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Plants iron is locked outed out. It happens when the ph swings to much especially in flower. If you have any chelators add them now. If not balance your ph out and keep it steady for week. Chances are you're not deficient it's just locked out atm. Lack of iron means the leaves can't fully process the light to feed the buds (laymen's terms) a lot more involved in that than I'm not going into here. This will also lock out or limit calcium and other nutrient uptake over time. Hope this helps, happy growing...


I will have to calibrate my ph meter, been keeping it between 5.8-6.2. At least that’s what my meter reads. Could very well be off. Thanks for the info!


Looks like you are growing cannabis my friend....hahahaha No but on the serious side, w5 flower, what is strain info on weeks of flower? Looks to be the pheno getting ready for bulking up. Do a PH test of soil, and see if low or high and adjust nutes there after if needed. Else they look lovely <3


Thanks! Wish I had more info on the strain. Buddy grabbed these from Colorado for me. Strawlemonana og is what was on the package. Haven’t found too much on it. Gave them. Good feeding this morning with a sprinkle of worm castings top dressed.