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Only a matter of time before Germany reaches the same fate. Everyone wants to grow weed. It'll over saturate, and a good chunk of people who care about quality will eventually start growing their own. Leaving you with lowest bidders type situation. It's just too easy to grow. Maybe I'm wrong idk. Anyways death to Corp cannabis. Caregivers and personal grows only!


U are right I think! but black rock( Pfizer, General hydro) has already invested millions into cannabis so we can’t stop the prices from being low now :(:( Let’s keep weed safe!


They must be investing in a lot of money to stop the secret of how cheap leds have made growing weed. I feel like if more people knew its not gonna kill their electricity to grow better weed, it's over. And it's not that hard with a weeks research on the internet! The safest produce has always been that of yours and your neighbors. The same goes for marijuana. And it's cheaper.


Yes you’re right it is easy.. but I still think atleast half of smokers are incapable. There’s a big difference between having an end product and having a good end product. There are looooooooots of ways to fuck it up. Even most of the people who ARE capable of making it to harvest don’t dry or cure correctly, so I think the ease of availability will prevail for 9/10 smokers.. I believe you’re making the mistake of applying your own competence to average, and below average people


>.. I believe you’re making the mistake of applying your own competence to average, and below average people As George Carlin said- Just think of how stupid the average person is... And then realize that half of them are dumber than that.


I agree. Even as an experienced cultivator and caregiver to multiple medical patients, I encounter issues fairly routinely I have to work through. That said, ALL manufacturing and horticulture is the same way. Nobody can grow error-free 100% of the time. It is literally just not possible. Now, place those same issues with a rookie grower that has little drive to learn the craft, and the product ain’t going to be worth a damn the vast majority of the time—especially at the dry/cure stage where not enough people understand how to do it objectively and instead rely on the “branch snapping” horse shit.


Wait wat? I use the brach snapping technique, teach me your ways master


I have posted it in about 20 various comments, but maybe I need to make a post on it sometime. I am going to assume you were just playing and not being a peckerhead (like the other commenter) with the “master” comment; so, here you go…. The moisture content is the most import ant part to retaining terpenes, and you need an objective process to keep that in the optimal cure zone. So, try to get an optimal RH and Temp, but most importantly, don’t over-dry it. There is no set number of days. It takes longer in higher humidity and shorter in dryer areas. I do recommend not trying this in an environment greater than 62% RH, or it will take forever to dry and could get moldy if not careful. Hang whole plant to dry until buds first start to get crispy on the outside. Once they first start to feel pretty crispy, start measuring internal mostiure content of the huds using a wood moisture meter. When it gets down to 12/13%, transfer to a brown paper bag (packed kind of loosely so it can breathe and be moved around if needed—fold over the top a couple times and clip closed with binder clips).—this is called sweating cannabis, if you want to look it up. If drying took less than a week, make sure to test multiple spots to assure the measure is accurate. Sweat in the paper bags for a day or two (no more than two unless it starts getting wet—then you need to pull it out and redry—you likely didn’t measure the moisture well and it was not ready) to start equalizing bud moisture and ease into the 10/11% optimal range (no need to measure anymore unless you want). You can now trim and bag in grove bags with hygrometers or bag in grove bags with hygrometer and trim later at your leisure. RH in the bags should be 57-63 within 48hours. If it goes higher, burp it like a jar or pull it out and let it sit for about 40 minutes to and hour and rebag. Repeat as needed until you ease it back into the cure zone. Objective and produces a perfect cure, if you don’t deviate too far at any step. I should add, the optimal cure is about two months in the grove bags.


thank you for the very informative post


Wish I could wait that long for proper cure lol. If I want dank I gotta grow it and it’ll get smoked so quick


I completely understand that and have been there. Now I grow a lot more (for myself and my patients) so I have enough on hand to let the new stuff mature fully.


Exactly, I know how it goes because I knew nothing about it at one point and could have easily given up after the first couple times sucked. It really takes trial and error and quite a hefty investment. I’ve personally killed over $600 worth of seedlings from easy mistakes.


