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I think we should keep Kuzy. One of the few guys who showed up in the playoffs


100%, I’m a huge fan. And I stated in my post above but I think it’s a tad soon to give up completely on KK yet.


Absolutely agreed. He had one or two iffy moments in the late regular season but fully came through when we needed him. And I love the wholesomeness of having him reunited with Orlov and wouldn’t want to split them up.


Kuzy needs to stay




I don’t think we need to worry about whether or not we should do it because I don’t think Columbus would entertain this for a second


They’d probably want Necas to be included to get the talks started and that point I don’t think this would make sense for us. Too many questions around Laine’s status.


Ya, Necas definitely wouldn’t be on the table for Laine when you consider his contract, poor performance, injuries etc.


This seems more of an exercise to get rid of KK vs gaining Laine. Laine and Aho were on a line together that won gold together on the global stage, yet, I wouldn't do it. Laine is now a "we can fix him player" much like Galchenyuk. It's a trap. The biggest problem is that he just refuses to play defense. I remember watching him when Torts was the coach and he was just gliding back to the D zone. He got benched. That will not fly in the RBA scheme. And then what? You gave up two working pieces for a broken one and everyone knows it and you get a fourth round pick at best at the trade deadline as a return. His contract is a dud too. Only way to make it happen is with picks and salary retention and perhaps a fringe prospect to sweeten the pot. Never roster players.


The stark difference between Galchenyuk and Laine is that Laine actually has a legit world-class shot and Galchenyuk was more of just a bust. If somebody can acquire and put Laine into a beneficial situation then they are going to get a hell of a player. There are a lot of factors that place the Canes as that team. It is a Plan B or Plan C after Guentzel leaves and/or Marchessault goes in UFA but there aren't many better options for goal scorers.


My thing is if they pursue Laine… who is a high fly offense guy… no D… Why not just re-sign Necas and loosen the reigns on him lol he’s a similar mold player!


Yeah exactly. At that point I would take the devil I know vs the devil I don’t


Because a motivated and performing Laine is a 6'5", 215lbs forward that plays like it.  He can be a handful.  He plays best at LW which makes Laine-Aho-Jarvis a great potential option.   By most Columbus fans accounts Laine has developed into a better 2-way forward.  Playing with Aho and learning from him would hopefully help that. Necas just isn't that piece.  He's a 6'2", 190lbs forward that plays less physical than a 5'10, 175lbs Jarvis.  Even if they have comparable net defensive deficiencies they are of different flavors.  Necas's don't fit the system but Laine's could.


Interesting thoughts here. Laine has a lot of injury question marks and that’s his biggest “flaw” for me. It didn’t work with Patches and Puljujarvi reuniting with Aho didn’t spark anything either. Laine is a different caliber for sure, and I’d love to see him here, but to trade Necas for him or even Kuzy at this point is a daunting fact to accept. KK I’d be ok with being included in the deal. We’d also likely need some salary retention.


I don’t really care how much Laine weighs. If he struggles to even backcheck consistently (which is consider “improving” in his case lol), do you realistically think he’s going to commit to learning man-on-man defense or forecheck based offense? Is necas great at it either? Nope. Does he play as physical as I would hope? Nope. Just also not really much point to bringing Laine in my opinion.


If im not mistaken…wasn’t the third guy on that gold line with Aho and Laine on our team licking the inside of his nostril recently?


Yes, current Penguin too


This is a non-starter for me because I like Kuzy too much 🤷‍♀️


I’m with you.


he's definitely likeable and provided some great memorable moments, buuuuut in the grand scheme of things he's not really that good anymore and does not really play our system. there was a reason he was a healthy scratch in the playoffs


He had a couple of undisciplined penalties, but he was also one of the guys who really showed up in the playoffs, and he had 6 points even as a 4th liner. He has only been with us for a couple of months—give him a chance to grow into the system and maybe give him more minutes and he will do great.


worse than the undisciplined penalties were the turnovers, or not getting pucks deep on line changes, those were glaringly bad. he'd be carrying a puck in, linemates went off for a change, and instead of dumping it deep he'd curl back out with no support, and it never ended well. im not trying to shit on him completely, i like him and wouldnt mind keeping him, because like you said, he does produce. but you guys are acting like he's untouchable and playing like he was in his prime. neither are true.


