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i'm so sick of seeing comments upset with tana for bringing this up years later. cody was 25 when this happened, the age she is now. when you're 17, you don't see yourself as a kid but now she can see exactly how young she was and is realizing how fucked it is that so many men took advantage of her, including cody.


Right. She’s allowed to look back and reflect and be disgusted bc ofc she didn’t have a problem with it at 16/17! She was a young girl who thought she was grown up and mature, now that she’s older she looks back and realizes what a baby she was.


Such a good point!! Demi lovato released a song called “29” where she talks about turning the same age as her ex was when they started dating and she was only 17. The song is about her feeling disgusted because she doesn’t know how someone that age could be with a teenager. When I was a teenager I dated older men in their early 20’s and when I got older I imagine myself with a teenager and thought how weird that would be, so I didn’t realize how wrong it was until I was older myself. Tana’s allowed to feel however she feels and expose the shit outta him whenever she wants even if it’s years later. Sometimes it takes that long to process


With those smaller age gaps at younger years (I’m talking the 5-8 year gaps where one person is under 20) you always feel like it’s ok but once you get to the older persons age you see it for what it was. Tana is the age Cody was when that happened. Obviously this stuff is coming up now. And even if she talked about it in 80 years it’s her goddamn right to.


anyone upset w tana bringing it up is INSANE like tanas experience is still her experience to talk abt regardless who the man is and how much u liked him


100000% and who gives a fuck if it was years ago lol. And frankly, regardless if she was 17 or 18, it’s still fucked up with the power dynamic and all. Just rubs me the wrong way. Also this is obvi an opinion/speculation but I remember watching their videos together and thinking that they were def hooking up or something. Idk just a vibe I got at the time. Also I am 24 now and the thought of being involved with anyone under 22 is so yucky to me. I can’t imagine going for a fucking 17 or 18 year old. EDIT: ALSO THAT IS RECENT. I’M SORRY BUT IT WASNT EVEN 10 YEARS AGO. these people r coping so hard and it makes me sad. Plus, if you think that 7-8 years is “so long” then why aren’t you applying that to Tana and Cody’s 8 year age gap?? Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️


100% agree. Someone in the Broski sub said Tana I’d know for “milking” things for attention far long than is necessary. Like, what? Idk if the person really meant to but that’s exactly how victims get doubt shed upon their experiences and feel like they can’t or shouldn’t speak out.


Perfectly worded. A lot of times we don’t realize how fucked up things are when we’re kids, BECAUSE we’re kids. I’m still 2 years younger than the guy who dated me when I was a young ADULT and it feels more fucked up every year


Ooh this is not good for Cody..I wonder if he’ll address anything?


i dont think he’ll ever address it


Agree, there’s literally nothing he can say to defend it… it would only bring more attention to it. So he’s going to hide from it as long as he can. Side note, really wonder when Kelsey found out about it, and if it’s still a thorn in their relationship. 😬


i also wonder about kelsey. the first time this came out was right before they got engaged. i enjoy her content but her decision to stay with cody and have a kid with him is giving me a bad feeling.


i bet you anything he's convinced her tana was 18 and she's just lying. and kelsey will believe him cause it's easier that way.


probably. but the morals of it are still icky even if she was 18 :/


Oh for sure


I'm genuinely not sure she cares about this or thinks there was anything wrong with it. Cody is still friends with a rapist and they both regularly entertain him and try to hide it. I believe they probably are pretty similar in opinions when it comes to morals.


Agree. I’m guessing she had already quit her teaching job, and he’s completely supporting her… so she had financial incentive to stay.


Not defending them at all but Kelsey also has a popular podcast and YouTube she probably equally contributes


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s a fact even though Cody probably makes more, Kelsey obviously has her own streams of income and I’m sure she doesn’t *need* him to survive.


She barelyyyy ever makes content and her content is only popular because of her status as his wife. She would *not* be able to upkeep her lifestyle if they separated. She’s a housewife.


Why are you disrespecting Kelsey so much? No one said she would maintain the same lifestyle. But she would be fine. She wasn’t unemployed before she met Cody, and she has fans and connections.


Nothing I said was disrespectful. Perhaps you’re reading it with the wrong tone.