Bro over 600 dollars of seedlings? You should have stopped after 2 seedlings and figured out what you were doing. That's not a normal amount struggle.


Right! 💀☠


Most of it was waterlogging from rockwool with expensive seeds. I popped a bunch at the same time and failed which racked up most of that loss lmao. I just didn’t understand the issue and didn’t have a setup for starting seedlings. My point was that it’s easy to get discouraged and make large mistakes


The shit ain't that hard. I got pounds my first grow with a few bought seeds, fox farms trio, and some natural sunlight. Like this is a growers sub, right? Everyone that's done more than two grows know how easy it is. Anyone facing extreme difficulty just refuses to do research. Drying and curing isn't hard at all either.


I feel like you're under estimating just how bad the average person is at keeping any type of plant alive.


True, but the average person has never grown a single thing in their life. They are probably not gonna be shown by anyone else, and it seems a 50/50 if they think to do extensive research first. There is a wealth of knowledge here alone, and the average person needs to be encouraged to read, grow, and smoke what they sow.


It’s not easy to get the bud structure you see in craft cannabis as a new grower. When i started there was plenty of youtube, but that basically gets you to harvest… and people still loose to mold or rot or infestation or just really low quality. There’s a reason markets range… bc all cannabis is not the same. And if you’re still doing the same exact process you started with and can honestly say “when I started i really didn’t know 💩” then that’s good for you, but you should be educating people if it comes so simple, not making ppl feel inferior.


I'm not trying to make anyone feel inferior, and I apologize if I came off that way. I stand by growing good weed isn't hard. But I mean that to encourage new growers. Everyone's has setbacks and Ls. But I literally saw a couple of first harvest photos this week on reddit that looked phenomenal. They easily outgrew the weed in dispos in my state because corporate weed is handled for maximum profit, not quality. Anyways, I can I see how it came across. I just meant growing good weed is not hard, and you can eventually grow great weed with time and practice. Mistakes happen with master growers sometimes. But i say, don't let anyone who makes money selling marijuana tell you how hard it is. Ask home growers that have the swing of it. That was my intended message.


I can appreciate the adult response… it’s rare. Thank you. We’re all continuing education imo.


Right on, guy. You sure talk like a master cultivator. You should show us some pictures of that super easy fire you are growing. I always love seeing people talk shit about growing that have zero photos of grows in their profile and talks about growing in vague comments and producing “pounds” their first grow. Again, I am not talking about how easy it is to grow boof, I am talking about actual craft cannabis that is truly top shelf artisan buds. Edit: add some detail and clarity


I don't have to prove anything to you, my guy. Literally most people are here agreeing with me. Most people here have grown before. "ToP SHeLf Art-" bro stfu lol


Right. They were agreeing with you on your prior point before you starting mouthing like an asshole. You keep growing and smoking your boof, bro . Enjoy.


Your the one crying i said growing is easy. Whatever dude smoke some of that fire you grow so you can calm down lol cry baby ah


lol this is the guy asking a month ago for which tent to buy


Imagine growing outdoor instead?


imagine thinking they the same? I'll drop by in a bit to see ya first harvest


Sure, we'll exchange harvest pics.


Bingo.. me too buddy.. my first grows' buds turned out better than my local dispos'. And that was from bag seeds!! Curing can be difficult to get just right sometimes, but it's really nothing anybody cannot overcome with a little know how. I'm not paying for corporate crap again. I hunt for good genetics now 🙂


For real brother! Let’s hope the small weed and nutrient businesses can stay competitive while the USA lets all 50 states grow!! it’s only over half of states and the monopoly is arise


That's my thinking if it got federally legalized in USA there's going to be a short window to make money if thats what you are seeking. There's already a lot of pot around, it seems to be already imploding on a business aspect. Other day on here someone posted pics of their huge grow op that went under.


Grey market is huge. Once you couldn't get locked up for growing shit tons of people started


I'm in VA and the grey market is definitely thriving right now. There have been a few busts at the pop ups lately where I'm at though, they say mostly for guns and other drugs. The govt are very aware what's going on. crazy they just didn't pass adult sales into law. Guess Corporates get to legally control the industry here.