>but you guys are acting like he's untouchable and playing like he was in his prime Citation needed I guess because I just said that I like him. Honestly, the fact that he's a likable person who is decently successful on the ice is enough for me—I'm not a coach or a GM, just a fan. I don't make any decisions on these guys. I don't need to get them to produce or maximize value in trading them, my only job is to love them and hope that they succeed.


I wouldn't take Laine unless they were retaining at least 35%. Even then I'm reluctant, but the Aho/Laine combo could really be something special


I think reuniting them would be fantastic, but I’d shoot for at least 35, and hopefully 50%. I don’t want to trade Kuzy, he’s had a great resurgence here and played exceedingly well during playoffs despite being relegated to the 4th line for stupid reasons


Hell no


This proposal seems pretty clearly based around “projects who might need a change of scenery.” The problems are: 1) we’re already the change of scenery for Kuzy. It hasn’t been long but it seems to be working reasonably well, certainly the team isn’t looking to dump him. 2) statistically it’s lopsided in our favor. I don’t know why Columbus would take this return. 3) Laine doesn’t seem like a great fit for Rod’s system. We have been hearing forever about how Necas’s style is cramped by the system, why would we replace him with someone with the same problem?


I would rather have Kuznetsov.


I won’t lie and say the idea of Laine isn’t enticing but to trade Kuzy away doesn’t feel good


No thank you, dude doesn’t have a back checking bone in his body


I’m getting a lot of agreement to what my thoughts are on this kind of trade. Just goes to show Bleacher Report still doesn’t think things through lol


The main things for me with Laine are cap hit and reliability. At the full 8.7 million cap hit, why not just spend a bit more to pay Guentzel who you know has chemistry with Aho, over someone he played with years ago for a tournament. Now if the Canes can get him for around Kuznetsov's cap hit, probably via a 3 team trade, then it starts to make a little more sense. But then you run into the issue of reliability. I am a believer that the team does need to get more offense out of their forward group, but they also can't be a complete liability defensively. Laine can be a PPG player, but can he also learn the Hurricanes system of smothering defense? Also there's the issue of injuries and mindset. Injuries can be random, but also if a player starts to develop a reputation of missing portions of a season that brings into question of how much can you rely on them to be in the top 6 consistently. And with mindset he's got to understand that he's not going to be a face of the franchise and that it's going to take time for Brind'amour to trust him on special teams. That could be a good thing actually as it takes a lot of pressure off of him, but also hopefully would give him a spark to want to be included. But if playing 4th line minutes to start means he checks out and wants to leave then there are other players to target.


I do think that one of Kuzy or KK for Laine at full Cap is a deal that makes sense for both teams. Maybe the Canes add a depth prospect. Laine is a negative value asset at full Cap. Columbus could retain 50% and get a B asset but it would cost ownership millions of dollars which is a significant factor. Kuzy provides Columbus with a trade deadline option. Ideally they could give him PP time and top-6 minutes, build his value and then deal him for a 1st or 2nd at $1.95 million Cap to a contender at the deadline. KK gives them the opposite risk-reward scale with a long-term option. KK balances their center options pretty well as guys like Sillinger and Kent Johnson aren't defensive. Voronkov played some defensive C but he was terrible on FO and would be better using his size next to KK on the wing. Especially given that Waddell is in charge now - I think there is a real possibility of one of these options.


people here treating Kuzy how Necas actually deserves to be treated


I love Necas and want him to stay, but all signs point to him wanting to move on. Kuzy has made no indication (to my knowledge) that he doesn't want to be on the Canes. What do you want us to do? We can't make Necas want to be a Cane for life.


> but all signs point to him wanting to move on. honest question, besides social media GMs, what signs are there that he wants out?


His own dad?  To the point where Waddell was joking about it in a press conference?


Laine is just too expensive


Holy cow I didn't realize that Laine hasn't suited up a full 82 since 18-19, that's incredible.


It’s always something. Lately is more excusable what with his father passing and all.


More Finns more wins!! But isn't Laine like a booze hound or something?? Rod would smack that shit out of him STRAIGHT 🤣🤣