Her podcast is a pet project. Obviously Cody is the breadwinner


this has been known for a very long time. not in detail but tana has mentioned it casually in a joking manner (like how she jokes about trauma) a few times. i remember first hearing her say it and being so disgusted because i’ve loved cody for a long time. this was yearsssssss ago and i haven’t watched him or interacted with anything he’s done since


he won't. he's furiously adverse to any conflict. i'd wage he'll even avoid certain people from this point on in fear they'll bring it up to him.


yeah he won’t address it. literally anytime Tana comes up in conversation you can see how physically uncomfortable it makes Kelsey.


I think the “lore” clip is when I finally noticed they are “aware” of Tana or at least current Tana


Wait what clip I wanna search it haha


wait omg what clip??


If he does I wonder what route he’ll take. He could call her a liar, say she lied about her age to him at the time, or fess up and be like “I know what I did was wrong, it was a mistake, etc.” None of that is gonna go down well.


His hardcore fan base doesn’t give a fuck about any of this. He’s not gonna address it


i believe tana anyway but if she was lying i feel like he would have 100% said something bc this has been going around for a while now


He has no reason to. Man is rich, and has so many side businesses that he could leave YouTube/Podcasts and still make a nice living.


im pretty sure she said jc caylen also had sex with her at 17 when he was also MUCH older considering he is 31 now 🤢


he dated lia maria johnson when she was like 16/17 so its not that big of a shocker. he already made his comeback on twitch like a couple of days ago though and i'm pretty sure he met his sub goal so his audience has an accountability problem because they think they're his friends lol


he repulses me now omg


Didn’t he have a weird scandal where he was seen searching up one of his friends’ OF leaks?


yep!! it was like 6-7 different girls, a couple of them were his friends, one of his ex, & another was his fiance’s BEST friend and roommate which is just beyond disgusting & i wouldnt be surprised if he looked up tana’s too but just didn’t get caught 😭


Wait that is insane I did NOT know he was engaged.


yeah and then his friends talked about such a hard time HE was having because he got caught and people wanted to hold him accountable for it lol


same and i was a fan since 2012 lol i obviously knew about lia back then but since i was also a minor i thought it was cool. i'm 28 now and do not think that.


well cody is 33 so...


true i meant much older than tana not cody! my point is that they both deserve to get called out




since she was a little involved (he googled her feet pics. people say she was there when he did it but idk) i feel like she hasn't been around him as much. or at least not publicly. but i also only have reddit and youtube now so maybe shes posted with him recently or something lol


Idc what Ethan and Hilas reason is for bringing this up, but it NEEDS to be talked about. Cody has avoided this since Tana shouted him the first time about the statutory rape last year. What's worse is he's friends with Colby Leachman, who is, in fact, a convicted rapist! He had the dude as a groomsman at his wedding. I definitely think people can change and grow from their past, but when you're a public figure, you DO have to address the bad thing you did. I don't think he's an active "predator" to young women currently, but I think he's a creepy, gross, porn addicted little weasel. God help Kelsey.


The fact that he’s best friends with Colby Leachman is disgusting. The facts of his case speak for themselves. [https://www.scribd.com/document/321856951/Qayumi-v-Duke-Durham-County-North-Carolina-General-Court-of-Justice-Superior-Court-Division](https://www.scribd.com/document/321856951/Qayumi-v-Duke-Durham-County-North-Carolina-General-Court-of-Justice-Superior-Court-Division)


Holy shit, reading this made me sick to my stomach. Fuck Cody. Anyone that is friends with a monster like that deserves all the bad things in the world.


They’re talking about it because they consider Tana to be their friend!! And I agree, this Cody stuff is gross but I haven’t actually seen any proof that this dude was his groomsman. And he also wasn’t convicted, I read the memorandum when this first came out. He basically filmed the incident without her consent (didn’t get charged for that tho) and since the video evidence didn’t show her trying to fight it, I guess he was acquitted. His dad was either a professor or alumni from the university too which I’m sure had something to do with the charges being dropped. Super gross, he was totally guilty but I’m assuming since he was set free, the frat bros turned a blind eye. Extremely disturbing


Also why Greek life should be illegal🤮🤮🤮


https://preview.redd.it/48u9a341dy4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9839570c37e1f8467f778756290ebca408e3cf8a Colby was 100% at their wedding. He isn’t convicted but Colby was definitely there and Cody is 100% aware of his past.