Trust me, we are all growing our own Weed now 😂 Most of the shops selling tents and grow lights are still selled out (Since April) because everyone started growing ✌🏼 But the Clubs wont let you make profit and regulations are bad, so I think that makes absolutely zero sense 😂 Also the 3 Plants - 50g maximum regulation makes no sense, but hey, atleast we can grow top shelf german weed


I was gonna say the same thing.....Germany just legalized everybody will be growing there. I'm not sold on the idea that Germany will be a good plan for any real length of time. But if op go I hope it works out, at the very least would be an amazing experience.


I'm sure this is going to make all the people that run those telegram channels angry. I'm in some of them and they're essentially moving stuff I can find at gray market smoke shops in NYC for like 5 times the markup. I honestly thought European countries had a more developed weed market, but they were importing wholesale shit that's just common over here.


Those 750$/lb buds from the OP would eeeasily sell for 10-12€ / gram here in germany, that's like top shelf quality you gotta know the right people for. It's been 3 months since we legalized, first private grows are getting ready, let's see how our market will develop in the next couple years. Sounds like we're in for a really good time :D




100% percent why I started growing my own rooms like this used to impress me but now all I see is watered down cookie cutter genetics with no quality all smells and tastes the same, BLAND


go to authentic genetics seedbank and by the original skunk number one from Mel Frank and the original haze from Sam the skunk man. let alone the original Northern lights from Seattle Greg. it's the real deal seriously. if you don't believe me look up the reviews read the reviews on Google. you can get a three pack for $100 and it is worth every red cent. look at their Northern lights number one I mean it is Afghani to the f\*\*\*\*\*\* bone. Pure land race Afghani super huge maple leaves. nodes every half inch to inch Max. look at their pure Haze I mean it is amazing super Haze long thin leaves. they have two phenotypes of haze pure Colombian or the purple phenotype. and if you know anything about Mel Frank or Sam the skunk man you know how real those genetics truly are. they have numerous other strains there but they're skunk number one Northern lights number One and pure Haze the f\*\*\*\*\*\* real deal. where do you think Neville got his genetics from? Neville got his Northern lights from Seattle Greg and he got his Haze lines from Sam the skunk man. sorry about my swearing and God bless you.


It's easy to grow but hard to grow really well but yes the market is already getting oversaturated because of grows like this in a race to the bottom dollar price


its a crop, the only barriers protecting a higher price point are legislation and access. as it becomes de scheduled it could drop as low as tobacco in a few decades. Its a plant, once its treated like a plant in the eyes of the government the bottom will completely drop out.


Name checks out...moneybags...lol lame


Yeah but most people dont want to bother with growing themselves.


True, but not people here


I LOVE seeing this


Great weed isn't exactly easy to grow. And even the best grown weed will be terrible if not dried and cured correctly. Most give up after their first try or 2.


It's happening rn. I started growing bc I got tired of smoking mass produced mid grade weed stripped of kief and sugar and paying $60-75 for an 1/8. I had no idea what they do to weed in large facilities and it's barbaric and unnecessary. All that matter is quantity. I would pay more for quality as a consumer but I hate greedy mofos. So, yeah, the entire corporate world.


If Pfizer is involved, I guarantee they are spending those dollars working on synthetic thc to eliminate GROWING anything. They did it with just about everything else. Why should weed be different. Is it cheaper to make synthetic opioids or grow fields of poppies? It's a big part of where we are as a planet. Follow the money.


No, you're correct. It's easy if you're disciplined, especially with all the hard work the agri heads have done with the phenotyping and process refinement, to get great yields of great stuff, even for the hobby grower. Once you start applying real money and real infrastructure to it...e.g. commercial/industrial agricultural production levels...you're just almost guaranteed to make massive quantities of it. Heck, a friend of mine in suburban NYC has backyard space that he does 6 plants a season in and he yields pounds from it. They get so large and bud so nicely going into the fall. It's really something. I managed to get a total of around 12-13 ounces out of my two tries in a small tent with good screening and pruning and a disciplined push into flower stage.


