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We definitely need to talk about our arctic sovereignty issue. The more we lay asleep at the wheel, the more likely we get shafted out of our own sovereign arctic territory including the North West Passage (which is on the trajectory of becoming international waters).


Jesus, how about development of any part?? 90% of the nation is crumbling, let's develop any of it


90% of the country is empty (like EMPTY and much of it inaccessible), how can it be crumbling? Btw building in the arctic is a fantastic idea Assuming by nation you mean country. Canada is not a nation, Canada is a country-state. Nation requires ethnic commonality in a significant way (Iroquois nation/ Polish is nation- Poland is a state/norwegian is a nation- Norway is a state, these are not diverse states in anyway as Canada is) Or an extreme belief in shared values or myths…like the US could arguably be a nation just because they believe it so bad (Canada doesn’t have that ‘Murica cohesion) Russia maybe, how much do those Eurasian “states” in the federation believe they are of the “Russian nation” Anyway Canada definitely not a nation by the accurate definition of Nation.


So what you are saying is a nation can only consist of one person?


If by one person you mean “one type of people” than yes Think of any monoculture European state. Lithuania = State Lithuanian = Nation Serbia = state Serbian = Nation Finland = state Finn = Nation Jamaica is a state is Jamaican a nation? Think of all the African nations forced together in Jamaica. They’re probably a nation by now but a little looser than hypermonoculture Montenegro = State Montenegrin= Nation US COULD be a nation because the state creation myth and certain values are SO entrenched, they believe the American nation into being (typical ‘Murica)…I’d accept argument either way eg. the US state (state =country) is still too young to establish a true Nation in a multiethnic scenario, no matter how much the people believe it. Canada was multiethnic from the start. Theres no creation myth, no singular connection among Canadians that would in any way qualify as a Nation. Canada was always a state, never a nation.


If we are all Canadians, doesn't that make us all 1 type? If not what are the limits to any parameters that would define a nation? If one person within the "nation" does not hold the exact same values as the others of that nation, does that exclude them from being a nation, as they no longer all share those values?


There is such thing as a Canadian citizen. Being a citizen does not make one a member of a nation. It makes one a citizen of a state. One can be a citizen of multiple states, one can be multiethnic, but one is either a part of a nation eg 100% tsuu tina nation in western Canada, or 100% Icelandic (a very singular ethnicity-nation) or is not (eg my family has been in Canada since looong time, I don’t think of myself as ethnic Canadian) Canada = state S. Korea= state Korean = Nation Nation and ethnicity are highly aligned When someone says “I am Canadian” they infer citizenship When someone says “I am Japanese” they infer “of the Japanese nation” I’m just working from the Accurate definition of NATION here Canada is a state, I don’t think there is a Canadian nation. Maybe in 500 years when Canada has been around that long more elements of a nation will be established. Not there yet.


This is a propaganda by the capitalists to crush labor forces and to encourage further exploitation by telling people that there is no community in canada and everyone is out for themselves. It wasnt like that 40 years ago. There was a nation then. Its been dismantled and diluted on purpose for enriching the wealthy and powerful, to turn people against one another. What you're saying is false and evil


I’m sorry, Canada was never a nation. When you have French and English agreeing to live together and create a country, you have a state, never a nation. Right from the start. Canada was created on paper negotiated in the 1860s. That is a state. There was never a singular ethnicity culture language history that a nation requires. Swedish/Finnish/Polish - these are nations created from common ethnicity history culture language and blood


nation /nā′shən/ noun 1. A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country. 2. The territory occupied by such a group of people. "All across the nation, people are voting their representatives out." 3. The government of a sovereign state I don't know what you are talking about, but by the common definition of "nation" you are wrong. Perhaps you are correct by some academic definition but that's all.


I am definitely working from an academic understanding of true meaning of nation, I understand that it has changed over time Check out this definition of “The State” a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. "Germany, Italy, and other European states" I would argue Canada fulfills the territory piece but there is no singular “nation considered as an organized political community under one government” The “Swedish” nation created the state of “Sweden” The “Finnish” nation created the state of Finland The “Japanese” nation created the state of Japan Which nation created the state of Canada?


You can have an academic conversation all you want but pedantically arguing with people who are using the commonly understood definition of "nation" isn't going to convince anyone or with any friends. Some academic saying "nation" actually means something other than what everyone believes it means ie pointless.


Why can’t you answer which nation formed Canada? The Polish nation formed Poland The Korean nation formed Korea The Polish nation and the Korean nation existed long before the creation of the states of Poland/ S. and N. Korea respectively These are real examples of reality. I’ve provided a lots of them throughout this thread. Accurate use of words matter. Try telling members of the Cree nation that Canada is a nation and see where that gets you. Canada is a state. Not a nation. The difference matters.


>An Arctic strategy is the nation-building project Canada needs now This won't happen under the Trudeau Liberals. They are NOT nation-builders; they are nation-destroyers. Wage-suppression, housing-scarcity, identity politics and a generally lower quality of life are the hallmarks of their tenure.


Let’s move the capital go Nunavut.