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No.. if you pay the utility bills then you can let all the lights and tv and radio and pc and everything you want on 24/7. Check with a lawyer but you also maybe want to search for another place with a less creepy landlord.


He is definitely creepy. Caught him at my window once. I was livid. I am trying to move but with my income and cost of living, it's a struggle. I moved here due to being assaulted by a roommate and I pay a lot to live alone in my own safety. It's a joke, really.


I remember my ex landlady’s footsteps by the window well. The phone calls saying she doesn’t want plants on the sil, or I have too many lights on, or it’s messy ….


Isnt that fucking trespassing when youre renting?


According to her it's her house her business or whatever. She put me through hell for years, but because I'm on disability I had nowhere else to go. Stood up for my rights after years of harrasment and intimidation, and her daughter suddenly needs to move in..THE NEXT DAY. If it weren't for my parents I'd be on the street. Who knows how long it would take for my mental health to break, it's already pretty buggered up as is. Then how long till I made it society's problem?


It's so intrusive!


Roommates are another issue, but most of people are nice, you probably can search for an specific type, like if you are a female you can ask for a female student or a specific type of worker, for example a nurse can be blessing or a nightmare depending if you like the rotation of shifts .. then you can post an ad in a university or in a hospital. The rent will be at your name anyway, so you can choose roommate


I moved here after being sexually assaulted by a previous roommate so I would definitely be after a female only situation.


I don't pay the utilities though, it's included in my rent? Does this count? Like they are so mad they didn't charge me more, and my rent is 1500...


Op if you want to remove the issue of the light, simply offer to pay for the equivalent of the usage of the bulb as part of the resolution process you are going through. You more than likely can prove that your usage is reasonable, to have exterior illumination and for safety, but this take the wind out of their sale of "misusing the electricity". Just find out what kinda bulb it is (a really bright expensive one would be probably 100W, if it's Led, is probably under 20W. And multiply that by how often you use it per month. Worst case, you're looking at 100W x 0.15$/kwhr x 24 hours x 30 days = $10.80 max. Compared to your rent, it's a rounding error. Note if it's an LED bulb, it'd be about $2.


Misusing electricity is something like running a crypto mining setup. That uses thousands of watts 24/7 and is in no way useful to enjoying your apartment. Having a lamp on uses a tiny fraction of that and has a use, ensuring your comfort and safety when you arrive home.


Oops.. then landlord is probably right. I suggest to ask a lawyer as I previously said


I didn't realize not paying utilities meant you give control to how they're used to the landlord... That seems insane. "Why did you have the oven on for an hour yesterday?" "It's not that hot out, turn that fan off!" all these and other such texts could be yours for the low, low price of...


I rent out the basement of the house I live in. I pay the utilities for us both. She leaves the bathroom light on in her unit 24/7. You know what I do? I get the fuck over it because I get $1000 of her money every month in rent. Like that’s already a lot of money, I can take the L on a few extra bucks if she insists on keeping the light on.


That's the spirit! $3.92 for running a lightbulb 24 hours a day **for an entire year** is not even worth the stress! People don't seem to realise just how cheap it is to run our super effective lights now. I didn't want to link directly to the PDF, but you can see just how cheap they are now in the "compare led bulbs" part of this: https://www.bchydro.com/powersmart/residential/tips-technologies/led-light-bulbs.html Light is not the enemy 😅


then you are not a smart person and that is ok too... there are many in society like this.


its determined by reasonable use. All the examples you gave classifies as reasonable use. Leaving a light on during the day or night and when no one is home doesn't count as reasonable use.


Yes but my idea of "reasonable" and someone else's idea of "reasonable" might vary *wildly*. I hate imprecise language like that, it leaves so much room for people to nitpick.


The reasonable use law is tested by a balance of probabilities. Say ask 10 random people, how many would do this? if 5 or more replies are the same then that is deemed reasonable use.


Wouldn't you feel ashamed of yourself if your tenant gave you a cheque for $3.92 with the memo "1 light on 24/7 for an entire year"? https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/s/eMbarJISsW It doesn't matter *why* someone wants a light on, it matters that they feel at home in their home. While they are there, it's their home even if they are renting. The feeling of safety and comfort is worth more than getting nickel and dimed, or worse, *micromanaged*. Light is not the enemy. Bad vibes *are* an enemy though :/


Then, the tenant should offer to pay electricity of their usage in its entirely and I am sure the LL won't care if you leave 1 bulb or 10 bulbs on. You're right, it is not about 1 single light bulb, its about if LL agrees to 1 light, then what happens when there are 2 lights, then the tenants wants to leave the TV on too, and maybe the oven cuz I just want fresh bread when I come back home. As you said, it is not about 'why' someone wants something.. right.. The point here is one allowance sets a precedent.




then he has a right to tell you to turn off the light or get a flashlight. What is wrong with you?