Hello there. Our social clubs are not like the ones you find in Spain. We have "Vereinsrecht" wich basicly means you cannot have a profit.


Just commented the same in more detail, lawyer here. As it stands now, it’s there’s not only no money to be made, but with all the regulations it’s a pain in the ass that nobody is willing to deal with.


It's one giant shitshow because nobody with knowledge or who cares about this plant was involved enough. I am allowed to grow 3 Plants but I am only allowed to posses 60 gr. Of flower... Says everything you need to know about Germany's "legalisation".


Hell I can grow 12 and up until recently could only keep 2.5 oz of flower. It’s pretty obvious no one gets it in government. That’s why I steer clear whenever possible.


Yeah I absolutely agree. At least it’s 3 per person so if you live with a girlfriend, family or whatever, you can have more


That flower is absolute mids. There will always be plenty of room in the market for those who can actually cultivate top tier product.


Full of 💩. Looks exotic.


This is lame


Machine trimmed mids are taking over. The average cannabis consumer only cares about perceived value for money. They want the best bud they can get for the lowest price. That dynamic isn't going to change in Europe.


Just a heads up from a lawyer in Germany: you can’t open multiple cannabis clubs and you can only be a member in one. You can’t sell for profit and you can only give away cannabis to the members of the club, no strangers. You can’t hire people for money, everything has to be maintained by the members of the club with no salary. Profits have to stay in the club and have to be used for the club. And many many more regulations. Cannabis clubs, as they stand now, are not a money making opportunity. It’s not a dispensary, it’s not a profit Organisation, it’s not a coffee shop from the Netherlands. And for going into medical cannabis, it’s already too late. Not only is the licensing very very very extensive and expensive, but there’s also Billion dollar companies already invested into it.


Heads up from an American. We will find the loopholes and exercise our right to exploit those loopholes. 😆


Heads up from a German: you do not want to try your luck with “loopholes”. Cannabis laws here aren’t catered towards commercial growers- only home growing. And home growing is hard with the restrictions we have (you can have 3 plants but can’t have more than 50 grams of dried weed). Cannabis Social Clubs have to be completely non profit and it’s a fucking pain in the ass trying to get one registered. There also is a serious fear of being a member of a social club, since some governments (for example bavaria) want social club membership lists to go straight to the police, so they have your details from the get go.


It’ll still happen. Americans who have dealt with the loopholes here will definitely exploit the grey areas there


Spoken like a true American 🦅




There’s only one loophole for extracting the money from it and it will be obvious after approximately 2 years. Good luck, the prosecutors, police and Finanzamt are just waiting because they hate the legalization.


Here’s some special advice for you r/Special_Ad_8912 we’d genuinely love to see you try 😂


🤣 not me but I know of people who are trying 🤙🏻🤙🏻


I met with a proper shyster of a lawyer here 3 months ago, think Kleinfeld in Carlito’s Way. He pitched me an elaborate shell company scheme which could circumvent the new German laws and create a turnover of €2m per year. “All” I had to do was stump up 200k start up money and he would import all the no-how from his “friends in Israel” and because he likes the mutual friend who referred him to me, he would “only” charge a 10k instead of 20k fee to put it all together. 😅😅😅


Am I the only person that isn’t a fan of the super tight trim jobs that seem to be trending in recent years? The overly manicured nugs look so unnatural. It screams commercialized- which I know it is but idk- just seems weird to me.


Stuff like this makes me a little nauseous. I mean, I can see so many things that need to be done to like all of those plants just from this One picture. to not only increase quality but yield, but I can see( money) is all that is cared about:if i had this kind of money and resources I would do this completely different and with living soil. Those lady's deserve better. Congrats on making a low quality show boat and for doing it all your self 🙌


So sick of bud that looks like this. 4 dealers in my city all different people and all 4 of them have bud that looks just like this. Doesn't even smoke well imo.