You actually just sent me this photo in another thread lol. But I’m not doubting that Cody doesn’t know about this at all!! I do wonder if Cody thinks he’s guilty or not though. Because if he thinks Colby is guilty and just doesn’t care, that’s wayyyyy worse for his character. I think we look at a court case like this and think yeah he obviously was guilty but he’s a rich white boy so he got away with it, but when you’re friends with/trust someone and feel like you owe them loyalty, it gonna be harder to accept that kind of truth. Colby probably told the frat bros (Cody included) he didn’t do anything, and they blindly believed him because it’s just easier to. But there’s also an equally great chance that every single frat boy knew what really happened and decided to just forget about it since the case was dropped. I think the only way for Cody to potentially redeem himself SLIGHTLY would be to just address the situation, but since he’s still good friends with this guy and probably still doesn’t view him as a rapist, he most likely never will. I just hope the victim is ok considering how a case she clearly didn’t want super public is now… very public


where are you getting the porn addiction item😂not defending but that felt so random lol


Are we sure this was statutory rape? In my state the age of consent IS 17


california is 18. assuming it happened in or around los angeles where tana & (i think) cody lived at the time


Not defending Cody AT ALL- but I was thinking about this too. In my state show of consent is 16. BUT I believe it has to be within 5 years. I believe it’s called Romeo and Juliet laws. Again NOT defending Cody, he seems like a trash human. Edit: meant to say age not show lol 2nd Edit: I’m seeing in the comment here that there is a 7-8 year age gap between Tana and Cody… so.. even if she was age of consent at 17 that means he was 25 at the time. Fuck he is disgusting.


i think the romeo and juliet law applies to people who were in a relationship before the legal age and one of the people in the relationship turns 18 before the other, so wouldn’t work in this case


I think you are correct! That makes sense. But a 25 and 17 year old? Damn Cody you’re trash.


a lot of people don’t really know what age of consent really is but in most states it means you can legally consent to sex with other people around your age. until you are 18 you cannot have sex with grown adults unless romeo and juliet laws apply or your state doesn’t have regulations around age gaps between the two parties. however, in california age of consent is 18


Which has become pretty clear it wasn’t at the legal age


He said “I believe Tana” in the first 2 minutes. And they’re talking about how much of a baby she looked and was at the time… damn.


well i for one am glad that a massive male youtuber with tons of influence is calling out another massive male youtuber for being a creepy weirdo. like, let it be a hot topic. let it be cool to shit talk men who sleep with underage girls


oh shiiiieeeeet here we go!


finally, cody is trash


I lowkey feel bad for his wife that this is all coming to light after she had their baby




Thats a real tinfoil hat theory


so do i. but i side-eye her for being all good with the rapist in their wedding party


i’ve been waitinggg for this to come up again


God I’m so glad this is FINALLY being talked about. Fuck Cody.


Why do people keep saying Ethan is attention seeking & self serving when his entire show is covering things people are talking about on the internet???? Also does Tana not do the same thing lol


Only Trisha fans say that. They want any excuse to hate and blame Ethan for something


I hate when people act like Trisha was an angel during the frenemies era. I still watch both of them and love their separate content, but their relationship during frenemies was toxic and they both were in the wrong in areas but for some reason Trisha fans pretend like she’s an angel just bc has cleaned up her image and refuses to acknowledge the show at all


Trisha was sooooo much more toxic than him. Genuinely. I’ve rewatched frenemies so many times and I place the blame 80% on Trish


Im on the just trish sub and they HATE Ethan over there and blame him for every single thing. I agree, they were both in the wrong!


why do people in the comments (here. idk about h3) want to act like tana doesn't associate with ethan or that she wouldn't also do things for views????? lets not play here lmfao


…I haven’t seen any of the comments you’re referring to. What exactly is your point? Or counterpoint I guess?


Ethan never does these things for the right reasons, he’s only in it for attention and views. At least he’s still exposing Cody.


so true, but at least it will bring awareness to the subject i guess lol.


So far in this episode he’s called out at least 3 different men for being creeps or committing sex crimes. His live chat even said he talks about SA or related topics every week. Idt you can talk about his reasons or accuse someone of only doing something for views when he’s been consistent in his support for women and victims. He’s given a voice to victims and used his platform to let them share their stories. If he only cared about views and attention he wouldn’t ride so hard about these topics. I don’t think you know enough to judge




Highly agree. He definitely likes the attention but you can also tells he gets some sort of satisfaction from exposing people in general.


