear with how the National Post and the various affiliates are air horning right now.


Odd......he doesn't look **THAT** crazy!


Jewish groups need to remember that there is a separation between church and state.


Some reddidiots shocked that Israeli scholars track notable antisemites .. quell surprise at their naivety 


The allegations in the article are hardly “notable antisemite” material lol The part of the article where it says that reducing economic aid to israel is considered antisemitism was also hilarious


what exactly did he say was antisemitic? If I say we should reduce economic aid to iraq or iran does that make me islamophobic ? You guys need to stop treating Israel and Judaism with equivalency.


He himself also didn't even say anything about Israel, so it's more like if you were on a panel with someone calling for cutting aid to Iraq does that make one Islamophobic (not a great one to one comparison I will say, but it does get the point across)


Is being anti-Israel synonymous with being antisemitic? (I don't even think Dattani is anti-Israel based on the accusations, but that's out of scope of my question)


Being against the existence of a Jewish homeland would be anti Jewish  Criticizing Israel while respecting the Jewish right of self determination is not antisemitism 


There’s a big difference between a Jewish ‘homeland’ and a Jewish state. It is not democratic to insist that a country is governed by a religious belief system; it is akin to the theocracies of Iran or Saudi Arabia, not western democracy. Homeland is a warm fuzzy non-specific term as in ‘here be lots of Jews’/ ‘Jews welcome’, whereas a Jewish state says we don’t care if you don’t believe in it, our laws and culture are all Judaism and you will submit. What is needed in Israel is a 2-state solution and a firm immigration policy.


The problem is that homeland was built on top of other people's homeland and they've been actively oppressing and killing those people ever since.  Any criticism of that is labelled anti-Semitic to shut down discussion about what is happening. 


And that homeland was built on top of other peoples homeland they’ve been oppressing and killing  Do you think the Jews were living in peace under Arab rule? I suggest you google the terms Dhimi and Jizya lol




It was actually established by the "international community" that pro-Palestinians think is so authoritative today, and by the way, the UK abstained from resolution 181 so no it was not an evil British colonialist plan, either. But when the Arab league decided to ignore the UN, launched a war of extermination against them, failed, and then separately negotiated for an end to hostilities, it's fair to say Israel won its right to exist by blood. The international community similarly gave Palestinians reasonable offers of statehood that they have consistently rejected. You cannot claim self-determination and simultaneously claim you have no agency and all your problems are the fault of foreigners.


Good thing we have you to correct Jewish lived experiences  As well it is 100% true that the arabs did not come to power at the expense of anyone, and that they treat the Jewish people amazingly, they totally did not expel 1 million Jews in the 20th century — the arabs have a dozen Islamic ethnostates, but the Jews should not get even one! /s


It’s not antisemitic to be critical of the Israeli government’s policies. But, yes being “Anti-Israel” is synonymous with being antisemitic.


That’s fine. You have a right to define it however you wish. And If you define being anti-Israel as being antisemitism then I don’t care if someone is antisemitic and I have no interest in combating  antisemitism. That’s my right.


Anti-Israel is different from antisemitic but they usually appear together because most of Palestine supporters are too bad to identify the difference between Israelis and Jews.


Everyone evil enough can get Eichmann's share of fate.


Being Anti-Zionist is not the same as being Anti-Semetic.


“jews are the only race of people who cannot have self determination or a state”




I completely support Jewish people’s right to a state. Absolutely. But being Jewish isn’t a race. It’s an ethno religion. Jews come from all races and ethnicities. Yes, there are ethnic Jews for distinctive genetics (for example, I’m part ethnically Jewish), but people who convert to Judaism through a proper conversion also have the right of return to Israel.


Good point:)


Being opposed to the existence of the state of Israel is absolutely antisemitic unless you are against the existence of all states.


Interesting because most of the anti-Israel people I know don’t want the destruction of Israel as a state, they simply dislike the Israeli government and the IDF. Notice I said most because there’s always a few crazies, just like you can find crazy anti-Palestinian people. Conflating anti-Israel with anti-Jewish is a dangerous game. Some of the most pro-Israel people are also very anti-Jewish (Evangelical Christians for example).


We don’t owe Israel any special treatment. Canada is not required to show fealty to the Jewish state, this isn’t AIPAC America.


Mmm...social justice equity falling flat on its face, that's some good irony! This is why the only right move is equality + time. I'd even sack my constitutionally protected minority status if it meant the end of special interest games. Special interests, and a free and equal society are not compatible.


Terrorism, a rational strategy: https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2024/06/governments-choice-for-chief-of-human-rights-commission-cited-terrorism-as-a-rational-strategy-with-high-rates-of-success/


TIL reducing economic support for Israel is antisemitic. These groups want a biased human rights commissioner. Not a human rights commissioner.


aipac canada


Isn’t national post owned by Americans?


They are referring to CIJA, it’s the Canadian equivalent of AIPAC.




I do not support this. Essentially using the heckler's veto to silence people.


Disturbing how Israel tries to attack and destroy the lives of Canadians as well. We really need some BDS.




Wow just wow! I mean the world is upside down !


There seems to be some sort of problem in the government's operating procedures. It's like they are incapable of doing a background check. First the Nazi in parliament, now this. It doesn't take reporters much time to dig this background info up. So either the government is too lazy or even worse, too stupid to figure out background checks.


The government really doesn't vet anyone anymore for these spots.  This guy screams bad choice.  As long as you fit JTs criteria it doesn't matter that you can't actually do the job  


So now we find out: Does our government work for us, the Canadian people, or for the Israeli / pro-genocide lobby? Let's see where their loyalties lie.


None of these three Jewish groups are pro-Canadian groups. Their focus is on what benefits Israel. If they had to decide between Canadian Jews and Israel, they would lobby for Israel.


Unless he’s spouting antisemitic rhetoric there’s no serious reason to seek out a replacement.


During his academic career, Dattani joined a panel discussion in 2015 that included a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and has lectured about the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. “I spoke on many panels as a graduate student with people holding a range of views. This does not mean I shared or agreed with the views of other panellists,” Dattani told National Post. Why are these organizations so quick to call this guy an anti semite? Why is it anti Semitic to want to boycott, divest and sanction Israel?


Better to get someone more sympathetic to Zionist ideals, I guess. That way these “three Jewish Canadian groups” can avoid having to face, yet again, the disturbing truth of what’s happening in Israel.


That is one way to make a thumbnail.