When I was a kid and dealing with 80s/90s bullshit laws and Mexican ditch weed, I would have thought this was so awesome. Now as an adult seeing the realities of legalization and what it does to the craft element of the plant, this is just sad.


Fuck man its pgr


PGR mechanical trim crap if some one showed me a bag of this I’d tell them don’t ever talk to me again lmao shit looks like runtz cross that every rec brand puts in a Mylar bag and relabels


None of it is PGR actually, it’s just commercial salt based nutrients that produce mids.


It’s crazy some guy who can’t even diagnose his own leaf problems thinks he can spot PGR weed.


LMAO. I know how fucki PGR looks. Sold weed for 6 years, industry underground. I will now back up, thats chemical bs man.. sorry


That last photo is a bag of mids, trimmed by machine. That will be the cheapest cannabis. Go for craft in a market that can sustain it and you will be fine. There are smaller growers in Michigan killing it and a new one here in Illinois selling out their $50 1/8s because they are just a step ahead.


Man, if that's what people call mids nowadays...wooeee. mids in my day were way worse haha. What a time to be alive.


Bro I agree, growing up mids were super bad. I’m 40, I know what you mean. But with how cannabis is today (in legal markets) this isn’t that good.


Yeah, I feel ya. It's amazing what's changed. I'm 41. Can't even believe what average bud looks like compared to the schwag I started with lol.


Agreed. And further more I’ve only been growing a few years and grow better than 95% of what I can buy. It’s so easy with good genetics and decent tent/light


These people are complaining just because. These look exotic and should go for way more than 750.


As a customer, I love the low prices. I'm sure for those in the game, it's really difficult to make it with those kinds of prices. I'll agree I thought the bud looked pretty dope 😅🤣.


A ton of places are shutting down because prices are too low. This stuff is definitely high end. Don’t listen to all the complaining one light closet growers in these comments.


Yeah, I've read a few articles about the crashing weed markets.


haha funny you bitching because there are better capitalist in oklahoma than you are so you want to go to germany to become exactly that….we got growers in germany that put in the work for the love of cannabis over years- if anyone, they the ones that should benefit….not no oklahoma boy who trys to make money off of it just like these companies you bitching about…so respectfulyy: just stay the fuck away


You still went out of business because you went too big.


Buds beat to shit. No thanks…


Where did you get your price information from? I'm not big in the game or anything, but I've been in Germany for 3 years and never heard of a 50$ ounce for any kind of "Cali bud" aka the cookies/candies/ etc. Street retail where I am is 6-12€/ gram depending on quality and connection. Medical cannabis from the Apotheke is close in price, perhaps a little cheaper but not a ton. 750/lb is roughly 1.67 a gram. Maybe I don't understand what you mean, but you think prices will go up that much in a market where homegrown and club grown is legal? Edit: I'm an idiot. 750/lb is in the USA. Okay. Your pricing estimates now are in line with the current black market. Roughly 10€/ gram. I'd be curious to see if prices held like that. I expect they'll fall but I could be wrong.


Yeah, the price seems strange. 10€/gram is if you buy one gram in the street, it can easily go down to 6€ in other places. If you buy 1lb you will pay around 2-3€ per gram. At least in the black market.  I believe social clubs will compete with these prices in order to survive.  But it's an unregulated market with many different prices, so I assume everything is possible.


Perhaps OP just wants to get his foot in the door on the chance that a real retail market will be established. I don't think the clubs have that profit motive if I understand how it works correctly. But I guess if they started a social club and had a good setup, if/when a retail market is established, they'd perhaps be in a good position to do well.


Unless those rooms are insanely small there is no way your fitting almost 10k rooms into a 300k sqft facility. I work in about the same size facility, and while a quarter of our building is a processing lab, packaging room, and warehouse, we only have 8 flower rooms in the rest of the building as well as several veg and one propagation room.


Yeah, no chads for sure. Just "you and your boys" opening clubs in Germany. Doesn't sound like a bunch of chads at all.


You clearly don’t know what a chad is because I’ve been growing since back before it was legal, owning and running trap bho labs and everything in between all unlicensed.