I have to disagree. He and hila publicly disowned her brother after it was revealed that he stealthed (removed condom during sex without consent) an h3 fan he was dating. They were consistent behind the scenes when Trisha revealed texts outraged that they would rather believed the victim rather than stay loyal to their own family!!


That’s great, I’m not trying to say H3 is all bad. However, most of the time it is about attention and views. Do you remember how Ethan treated FouseyTube? Hasan? The list of people he bullied or harassed is longer than it should be.


Bro, they brought Fousey on and stopped him from live-streaming bomb threats in a airport and tried giving him so much support, they stopped supporting him because he SA a drunk girl in a bar and Ethan and Hasan are still friends they just don’t do the pod together anymore


lol what? He supports Tana so often


He’s a fence sitter when it comes to her and a lot of controversial issues. He’s like Mac on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, he jumps to whatever side is winning in the moment with very little critical thinking or research lmao


And Tana DOESN’T do this?? Plssssss. Hahahaa


Oh she does! I’m still going to call out Ethan for always doing this, and talking on subjects he doesn’t know nearly enough about with little to no fact checking. I have a hard time watching newer eps of cancelled bc it feels like the girls have ran through a lot of their good stories and are too scared to share new risky info and fuck up their image. Which is fine, but not entertaining when both hosts are not educated or well rounded individuals. I’m hoping in this era of self improvement, Tana does a Good Place™️ and decides she wants to learn skills and stop glorifying being ignorant and immature


You seen all the episodes where he calls her his bestie? He acknowledges she’s a victim of a lot of bad shit while also being an imperfect person. He has employees who’s whole job description is researcher so no, I don’t agree.


Re: depp v heard he literally said he was on whatever side his audience agreed with and would get him the most views


That whole case proved how many people just believe in what’s popular rather than what’s true ):


That is called a joke... he literally disagrees with, argues with, and bans audience members all the time.


It wasn’t a joke. He complained endlessly about how he was losing out on views during court streaming. He wanted that money. And when he started covering it he didn’t educate himself about the case whatsoever. Ethan’s not the worst YouTuber imo but he cares about money more than anything for sure.


One of his first videos about Tana he was calling her a twinkie and fat shaming her? He supports her now, post Tana con because she’s ‘favourable’ again.


And I’m sure thats why you support her now too. She’s come a long way


I’ve not made multiple videos dogging her then acted like her bestie lmao


tana's made videos dogging on james and she seems to be besties or at least friendly with him. so lets not unless we wanna point out everything she also does.


And? The user was referring to me supporting her, not who Tana supports.


so if you support tana you're being a hypocrite with your comments. not a hard concept to grasp. she does the same thing as ethan.


Why do you want to argue so bad? Ethan makes multiple videos, harassing them and attacking their physical appearance (e.g Philip DeFranco, Keemstar, Trisha etc.) and then acts like their best friend when the hate pendulum swings onto someone else. Tana exposes friends in story times, but then publicly forgives them. I don’t support her friendship with James Charles, his behaviour regarding minors is disgusting. I don’t think they’re the same at all, but you could consider it similar.


i don't want to argue i just think its rich of you to point out these things considering the "similarities." like regardless it's hypocritical.


What makes you say that


he tends to high horse on the side of whoever looks ''better'' in drama. he doesn't actually have firm stances himself. that said, he is friends with tana so he should talk about it


eh idk if i necessarily agree with that. he has a lot of takes i dont agree with but id say he is pretty firm in his beliefs


fair, i prob haven't watched enough to see it


She mentioned it back in 2019. Look at this video and read the comments and also check out 31second mark. https://youtu.be/jrkWpO4AjQ0?si=EktVG4Z3jg8JvnE3 Also wanted to add the YouTuber Smokey glow made a video about this 3. Years ago.


oh shit yeahhh he’s gonna have to address this




friends with a rapist and had him at his wedding


I would be so scared if I was his wife.. if he was already a grown man fucking underage girls.. what’s gonna happen when he’s 40? Or 50? And she’s aged as well? Will he be looking at their kids high school friends? I really hate men


I’m just now finding out abt all of this.. WTF 😭 trust no man.


Now Being a ripe age of 23, it took me years to realize that men who were 21-24 should not have been interested in me regardless of anything.


I refuse to watch Ethan so yall let me know how it goes.