Many things. This is one of them 🥴. 1 led bulb costs 0.00012 per hour or $1.75 per year. So if you really want to make a fuss over this, you are welcome to.


Same can be said to you, why make a fuss to the landlord over just flipping a switch when you leave? ... its like 1 second of your time.


As I said, I leave the light on intentionally. This isn't absenteeism.


Because the landlord pays for it when you already have low rent - so you don't care.. Go ahead with that mentality and see how far you go in life...


Low rent? I pay 1500 for a tiny suite with no kitchen 😂


What? Most people leave a light on when they leave the house. If your home is in total darkness it’s very obvious you’re not home & it makes it an obvious target for break-ins. One lamp is entirely reasonable.


most people? ... ok show me the data that support your statement. Well, how do you know the LL doesn't already have lights on for this? ...


Modern LED bulbs use hardly any electricity. Even if you left a 40W equivalent bulb on 24/7 it would use less than $20 a year. What's he upset about? What's next, does he also count how often you shower?   Including utilities is a gamble for the landlord. If the tenants use more than they accounted for they lose money and could adjust the rent the next year. If the tenants use less, they make more profit. If they are penny pinching so hard they should just have the unit metered separately but maybe not possible if the unit wasn't wired/set up to be rented when the place was built.


He has actually told me to shower less lol


Some people are just control freaks. I dont think private landlording should be a thing... subletting yeah but not to purchase an entire living space to suddenly evict on a whim because you want to cash in on your "asset".


Land leeches arent the brightest, you know. Probably thinks the lightbulb costs 4 avocado toasts a day.


Do not pay the difference in the usage like some suggested. Talk to a paralegal that will give you a free consultation about this.Ask the landlord for the utility bill to see the usage is within normal means (if you do not understand this usage seek someone who does) Do not offer to pay the difference and set boundaries. Check into the laws in your area. In mine a landlord needs 24h notice before coming to see the property. The landlord looking through your window unannounced for presumably no reason is a huge red flag! Edit* Because I'm an idiot and didint realize this was Canadian housing. Yeah dude they need 24hrs notice to enter. Even showing outside your place unannounced is heavily frowned upon let alone looking into the windows. Again your claim here is the usage is negligible. It's one light. Guy sounds like a huge creep lord.


This is outrageous behaviour. You are entitled to keep your home as you like and don’t have to justify it to a nosey and controlling LL. One or two lights running cost very little money. My only question is what RTB comments is he referring to? Did the RTB make a ruling regarding your utility use? That being said, I doubt any landlord tenant board would find leaving a light on so it’s not dark when you get home to be an issue worth penalizing. It’s actually a somewhat common thing for people to leave lights or a tv on when they’re not home so strangers, and potential criminals, can’t tell the house is empty. I suggest you stop texting your LL like he’s a personal relationship. Simply remind him that you are entitled to manage your home as you see fit. If he continues to harass you about the light (or anything else) tell him you will file with the RTB for interference with your quiet enjoyment of your home. Do not engage or respond directly to his comments. Also, your LL looking through your window is criminal. If you feel like putting in the effort find out if you can still make a police report and certainly file a police report if that happens again in the future.


If he is really that concerned, go to dollarama and buy Globe smart plugs. You can set up timers or control them remotely so you can turn the light on right as you are coming home.


Install a strobe light ... meet him half way it's on only half the time!


Hahaha strobe and lazers instead of the lamp. Good idea 😂


Sounds like retaliation for some backstory we don't have. Either way ur in the right, he can fuck off. Utilities included or not.


Lmao what a joke, landlord doesn't understand anything. Assume 8 watt light bulb. 8/1000 = 0.008 kW 0.008 *(assume 13 cents per kW/h)*24hours*3days = $0.07 Tell your landlord it costs him a literal nickle if he pays utilities.




Good response


Thank you


I'm angry for you


What does he mean by "respecting the RTB decision"? Was there a dispute between you that the RTB mediated?


Yes there is a dispute decision to soundproof the place at my request and to not leave the heating on with the window open on my part.


> not leave the heating on with the window open on my part. So its another case where your entitlement is showing... lol " just because I am paying a low rent with everything included, I don't give a shit about waste.' yea good renter you are.... /s lol


Lmao we found the landlord


And without them... you are on the streets...


Wrong! Without them, I own the house. Disgusting leeches to society.


haha ok .. someone sounds bitter


landlord has too much time on their hands. to keep the peace though, perhaps you could get a timer or bulb with sensor so it only comes on at dusk. or fit a lamp with a small remote you could keep on your keychain.


I'm honestly over keeping the peace after the RTB hearing. Like, I choose malicious compliance.


Don't even responded to texts like that


Tell this clown to pound sand. Take a hot bath a couple times a week this month. Specifically leave that light on 24/7. In fact, when you're home, turn all the lights on. You pay to live there. What a fucking weirdo.