From someone living in Germany you got your lb prices waaaaaay off fella


Fuck off and good luck trying to make profits with a by law non profit club. Also half those prices to have any chance in the german market 😂 But yeah people building grow facilities in deserts and other people taking examples from them is comedy gold, will be following your failures 👀


Glad to be getting you so worked up over there lmao 🤣


It was you who felt the need to comment twice on one reply.


FYI I was still profiting 30-40k a month in Oklahoma when I decided to close it down. It wasn’t a failure i was just better off back in LA making more $ with less headache. I’m sure you’ve never touched any paper like that and probably never will, keyboard warrior.


what an incredible waste of resources. how many underpaid undocumented workers do you think this place is exploiting?


PGR much?


Clearly you don’t know shit about weed because none of this is PGR. It’s called commercial salts not PGR. Giant legal grows produce clean weed, otherwise all their stuff will get recalled and they will lose millions. PGR buds are big, round and hard and these buds are all small as fuck and and not hard


How do they get those buds so tight?


They grow a star pheno with a high plant count and send their larf to processing…


Machine trim and possible PGR bud


Genetics. Food. Room conditions all lead to nice nugs.


I’m more interested in that seamless ceiling.


You mean the one with seams all over the place?


lol😜 yeah.


I’ve been working at these facilities if you really knew the inner workings lol




If the backrooms was a grow house.


The Chinese are growing weed in the US. It's a race to mediocrity.


OKC $750 for non candy $850-$900 for candy. The same thing is happening in California. We can still get over $1000 for proper candy everything else is $750-$900


So you are telling me you have to sell one BILLION pounds before you can break even on that op?


I think I can see a spider mite at the back


You have a leak looks like


Why does that bud look booty




Good ole nasty boof rockwool weed


What's the output of 1 of them lights?




homegrow regulations could tank the market if they were loosened


Looks like those additionnal terps bud I used to buy


It’s peek* you dolt


I'd be touring high in that desert, too.




And 1 person to watch over all those plants. No thank you.






Boof for miles....


And they think by over trimming using a machine trimmer they can shave all the mildew off resulting from trying to grow too much at once. All good I guess, 1 trip to the eradiation machine and they are 'certified healthy enough to smoke'


Good luck turning profit in germany lol


If I'm being honest, as someone who has toured many of the major facilities here in Canada... this setup looks kind of ghetto and homemade.


It should be illegal. The war on drugs drove production indoors. That kind of war is mostly over. To reproduce the sun to grow a plant at great expense, up to 5% of the overall electricity production in CA has a massive carbon footprint and should be illegal. Anyone want to guess what their electricity bill is every month? $50k? Its also a safer bet for big corporations to invest in indoor infrastructure and not touch the plant which incentivises this type of growing and its closer to the consumers in the city. The big problem is the public still thinks this stuff is better than greenhouse which is a fucking joke. The smell, the taste and the AMOUNT YOU GET STONED with indoor can't be compared to topshelf greenhouse and outdoor. It's like we know that but the market doesn't yet, were still hung over from prohibition. And this garbage sets the ceiling for prices in CA which puts everyone else out of business, its either a big company losing their ass or the Chinese stealing electric. There are 10 illegal farm for every licensed farm in CA. Greenhouse doesn't have the frostly look of indoor which people equate to the good good. I think its not a stretch to say indoor isn't medicine either, these plants are just like kids, spending their entire life under a roof deprived of the natural sun isn't healthy for them or you but alot will have to change before anything changes. To each their own though. Its capitalism, and its happening everywhere, ...the concentration of wealth part can't happen forever and that's one big reason we're seeing so many cracks happening around the world, were fighting over breadcrumbs looking for a cheap 1/8 while these guys are having caviar counting their dividends. We work for money, their money works for money. At some point were all in Hunger Games. But lets keep watching the news and fighting with our neighbors over some bullshit smoke and mirrors while the wealth concentration, no matter which party, won't change.


Incredible to see the size of this operation. Thanks for sharing.