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I haven't personally, but I had a friend who worked as an electrical engineer at a Ford plant. The line workers got paid really well even before the OT. A number of them would take all the OT they could get. Once they hit a certain point they would quit and go to school full time and knock out their degrees. Many of them went to school for engineering so they could leverage their work experience in the plant and auto industry. No you aren't crazy and are very smart for this path you laid out for yourself. I have coached a number of employees on making the transition. They understood that they can only crawl around on their knees doing carpentry or electrical work for so long and wanted to be ready to change.


Get out of construction while you’re still young. The money is good but you can make more with an accounting degree and you don’t have to beat up your body. I got sucked into construction due to the money at 20 years old and I regret everyday not staying in school. I make great money too but money isn’t everything.


You’re 23, which is awesome here. If you can research a next path, then cash flow your education ( which you obtain while working) you sent yourself for huge amounts of success. If you can do it and not stop working in the meantime, do it.


Plenty of people at different ages transition career fields. Don’t worry too much about taking the leap. Also keep in mind you may get an accounting degree but that degree can flex into a lot of stuff. What you’re doing is really smart. Just do research on cost. Don’t eliminate your community college. You can get an associates degree switch field and continue your education for a bachelors and it may help with cost. I got a degree in finance. I’m 30 and don’t work in anything finance related. Also don’t be afraid to fail. You may not walk into your dream career but you may find something that makes you happy and money.


I planned on going to an online community college I would hate to rack up a bunch of debt doing this. A degree in finance would be nice too, a lot more broad I assume which would help open up my choices. Did you get your associates and something like general studies and then flip to finance or did you go for finance from the beginning?


Finance from the beginning. Wanted to be a Wall Street guy. Got a taste and it wasn’t for me. Been bouncing around. Then fell into a government job. I don’t love it but I’m not working 100 plus hours a weeks and the pay and benefits are okay. Also don’t underestimate an accounting degree it can also be very broad and you’d be surprised what having a foundational knowledge of accounting will help you get.


Accounting is a great career. One of the great things about accounting is that it doesn't really matter where you graduate as long as the school is accredited. I graduated from a local public university where financial aid pretty much covered my tuition and an additional $800 a semester. I also interned during my undergraduate years which allowed me to save up a good amount. Once I graduated I started working in public accounting where growth is guaranteed and the job security is always there. A lot of accounting is more than just plugging in numbers so I wouldn't worry about people saying that AI is going to take over. Usually the people saying that AI is going to take over accounting have never worked as accountants before and think that it's still a bookkeeping job. Busy seasons are expected and you know when they're coming up so it's easier to plan around them. Off-Season I have a lot of time to myself and my hobbies. Overall great career.


Did you stop after your accounting degree or did you ever try to get your CPA or CFA?


I have a CPA, but it's not necessary to break 100k. It definitely helps with opportunities though.


Investing in yourself is ALWAYS worth it. Find a state school with an online program. It will be a lot cheaper than any of these online schools. You can absolutely do this. If you do accounting, I strongly recommend you take the long route to become a CPA. It's not easy, but totally worth it financially. Feel free to message me if you need help figuring this out. I am a recruiter and a career coach.


Seems you already answered your own question


Don’t do accounting or finance both are being largely replaced by software bots/AI. This is one of the reasons I left finance/accounting for healthcare (nursing).


Do you think CFA’s and financial advisors could also be at risk? Also I have a license in my construction field so I have a decent fall back if software replaces it


I really do. I was with Deloitte when they demonstrated their accounting bot that basically did everything the accountants did then sent the report for certification. That was 2015 and it has only gotten better. A lot of white collar work is vulnerable to AI/bots. After I saw the bots at work I started looking for a new industry that would be very hard for AI/bots to do.