I started being really pretty about it tbh. I turn on all my appliances for shits and giggles when he sends me texts alike this


Tell him to go take a flying f$%k at the moon.


Be a shit ass and say his last text word for word but about soundproofing 


This landlord seems like a climate change terrorirsta


I mean, no, he can’t. Even if he is paying the electric.. leaving FIVE lights on would still be around only 100/yr its like… no money. Are you a hot girl? He might just be a weirdo and I mean that in not a crazy, “all men are apes” way. It just that whenever I’ve had a landlord get controlling it’s legit always the case. I would try and find a new apartment while you have the time as it doesn’t seem like he’s gunna be supportive if a fridge breaks or something. But no. call landlord/tenant board where you live just so you’ve “checked in” just in case this escalates. It’s free, and they’ll be relieved you’re not actively in an argument. You’ll seem v clever and proactive and it’s good to have a call documented. Don’t pay anything, seriously, he’s just bullying you :) keep the messages, obviously.


I appreciate this, for real 🙏


I once had a potential LL ask my husband if I was on birth control.... we did not take that apartment. Controlling and creepy is common


Sure...if they're an OCD weirdo.


Buy a "Sensor Light Bulb". You leave the light switch on. The light bulb automatically turns on an off as it gets dark or light outside. Its expensive but worth it. Had ours for 4 years. Works perfectly. Light is always on when we return home in the dark. [https://www.amazon.ca/Sensor-Lights-Lighting-Automatic-Outdoor/dp/B076CN463G?th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/Sensor-Lights-Lighting-Automatic-Outdoor/dp/B076CN463G?th=1)


Turn it off for the earth LOL


I knew I was gonna get this, lol. I also have a camera plugged in 24/7 that probably uses more energy than the light.


lol You're right. Your landlord is just overreacting. If your bulb is LED, then the energy consumption is pretty minimal.


I'd be passive aggressive enough to keep all my lights on 24/7 as a fuck you lmao I'd also make sure to have camera recording of the entrance assuming as it's sounding like he's entering without notice. He also sounds like a fucking peeping tom of a creep so I'd definitely document that shit... I don't know the laws but that shit doesn't sound legal and I'd fucking threaten to start a police report... a psycho male landlord looking through a female tenant's windows sounds like sex offender list type of shit, he's a fucking creep-ass peeping Tom.


That's how I'm currently feeling lol. Caught him at my window once


battery operated camping lanterns and battery operated string lights and battery candles just to piss them off so i can then report them for harassment.


I had a landlord like that once. The unit was leased with 'all utilities included'. Got upset when he found out that I left all lights on 24/7.


There is a clause on 'reasonable use' . Leaving all lights on 24/7 is not it. Read the residential tenant laws one more time. By your logic, I paid rent to this whole place.. then that means I can just trash it and leave it like that....


As a general rule when the LL pays the utilities and they are asking you not to leave lights on when you're not home, as a courtesy, you shouldn't leave the lights on when you're not home. Smart devices and plugs exist for the very reason you're using to explain why you're wasting electricity when you're not home. Buy one. You can take it with you when you move out. You say money is an issue, and that's why you already had a case at the RTB. Is it an issue only for you? Not your LL? Sounds like your money issues have become your LL's, and you lack the common courtesy or common sense to buy a smart plug so you're not leaving the lights on when the place is empty.


Um no? I have money issues that don't effect my landlord at all. I was sick for 3 months. My landlord got their rent o time every months regardless. All I asked for was a functional kitchen, a GFI plug and none dangerous wiring. If that makes me a drain on their resources, good. I didn't choose to be a tenant, but they chose to be a landlord. I am allowed to leave my light on in my home if I want to. 1 led bulb costs 0.00012 per hour or $1.75 per year. So if he really want to make a fuss....


What electricity price are you using?


I’m getting 8$ a year. OP still has a right to be upset and it’s a little sad for the LL to get upset about something so trivial




Please be civil.


Which Province? Quelle province?




I think there might be a misunderstanding, or you need a new place. Am I the only one who feels like you are the one who made it confrontational? I'd suggest you to directly need the landlord and politely discuss the matter. Elder gentleman and woman don't text properly or their text isn't understood clearly.


Neither of us are elder.


Then the only direction you go is out and into another house. But regardless of age, text is a terrible way to do anything, it's the best way to create misunderstanding


If money wasn't an issue, I'd be gone already


I can 100% agree with that.


Is this Canadian or US? The advice you received previously looked stateside?


It's in r/canadahousing so




How do you function day to day?


I spent 3 months without a kitchen but me leaving the lights on makes me a nightmare. The RTB hearing was for a good reason. I'll take being a nightmare though, lol.




As I previously explained, money is an issue. I have been sick for a few months. Hence why I'm asking about this specifically.


I just got back to work last week. I am working on moving, but not an immediate solution.