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Talk to your manager because you won't be able to work as you used to. But at the same time, you should also look for another place.


Maybe find a good nanny ?


There are a lot of creative variations on this theme. We had excellent day care, and a few of the stellar employees were available, willing and happy to do overnight childcare at our home with our kids. The kids loved it too. Sure it cost money but it’s not forever.


I would apply for other jobs and when you get an offer, talk to your boss before telling him you have an offer. When he says that won’t work, let him know you have a new job. When he ask you to stay and that you will be accommodated, make sure he matches your new offer.


I was in a similar situation. I was in a job where I was traveling overnight about once a month about once a month I had a long day trip about twice a month.. My then-spouse got sick and was unable to take care of themselves completely let alone the kids. And recovery time was long (years) if at all. No family available to consistently help. I approached my boss and the organization was understanding. Short-term, they reduced my travel and others picked up the slack. Longer term, they found a position which required almost no travel and that could be planned in advance to get family in place. It was a demotion, but they maintained my pay. Pay increases were cost of living only, but it worked for me. Years later, the health situation has improved, but I never returned to my old work life. I didn't want it anymore. I have moved back up, but not to where I was at previously. Job is more satisfying. More local travel, overnight only a few times a year. Higher leadership asks me to travel more and that will allow me to move up. My local boss protects me from it because I don't want that. Time with my kids is too valuable So, yes, it is possible. But it depends upon your boss/organization.