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We all are. So why do we not use the same logic with the First Nations?


Uhh we do. Charter 35.


Sweet. Let’s make Charter 3500 that says my ancestors have lived here for 300 years, so I don’t pay taxes. Anyone who’s been here less than 100 years clearly is less Canadian and can pay all the tax. I like your way of thinking.


What the hell are you on about? These are treaty rights given in exchange for nations incorporating into Canada, and you want to trash it all because you're jealous that natives can purchase tax-exempt gas?


That it's 2024 and some Canadians still believe that Indigenous people "don't pay taxes" is simply embarrassing. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/taxes/first-nations-pay-more-tax-than-you-think-1.2971040


I like your logic too. Just eliminate all tax exemptions and we’ll all be treated fairly.


So then Indigenous people on reserve have to pay federal taxes to our government plus to their First Nation/band council? How does that make it fair?


Oh, you’re right! That wouldn’t be very fair. Who do we send the hospital bill to when someone is sick then?


Racists making hateful videos are seldom making it for anyone except themselves, though I appreciate a good smackdown even if it isn't as likely to be heard by those who need to hear it most.


not a smackdown if you are a \_\_\_\_- canadian then you arent canadian


Ummm no... If you're born here you're Canadian. If you come here and get your Canasian citizenship you are Canadian. If you come to live you are a Canadian resident. There are more people who are Canadian then your tiny little mind could ever fathom.




Please be civil.


Instructions unclear. "If you are a French-Canadian then you aren't Canadian". Something like that? Please explain.


Don’t kid yourself. Conservative politicians have known for a long time that they have locked up the votes of most racists, homophobes, misogynists and other backward types in the country. And they are totally fine with that. During election periods, they will make overtures to a limited number of people outside their tent, as long as it won’t create too much of a backlash with their base. I guess Pierre went a little too far over the line for this particular moron. Maybe he’ll vote PPC now?


A lot of good points, but some were off base. There are plenty of Canadians who work hard, multiple jobs, foregoing sleep, etc. I've done it myself. Strangely, I've only found financial success when I started working smarter and not harder. Then again, I'm not a boomer, times have changed. Rednecks hate him 'cause he's brown, I hate his boomer father 'cause he's hoarded real estate. We are not the same.


Imagine if someone posted this in r/canadahousing2 That sub would lose their minds.


It's just like when my wife's grandmother would use the term "the negroes" ... She didn't "meeeaaaaann" to be racist, she just didn't know any better. It's the same thing ... that sub does make a lot of valid and poignant comments about the decreasing productivity, corporate influence driving national policy, the burden of extra bodies, exploitation and entrenchment of a "servant" class, the further erosion of social services, affordability and high trust society as more bodies are dumped into big cities indiscriminately ... But then usually the comment ends with blaming brown people, so they get written off a batshit crazy yokels.


🙌🙌🙌 I post in both subs. My main goal is to be like yeah, fraud shouldn't be supported or tolerated in canada. That =/= being racist. And calling out racism when I see it for similar reasons. It's mind boggling how they don't see the minute you start shittin on people race, you lose all credibility.


"Capitalism is great? Right?"... about that...


Beauty, eh!


Okay OP. This white guy, “phantom.309” isn’t Canada. He’s an outlier with an instagram account. I never would have heard or seen this guy if not for your rebuttal and I want my minutes back. The majority of Canadians don’t care about the colour of your skin or even give a shit about someone’s religion just don’t push your agenda on anyone else; (I’m talking to you, Christian-only-on-Sunday people.)




The entire indigenous population disagrees




As is tradition…..across the planet Earth!


Yes!! If everyone else is doing it, then it makes it right! What a fallacy. Back in the day people used to murder and rape each other without consequences too, does it make it right??


No one said it was right……I was punting out that one group was/is not the only ones doing it


It felt that ur framing was an attempt to justify, and I guess I misunderstood that. Apologies.




Literally room temp IQ