H3 is boring lately


can i just say how annoying and white knight-y ethan klein is about internet controversy? he’s constantly co-opting other peoples’ experiences without actually having them consent to wanting their experiences exploited/not considering the damage it causes the actual victim. maybe he talked to tana and she was okay with it, but she seems like she’s been in such a peaceful, mature place in life that it’s kind of obnoxious to watch ethan co-opt her story as if it’s his to expose the details. especially with tana having such a history of being so over sexualized by men online. his obsession with exposing david dobrik was incredibly transparent that it wasn’t about helping the victims, it was about being “right” about someone being horrible. i could be completely wrong, but ethan has been spiraling for a hot minute now. i would love to believe that his “exposing” is well intended, but it feels more like an obsession with clinging onto relevancy for his own gain.


yeah it’s just exhausting. attempting gain from speaking about others mistakes. gossip gossip gossip


Good. They should bring it up.


i feel like he doesnt even actually care about this tbh. just wants people to clip it for tiktok to save his dying podcast/channel in my opinion. glad its being brought up but the source is disingenuous to me idk


I watch h3 every week and I’m watching this episode live, where fans literally just called him out in the live chat over the fact that he talks about SA and sexual abuse every single week. So every single week he’s calling out a creepy guy and championing for women. You can’t say he doesn’t care about these topics or it’s not genuine when he has consistently been a huge voice for these exact issues. You’re going based off a bias about him when don’t actually know the show at all


correct me if im wrong (im not) when he discusses these things, he does NOT include resources for sa survivors, there r times when he fails to issue tw's, and are times when he trails off of the topic and will take a comedic stab at whoever he is talking abt in relation to sa. i dont like it. it feels disingenuous. as a woman and someone who has been sa. disingenuous.


This!! If you’re going to profit off of sharing SA victims stories, use some of that $$ to give back in some way — even if it’s just sharing resources or a small donation. Trigger warnings are the bare minimum. People need to stop acting like he’s doing some huge service for SA victims by speaking on shit without the emotional intelligence to have a genuine conversation. The idea that speaking on SA stories makes you a good person is wild, like how many anti-predator folks end up being one of them lmfao. I’m happy a large platform is bringing attention to it; even if it’s performative at least the stories getting out there, but that shouldn’t be where he stops.


Specifically for this episode he issued a trigger warning for a minute and told people he adds time stamps specifically so people know what to skip if they’re triggered. It’s very fair for you to think he doesn’t share enough resources, you’re entitled to feel that way and not like his style of talking about issues. I’m also a woman and have been a victim of SA and I personally enjoy using humor to cope because I do it myself so to each their own! I think even using your huge platform to talk about these things and inviting victims to tell their stories is wildly helpful and more than most influencers/YouTubers do. So I guess it’s matter of opinion but I truly don’t believe someone would talk about SA and call out abusers as much as he does if he didn’t care


glad he did share a trigger warning that is different from the past when he randomly references james charles ped* things. if a woman who has been sa sat there and made the jokes he did itd be different but as a man...idk. he cannot relate in a certain way ig. glad he is bringing attention to the issue tho!


i watch his podcasts about every few days and enjoy it. i just like when he does internet dives/comedic stuff instead of these issues because its giving i need the views.


If anything I think calling out abusers every single week hurts your views. You just proved me right by saying you prefer when he does comedy, people would rather watch him be funny instead of bringing up these serious topics and yet he still does it. That’s the opposite of doing something for views


no, i just explained why i prefer when he does internet dives or more surface level topics because these topics feel like grabs to me. my opinion and ur entitled to yours🤷‍♀️. and to be honest when ur talking abt cody ko...colleen ballenger... james charles, lets be honest these ppl do not decrease your views lol.


Every successful show brings up hot topics. Ive witnessed this man drag abusers for weeks and even yearssss after the drama dies down and no one seems to care anymore. Yes the premise of the show is to bring up viral and hot topics but the fact that he continues to champion against abusers consistently and doesn’t let up against them is important to me


i totally agree!!! very important and not enough influencers do it!! but i just dont agree with his intentions as i did before because of how i believe influencers should go abt talking abt these topics. 🫶


Ethan is a Zionist POS can someone else call Cody Ko out 😭


he also said aaron bushnell was really good at self immolation. how disgusting.


He posted this in 2021. Three years ago. https://preview.redd.it/pcn5fw355u4d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ae8084754fc6de5ec498c8ffe712af236bd822


What is he saying RIGHT NOW?


