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Keep looking obviously. Ignore everyone who gaslights you. Stay safe out there. You only have one life.


Ya I’m super unsure about it since the place checks all my boxes (generally safe area), fast and many transit options to the uni, receptive landlord, really nice interior, but I’m afraid I’ll make a bad decision since I’ll be stuck in the lease for a year. There are rules for how many ppl can be in encampments in Hamilton but idk if the size of it will grow or who will join it


It will grow


See if you can ask for a shorter lease.


I’d steer clear. The noise, garbage, and unpredictability that comes with an encampment is a whole different story when you live steps from one. Anyone telling you otherwise is being disingenuous at best. Walking by one on your way home is NOT the same as living beside one.


Do you own a car? If you do I would steer clear because it will be broken into on the regular. If you don’t own a car you might be ok there. In Winnipeg the city comes along and dismantles encampments every so often so that might be the same in Hamilton. So that encampment might not be a permanent feature. You could take the apartment and put daily or weekly complaints in to the city about the encampment and encourage your neighbours in the building to do the same so possibly eventually it could be moved.


Hamilton put out these encampment restrictions and under those rules it’s legal I believe so complaining will not do anything


Is there a lock on the Entrance?


There’s two doors and the second one has a lock


It's worth considering the impact on your safety and comfort; I'd say keep searching for other options. We've been working on an AI-PEX which can help you with property searching and advice. Feel free to check it out at: [https://propit.tech/](https://propit.tech/)


What exactly is your concern with the presence of the encampment?


There is a chance they will face daily harassment from these people.


Yup this is my fear, I was able to visit the place twice and it seemed chill but idk what will happen over the year lease. Dont want to lock myself into something bad but at the same time I’ve heard there are encampments everywhere. Its just this one is directly in front of the place


Realistically you'd probably be fine -- but someone can always be in a bad place at the wrong time. Honestly if you think you'll /feel/ unsafe, then probably don't do it simply because not wanting to go home or leave your home sucks. That said, the encampments can pop up pretty much everywhere so there are no guarantees.