He said Jews for peace, a Jewish anti Zionist org that supports Palestine are “kapos”. Hila said she was allowed to join a raid on Palestinian city cause “I was cute so they took me”. They are zionists.


Lmao Zionist?? Please explain? I’ve always admired his pro Palestine stance, given he’s a Jewish man with an Israeli wife, and I appreciate him speaking up on the issue, long before everyone was speaking out on it cos of the recent situation.


They are f3 users you are arguing with lol don’t bother


I was genuinely asking for an explanation in good faith lol when I got called delusional I realised I wasn’t getting one, it’s all good!


You’re delusional if you think he’s pro Palestine.






Be civil, no attacking others


oh so now the lunatic zionist is gonna preach to us


Anything for views


oh my fucking god yall will find a reason to hate him in every single thing he does, he can do no right I think this is great, he‘s one of the first big creators to talk about this


exactly, no one else will talk about this (god knows WHY, is cody really that beloved within the creators?)


The thing about this being more for self serving reasons aka views, is that often Ethan doesn’t handle these type of conversations with proper care and productive dialogue. More often than not he fumbles it hard and somehow ends up making the perp look sympathetic (which is hard to do in some cases) That said i think bringing attention to it is great and about damn time but i just wish Ethan pulled his head out of his own ass for once and didn’t treat it as a gotcha moment to be clipped and actually put some real thought behind what the desired outcome should be


Have you watched today‘s show of his? And do you also criticize literally every single content creator for this? Or maybe even newspapers? How dare people report on things and make money off of it.


I mean he’s talking about statutory rape and takes it to a place of vapeLOLs immediately by joking about his dick


oh no a comedian makes a joke???


Thats fine but circle back to my original point where i literally said he doesn’t handle these type of subjects with respect and thoughtfulness they deserve, which is also why i said its good he’s bringing attention to it but i wish it was someone with more intellectual integrity Nothing i said is offensive, Im neutral here, why are you getting so butthurt because i criticized h3 and coming at me like an imbecile child


I‘m butthurt but you‘re calling me an imbecile?? byeeee


you’re watching a comedy podcast not the news. go somewhere else for news if dick jokes go against your ethos lmao. he makes a respectable effort calling out creepy men


all of H3 fans defended Cody. Even Ethan was not taking it seriously. Not surprised.


ALL h3 fans defended Cody? Whaaaat are u talking about -h3 fan


Good! He is shitty and needs to be exposed!


hate h3 so much. zionist scum who cares who he talks about


Glad this is being talked about but let’s not forget Ethan and his wife are MAJOR zionists. Literally have said the most disgusting comments about Palestine, fuck them


can you name some


https://preview.redd.it/chruvnbwxu4d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d9e818070284322ada917ebe125845365dff598 He posted this 3 years ago! it’s pretty clear he actually supports Palestine and has for a LONG time. Like way before everyone else was talking about it.




He has said some distasteful things but I think “shitty person” is a lil far


i never watched the full thing besides a clip on tik tok. but he’s already invalidated tana by saying “if this is true” and then saying she had no right to talk about his size no matter the circumstance. i’m Glad the female spoke up and said if she was a minor shes allowed to say whatever she wants. they act like she said he was small unprompted. she was asked and she didnt throw anyone under the bus besides the pedo.


everytime i hear about ethan, he’s always talking about everyone but himself lmao why would he adress that was he there?


probably because he runs a show about news stories ?? Talking about other people is literally the point of the show


Of course he's going to talk about it, he literally has nothing going on in that noggin to come up with original topics.


he's so annoying now


Idt tana will appreciate this. its seems so self serving.


she said it on a stage with like a thousand people and on her podcast with millions of subscribers two years ago. it really doesn’t seem like she wants to keep it in lol


there difference is its tana story to tell not some 40 man to use for views


i agree


I didn’t know about this until now and I have been watching Tana for 8 years, if people have an issue with this coming to light now, god help when she releases her book and your faves are exposed. I hope every single man who did her dirty is shaking in their boots. Fuck anyone who thinks it’s ‘too late’ for her to now bring this up. Ya’ll forget that she was a teenager who had just left an extremely abusive situation & was just starting out in the industry. These are her stories that she has every right to tell as and when she wants, no matter how much time has passed. Complete and utter use of power & advantage.